I am going to go for broke and say it is our favorite bartender, Lucy.
This is a good guess, and getting at the meaning of "both bigger and smaller", but incorrect. Lucy isn't an antagonist, he and his nightclub may or may not show up in a future interlude.

Well, Zeus's reaction to those running around claiming to be him usually end in lightning bolts.

So why exactly would he let Maxie run around?
Huh, I'll actually have to think about that. Maybe I could actually make Maxie a demigod? Hmm...
No, Maxie isn't Zeus, the big man is eventually going to show up in this fic, but much later down the line, and probably not how people expect.
Bigger yet smaller... My guess is someone who's bigger as a supervillan, but smaller as a mage. Cheetah maybe? She usually supports other villains in exchange for help reversing her curse.

Catwoman might count, as some versions of her utilize mystical artifacts she stole (usually cat themed) despite a complete lack of mystical training. A rogue with lots of ranks in use magic device in DnD terms. I can see Catwoman being a problem robbing the protagonist and her master, and our heroine being sent on a quest to take back what she stole while making an example of her.
1.6 / First Blaze (Argyra)
AN: Remember to check for invisitext!

Ever since I found that stomach-turning ritual site in the basement of that convenience store, I've been looking out for anything odd.

Mainly, that consists of keeping close eye on the fluctuations in the local thaumosphere, making sure to track potential spikes using every divinatory method I have available. I don't know what the fuck the Bertinellis have been dealing with, but it's not anything I want within the same damn city as me.

But, as Artie always says, the first step to any investigation is information, information, information, and so I've spent the past three days trying to figure out just what's is going on.

I really need to have that conversation with her, because she'd be absolutely perfect for something like this. She's always had a bloodhound's ability to ferret things out (the one obvious exception notwithstanding), and I could really use that right now to figure out what in the infinite hells I'm dealing with here.

Or more likely, who in the hells I'm dealing with, because there's like maybe four things that a ritual circle made out of organs could be used for, and two of them are types of demon-summoning.

For the past two hours, I've been stalking-

Wait, I need a less sinister-sounding verb. Uh… "tailing"? Sure.

No, "tracking"! That works.

For the past two hours, I've been tracking a group of six idiots as they fool around on the border of Bertinelli territory, loudly laughing and joking as they just barely avoid dropping into the outlying edges of Falcone neighborhoods.

Normally, this type of thing would be completely unremarkable, the typical grandstanding and border-prodding that characterizes life in gang-contested areas. But this particular group stood out in my divinations, in a way that suggests they'll be up to something I should see today.

I fiddle with the sleeves of my robe, wishing these idiots would actually fucking do something. I'm wearing my "costume", or as close to one as I have, an outer layer made of some silver moon-cloth I won in a poker match off of a Fae, with more practical shirt and breeches underneath. My staff is currently strapped to my back for ease of transport, but I made sure to sew the harness so that it's easily removable.

I chose to wear a silver half-mask today to protect my anonymity, enchanted for comfort, something I'm not really used to. Mages tend to not bother which such things, as it's only extraordinarily talented mages who can truly keep their identities hidden from a determined seer. But, as I'm venturing firmly across the murky border between that and cape-ery, I've decided that discretion is the better part of valor. Unlike in magical circles, which have a bit of a gentlemen's agreement on not involving those outside "the game" for fear of escalating retaliation, capes are known to be very stringent about such things.

I don't know what I'd do if some psycho targeted Artemis to get to me.

That's not to say mages all stick with their birth names. Many of the most talented have chosen to reinvent themselves, to re-fashion themselves into purely magical entities. Also, as you might expect in a field where power correlates to intelligence and academic study, a lot of the most talented mages are actually huge fucking dorks. I mean c'mon, do you seriously think "Felix Faust" or "Anton Arcane" or "Dr. Mist" are their real names?

I don't think that works here, though, when I'm technically as a cape. Zatara can get away with just doing his own name because he's a scary motherfucker — even with the goofy-ass Abe Lincoln costume that only he and Mr. Zard can actually look good in — but for me? It'd basically be a giant "please kidnap my loved ones" sign to most non-magical capes.

Let's see… "Argent"?

No, too plain.

Argent… Arcanist?

I like the vibe, but it's a bit of a mouthful.

White Witch, then? That's punchy.

Wait no, that's a character from a children's book


How about "Silver Sorceress"?

Something deep inside me thrums with a feeling of rightness, and I smile. Now there's a name.

I turn my attention back down to the men I'm trailing. The targets are five young guys in Bertinelli colors, all dressed in that unique "trying-to-look-cool-and-tough" way that only young men trying to impress their peers can. I can practically smell the desperate insecurity and desire to appear macho coming off of them…

Wait no, that's just cheap cologne and Axe.

But I repeat myself, heh.

"-and, who was that broad you were chatting up last night, eh?" The guy on the leftmost side — "Stained Shirt", as I've mentally dubbed him — nudges the ribs of one in the middle.

"You mean, uh… Fuck…"

I look at the man searching through his contacts on his phone, and have to stop myself from gaping. You use your middle finger to punch the keys? Who does that?

Right, changing his name to "Weird Texter" then.

"-uh shit Lisa! Yeah, Lisa! What about her, man?"

Stained Shirt pauses, a bit confused. "Uh……"

The one to his right, who I've dub "mullet" — seriously, as an Italian guy? — pipes in "She's got those cans, amiright!"

Oh god, I think I'm gonna throw up.

[nAhhhhh man don't throwup, chchicks haaaaaaaate that it ruins the vibee… hEeyyyyy, what're'yagettin up'ta, kidddddddd?]

Oh, hey dad. Just trailing some idiots with more confidence than sense.

[Howzzat? Totally cool, chill, chillaxin, maxin, relaxin, all coool…. hey, didjaknow that Willsmith's one'a us? Heezgottat charisma, y'know. Notgreek iii thiiiiiiiiiink uhhhhhhh…]

Fates, what are you even on, dude?

[mannnnnn i'unno, but uh… Ifeanyi? Yeah, Ifeanyi here sayzzey're supposed to makeya gota spaaaaaaaace]

Well, at least he remembers their names. Better than Weird Texter.

[Marai! Uh, Mouse- Maasai! Thazz who has Willsmith! His greatgramma or sumn. Cow woman, love goddess…]

Nice talking to you too, Dad.

After a few more minutes of idiotic banter, Stained Shirt straightens. "Alright, alright boys. Fun's over, time to look serious. He's coming in soon."

Finally, something interesting.

Mullet frowns. "I don't know about this, boss. Ever since he got into that voodoo shit, Marco's been…"

Stained-Shirt frowns. "I know. I don't like it any more than you, but this 'voodoo shit' is finally letting us punch back against those fucking Siciliani. And Marco's one of the head honchos of it, so just fuckin'…"

He waves his hand around vaguely. "…Freedom of religion it, or whatever."

A "head honcho", huh? Looks like I nabbed myself somebody important.

Sometimes, I love my powers.

A minute later, a new figure walks up. To my regular senses, he's incredibly average. About 5'10", brown hair slicked back, wearing something you could see inside any bar or pool hall.

But to my loom-sight? He burns. He looks like fire, blood, and shadow, like flesh and organs and burning meat.

I feel my hand clench at my side. Yeah, pretty sure this is who I'm supposed to be looking for.

"Right" he says, voice flat in a way that leaves goosebumps running down my spine, "we have reports of a Falcone meth lab in the basement of a shop a few blocks south of here. Our job is to find it, steal the equipment, and then destroy the building. Any questions?"

"N-No, Marco" Stained-Shirt says, "we read you, loud and clear. B-But you aren't worried about-?"

The cultist cuts his colleague off. "The Scion is with me, I have no fear."

The truly eerie part is how flat his voice is when he says it. Like he's not even hearing the other man, even though he's responding to him.

"Uh, yeah. Hail the Scion, or whatever."

Despite the obvious lack of conviction, the cultist just nods, moving off down the street in total silence.

Alright yeah, looks like I'm not going to learn anything more from listening. Time to act.

I raise a hand holding out three fingers, a runic circle forming in a flash of silver before them. The cultist seems to detect something, but he can't turn around before I fire it off, the silver beam of my Moon Laser slamming the back two suldati into the ground.

Marco the Cultist snarls, aura deepening as he beings to grow. By the end of his transformation, he's three inches taller, and with wickedly sharp teeth and claws, flames escaping from his mouth. The suldati back away even as they pull out their guns.
I am made anew, for the Scion..
"For the Scion!" he screams, voice finally sounding alive, "The Scion of Flame and Blood!"

He leaps up at my perch, far faster than I was expecting. I only manage to blink away thanks to my precognition warning me, and even then, it was a quick thing.

I lean into the Loom, trying to see further into the weave of the world before it's woven.

I launch off another Moon Laser, slamming another one of them into the alley wall before they can even draw their guns.

The remaining two, perhaps sensing that standing out in the open isn't going to go very well for them, move to crouch behind various objects as they take aim at me.

So they can learn.

Marco rushes forward, claws reaching out to rend me apart, and I blink to a position hidden by a dumpster. I twirl my staff, preparing a spell, and blink a few feet behind the cultist, launching an arcing blade of crackling purple light at him, in what I've dubbed the "Scythe of Fate" (again, we're all huge pretentious nerds).

Unfortunately for me, the blade, which can normally slice through a pig like a knife through butter, only slices a gash a few inches deep into the cultist's arm.

But even that seems to absolutely enrage the man, and he shrieks, flames shooting from mouth as he grows another inch.

"Stop fucking hiding, you little bitch!" he screams. "Who the fuck do you think you are?!"
Who defies the Master?!
I blink in front of him, eyes burning purple under the silver mask. "Your end."
I will know you and destroy you.
I shoot off another scintillating purple blade at him, digging another gouge into him. Before I can react to my precognition, he shoots a jet of flame in response, sending me cursing as I only barely manage to dodge.

Unfortunately, the flames disorient me enough that I can't blink out of the way when he jumps forward, talons out, and it's only a desperate raising of my staff which stops me from being gored on the spot.

I spin out of the way, putting my Aikido training to good use. The other end of my reinforced staff swings around in a hammer blow, sending the cultist reeling under the magically amplified strike.

Behind us, the suldati have finally gotten a good bead on me, and curse as I have to blink to a nearby rooftop before the bullets hit. I almost forgot about them, if it wasn't for my precognition I'd be toast.

Why did it have to be the only fucking one that can shoot fire? Sometimes, I fucking hate my powers.

With a moment to breath out of sight, I focus in on my loom-sight, trying to read the weave of Fate and figure out just where this asshole is going to go…


I aim carefully, call up a burst of my paralyzing Medusa's Lightning, aiming for where I can sense through the weave it will hit his legs. He screams, spasming for long enough under the pain that the spell can petrify a good chunk of his thighs.

There we go, now try to jump when your jumping muscles are half-stone. I blink back into sight of the bellowing cultist, charging up an extra powerful scythe. Hobbled by his legs, Marco can't properly dodge, and the blade carves a deep gash through his side. The blood leaking out is laced with fire.

Damnit, I was aiming for his head.

I have to duck back to avoid being shot at by the other Bertinelli men before I can capitalize, and I snarl.

Right, those two are finally becoming an annoyance. Unfortunately for them, I'm a seer, which means I don't have to see them to see them. I cast a Lesser Shield just in case, and gaze into the local weave, and understand.

I blink behind one of them, slamming my staff into his temple and making him drop like a sack of potatoes. In a silver-and-purple flash I'm behind the other, appearing behind him with my staff already mid-swing, and break his arm as I blow him clean across the alley.

In the two seconds that takes — damn I'm good — Marco has hobbled back to his feet, literally spitting fire. "You think I'm afraid, you fucking pussy? You think I'm not willing to die for the Scion? I'll fucking take you down with me, bitch!"
My life for the Master
I blink a few feet in front of him, a scythe perfectly aimed to slice down to the bone of his left leg and arm at the same time.

"No" I say, voice hard. "No you will not."
Your life is mine.
Leaning on the weave to aim, I blast a full-strength Moon Laser directly into his eye socket, bypassing his enhanced durability by liquefying his still extremely-human brain.

It's a shame I had to resort to destroying a valuable piece of research material, but the enhancements on his body are what I'm really interested anyways.

I mentally cringe. Okay, imagine that thing I just said, but 50% less serial-killer-y.

Finally, after using my loom-sight to make extra sure that he's dead, I move over to Marco's limp body.

I need to know what the fuck this guy was smoking, and I need to know now. This has just gone from an intriguing problem to a big fucking deal. I ruffle through his corpse, and make sure to cast my accelerated healing spell on myself, to fix up the minor bruises and burns from the fight.

Where is it…

[Wait, kid, I'm getting something…]

Dad, you're still here? Nevermind, I think I found it.

I rip open his shirt, to stare at a circle of runes branded over his heart. The work is surprisingly intricate for such a brutish, gruesome method.

What the…

I know runes. I've spent a good deal of the not-inconsiderable favors I've racked up on ritual and runelore, trying to expand my knowledge of the fundamental mechanics of magic. I've encountered just about every damn runic language under the sun (and several from beyond it).

But I've never seen anything like this before. It has to be a language good for blood or pain magic, because there's virtually no other reason you'd go with branding over tattoos, but…

Something is itching at the back of my head.

Wait… No, I have seen this before. In Toronto, when I was dealing with that renegade vampire for Bajwa.

Zinori? Zinosi? No, Zinthosi!

I stop.

But wait… Oh by the Fates no.

It can't be. There's only one group of people who use Zinthosi runes.

This means…

I feel a chill come through my connection with my father, the neverending club music that's the subtle background noise to our connecting coming to an abrupt halt.

He growls, voice dark and serious in a way I've never heard. [Skathites]

AN: And the bad guys for Arc 2 of the story gets revealed! Before you guys freak out, no Trigon himself is not going to show up directly anytime soon. These are his cultists, a chapter of the Church of Blood, who channel his power.

Congrats to @Sesparra on SV for getting it partially correct! As a reward she got to name an upcoming background character in 1.9, a guy who got kidnapped by the main villain of this arc (y'know, the ones besides from Eri and Artie's own internal dumb-gay-ness).

Also, I've been considering changing Argyra's nickname prefered nickname (for everyone except Artemis) from "Argie" to "Yra". Thoughts?

And remember, discussion keeps me motivated, so please let me know what you think. I also talk about story stuff and get writing feedback on my channel in the Gaylor Convention Center.
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great chapter, thanks for writing
Also, I've been considering changing Argyra's nickname prefered nickname (for everyone except Artemis) from "Argie" to "Yra". Thoughts?

I like it, it's a bit smoother and less juvenile to my ear - which tracks for Artemis still using the old one. Opens up opportunities for Rose to needle her by using Argie despite not being allowed to. I like the idea of the Team learning about Argyra eventually from Artemis and then when they meet they call her Argie and she tells them to fuck off and that only Artemis is allowed to call her that. Plus you can have ArgieXArtie! The options abound
I like it, it's a bit smoother and less juvenile to my ear - which tracks for Artemis still using the old one. Opens up opportunities for Rose to needle her by using Argie despite not being allowed to. I like the idea of the Team learning about Argyra eventually from Artemis and then when they meet they call her Argie and she tells them to fuck off and that only Artemis is allowed to call her that. Plus you can have ArgieXArtie! The options abound
No Artemis would still be using "Eri", this is for everyone else.
Hey quick question, is this story going to have a mind controlled segment? Just asking because I vehemently hate reading those, and you introduced mind control protection amulets into the story last chapter.
Hey quick question, is this story going to have a mind controlled segment? Just asking because I vehemently hate reading those, and you introduced mind control protection amulets into the story last chapter.
I don't currently have any plans to write one, no. Those amulets are a set up for Arc 2, once Artemis joins the team and meets M'gann
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1.7 / Jimmy the Barber (Argyra)
PoV: Argyra

"Look, all I'm saying is that there's no way Hussein's gay, I don't care what you think you saw."

"I'm telling you" Lonnie says, voice tinny from the speaker, "he was making eyes at me, Yra. Eyes!"

In some sort of miracle, Gotham Academy canceled classes for the day thanks to a gas leak, so I've decided to have a lazy Friday. I've spent the afternoon just wandering through my old neighborhood, taking in the sights, chatting with the loser who's somehow my best friend at school.

Sometimes, I like to think the Moirai have my back.

"Lots of people make eyes at you. It's not because they want to fuck you, it's because they think you're a communist freak that should be thrown in front of a re-constituted HUAC."

Lonnie laughs. "If you knew what the CIA does about Joe McCarthy's personal habits, you wouldn't think those two things are mutually exclusive."

"What! No, no way. I refuse to believe that fucking McCarthy was gay."

"Hey, believe me or not, but he was."

"'Not', I'm very much the 'not' in that equation. You're the… I don't know, what's the gaydar version of paranoid."

"It's 'paranoid'. Have you met us gay people?"

"True, true. But that just proves my point, Hussein's the most chill guy I know. Not paranoid in the slightest."

"And wouldn't such a guy be 'chill' about his own sexual identity, possibly leading to him wishing to explore it?"

"Lonnie, I've literally had sex with him."

"And? He could be bi. You are. I might have a chance here, Yra!"

"You're dreaming, Lonster. And I'm a Kinsey 4, maximum."

I frown. "Well, minimum, since it goes downwa- You know what I mean! I'm like 80% of a lesbian. I honestly only slept with him because he was having a really bad day, and I kind of felt bad."

"I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. And also, pity sex? That's beneath you."

"It is too how it works, and don't slut-shame me!"

"I'm not slut-shaming you, I'm… I don't know, slut-accepting you. Telling you that you could be a better slut."

"Well that's just misogynist."

"What, telling a woman she should be in control of her own sexuality is misogynist."

"Yeah, the sixth one this month" I hear from besides me, "a kid too, couldn't have been more than five years old."

The man speaking is short, thin, and balding. A barber, maybe his mid-60s.

It takes me a few seconds to recognize him — he shaved off that mustache of his — but when I did I can't help but smile. It's Vincenzo, who refuses to go by anything but "Jimmy", the owner of the barbershop down the street from St. Vitus's Home for Orphaned Children, a staple of the neighborhood for longer than I've been alive. Most of us kids knew him because he'd give us free water when the days got too hot, and would sometimes look the other way when we snatched from the tip jar.

"Hey, Lonnie" I say, "I actually just saw someone I knew from way back when. I'm gonna go say hi."

"Huh. Does he know about the whole… transition, thing?"

I almost choke. "W-Wha-"


"If he kno- You know about that?"

"…Have we not established this?"

"No, we have not!"

"Huh, weird. But yeah, of course I know."

"What do you mean, "of course!?"

I can practically hear him rolling his eyes. "Yra, it's me, I've had a backdoor into the school's servers since before I even went here. I noted some irregularities in your file, and looked up your birth certificate."

That… that actually makes a surprising amount of sense.


"I don't know, the day after we met?"

"That seems excessively paranoid."

"I thought we already established the reasons for that."

I laugh. "So… you don't have any problems with it?"

"Yra I have been your friend for multiple years. I'm pretty sure I would have said something by now if I did."

I smile, unable to stop the warm glow of affection in my chest.

"Aren't birth certificates supposed to be confidential?"

"Yra, it's me."

I laugh. "Fair."

I look over at Jimmy, who's just finishing up. "Okay, I really do have to go. I won't get another opportunity to say hi to this guy for like twenty minutes."

"No problem. See ya, Yra."

"You're a good friend, Lonnie."

I hang up, still smiling from the interaction, and walk over to Jimmy, who's chatting with the mother of the young child he's just finished cutting the hair of.

"Yeah, be safe Franny, alright? I know little Tony likes to go out 'adventuring', but make sure to keep him inside until they find this creep. The Demon only hits lone targets, so the two of you should have nothing to worry about, but still, be on the lookout."

Demon? Alright, color me interested.

Shakily, the tall brunette clutches her son's close as he gets off the seat, knuckles almost going white as she grips the preschooler's shoulders. "Thank you, Jimmy. I just… fifteen is too young for someone to get caught up in this… this magical nonsense! And the poor boy lost his life for it."


"Yeah" the short man grunts as he parcels out the woman's change, "you hear about this kinda shi-... er, scusa Fran, this kinda stuff in the newspapers, but you never think it could happen here, y'know? I'm actually glad my Giuseppina's doin' that study abroad thing over in Latver-wherever now, or I'd be worried sick."

The mother nods, "It's just so awful, Jimmy. I can't even imagine who would do something like this…"

A minute or so later, their conversation has wrapped up. She pays, taking off down the street, gripping her child's arm in a vice while her head swivels back and forth.

"Hey, Jimmy" I say, sliding into his barber's chair once she leaves, "long time no see."

The barber's face lights up. "Ay, is that who I think it is?! Mr. Geeky Greeky himself! I haven't seen ya in years, Morgan, how are things?"

I hide a grimace at the reminder of my unfortunately masculine youth. Guess he hasn't heard the news yet.

Or maybe he has, and is being really shitty about that, but I'd like to think better of Jimmy. Besides, he probably wouldn't be so friendly if he really was being bigoted.

"It's Miss Geeky Greeky now, actually."

He looks me over. "…Huh, really?"

I raise an eyebrow.

He shrugs. "Eh, whatever. Kids these days…"

I smile. Same old Jimmy

The man eyes me up and down. "But shit, look atcha kid, ya all grown up! You gotta be what, six feet?"

"Yeah" I say, "five elven, actually. And just trim the back, please."

What? I can grow it back any time I want.


He moves to start cutting. "You still living with Mrs. V? How's she doing?"

Anastasia Vasilopolous, one of my foster parents, an older woman from the small Greek neighborhood in Falcone territory I liked to hang around in as a kid. She's the woman that instilled in me my love for lamb souvlaki, and the half-ironic chauvinism for Greek culture I mainly use to mess with Artie.

She… she was a good woman. I probably would have grown closer to her, but, well…

"She passed a few months after I got there, actually. Bane's suldati got at her."

I grimace. First Jade, then her… The Fates apparently decreed that I wouldn't get any half-decent role models in my childhood.

"Ah, that's a shame. Always liked that one. Fuck Bane."

I nod. "Fuck Bane."

I fucking despise that evil, mass-murdering, rapist parasite on the city. The sooner I can figure out the secrets of Venom and not even have to even think about him, the better.

"So, what home are ya at now?"

"I actually got out four years ago."

He raises his eyebrows. "No shittin'?"

"Hey, would I lie to you?"

Jimmy just shoots me an unimpressed look.

I roll my eyes. "Damnit Jimmy, the thing with the ants only happened one time. My fucking god, it's like I-"

[yEaH shlut, fuckin take it! Who's your fuckin' daddy! I'm gonna-]

I block out the ethereal communication while repressing a wince. I have to learn to stop doing that.

Jimmy gives me a strange look, but eventually shakes it off and leans forward.

"Wait, you're what, eighteen, right? How tha fuck did ya manage that?"

I raise an eyebrow. "I mean… Waiting? That is how time works."

He slaps my shoulder. "Y'know what I mean."

"Well" I say, leaning forward with a grin, "you know how I used to come here every day after school, lugging those massive college-level textbooks behind me."

"Wait, are you sayin'..."

"Yep!" I say, still unable to completely suppress the joy in my voice even after five years, "I got a scholarship! You're looking at a proud student of Gotham Academy, educated next to the kids of the rich and famous!"

Jimmy lets out a slow whistle. "Shit kid, I knew ya were smart, but that smart? Gotham Academy can get ya just about anywhere, you got it made!"

His smile seems legitimately happy. "Good to know at least one of you kids is gonna make it outta here."

We just sit in silence for the next minute or so, before I bring up the very interesting tidbit I heard him mention earlier.

"Wait, Jimmy, you were saying something about some 'Demon'?"

The snipping momentarily stops, and I see the usually-jovial man grimace in the mirror. "Yeah… you know how two of our guys went missing last month?"

I nod. 'Our', here, of course, means 'Falcone'.

"Yeah, it's a real shit-show. For the past two months bodies have been showing up all over the place, stuffed into trash cans, or hidden in corners, or whatever. One of those new Bertinelli freaks has been killing them and tryin' to hide the evidence."

"I mean… I hate to break it to you, but that's not exactly unusual for this area."

He shakes his head. "Not like this. These ones are… weird. You ever seen Indiana Jones?"

I nod.

"It's like that scene at the end, where they open up the… the whatever the thing was in the movie. They look dried out, like all the life's been sucked out of 'em."

I frown. That… yeah, that tracks with what I know of Skathites. Their magic is easy to use, and powerful, but in exchange it eats away at your soul. You offer it up to Trigon in bits and pieces, until you're nothing left but a mindless automaton totally devoted to his will, unable to feel anything but sadistic pleasure and slavish devotion.

There's a reason every magical community in the civilized universe hunts down Skathites like dogs whenever they pop up, and it's not because of some principled opposition to magic that drains the life of others.

Unfortunately, the quick, easy power of the Lord of Zinthos is too tempting a lure for many to ignore, and so hunting down Skath cults ends up being a game of Whack-a-Mole.

"Yeah, it's real fucked up" Jimmy says. "Like half of 'em have been kids, guy's a fuckin' monster."

He spits on the ground. "Fuckin' Pulentuni."

"I've had my nephew Vinny and a few a' his friends hang around here, just to make sure I ain't out here all alone, y'know?"

I raise my eyebrows. "I'm shocked the puffi haven't gotten all over this, yet."

At that, Jimmy's face somehow grows even tighter. "Carmine's-"

Huh, brave of him. Carmine doesn't take too well to people leaving off his honorific, so Jimmy either has some serious balls to do that in public, or knows him personally.

My money's on the latter.

"-tried to bring in Jim Gordon, because this is some cape shit if I've ever seen it, but Bane decided this is the exact right time to go on one of his rampages, so lu granni puffu didn't have anyone to spare. Also, all done with the hair."

As I stand up from the chair, and absently hand Jimmy an amount of money that six-year-old me would have literally murdered for, my forehead creased in thought.

Supernaturally decomposed corpses, drained of all life, possibly collected to a gang newly starting to use blood magic?

My money's on the Bertinellis having been contacted by a concubus (I'd put money on a female member of the species, a succubus, just because they're more common) who's giving them access to some serious blood magic. They've clearly been feasting on people in Falcone territory discreetly, it's the only thing that makes sense.

I might have done something nice for Zeus, because it is my lucky fucking day!

Do you know the type of shit I could do with a fresh concubus corpse? Those are some of the most potent ingredients for blood alchemy out there! Oh man, I'm going to have to buy some new texts to take advantage of this, maybe I can trade some of the parts?

Hmm… Not getting anything from my loom-senses on that one. Maybe something's missing?

Whatever, this corpse is going to make my month!

…ok maybe dial down the excitement about 30% there, Dr. Lecter. People are still dead, in pretty horrible ways. I can practically hear my inner Artie lecturing me.

But still… Jinx may be a powerful luck mage, but I know she's shit at tracking magic: she's never detected where my lab is, after all, even though I know she has some suspicions that I'm camped out in Falcone territory. There's actually a good chance I might be able to find whoever this is before she does! Carmine won't care as long as the killer's stopped, which leaves me with one dead succubus to do whatever I want with.

The smart thing, the Artemis thing to do, would be to hold back, wait, make a plan. Investigate the intelligence I have, make sure I don't run into either of the capes out searching.

But gods above I think I might literally explode if I actually have to wait to follow up on this. It's basically a free succubus corpse, I am not patient enough to wait around while it's just sitting out there, with every moment becoming more likely to be found by someone else!

After the barbershop, it only takes an hour or so to get to the most recent crime scene, and another hour to make my way to where they're storing the most recent victim and use some minor glamours to talk my way in to see the body, and…

Gods fucking DAMNIT!

Are you serious?

Are you fucking serious!

I have to muffle my scream of frustration in the arm of the coroner's robes I'm "borrowing".

This killer definitely isn't a concubus. I've seen their victims, and this is nothing like them. The aetheric patterns show it's definitely something magic, but more of the deliberate, ritual variety than a demonic feasting.

Even worse, something's blocking my scrying, I can't trace the bodies back to their killer, they're — or let's be honest, probably "he", statistically — is under some sort of ward. Even when I spend the next two hours divining out all the locations of the previous bodies, the actual perpetrator manages to elude my searches.


Of course I'm going to have to do this the hard way.

AN: "Jimmy the Barber" is actually my irl great-grandfather, who gave me my first haircut. He was Sicilian, and cut the hair of multiple members of the mob in New York City.

Also, the killer (the villain for Arc 1) has already introduced within this fic, at some point before this chapter! They're a canonical DC character too, albeit my own spin on them. Anyone who can correctly guess it gets to name a background character.

Btw, updated: I changed Lonnie and Rose's nickname for Argyra from "Argie" to "Yra".

As always, discussion keeps me motivated, so please let me know what you think. I also talk about story stuff and get writing feedback on my channel in the Gaylor Convention Center.
You know, there's a dark sense of irony in that a Italian-American crime family, that's fairly Catholic, given Helena, is engaging in dark magic.

AN: "Jimmy the Barber" is actually my irl great-grandfather, who gave me my first haircut. He was Sicilian, and cut the hair of multiple members of the mob in New York City.
Amusing fun story, great granddad, if not another great, had a bar in NYC. Had Mayor Laguardia there a few time, booze and whores, given the relative was pretty Catholic and not a fan of it, well....

It was a tense time, I think.
You know, there's a dark sense of irony in that a Italian-American crime family, that's fairly Catholic, given Helena, is engaging in dark magic.
I've always read Helena's piety as being a way for her to differentiate herself from her family. I can't imagine a bunch of mobsters are truly devout, after all. I can see Huntress liking the moral teachings of the Bible, especially with the way her family so flagrantly ignores them.
Aw that's sweet! For a minute I thought was gonna turn out Jimmy is the local Jim Corrigan.

Anyway the killer huh? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's Lonnie. He's trying to power his usual Anarky Shtick with magic here but still is doing his usual thing where his "Activism" has too much splash damage and he makes chill anarchists look bad.
I've always read Helena's piety as being a way for her to differentiate herself from her family. I can't imagine a bunch of mobsters are truly devout, after all. I can see Huntress liking the moral teachings of the Bible, especially with the way her family so flagrantly ignores them.
Eh, it's possible, would take some work, but people are like ogres. They have layers.