: I need suggestions for Eri's cape name.
The Sharingan mention... Is Naruto a thing there? Does Eri have some meta knowledge that I don't remember?

Also names:
Four-Site is such a DC name.
Oracle is obvi but also nice
Delphi. "If you come for the queen you better not miss"
Trigram. Be within the range of her divination.
Penny. Specifically the lucky kind.
Charon or Styx. Just start a shitstorm with the audacity of the act.
1.4 / Michelle, Michelle (Argyra)
After that… intense night out, I only end up getting about four hours of sleep. I seriously contemplate skipping school, but then I'd have to explain what was wrong to Artie, and so I obligingly drag myself out of bed even though I want nothing more than to crawl back in.

Luckily, living in the dorms on-campus means that I don't have to waste time commuting, and about forty minutes later I'm sitting in my first period, European History, with Mr. Wenzel Dashington.

Here's where I'd normally give some snarky comment about him, but honestly, a cardboard cutout of a piece of wonderbread has more personality than he does.

Seriously, it's such a waste! Like, your name is "Wenzel Dashington" dude, that's the most "kung-fu movie protagonist" name this side of the Mississippi. How the fuck do you end up more bland than an English breakfast?

And it sucks too, because I love the subject!

"Morning, Argyra."

I turn around. "Oh, hey Dick. Morning."

"Sorry I skipped Chem yesterday, I had something I needed to do."

I shrug. "Honestly, you're fine. It wasn't a lab day, so I didn't need you for anything."

I first met him last year when, despite being a sophomore, he managed to test into the advanced Psychology elective Artie made me take with her. I'm pretty sure normally no one younger than a junior is allowed to take it, but, well, there are benefits to being the adopted son of one of the richest men in America.

He's kind of a celebrity around here, and not just because of his wealth. Like his father, he's a compulsive flirt, and extremely funny, the type of guy that's the life of any social event you bring him to. Apparently, people find that charming?

I wouldn't know, of course. I'm a quiet, stoic churchmouse that's never even thought about genitals.

I've always found it corny and a bit too desperate, especially with how he drinks less than I do, and I've never actually heard of anyone who he's legitimately slept with. I'd say he's gay and trying to hide it, but I swear I've seen him ogle girls before. Well, as much as a sixteen-year-old can ogle anything.

Honestly, who knows? Artie's always been the one that actually understands people, and she told me that from what she's seen, he's the type of guy with a lot of "friends", and almost no actual friends. A loner that's not a loner.

Guess that makes two of us, buddy.

Unfortunately, many of the other girls here seem unreasonably attracted to the smooth-talker, and so he's practically got a fanclub. Being a longtime bachelor apparently doesn't raise any red flags, they just see it as him not having found the right girl yet.

Straight people, I swear to go- the gods.

Heh, caught myself.

Luckily for my lack-of-getting-detentions, he's never turned those attentions onto Artemis, given that they've only ever had one class together, so we get along just fine. Hence the partnering in Chemistry: he seems to appreciate that I'm not trying to get into his pants, and I appreciate that behind his playboy veneer he's actually intelligent enough to not make me do everything like all the other idiots I have to work with.

"You coming to Brent's party this Saturday?"

"Yeah, I heard that's going to be crazy" Ted Carson says from next to him, "Brent said his parents are going to be in Europe at a conference or something, so we have the mansion to ourselves."

Rich people.

I shrug. "Eh, maybe? You know me, I'm not really a partier."

He nods. "Yeah, I feel that. You've never really felt all that turbed at them."


"You know, the opposite of 'disturbed'?"


You know what? I'm just going to ignore him.

Dick seems content to let me, leaning back in his chair to talk to Ted. He's always been like that, willing to just let people be, and do his own thing.

The only exception to that rule is-

Huh. Is standing right outside the door, apparently.

"Lonnie? What are you doing here?"

The blond boy walks over to my desk, holding out a plastic bag to me, his eyes drilling into the boy sitting to my right.

"I'm going to be busy tonight, so I wanted to give you back your headphones before I forgot."

Oh, right, forgot about that.

I grab the bag. "No problem. Honestly, you could have kept them, I barely use the things."

I look at the logo on the front of the bag. "Oh hey, is this from New Ho King? I've heard their stuff is good."

Dick inclines his head to the new arrival, eyes piecing, abandoning his casual conversation with Ted near-instantly. "Machin."

Lonnie glares back. "Grayson."

I sigh. They're going to be at this for a while, aren't they?

"No really, thank you, Argyra" Lonnie says, "I appreciate you lending them to me. After all, some of us can't use daddy's money to replace things the minute they break."

Dick's eyes narrow. "I offered to pay for those, Machin. Even though it's not my fault you're apparently too dumb to look up from your phone when you're walking."

Lonnie sneers. "I don't want your blood money, Grayson."

"Turn that glare of yours somewhere else, Che. Wayne Enterprises has the best benefits of any business in this city, and pays more than any of them too. And the Wayne Foundation is one of the largest charities in America, it helps millions of people each year around the world."

I mean… Look, I'm not going to side with the billionaire's (adopted) son, but he's actually right on that one. I know a dude who once literally killed to get a position at a WayneTech factory.

Lonnie snorts. "Dà gōng wú sī, but he's still a duke. Dé bù cháng shī."

Damnit Lonnie, you know my Mandarin is rusty. I think he's saying that even if Wayne's intentions are good, it doesn't make up for the harm he causes?

Weirdly enough, that's the most positively I've ever heard Lonnie speak about a rich person.

Dick sneers back. "I have some Mandarin for you Machin: máng rén mō xiàng."

Yeah, I don't know that one. Something about an elephant?

I'd say they can't stand each other, but they're also one of the only people the other actually talks to, so I don't know. It might just be me reading into things, but I kind of get the sense they actually like one another way more than either is willing to admit, in spite of themselves.

Lonnie's certainly the only person here Dick actually seems emotionally affected by.

While the boys strut their plumage in front of one another, I turn to the girl sitting directly behind me. "How've you been, Sofia?"

"I've been fine. Daddy's been trying to bring me into the family business, so I got to tour some job sites last night. It was actually pretty interesting. The boys at it again?"

I nod. "Job sites" is of course code for weapons depots, or drug labs, or something like that. She knows it, I know it, she knows I know it, and we just politely pretend that her father is an entirely legitimate businessman.

Yeah, let me tell you, I practically shit my pants when I got assigned to tutor Carmine fucking Falcone's daughter in History.

Thankfully for me, she's actually a fairly ok person — if one who has a bit of a rose-tinted view of what her father actually does — and we're at least somewhat decent acquaintances now. I mean, we talk on the phone once or twice a month, which is practically friendship in my book.

Artemis hates her for some reason, and is convinced that we're hooking up, but that might just be spillover hatred for her Dad.

I have to admit, I do play into it sometimes, and turn up the flirting whenever they're in the same room, but it's not my fault! Artie just makes the most adorable scrunched-up face when she's irritated.

"How've you been?"

I shrug. "Eh, I had a late night, but… I'm here? So that's nice."

Sofia just nods "Mh, that's how it is sometimes."

I wave goodbye to Lonnie as he finally ends his… whatever session with Dick, and then turn back around. "So you really think you'll be taking it over after Don Carmine kicks the bucket?"

"Yeah, I think so. My brother is…" she grimaces, "not a good candidate, and so Daddy's really been trying to prepare me for things. I have had to learn so much accounting, you have no idea."

I snort. "Yeah, after Joey Liguori, I'm pretty sure he's hyper-paranoid about embezzlement."

"Don't even. He missed my thirteenth birthday party because of that whole fiasco."

She leans in, whispering. "Daddy may or may not have made the piñata for my fourteenth using his skill to make up for it."

I have to hold back a giggle. Ohhh I am so going to hell.

I mean, I plan to figure out how to turn myself and Artie immortal, but if I did ever die, that's probably where I'd end up.

She frowns. "Although, now that I think of it, that might have been because he invited Joey's niece to the party. So that's why he insisted she take the first swing after me…"

She sighs, pinching her brow. "God damnit Daddy, why do you have to be so… extra."

I send her a mildly disturbed glance.

"What?" she says, pulling back with a smirk. "C'mon, it wasn't that bad. She didn't even know, she just thought it was plastic."

Ok, maybe she's not the best person.

But I mean, at least she's not as bad as her father? So that's a plus.

Before I can respond, Mr. Dashington enters the room.

"Settle, down, children."

He turns on the projector, a map of Eastern Europe projected on the wall. "At the end of the previous class's lecture, the Serbian armies had just been defeated during the Battle of Kosovo. This class, we will discuss the-…"

He reaches into his breast pocket, only to pause, and begin patting himself down.

"My apologies, students. I have forgotten my class notes in my car. I will retrieve them at once, please remain in your seats while I do so."

Seriously, what the fuck dude. How are you like this.

I'm about to pick up the conversation with Sofia, but she's already making conversation with her permanent hanger-on Kitty Walker.

I settle in for a boring five minutes, but unfortunately for me, my other seatmate chooses that moment to stroll in the door.

"Huh, he's not here. Lucky me, I guess."

I mentally groan.

Damnit, and here I was hoping that some horrible accident had rendered her permanently unable to attend classes.

A girl can dream, I guess.

She smirks at me as she sits down, even as I purposefully don't make eye contact. "Good morning!"

I don't bother suppressing the urge to sigh, turning to my left.

She gives me a wide smile. "Why lovergirl, you seem awfully down in the dumps this morning!"

I glower. I'd tell her to stop calling me that, but the last time I did, she made sure to work it into every sentence for a week straight.

She gives me a mock pout. "Did someone forget to hydrate?"

I send her a flat look. "No, it's just the natural reaction ensouled creatures have to your presence."

She coos.

"But thank you, Rose. Your concern is greatly appreciated."

"Oh you!" she says, patting my shoulder, "of course I'm worried about you! Why, when I heard what had happened between you and poor Mary Kong, I was just besides myself!"

"Who knew you had it in you, you Casanova!" She moves to slap my shoulder, but my hand shoots up to bat hers aside before she can. Battle precognition for the win.

Although should I be worried that my subconscious sees something during school hours as close enough to a fight to lean into that aspect of my loom-sight?

I look at the manipulative succubus preening next to me like she's just won the lottery, the daughter and protégé of one of the world's greatest living assassins.

…You know what? In this case, my subconscious is probably right on the money.

And yeah, I know who her dad is. It's not like they go to great lengths to hide it: too many governments use the services of "security consultant Slade Wilson" for him to ever be prosecuted. I could have probably have figured it out even without the aura of death and destruction that hovered around him on Parents' Night.

Yeesh, and I thought Artie's Dad was bad.

"I knew that you had some substantial…"

She leans over, giving my an exaggerated wink, "charms, so to speak, but I was positively shocked when I'd heard that you ensnared that poor girl with them!"

"You'd just fascinated her, apparently. She knew you'd said you didn't want anything serious, but there was just something about such a dark and tortured genius that called to her like a siren song…"

"So you see, I, being the generous soul that I am, decided to take pity on the poor heartsick sod and offer her some advice."

Oh that bitch, of course it was her.

She gestures grandly. "'Open your heart to her!' I said. 'Argyra is a delicate, sensitive soul, and terribly afraid of letting people in. She desperately yearns to be loved, and all that talk of no attachments, of no feelings, it's so she can protect her innocent, pure heart from the agony of rejection!'"

If looks could kill, I'd be facing down her father's retaliatory hit-squads by now.

Her smug smile only widens at that. "And so, I told her, 'you must open yourself first! She confessed to me that she finds you alluring as well, and so my friend, that delicate maidenly flower, will leap to your arms, but only if you proffer your heart before her! Preferably in public, so she knows you are not ashamed!'"

She shakes her head, miming sadness. "It was so horrible when you stomped all over it, right in front of everyone. For shame, Argyra."

I growl, keeping my voice low to not attract attention in the noisy room. "You're a real piece of shit, you know that Wilson?"

"I was merely trying to help, Yra dear."

I let out a frustrated breath. "Mary was fucking devastated. She hates me, and apparently cried for a week afterwards."

Rose rolls her eyes, dropping the act.

"Oh, please. Don't act like you actually care about that fucking bimbo" she says with a laugh, "you've only got one girl on your mind, after all."

I have to restrain myself from slamming my fist into her face. "You're fucking lucky we're in a class right now, or I'd show you exactly what I think of your insinuations."

"Oh?" she purrs, "And just how exactly would you 'show me'?"

She leans forward, and I hate myself for how my eyes momentarily flick down the front of her shirt. God damnit why does she have to evil and hot.

Unfortunately for me, she clearly caught it, and gives me a victorious smirk as she leans back. "Don't lie, Eriargyra. The only reason you're upset about Mary Kong, of all people, is because you think your little girlfriend would be angry at you if you weren't."

She snorts. "Also, I imagine that the little twit was incredibly annoying. I completely understand why you'd hate me for siccing that on you."

"Oh Argie-poo!" she says, putting on what I hate to admit is a shockingly good impression of Mary's nasally voice, "I just lovvvvvve you! I want to marry you, and adopt six kids to live in a house with a white picket fence! You can become an investment banker, and I can be your loving Stepford Housewife!"

Rose puts her hand to her forehead. "You always blow me away with your brilliance, like when you taught me what all those weird letters in those math equations mean!"

…Damnit that impression is really good. I have to purposefully stop the corner of my lip from twitching upwards, but based on her pleased expression, Rose catches it anyways.

She elbows me. "C'mon, you can admit it. The girl's dumber than a box of blunt rocks, and you're glad she isn't going to talk to you again."

I sigh. "Just… Fuck you, Wilson."

She smirks. "Don't make offers you don't intend to fulfill, Eri."

Any good humor I had evaporates, as a whirl back around, my hand clenched against the underside of my desk. "Don't you ever fucking call me-"

Unfortunately for me (or perhaps fortunately, for my not-being-expelled-for-punching-another-student-ness) Mr. Dashington chooses that second to walk back into the door.

Rose grins widely. "Teacher's here, Argyra, time to focus up."

"My apologies, students. I now have returned to class, and have my notes. Let us begin. On August 1st of 1398, the first reports of the aftermath of the battle were…"

I sit there, the droning of Eugene Levy's character from Ferris Bueller washing over me, and slowly, slowly manage to pry my fingers from the death-grip they have on my desk.

I ignore the silver-haired girl sitting next to me and the smug look she sends me throughout the class

I fucking hate Rose Wilson.

I'm walking to Chemistry when I hear it.

"No, you know what, Brianna? I'm done with this. We are having this talk, right now!"

Artemis has Brianna cornered in a side hallway,

How many times do I have to say it! It was funny at first, but it's seriously becoming annoying! Is it because I play sports or something? Because I don't wear makeup?"


"No!" Artemis says, angrily, "I'm fed up with this! It was a little funny at first, but it's not anymore! You keep… you keep insinuating these things about me, that- that I'm like that, and that-"

"Look, I said I was sorry, alright! It's just a joke, why are you so weird about this!"

"Because I'm not a fucking lesbian, Brianna! And Eri isn't into me like that! We are not like that, what we have isn't… isn't…"

"I mean…"

"No, fucking save it! I have heard literally anything you can say. I have had years of people… making insinuations about me, about the things I do, all because of what? I play sports, I hate makeup, I never wear dresses? It's fucking ridiculous."

Artemis leans over the black girl, exploiting every inch of extra height she has on her. "Do you think I'm a liar, Brianna?"

"Um… no?"

"So what, you think I'm… manipulating people?"

"What? No! Artemis, what are you-"

Artemis clenches her fist, visibly holding herself back from punching something. "Because that's what's you're saying. That I'm lying about liking guys, for… for what? To perv on people? That I'm some predator, on the prowl, tricking girls into being friends so I can… do things to them?"

"Jesus no! And you can be bi, you know! Argyra is!"

Artemis takes in a deep breath, and lets it out in staggered increments. It's a calming technique we both learned from Ms. Talon.

"First of all, Eri barely sleeps with guys, so she doesn't really count. And secondly… I'm not… I love Eri like my own- more than my own sister, she's the most important thing in the whole world to me, but I just can't be like her. I can't do what she does."

Artemis sighs. "I can't live jumping from one person to the other like a… like a fucking frog on a bunch of lilypads."

Artemis chuckles. "It makes her miserable, you know. Her 'hookups'. She comes back from each of them looking more and more hollow."

She sighs. "She thinks I can't tell, but I know her better than she knows herself. We don't hide anything fr-… she doesn't hide anything from me."

Artemis looks guilty at that. "I'm… I need to be better about that. But it doesn't matter."

She grips Brianna's shoulder. "I don't want to have that- I won't have that. When I eventually find the right guy, I want it to be something… something true, and pure, and real. Something that lasts. Like what I have with Eri. I don't-"

She shakes her head. "I'm getting off topic. It's just… you don't know what you're saying, when you insinuate things like that about her."

She sighs. "Eri… Eri is…"

"She's… she's so smart. She is so, so smart. She has this incredible curiosity and wonder, like every single thing is the most incredible thing she's seen in her entire life. She has this wonder about the world, about the universe, like she wants to take it apart gear by gear and figure out how every single little thing works. And hells, she might even be able to do it."

Artemis is smiling now, something soft and gentle. "And… And she's… she hates showing it, because life has fucked her over so much, but she is such a good person. She is kind, and loving, and loyal."

"She guards her heart, but when she does open it up, when you actually it's… Fates, it's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. She'll look at you, and it's like you've hung the moon, the stars, and the entire night sky. Like all that need to know and understand, that's normally pointed at the entire universe… it's all pointed entirely at you, and she wants to know you completely. To have you know her, completely."

She gives a soft chuckle. "Sometimes I think that the reason she keeps herself so closed off is that if she cared about more people, she'd just end up drowned by everything she doesn't think she's capable of feeling."

Artemis's gaze hardens. "And she can't see it, that's what kills me inside. She is this incredible, beautiful soul, but for some fucking reason she is absolutely convinced that she's nothing but trash, that it's some sort of miracle anyone even wants to associate with her. So she throws herself into these… empty, hookups, these girls, that are no good for her and make her miserable, but then tells herself that that's all she deserves, because they're the only ones that'll have her."

She glares at Brianna. "So when you make 'jokes' about Eri being into me, you're saying exactly that. That she can't have something good and pure, that all she deserves is… is lust. That every time we hug, or touch, or hang out, or whatever, it's wrong. Tainted. That's it's all just some… some sex thing, and that Eri is only friends with me because she wants to fuck me. The only reason I could be with her is because I want to fuck her."

"And Eri… Eri deserves so much more than that. She is so much more than that. She's the beautiful, shining star in the heap of shit that is this city, and she deserves the entire fucking world."

She stands up, glaring at Brianna. "So fuck you, Brianna. Fuck you for thinking she's anything else. That we're anything else. Because what we have is so much more than some cheap fucking hookup."

As Artemis storms off, stomping down the hallway.

I just stare at the wall.

A while later, I don't know how long, I pull out my phone. I scroll down to the contact "Unt, Huge C."

math tutring 2nite?

Almost instantly, my phone chirps.

k. my room at 10 :)

I slam the cover shut, eyes hard.

At ten sharp, I walk up a floor in the girl's wing of the dormitories, arriving outside a room at the end of the hallway.

I give three staccato knocks.

Rose Wilson opens the door wearing a gigantic t-shirt, and an even bigger smirk. "Knew you couldn't resist me, lovergirl."

"Shut the fuck up" I growl, and attack her mouth with wild passion.

The lovemaking is frantic, wild, and unfairly good, as it always is. If the walls here weren't soundproofed — rich people, seriously — Rose's floormates likely would have started conspiring to murder us by now after having their sleep interrupted several times a month for an entire year.

Although who knows, Rose would probably be into that.

I know, I know. Trust me, I know.

She's a gigantic bitch, literally one of the worst people I've ever met — a mean feat considering I know multiple people with bodycounts higher than their ages — and a probable sociopath who receives immense pleasure from other people's emotional and physical suffering.

But right now, I just can't fucking care about any of that.

Also, not for nothing is the hair thing: there is some novelty in sleeping with someone who reminds you of you.

I do my best not to think about just who else the athletic light-haired half-Asian with an assassin for a father reminds me of.

The lovemaking is rough, angry, and stormy, just like it always is. The type of desperate, animalistic struggle that's impossible to dress up with fancy words.

At the end of it, two hours later, I'm lying in Rose's twin bed next to her, panting with exhaustion.

After a minute or two, I stand up, and begin slowly moving to pick up my clothes from where they've been discarded throughout the room.

I look down at where my top is pinned to the wall with a throwing knife. Damnit, I just bought that.

Rose stretches out on the bed, idly watching me gather my clothes. "You were extra vicious today"


She turns around, showing the thick red scratches on her back.

I frown. "I'm-"

She rolls her eyes. "Don't be a fucking pussy, Argyra. If I didn't like it I would have stopped you. I was just commenting."

I do me best to look backwards while putting on my pants.

"So" she says, smirking, "what was it this time?"

I scowl.

"Did archery girl ogle some big hunky and talk about how she wants a bajillion of his babies? Did she go on another rant about how she hates those stupid dykes trying to turn her into one of them? Was there a moment where you two were face to face, gazing into one another's eyes, only for her to tell you how you're such a good friend?"

I breathe in, deeply. Ignore her, Eri, she always does this…

"Ooh, or maybe she's actually started dating! That would be hilarious. I think you might actually have an aneury-"

"Enough, Rose."

She holds her hands up, chuckling. "Alright, alright. But for the record, it would be funny."

She shrugs. "I mean, to me at least."

I ignore her, just moving to collect my things and end this lapse in judgement as quickly as possible.

"You have to know it isn't working though, right?"

I pause, taking in a deep breath. "…What?"

She has an amused expression on her face, like a cat batting a trapped mouse in between its paws. "This… whatever you're doing. Fucking your way through the yearbook, trying to run away from your problems with archery girl."


"I know you're more than smart enough to realize it's only making you miserable."

Her smile widens, vicious, like a shark's. "That you're only driving yourself further and further into an emotional pit, and one day, you'll-"

I can feel the unformed electrocution spell dancing just beneath my fingertips.

"Don't fucking test me, Rose. I mean it."
I will end you.
The silver-haired girl's smile only grows wider at that, and I can practically see her getting ready to go another round.

Zeus above she's fucked up.

I look down at her nude body.

No. Bad brain. She is pure evil.

Also, if you don't leave now, you know you'll sleep in and miss Artemis's practice tomorrow morning.

I just grunt, jerkily moving to zip up my hoodie.

Rose rolls her eyes. "Fine, fine, be like that. And here I was, trying to help you out…"

She flaps a hand towards the door. "Go on then, have fun doing your weird mutual pining thing. I'll see you again when the longing gets too difficult to bear."

Before my hand reaches the doorknob though, my sleeve is pinned by a knife I carefully choose not to react to.

"And remember…"

I roll my eyes. "Yes, if I take anything of yours, you'll drug me and send my body to Thailand to be sliced up for organs. You've mentioned."

"No" she says, a cruel, amused glint in her eye, "if you take anything, I'll tell Artemis you said that you loved me."

In an instant she almost transforms, eyes going big and round and watery as a tentative, hesitant expression forms on her face. "A-Artemis… I k-know I can be rude and mean, b-but it's just an emotional front to keep myself safe! B-But now t-that Argyra is l-letting down her emotional walls, I finally f-feel like-"

She pauses, eyes wavering, and for just a second I can almost genuinely believe that she's a scared, hurt girl trying her best to confess her love.

My face is stony. It's not the first time she's done something like this.

After a moment, she morphs right back to a mocking smirk. "Oh c'mon, sourpuss, it was funny. Lighten up a little, geez."

I don't think I've ever been more tempted to send a Moon Laser to wipe that stupid fucking smug look off her face.

"You're a fucking bitch, Rose."

"And yet you keep coming back to me." She smirks, arching her back like a cat, and unintentionally drawing my eyes to her… ahem, assets.

She smirks at my attention. "I do love being some poor sop's own personal heroin."

I snort derisively. "You are vastly overestimating your sexual appeal. I do this because unlike most of the idiots at this school, you understand how to keep things casual. It has nothing to do with anything else."

She just smirks. "Of course. Whatever you say, dear."

"Anyways," she says, flapping a hand towards the entrance, "there's the door, don't let it hit you on your way out, don't steal anything or I'll kill you, blah blah blah, you know the drill."

I storm out, slamming the door behind me. I can hear her mocking laughter ringing in my head all the way out of the building.

AN: How'd y'all all like Rose? I have a lot of fun writing her.

Also, turns out that when you're a self-hating bi-girl-in-denial raised by a homophobic parent, and the only queer person you know is your best friend who you are head-over-heels for and more-than-slightly codependent with, who is a chronic fuckboy (gender neutral) whose partners you are intensely jealous of for reasons you don't understand, and who only seems to get more and more angry and unfulfilled the more women they casually sleep with, you end up developing some really weird and fucked-up ideas about sexuality! Who knew!

And Eri's inborn attraction to areas of narrative significance can be a curse just as much as a blessing. Not everything the universe thinks is important for your story is something that's good for you. There's a reason so many Greek heroes died young, after all.
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Honestly, I really liked this, but fuck do those two need to get locked in a room to, like, actually talk to each other and not just, teenage angst all over the place.
I've always found it funny that Herakles was literally named after her.
No, it is funny that Herakles was named "Glory to Hera" in order to try to make up for the whole "bastard of her unfaithful husband" thing. It didn't WORK, as seen by the twin snakes sent after the infant thing, but it is funny.
So this is already so good but I do find myself getting curious what's gonna happen when they'll meet in costume. I mean Eri really strikes me as the Catra in the dynamic sure but I'm fascinated to see HOW they interact. I mean sure Artimis is probably on the Team by this point but what Eri is up to? Sure some of it is illegal but none of it feels Evil yet.

And who knows, maybe you have a switcheroo going on that you've hidden a bit. Maybe the resident gender neutral fuckboy will end up the one on the team. Probably not considering how much a mess she is rn but... Maybe.

Also maybe it's just me but the pic of Lonnie seems pretty good to me. I mean motherfucker really does serve vibes that scream "I've successfully identified the problems caused by the billionaire class but instead of meaningful action I'm gonna blow up a hospital with a rich dudes name on it."
At first I was just assuming that they'd join together but now I'm worried/intrigued by the possibility of them antagonistic to eachother in costume and Eri figuring out Artemis' identify via recognizing the enchanted bow, presumably with soap opera worthy teen angst to follow :D
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I mean sure Artimis is probably on the Team by this point but what Eri is up to?
She's not, actually. I don't think that's not a spoiler, but she hasn't been recruited yet. When she is, it'll happen on-screen (so to speak).

Eric figuring out Artemis' identify via recognizing the enchanted bow,
Damnit now I wish I'd thought of this. Don't worry though, the way they discover each other's "night jobs" is going to be suitably dramatic, in both cases.
At first I was just assuming that they'd join together but now I'm worried/intrigued by the possibility of them antagonistic to eachother in costume and Eri figuring out Artemis' identify via recognizing the enchanted bow, presumably with soap opera worthy teen angst to follow :D
Honestly? I hope that doesn't happen. You can get most of that vibe with them just, refusing to unmask or Eri playing the mysterious occasional helper without having them literally trying to kill each other for dumb teenage drama?
Trying to kill one another? Doubt it. Being on opposite sides of the law and having to juggle personal feelings vs the roles they play? Oh that right there is the good shit and I'm all for it. Especially if Artimis doesn't tell the team the truth about Eri.
Trying to kill one another? Doubt it. Being on opposite sides of the law and having to juggle personal feelings vs the roles they play? Oh that right there is the good shit and I'm all for it. Especially if Artimis doesn't tell the team the truth about Eri.
See how she reacted to Chesire.

Same thing here. Especially since Eri has been a good friend, and depending on what happened....
1.5 / Interlude: Strawberry Wine (Artemis)

I watch Eri as she pulls her arm back slowly, breathing in slow and steady. With a rush of air, she flicks her wrist out, letting the discus fly…


Directly into the ground in front of her.

I can't help but let out a giggle, and she groans.

"Oh screw you Artie, this is hard."

I do my best to keep a solemn face. "Yes, of course. Tremendously difficult. That's why children like to play this game. Because of how hard it is."

"Discus-throwing is not the same thing as frisbee!"

I pat her on the head. "Suuure it isn't"

She rolls her eyes, pouting. "Stupid dumb… uh… good-at-sportsness…"

I smiles sweetly "What was that?"

"Nothing, Artie!"

"Good, that's what I thought."

Eventually, she gets tired of failing to throw a metal disc straight, and flops down to the ground to lean back on her hands.

"How'd you even get permission use the field after-hours?"

I just shrugs. "Coach Arnold likes me. I am the star of the archery team, after all."

Eri snorts. "I don't think it counts as a 'team' if it's not a team sport."

I shrugs. "Potato, potahto. Don't get bogged down in semantics."

"I hate that phrase. You know I hate that phrase. Those to things aren't equivalent, one is very clearly the correct pronunciation in American English!"

"I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be about British people."

"I'm Irish, so I reject that premise on principle, thank you very much."

"You're half-Greek, and were raised in a Sicilian orphanage. The only reason you even know Greek is because of that tiny Greek neighborhood nearby you always hung out in. You're about as Irish as one of those singing leprechaun statues Mr. Abbiati used to put out for St. Patrick's Day."

"So very Irish, then."

I giggle, and we settle into a comfortable silence. I look over at her: her soft jawline, her delicate facial features, the way her hair feathers out and looks like a halo in the sunlight.

I have to admit, I was a bit… uncomfortable when Eri first came out to me, and told me that "he" was actually a "she". Well, less "came out" and more "broke down crying in my bed as we cuddled", but still.

I knew "he'd" always been uncomfortable in the gym locker room at middle school, and was never really "one of the guys", but Eri was never really one of the anythings, so I didn't think much of it.

But from the moment she tried on her first dress with me by her side, and I saw the incredible, beautiful, truly joyful expression that bloomed on her face? I knew that it didn't matter what I thought, because for the first time, I'd seen her truly happy. And from that day on, I've never doubted for a single second.

In the years since, she's absolutely blossomed, becoming the vibrant, intelligent, hilarious, and devastatingly beautiful young woman sitting before me. The shapeshifting meta power — or is it another type of magic? I'm not really sure what the dividing line is for something like that — she got from her father didn't hurt, of course, but it's not like she needed it. There were plenty of trans people who did without it at those meetings I took her to. Honestly, even if she didn't have the power, I have zero doubt she'd have found a way no matter what. She's just that incredible.

I'm just a bit surprised no one at Gotham Academy's actually figured it out, yet. Or if they are, they haven't said anything.

"Artemis? Is there something on my face?"

I realize I've been staring at her with a goofy smile. "Ah, sorry. It wasn't anything, I was just thinking."

She hums, blushing, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

The quiet between us is long and comfortable, borne out of years of friendship.

Eventually though, Eri breaks it. "…I would have been fine, you know."

I turn. "Hm?"

"Earlier today. When you tried to punch out Brent North because he was being a creep. You didn't have to get detention, I would have been fine."

I roll my eyes. "He was harassing you in the halls, Eri."

Seriously, fuck that asshole. He thinks just because his parents help run the place that he can do whatever he want.

She shrug. "It's not like he was actually hurting me. I don't care what he thinks.."

God, I hate how she always does this, shoves down her complaints and problems and suffers in silence.

She mimes punching with my fists. "Besides, thanks to you, I know Kung Fu, remember? So he couldn't have even touched me."

I crack a smile, despite myself. "That's not the point, Eri. You shouldn't have to just tolerate it, he shouldn't be doing it in the first place."

"Yeah, sure" she says, looking at me questioningly, "but there are a lot of things that people shouldn't do. But mean, he says shit like that all the time. he's a teenage boy. This time wasn't even that bad."

"But Brent's Dad knows the principal, and now you have detention for a week, even when you didn't actually hit him."

I want to find whoever in her life convinced her that she doesn't matter, and fucking throttle them.

I lean back, sighing. "I know… I know. Pick my battles, whatever. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin our plans."

I grimace. "I just… when he started that whole 'you don't know what you're missing babe' thing and manhandling your arm, I just saw red.."

She lays a hand on her shoulder. "I'm not worried about not getting to go to the Aquarium, Artie, I'm worried about you."

I tense up. Fuck, I thought she hadn't noticed.

"…What's wrong? You've been on edge all week."

I breathe in, reaching down to grab her hand.

"…It's my dad" I eventually say, after thirty seconds of silence. "He's back in town."


I let out a dark chuckle. "Yeah. Fuck."

"Do you and Paula need some place to stay? I know a guy who-

She moves to stand up, but I grab her hand, pulling her back down. "Calm down Eri, it's not like that. We're not going to run into him, or anything. Dad and Mom hate each other, and I'm pretty sure half the time he likes to forget me and Jad-… likes to forget that I exist."

I have to suppress a grimace, but based on Eri's look, I don't manage to. Sometimes I hate how she can read me like one of those Physics books she loves so much.

Today is the three-month anniversary of Jade leaving. She just…

Walked out.

Without a word, without saying goodbye, without even leaving a fucking note. The only reason I knew she wasn't kidnapped is because I actually saw her drive off on that fucking motorcycle of hers.

I just… how could she do that? Just take off, like some absent fucking father going out for cigarettes?

Like our father.

Do you even care about us, about me at all? I know we weren't the closest, but I fucking loved you! We were sisters!

Sometimes, I wish Eri actually studied magic more, so she could find a way to track you down, just so I could grab your shoulders and get some fucking answers. So I could say all the things that have been bubbling at the back of my head since the day you took off.

How am I supposed to deal with Mom? She's been twice as bad ever since you left, and now I have no one but Eri to lean on. And as much as I love Eri, she can't understand what it's like to grow up with Mom, not like you could.

I always thought that even if you weren't great at showing it, you still cared about me, would always be on my side. I thought…

Well, it doesn't matter now. You're gone.

Didn't even leave a phone number to call you at.

Absolutely nothing.

Because that's apparently all I am to you.

I shake my head. No, I am not going down this road. It's been months, Jade clearly isn't coming back, and I can not let her rule me.

I need to move forward, always forward. That's what's kept me going all these years.

The issue right now isn't… her, it's my serial-killing piece of shit of a father coming back in town.

Eri runs her thumb over the back of my hand. "Hey, you there?"

I swallow. "Sorry, sorry, I was just… thinking."

When she sees I'm not going to follow up, she frowns, but doesn't ask any further questions. "I still think you guys should stay in a hotel or something, at least until he's out of town. I know a good place that can book us under fake name."

I can't help but chuckle. "You're so protective, it's adorable."

"Shut up" she says, and I internally crow at how she tries to hide her red cheeks in her hands, "I'm being serious."

"I know", I says, smiling, "and thank you. But for real, it's not a problem."

I grimace. "If he wanted something to happen to us, something already would have. The people he works for…"

I still haven't told Eri what exactly the League of Shadows is, but she's smart enough to have gotten the general gist of it.

"I'm not worried about my safety, or anything" I say, "it's just… how can I just sit here?"

"What do you mean?

"I mean" I say, glaring at the ground in front of me, "he's here to kill someone, Eri. Probably someone innocent. Someone is going to die, and I can't do anything to stop it."

How can I possibly sleep at night, knowing that? Knowing that as I sit here, some poor guy is probably having his head blown up in front of his kids, all because he annoyed some guy with enough money to take out a hit?

Eri reaches over, grabbing me shoulders to cradle me against her side. I close my eyes, leaning in to her familiar warmth. "No. Artie, no, you can't think like that. He is not your responsibility, whatever he does isn't on your, it's on him, and no one but him."

I frown. She's not getting it. "I know it's not on me! That's not the point, the point is that someone is going to die! It wouldn't matter if I was related to him or not."

"I mean… Artemis, people die every day. You can't save the the whole world."

"I know" I say, "but one person isn't the whole world."

My mind moves to the box in the back of my closet, and a bow I stole from the Academy supplies. To the plans I've been making the past few months, ever since Commissioner Gordon took office and promised to clean up GCPD.

Eventually, I'm going to make sure my father doesn't hurt anyone else, ever again.

One way or another.

Eventually, I sigh, falling back. "It doesn't even matter. I have no idea who the hell he's after, and no way to find out. I'm just going to have to read it in the paper, like always."

She grimaces. "…you actually try to figure out who your dad kills?"

I scowl. "Yeah"

It's not like it's hard. He and Mom were pros, after all, it's not like they went after small targets.

She moves her hand, laying it on top of my fist, which I realize is clenched into the turf of the athletics' field. "…How many people do you know of?"

I sigh. "Fourteen, for sure. But there are hundreds."

"Politicians, businessmen, scientists… just about anyone. Most had families, some had kids. One was a researcher working on a new treatment for kidney failure, it would have completely replaced the need for dialysis machines."

"Well," she says, giving me a wan smile that's more of a grimace, "at least we don't have to guess who paid for that job."

I lets out a humorless chuckle. If anyone but her asks, my eyes aren't wet, they're just tired. "Yeah, the boost in stock prices afterwards wasn't exactly subtle."

We trail off into silence.

"So, uh…"

She has that forced smile on her face she wears whenever she's trying to cheer me up. "Did you see that new satellite picture of Vega?"

I give her a flat look.


"C'mon, work with me here."

"I don't… fine, Eri. No, I haven't seen the new satellite picture of Vega."

"Yeah… they say it's out of this world!"



I break down into chuckles. "I hate you so much."

She doesn't bother to hide her victorious smile. "Suuuuure you do."

You win this round, Eri.

This time, the silence is much more comfortable.

"…Are there really new satellite pictures of Vega? Or did you just make that up for the joke."

She nods. "Yeah, one of the Green Lanterns helped take them."

"Oh, that's actually really cool. Do you know how?"

She shrugs. "Not sure. Held the satellite, maybe?"

"…Why would they need someone to hold the satellite? Eri, you do know that things float in space, don't you?"

"Obviously." She drawls. "Which one of us tested out of every physics class here?"

I have to suppress my flinch at that. Eri's smart, and she has every right to be proud of that… but sometimes I hate how she flaunts it. She's a genius, a real genius, not the way people use that to describe everyone, I've literally never met anyone smarter in my entire life. And that's not even bringing in how she can do magic? Magic she apparently got effortlessly, but took me an entire year to learn?

And I know, I know it's petty, and dumb, and I should just be happy for her, but I'm only human, okay? I'm allowed to not be perfect.

Sometimes I wonder why she's even hanging around with ordinary, unexceptional me.

Thankfully, she isn't glancing my way, and so I just nudge her shoulder, smiling. "The same one of us that was throwing a discus directly into the ground, I think."

She snorts. "Shut up, jerk."

"Make me, idiot."

I snort, wiping away the definitely-not-tears at the edges of my eyes, and we sit there in a comfortable silence.

"Which Green Lantern was it, anyways?"

"The black one, I think."

I raise an eyebrow. "The 'Black One'?"

She raises her hands. "Hey, I don't know any of their names! I know there was the old one during World War Two who's retired, the white one who's around now, the black one who showed up after him, and then Guy whatever from Boston, the one that just popped up two years ago."

"See" she says, sticking her tongue out, "I covered all the races."

"Yes" I say drolly, "Retired and Bostonian, the famous races."

She smiles. "I mean, if you ask people from Boston…"

I snort.

"Actually," she says, "people in Boston believe in three races. White, Black and Irish. And the only Irish people are in Boston, not in Ireland."

"I'm pretty sure no one in Boston even speaks Irish."

"I mean, you've heard Boston football guys when they're drunk, it might as well be Gaelic. Or maybe Welsh, with all the consonants."

"So…" I say, "you know both Guy Gardner's first name, and his home city… but John Stewart is just 'the black one'."

She raises her eyebrows. "Seriously? The TV guy is a Green Lantern now?"

"Wha- No, obviously not the TV guy! John with an "h"! The TV one's like a sixty year old white Jew."

"Now who's racist."

We stay like that for a few seconds, staring at one another, until we both break down into giggles.

"…Thanks, Eri" I eventually say. "I needed that."

She just leans my head on her shoulder, and I have to repress a coo.

After a few minutes of just sitting there, she bump my arm. "You know…" she says, eyes wide with an almost painfully exaggerated fake innocence, "the story of how the Vega system got its name is actually really interesting…"

I hum, raising an eyebrow.

She shoots me me that roguish smile she knows always makes me weak in the knees, gods damn her.

Score two for Eri.

I ignore the way my cheeks pink, shooting her a flat look. "Are you gonna explain or not?"

"Well" she says, putting on an overly theatrical tone of voice, "it all starts with games."

"If this turns into another 'gamers are the most oppressed minority' joke..."

She holds her hands up, smirking. "Well, it does involve gamers, but the ones that are an ethnicity being discriminated against."

"Ethnicity. Gamers."

"I mean, they're all the same skin color, so…"

"Are you saying only white people should play video games? And here you'd just convinced me you aren't racist."

"No, just that even if they started out black, they end up whiter than a ghost by all the time they spend inside their mom's windowless basement."

I snort.

"Anyways," she says, gesturing theatrically, "irrespective of gamers needing their own ethnostate, which they do by the way, I'm talking about games of chance. Roulette, Poker, et cetera et cetera."

"Why not just say 'gambling' then?"

"Well, what if you don't gamble on them?"

"How do you not gamble on roulette? What, do you just spin the ball around for fun like-"

"So!" she says, cutting me off, "Where are all the riskiest games of chance in the United States?"

"The Gotham Stock Exchange."

I can tell she's trying not to laugh.

Heh, score one for Artemis.

"Close, but no! It's where else but fabulous Las Vegas, the city of sin! Or, if you don't like Spanish, 'the vegas'"

"Wait, 'the Vegas"? You're saying the city's name is it's own name?"

"No no" she says, shaking her head like a professor correcting a student, "Vegas. As in multiple things which in singular would be called a vega, the 's' is a pluralizer."

"That doesn't answer the question."

"I'm getting to that!"


"So, the city!" she says, sweeping her hands while she clearly scrambles for an explanation that will fit, "Uh, right! The city got its name when a vegetable truck crashed! And this was way back, during the old west, so everything was made of wood. Well, wood an genocide."

"How can be something 'made of genocide'."

"…You know, there are about a dozen jokes I could make there, but none of them are really appropriate, so I'm not going to."

"Anyways, so this vegetable truck was made of wood, so part of it burned away. In particular, it burned away the bottom portion of the 'Vegetables' sign, leaving just 'Vega'."

"Wait, 'vegetables' is spelled with an e."

"Well duh, it's the last-"

"No, I mean after the g"


I have to hold back a giggle.

Score two for Artemis.

"Well, people couldn't really spell back then, you know? So it was a typo."

"How could it be a typo if they didn't have keyboa-"

She reaches up, placing a finger on my lips. "Just let me-…"

Her, my, lips.

Which I'm suddenly realizing she is very close to.

And touching.



I cough at the same time she jerks her hand back, and we just sit there awkwardly for a minute, ignoring the red on each other's cheeks.

"Um, uh… right! Las Vegas! So that's how it got its name.:

I pat down my face. I… That…

I need to focus on her story.

"So, the International Astronomical Union! They're the ones in charge of star names, so when they first discovered Vega, they-"

"W-Wait, 'discovered' Vega? It's one of the most visible stars in the sky, you can 'discover' it by looking up."

"Well, the Americans obviously didn't know how to look up. Probably because they were too busy doing all that genocide."

"Anyways" she say, before I can interrupt, "they were trying to name this crazy new star system, right?"

"Literally everyone knew about it, but sure, why not."

"So, they decide, why not name it after the city the Union is based in?"

"I can guarantee that the IAU isn't located in Las Vegas."

"So, they were going to name it 'Vegas'... Until they though, 'well, that's a little tacky, isn't it?' So they just named it 'Vega'."

"How is that less tacky?"

"Well, one vega is fine, sure but three or four? It's a little excessive. Like nose piercings!"

"What doe-... y'know what nevermind. That's how the star got its name then?."

"Nope!" she says, smile almost obnoxiously bright, "that name didn't pass muster! They totally trashed that, and decided to call it 'Polerium' instead!"

"'Polerium'? What the heck is… Also wait, if they didn't name it after the city, why did you just spend five minutes talking about it."

"Don't interrupt! Now, the head of the International Astronomical Union only got the final name submissions, so 'Vega' didn't make the cut. But the thing is, the Head of the IAU was also a freelance video editor!"

"Why. Would one of the most well-respected scientists in the world. Work as a temp."

"For the love of the job, of course! And you know how hard the job market can be for astronomers."

"Why would I possibly know that? Also, there's no way that's true."

"So it was out of that love that he scrapped the council's previous name, and decided to name it after his favorite video editing software: Sony Vega!"


"So… that's the story!"



"…Why the heck am I friends with you, you degenerate little goblin."

We both break down laughing, until eventually, we end up laying on our backs on the field.

"Oh" she says, after a few minutes of lying in silence, "I almost forgot."

She reaches into her pocket, rooting around while still on the ground. "I, um… I have something for you?"

I sit up, leaning on my elbow. "Eri, it isn't my birthday for months."

"Yeah. But this is really important, I didn't want to wait. And uh…"

She grins sheepishly. "I kinda didn't feel like waiting all that time to see your reaction?"

I laugh. "You really have to work on your impatience, you know. You get antsy and don't think things through when you really want something, and one day, it's going to bite you in the ass."

"Yeah, yeah" she says, "tell it to the judge."

"I will, at your trial. You're going to get fed up with traffic and try to drive your car down a freeway median or something, just watch."

"Anyways" she says, "I have a gift for you."

She hands me a box, covered in hearts, with a pink bow around it. "For you, psikhi mu."

Right. Valentines day was yesterday, so this stuff must be super cheap in the stores.

I open it, reverently, and see a necklace sitting inside

"Oh, cục bạc, it's beautiful" I say, looking up at her with what I can only imagine is the world's dopiest grin. "I don't even know how to thank you."

"It, um… it's not just an ordinary necklace."

I tilt my head.

"I… You know how I just got a job at that occult shop, working in the back rooms?"

I nod. "Yeah, the one uptown."

I'd come and visit her, but apparently her boss has very strict policies about 'fraternization' during work hours and letting non-employees into the back.

"Well, one of the customers has a good hookup on actual magical amulets. I could tell, because…" She gestures vaguely at herself.

I nod. "Right"

"So" she says, "I, um… got us two of these. They're anti-psychic protections."

I raise an eyebrow. I know she's always been afraid of mind-control, but…

"They apparently won't stand up to a sustained assault, or someone powerful enough, but they should definitely be enough to stop surface scans, and if someone tries to actually mess with your head, you should know about it, and-"

I cut off her rambling, eyes wet for a reason that has nothing to do with my shitty dad. "Thank you, Eri. This is… this is so incredibly sweet."

I lean over, kissing her cheek. If my lips linger a bit before drawing away, neither of us comment on it.

She scratches the back of her head, face flushed. "I just… I know it's not likely, but I don't know what I'd do if some creep messed with your head. Took you away from me."

I squeeze her arm, trying to convey through a gesture the swelling wave of affection that wants to explode out of me to wash her away.

I move to put it on, but she reaches up a hand, stopping me.

"L-Let me."

She scoots across the grass to sit behind me, delicately taking both ends of the necklace in her fingers.

I hold my breath, biting my lip.

I shiver as I feel her hot breath on my neck, goosebumps springing up on my arms.

She hovers with her hands right above my neck, as if awaiting permission.

She must see something in my body language, because slowly, gently, she moves to clasp the necklace, her fingers hot as they brush my skin.

I realize I've closed my eyes.

"There" she says, and my whole body shivers at the sound of her voice, deep and husky.

She pauses, hesitating.

I swallow. Is she…

Slowly, ever so slowly, she bends down.

Her lips brush the nape of my neck, laying a feathery kiss right above where the chain meets my skin.

I breath in sharply, shakily, and feel the ground start to swerve under me.

Her lips linger, and I tilt my head back.


I can hear her swallow, breath heavy. "Artemis… I-"
I love you.
She just sits there, letting the words hang in the air.

Eventually, she moves back, scooting around to lie next to me.

I let out a shaky huff, my face blazing. That was… that was…

"I love it" I eventually say, gazing into her eyes and trying to convey the rolling storm of emotions inside me.

We both lay back down on the grass. I wrap my arm around hers, and I know she can tell it means "thank you". For the gift, for the jokes, for the comfort, for just being Eri.

We just sit there, arm in arm, laying on the ground as we watch the sun set. I can hear her soft breathing next to me, as I fiddle with the charm on the end of the necklace.

At this moment there's no archery contests, no evil assassin dads, no missing sisters leaving a gaping hole in our lives.. Just her and me, and a sky which looks like it goes on up forever.

AN: Just gals being pals!

Btw, big bad of the second arc gets revealed next chapter, and if you guess it, you can name a background character. Don't limit yourself to YJ canon!

Discussion keeps me motivated, so please let me know what you think.
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Wow. She has it baaaaaad xD
Too bad she's deep in the denial

Edit: okay time to throw a random dart at DC villians…. Is it going to be … I think their name was pride? The mind control one of Trigon's sons? Idk, probably not but there's my guess!
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Wow. She has it baaaaaad xD
Too bad she's deep in the denial

Edit: okay time to throw a random dart at DC villians…. Is it going to be … I think their name was pride? The mind control one of Trigon's sons? Idk, probably not but there's my guess!
I think you mean Lust. Raven is Pride.
Well, now I'm curious.
Also no, good guess, but think both bigger and smaller.
I am going to go for broke and say it is our favorite bartender, Lucy. He is both bigger (literally second-born of the Presence, the tool that changed the universe from "all the energy" that Mikey produces into matter and life), and smaller (human-scale person that doesn't even use much power in the day-to-day and runs a nightclub. Also occasionally is a hero, villain, detective, annoyance-to-detective, or "the one guy the heroes need" under disguise magic to either test or help them).
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Note to clarify: I corrected the AN to say "second arc" instead of first, bc the enemy isn't actually going to directly show up in this current arc.