Fate/Stay Night: Prepare To Die Edition

If by that you're referring to Kirei backstabbing Bazett as in canon, then no, those events did not occur because this Kirei is different due to events in the 4th War.
And apparently Illya is the one wanting to be a Hero of Justice now.
Well, as you know, the reason Herkzerker was so berserk was because his prana requirements were painful to Illya, because she summoned him way ahead of time, so she kept his mad enhancement on in revenge.

Actually giving her a bunch of time to spend talking with a guy that fits a lot of definitions of modern heroism would probably be a pretty good influence on her.

Of course, him being here is pretty bad for us, but I suppose not everything can be entirely good.
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[x] Go scouting.
-[x] At Ryuudou Temple?
--[x] Send your human doll?

[X] You could still work on your Puppets.
-[X] Your puppets aren't especially strong, nor do you really have a way to make them stronger. Still, quantity has a quality all its own. Make more puppets.
--[x] Puppets that look like real animals would be preferred.
[x] Go scouting.
-[x] At Ryuudou Temple?
--[x] Send your human doll?

[X] You could still work on your Puppets.
-[X] Your puppets aren't especially strong, nor do you really have a way to make them stronger. Still, quantity has a quality all its own. Make more puppets.
--[x] Puppets that look like real animals would be preferred.
It's a tie.
Vote Tally : Fate/Stay Night: Prepare To Die Edition | Page 20 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] Plan Get Registered
[X] Maybe you should visit the Church tonight…
-[X] Take Lancer
[X] Go scouting.
-[X] Send your human doll out while you visit the Church.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] You could still work on your Puppets.
-[X] Your puppets aren't especially strong, nor do you really have a way to make them stronger. Still, quantity has a quality all its own. Make more puppets.
[X] Send more dolls out to scout the area.
No. of Votes: 2

[x] Go scouting.
-[x] At Ryuudou Temple?
--[x] Send your human doll?
[X] You could still work on your Puppets.
-[X] Your puppets aren't especially strong, nor do you really have a way to make them stronger. Still, quantity has a quality all its own. Make more puppets.
--[x] Puppets that look like real animals would be preferred.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] You could still work on your Puppets.
-[X] Your puppets aren't especially strong, nor do you really have a way to make them stronger. Still, quantity has a quality all its own. Make more puppets.
[X] Talk to Lancer.
-[X] If you're going to plan for the Grail War, it would be useful to know what his Noble Phantasms do.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Send more dolls out to scout the area.
--[X] even if you'll come back in the morning.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 8
Oh well, better break it then.

[X] adreamofcold

It's basically the same as my plan, only we scout a specific place instead of relying on the dice to determine where we send our dolls.
[X] Plan Get Registered
[X] Maybe you should visit the Church tonight…
-[X] Take Lancer
[X] Go scouting.
-[X] Send your human doll out while you visit the Church.

I'm so sorry to put you in a tie again, but I think this is the better of the two options.
[X] Plan Get Registered
[X] Maybe you should visit the Church tonight…
-[X] Take Lancer
[X] Go scouting.
-[X] Send your human doll out while you visit the Church.

I'm so sorry to put you in a tie again, but I think this is the better of the two options.
Why? If you want to visit the Church, wouldn't it be better to do that by day, when there's less chance of us being attacked, than at night?
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Simply put, in terms of just general logic - putting off going to the Church is one of the worst things you can do. QM's have stated that canon is different over and over, so learning it from a source directly is better than running around without any idea of what's happening. I feel that it's better to learn what we can from them sooner rather than later.
Not to mention we get to see how much further canon has been flung off the rails.
You may want to change your vote then to break the tie.
Simply put, in terms of just general logic - putting off going to the Church is one of the worst things you can do. QM's have stated that canon is different over and over, so learning it from a source directly is better than running around without any idea of what's happening. I feel that it's better to learn what we can from them sooner rather than later.
I don't think that whether we do it this night or next morning isn't going to make any difference.
Church on the Hill
Right then.

You push off of the wall and reach out across your connection to Lancer.

'We're going out tonight.'

Luckily, you were ready for the cool Japanese evening. You wrap the coat tightly around your shoulders as you walk through the dimly lit streets. Your senses are strained in an attempt to pick anything up, but nothing happens. Nothing at all.

As a matter of fact, the night is so quiet that you feel uneasy. The fact that the Church is on the other side of the city only makes it worse. Cold sweat breaks out as you find yourself checking every alley and corner for the sign of an enemy.

Nothing, every time.

You're distinctly aware of Lancer's gaze watching over you. Does he think you paranoid? Weak? He might not even be wrong.

Despite all your fears, nothing particularly interesting happens on the trip to the Church. A street light flickers as you're passing under it at one point. It's when you reach the hill that leads up to the Church that you feel safe enough to divert some of your attention to the Doll still at your Workshop. Your senses split as you make your way up the hill, coming into view of a building that seems oddly out of place amidst the landscape it sits in.

And this is as far as Lancer can follow you. There's no guarantee on how long you might be inside, and from the outside the Church's lights aren't on.

You leave your Servant behind, who stares after you briefly before turning to watch his surroundings.

The Church interior is dark, the doors opening with a creak, and it feels vaguely like the stories your mother told you once upon a time, of a child entering an evil place out of ignorance, to be caught by a witch or a warlock.

How silly. You'd never trapped any children.

You walk through the center of the Church, your footfalls surprisingly heavy as you move between the pews. The silence is heavy here, pregnant with a feeling you can't quite describe. It feels like you're intruding on something important, though.

"Can I help you?"

You turn around to find an older man staring at you. How did he get behind you? You never felt anything, or heard anything… Your senses should be better than a normal person's.

As you think this, he lights a candlestick in his spare hand with a brief movement. You feel the activation of magic circuits there, even if only briefly.

It is indeed a priest.

"Ah, hello..."

You trail off awkwardly as you attempt to gather your thoughts. Why had you come here? To register? There was no other real reason…

"I'm here to register. For the Grail War, that is," you explain. "You're the Mediator, aren't you?"

The man frowns for a moment, before his expression settles into a neutral expression.

"I am indeed. I must say, though, you're quite late. All the other competitors registered several days ago at the latest."

He looks over towards the door, as if staring into nothing, but it doesn't take a genius to realize he's probably using familiars to scan the surroundings. Eventually, though, he does turn back to you.

"Would you like some tea before we go over everything?" he asks mildly.

"Some tea would be welcome on a night like this… ah, if that's okay with you, of course."

Of course it's okay, that's why he asked you in the first place, didn't he? A faint flush creeps over your cheeks at your little mistake, and you find your mind wandering to your doll. You'd cut the direct connection to it before entering the Church, but that didn't mean you weren't still controlling it. Sort of.

Now your thoughts were getting off track entirely.

You come back to the real world to find the priest standing in front of you, a steaming cup of tea in his hands. Ah. You'd spaced out for quite a while there, you supposed.

You take the cup gratefully from him, mindful not to burn your fingers – not that they could be burned, since they weren't real fingers – and took a seat on one of the pew benches at his gesture.

He sat across the aisle from you, looking vaguely bored.

"Firstly, I would ask your name, and Servant. Rest assured that this information will not pass from this Church, unless you commit some grave crime and I am forced to issue an order to put you down like a rabid dog."

There's a pause as you process that.

"I give you my word on the Holy Bible."

Well, lying wasn't exactly in your nature…

"I am Alice Margatroid, and I summoned Servant Lancer."

You feel the warmth of the cup in your hands slowly seeping through to your fake fingers. Porcelain meets your lips as you take a cautionary sip.

… not as good as your own tea.

The man nods, though he doesn't write it down anywhere. Did he just commit to memory then? You wonder about that for a moment, not noticing that he has begun talking until he's already mid-sentence.

"-but the rules are fairly simple. Do not commit any act that directly endangers the citizens of Fuyuki, and do nothing that would attract attention from those who are not already aware of the Moonlit World. The maintenance of secrecy is paramount, of course, so if you do encounter anyone who has stumbled their way into the War, you are free to dispose of them as you see fit."

He pauses for a moment, letting you digest that.

"The last War was a disaster in this respect. At almost every step of the way, there was violation of the agreement to secrecy that we maintain here. It will not be tolerated this time. I want to make sure that this is understood. Any action that directly endangers the Masquerade will be punished most severely."

He relaxes a bit, reclining in his seat.

"Outside of that, you are free to prosecute the War as you wish. There is no rule stating that you cannot fight during the day, but I would request that if you absolutely must do so, that you keep collateral damage to a minimum. It is much more difficult to clean up these things during the day than at night, and I, at least, would be given some peace of mind that someone plans to be sensible this time around."

He rolls his eye, looking out towards one of the stained glass windows.

"You're the only person that actually came in person, actually. Everyone else simply sent familiars to hear the rules. How very rude, don't you think? As a reward, if you have any questions, I'll answer them for you here and now, despite the very late hour at which you've woken me."

You glance at the man skeptically. He doesn't look like he'd been sleeping at all.

As you think on whether or not you have any questions, your mind drifts over to your doll. It's currently looking down a deserted alleyway. How thrilling. You switch over to Lancer, who is… glaring at a stray cat who's fearlessly glaring back.

Well, as riveting as that was, it's not much time to think of any serious questions.

Choose as many as you like.
[] There aren't many details on the 4th​ War, what's this about secrecy not being maintained…?
[] How did he sneak up on you, anyway?
[] How does he clean up after everyone, exactly?
[] Was he the Mediator for the 4th​ War as well? He doesn't look that old!
[] Uhhh, what's this priest's name?
[] Actually, you have another question-!

You have made the acquaintance of Father... ... uhhh...
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Man, how rude, not giving his own name!

Secrecy not being maintained, eh? How curious~

I also wonder how many people have come before us~

Also, Lancer glaring at a kitty. Probably a familliar or aspect of a servant. Or it reminds him of Alvina

Also, note Kotomine (if thats his name) Isn't needling us and trying to get his Schadenfreude jimmies off. Probably the convos with Gil went down differently.
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[X] There aren't many details on the 4th War, what's this about secrecy not being maintained…?
[X] How does he clean up after everyone, exactly?
[X] Was he the Mediator for the 4th War as well? He doesn't look that old!
[X] Uhhh, what's this priest's name?