Fate/Stay Night: Prepare To Die Edition

I meant it more in voting terms. Do we get to vote what Alice will do or is she going to do whatever is IC for her?

I'm not really worried about a semi divine Dragonslayer.
You should be more worried about the semi-divine Dragonslayer. He's the one currently fighting and we have no idea exactly how strong our opponent(s) are.
I meant it more in voting terms. Do we get to vote what Alice will do or is she going to do whatever is IC for her?
Alice can't really do anything here, bar watch on or burn a Command Seal.

You can expect that if Ornstein is on the verge of death you'll get an opportunity to save him, but outside of that I tend to just let battles play out as far as they can go until I feel I need your input again. As fun as it is to control every little detail, it just bogs things down in both the mechanics and the writing.
Dammit, for sme reason I thought Dolls vote would have us actually using them in combat, albeit from the back lines.

I don't want to burn a command seal on forcing Lancer to retreat, down that path lies Kayneth Fried Circuits. At the same time, I agree that He won't want to fight alongside others. However, I do feel that Random Members might even end up pissing him off even more somehow.

Thoughts are not coherent at the moment, will expand later. What we deffo need to do though is try to get Lancer to cool his metaphorical tits.
[X] Let Ornstein fight for a bit. When it looks like he'll be hit by a big attack, use a Command Seal to order him to return.
-[X] Use your doll to get as much information as possible on the other Masters and Servants, even if it means sacrificing it. Losing it would be unfortunate but not a huge loss.
--[X] Pack up and prepare to move out of the house. It may have already been compromised. Search for a different place to stay.

I agree for the most part with Random Member's ideas, except making it look as though Ornstein was killed. I feel like that's both too risky as well as even more of an insult to him than just having him retreat would be. He's a pretty prideful dude.
[X] Let Ornstein fight for a bit. If it looks like he'll be hit by a big attack, use a Command Seal to order him to return.
-[X] Use your doll to get as much information as possible on the other Masters and Servants, even if it means sacrificing it. Losing it would be unfortunate but not a huge loss.
--[X] Pack up and prepare to move out of the house. It may have already been compromised. Search for a different place to stay.

I'd rather say if here. When implies He'll definitely lose, and we don't have faith in him. That may come over in the mental link. I'd like to have some faith in GoldBro. The only reason he's kind of miffed by us is we remind him of Gwyndolin, and I can't really fault that argument.
[X] Let Ornstein fight for a bit. If it looks like he'll be hit by a big attack, use a Command Seal to order him to return.
-[X] Use your doll to get as much information as possible on the other Masters and Servants, even if it means sacrificing it. Losing it would be unfortunate but not a huge loss.
--[X] Pack up and prepare to move out of the house. It may have already been compromised. Search for a different place to stay
[x] You don't really like it, but it really feels like Lancer won't be able to win against Caster, so the best way to deal with her is through her master. Have Lancer fight, but if you see her master pop up, direct Lancer to attack the master.
We don't know what their servants are do we? I'm assuming they aren't overkill characters, but the fact that we have E ranked luck may not play to our favor.