You have a question and I may give an Answer
"Magnus Sensei" you begin "how could this benefit either of us?" The Crimson King has wet your curiosity enough for you to probe further.

You get the feeling that the Crimson King if highly amused at your question <like many things in the galaxy it can be beneficial or detrimental in some instances that I have seen it can be both.>

Magnus would not be beating around the bush if it were immediately important, then again the Crimson King wouldn't beat around the bush if it had no real form of relevance. "What is the worst case scenario?"

You don't expect to hear or receive and answer other than being told to search for it. So it is a surprise with Magnus answers < If things go downhill, the best you can hope for is being killed that is if you prove unworthy.>

Well that is interesting to say the least, the best case is dying, given what little Magnus has shared with you of the Primordial Annihilator you are not certain you truly wish to know the alternatives.

<Worst comes to worst you are either trapped their due to the way this world around us works, or you are imprisoned there due to the occupant deciding upon it.>

Occupant, so there is only one person or creature involved besides Magnus and yourself. "Still what would be gained from such a venture? If the stakes are that high, unless this is a case of high risk high yield and I can manipulate the scales into our favour I am not seeing a reason to address this."

<Caution is a good trait, you need only appear arrogant to those around you, never forget that such an act is only there to throw off enemy and ally alike into underestimating your capabilities.> The Crimson King states <As for what there is to be gained, unfortunately while you could lean much from me as a warrior, I myself am more of a scholar and for lack of a better word, sorcerer than a warrior. That and I too crave the secrets of Old Earth that we could gain from entering under such a persons tutelage. >

So there is knowledge to be gained from it, enough that Magnus admits that he wishes to add that to his own immensely vast library. It must be truly valuable indeed for the Crimson King to covet it. However your mind is drawn to a fact that was revealed earlier "how do I prove 'worthy'?"

<I suppose your lack of relative information on what we are discussing would lead you to as such a question> Magnus states. <You need to be brave and full of potential> Magnus informs you <the latter you possess the former I am not so certain.>

That confuses you "how can I be brave then?" You ask the Crimson King since this seems to be a requirement.

< In all honesty Shirou, you know no fear> Magnus replies, but you feel that might be part of the problem. <To be brave you must know fear, to be afraid, as you became due to the fire, you cannot really comprehend true fear like how a human is supposed to. This is not to say that you don't have some of your survival instincts however the primal emotion of fear is too foreign for you to grasp, please try and understand that this absence is actually beneficial to you as channelling the warp a moment of weakness can spell your downfall.>

[] So are you saying that I need not worry about this and let it pass us by?

[] So there is no real chance off us gaining anything?

[] Then why was this brought up if there is no real chance?

[] write in
You can Feel the Crimson King smile with amusement, you are not certain but it almost makes your skin crawl.

<To be more than human is; at the same time to be less. We are warriors, but we must also be saviours. Our ultimate goal is self solemnisation, for when our task is successful and peace, not war reigns in the galaxy, our usefulness will be ended and with it us too.>

This strikes a cord in what remains of, or what can be called your soul. But the answer is clear for a change "so I am lesser and greater" you state.

<You know no fear> Magnus replies <that means that there are other things that you will also never know.>

"Will this lack of knowledge on my part hinder us?" You ask as any loss of knowledge stings and is unacceptable.

<No, not in any truly crucial way, it may make some things difficult but in all it is an assets more so than a detriment> Magnus states. <Your lack of fear is one of the reasons why you are not easily overwhelmed by the warp or twisted by its vastness to do so as you were before would have destroyed your mind with the enormity of the feat you would be trying to accomplish.>

"So there is nothing to be gained from attempting to make contact?" You query.

There is a pause before Magnus answer <No there is much to be gained even if you are refused for your troubles. Reaching the heart of her domain where she dwells is a feat unto itself and will provide you with invaluable experience. Experience that you will need in the future at some point. Though you can always wait but when you attempt to go later it may be already too late.>

You are not certain how to think of that, while the Crimson King has yet to mention any gains for himself, he has not mentioned any loss for himself. He is deliberately leaving you at an impasse as to whether you should attempt the trials as he puts it or leave it for later. Also what does he mean by too late? Does the Crimson King mean that you will be too far gone or that the knowledge you could obtain be incompatible with you?

[] I wish to make this attempt, there is much to be gained and you said it would prove invaluable.

[] I can wait for later when I am more trained.

[] write in
Crossroads (gift of Magnus)
Oh shit. Update incoming? 2019 might not be such a bad year. *fingers crossed*

"I" you begin "I can wait for later when I am more trained to sufficiently undertake such a task" you reply.

You are not certain the look the Crimson King has in his eye, he just stands there and looks so faceless <That is your decision to make Shirou, know this caution is not cowardice nor is it wrong to be cautious. leaping in feet first will more often than not land you in dangerous situations that you will struggle to get out of.> The Crimson King now pauses <but there should always be a limit to your caution as there is never any reward without risk, sometimes being cautious can also lead to defeat, keep that in mind.>

You get the feeling that Magnus would have complimented what you did right and then told you how to improve no matter which answer you gave, he is a good teacher like that, generous with his praise but also equally generous with his advice. "Thank you Magnus Sensei" you state with a polite bow of deference and thanks.

<Since you seek to better yourself I will once again provide you with some assistance on this path> Magnus states as the world around you vanishes.

You find yourself in front of a blazing furnace that has five brands that seems to be waiting to be plunged into the furnace.

<Athanaean, Corvidae Pavoni, Pyrae, Raptora> The Crimson King states each words resounds as if it has power shaking the ground beneathe your feat and making embers fly from the furnase as each respective brand glows as it's name is invoke. <The The Athanaean were practiced masters of the discipline of telepathy, and were able to transmit their thoughts and read the thoughts of others> Magnus informs you as the brand in the shape of the eye glowed.

<The Corvidae were skilled in the psychic discipline of precognition, determining the likely probabilities of future events.> This too glowed in turn this time it was the brand in the symbol of the Raven's head.

<The Pavoni had developed the psychic discipline known as physiokinesis. Physiokinesis allowed the Pavoni to manipulate body chemistry and physiology within themselves as well as others. Skilled practitioners of physiokinesis were able to alter their physical appearance by manipulating the physical characteristics of their facial features at will as well as making themselves immune to the harmful effects of dehydration and other physical ailments. They also were masters of using lightning from their own biochemistry> The Brand of the feather shone in response as Magnus spoke.

<The Pyrae were pyrokinetics, meaning that they had developed the ability to both generate and control fire, the power for which was drawn from the Warp. The Pyrae could both generate lethal bursts of fire from their bodies that they could shape into a number of different forms, including projectiles fired from their hands as well as fire shields that could hold back foes and melt away incoming weapons fire. The Pyrae could manipulate existing or standing sources of fire and with their connection to the Warp could lower the temperature of flames striking their own bodies or the bodies of others, effectively making them immune to the effects of fire or great heat. They aslo had the power to manipulate technology known as technopathy.> The symbol of what seemed to be a whole raven glowed to signify that it was the Pyrae.

<Last but not least is the Raptora they were gifted practitioners of the psychic discipline called telekinesis, and were known as telekines. In battle, a Raptora Cult member could psychically fling physical objects at their enemies or rip their enemies bodies' apart through the application of immense telekinetic power drawn from the Immaterium. When used defensively, telekines could generate barriers of invisible kinetic force known as "Kine-Shields" to block physical attacks on themselves or others.> The claw symbol of shone brightly too.

<Now Shirou> The crimson King booms <taking in one of these brands will greatly increase your growth rate in that area, you need not worry I have ensured that it will not stunt or hinder your growth in other area's The question is which one will you take?>

What has brought this one Why is the Crimson King doing this? Has he seen a future that is unavoidable, Is there some trail to come? Looking up to the Crimson King's all seeing eyes you get your answer, there is. But what is it?

[] Ask Magnus what trial lies ahead of you?

[] Choose one of the brands
-[] The Athanaean
-[] Corvidae
-[] Pavoni
-[] Pyrae
-[] Raptora

[] Ask the Crimson King what troubles him so?

[] write in
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Magnus's Gift, and a surprise meeting

Takinga deep breathe you weigh the benefits of each brand in your mind, All of them are useful otherwise this offer would not be simple. Opening your eyes you settle your sight on the feather brand "I will choose the Pavoni Magnus Sensei" you state with clam determination.

The Crimson King nods in acceptance of your decision before taking one of said brands and dipping it into the forge. Instead of embers flying up this time the forge crackles with violent surges of electricity.

<Knowledge has a price Shirou> Magnus states <wisdom never comes free, nor does power and knowledge is power.> The Crimson King now takes out the Brand that is shaped like a feather, instead of glowing a yellow and red it shines an eldritch blue as electricity crackles from it. Before your eyes the brand is turned into a sleek spear that looks to be made of caged lighting.

Roll(1d100): 89 Total:89

Magnus steps forward places it against your bare chest. You hiss and grit your teeth your bronze skin is burned by the lightning that surges through you. <Be strong> The Crimson King commands before he pushes the tip of the spear slowly into you chest. The pain the revelations are unbearable. You let loose a howl of pure agony as Magnus does not relent.

Roll(1d100): 93 Total:93

It is only by a momentous force of will that you prevent your body from thrashin as the Crimson Kin finishes pushing what was once the brand into your very being. It takes an even greater feat of will to remain standing this earns an approving chuckle from Magnus <Not even Dorne can criticise your resilience Shirou.>

You are not listening to him as finally the agony you are in drives you to your knees and you pant heavily as you you feel your mind comprehends the immense pain that you are in. Finally the pain gets too you and your mind cannot take it anymore as your are consumed by a black void.

Gained Trait: Brand of the Pavoni, All Biomancy Skills increase by ten ranks and may be re-rolled if unsuccessful when invoked

You open your eyes but you d not recognise where you are, In front of you are high cliffs, behind you you hear the ocean ad waves crashing violently against the shore.

That is when you feel it a presence great and immeasurable, you didn't notice it at first as you had never not been accustomed to the Power the MAgnus Exuded. You know no fear, that is how you are able turn and look at what is standing off in the distance to your side. Coming towards you is a figure wrapped in a plain brown cloak. The kind a traveller of old would wear. It looks worn and use yet despite the figure's unassuming appearance.

The figure as it approaches you looms over your foorm more so than an adult does, it despite it not being as tall it somehow dwarfs Magnus in presence. Through the hood you catch the glimpse of a face, or faces, it seems as if you are looking at every possible expression a human can make and yet none off them.

Eyes that burn like fire regard you cooly as you are rooted to the spot, finally the stranger speaks? "You are not Magnus." You are almost entranced he stands before you and looks so faceless yet you feel as if every thing that a human can amount to stands before you. As if you stand before the pinacle of humanity in all it's terrifying glory.

"Speak Daemonhost, yet not Daemonhost" the man if it can even be cnsidered a man commands "which evil was it that destroyed your name and soul."

You are unable to refuse the words though you know not where they come from escape your lips "All that is Evil in This World, A monument of humans Sins, Angra Mainyu"

"You are of Old Eatrh" the being before you states "yet you are also not of Old Earth, there is as poison that lurks within your faux soul, but you also posses an artefact of great power, yet I am not discerning it's name, speak up and reveal it to me."

"It is Avalon, the Sheathe of Excalibur, The Ever Distant Utopia that dwells within me" Again you know not how these words come from your mouth.

You could almost imagine a thoughtful expression coming across the man's face for a moment "The Ever Distant Utopia" he comments in an almost nostalgic tone. "A mystery of humanity crystallised, the dream of the Once and Future King, the Pendragon, The Boy King, Merlin's Brat, the product of a man coveting his rival's wife, I remember this." He speaks as if he was there or heard of it "I was not in Britain at that time, my work had me elsewhere" The man speaks before forcing you to look him dead in the eyes "tell me nameless child do you know who I am"

No you do not, but you do, somehow you have always known, or maybe you know because Magnus knows, who is he.

[] He is the Creator of the Primarch's

[] He is Magnus's Father

[] He is the Master of Mankind

[] He is the Emperor

[] He is the Revelation

[] He is known to the Warp as the Anathema
Radiance blinding
Sorry for the really late update, life kind of threw me to the wolves

You look at the being before you and ponder his question. Just who is he? What is he? Also comes to mind, but you believe that the answers to such questions may be similar they are also different. There are thousands if not tens of thousands of answer that fly through your head when you catch a glimpse of this man's features. But something comes to mind "You are Magnus's father" you reply.

"Am I?" the figure responds. "I suppose you could say that I am, the way a being such as yourself would see me means that I am and that I am not. Magnus would call me his father and mean it, others would not." You would call it strange but you are glimpsing every aspect of humanity at once and yet none of them when you catch a glimpse of his features hidden behind the darkness of his hood. For some reason when he speaks you feel hollow and empty, like a part of you is missing.

"You are in possession of the sheathe but not the sword" Magnus's father states "though it does contain the blueprint, for myself that is more than enough." You can only scrape the barest understanding of what he is saying, but it appears that Magnus father is holding out his hand before him for some reason. In his hands a sword takes shape, for some reason when you gaze upon it you feel the urge to avert your gaze in shame. The blade before you is beyond the comparison of words. to add words to describe the majesty of the scene before you would only dirty it. It is glory incarnate, the cultivation of of hopes and prayers. It is the strongest fantasy of humanity, the sword named Excalibur.

"Avert not your gaze from this reality" Magnus's father commands and your treacherous neck and eyes obey, forcing you to gaze upon the radiance of the blade once more. "Gaze upon this fantasy and understand your hollow nature. While the it is not the blade I was familiar with in a way it is far superior. Despite the folly of my son Magnus if I were to possess this, my dream for humanity would be more than salvageable. Something which it can't even be due to his folly."

Magnus's father turns to look at you, Even his direct gaze is also dwarfed by the light of Excalibur "But I cannot have it unless it is brought to me, or to be exact you are brought to me" he informs you. "As you are now you and by extension this blade are beyond my reach, even beyond the reach of those you seek to destroy all that I have created. Perhaps I may forgive Magnus his transgression, perhaps not."

Closing the distance between the two of you Magnus's father plunges Excalibur into your chest, no he is plunging into whatever it is you have in place of a soul. "Magnus may still be of use to me" his father states as the last of Excalibur vanishes into your being. "You will also be" he states not bothering to even check to see if you are listening, for some reason his words reach your through the agony you are suffering right now. "I have inscribed that blade into the fabric of your existence, like Magnus I have seen the trials ahead of you, think of it as a gift from a grandfather to his grandson if you will. Or maybe a father to his son, you are Magnus's creature if not a shard of his. You are permitted to tell MAgnus that I forgive his transgressions, though you need not."

The waves of the ocean long forgotten start to violently crash around you and swallow you hole, the last you see of Magnus's father is burning eyes of fire staring into the very fabric of your being before you are washed away with the tide.

Gained Trait: Excalibur Imbued ???????

<Shirou> Magnus's voice calls out to you <Shirou?>

You open your eyes or at least think you do and see your sensei's conflicted gaze <Shirou have you returned to the realm of the thinking?> Why is he asking you such a bizarre and random question? <You lost your abbility to exist as a sentient being after I branded you> he replies no doubt knowing what you were thinking. You saw his father, he did something to you.

[] Tell him everything from start to finishes

[] Tell him that you met his father and he did something to you

[] Tell him that his father said he forgives him

[] write in