no i mean did they have any specialized hand to hand combat style? i mean assassination temples got specific martial art styles, death cults use different martial arts. Different forms of incisions, lacerations, punctures, the type of the weapon used, the part of the body that has been struck all have special significance to dedicating the soul to the Emperor. Many of the ritual weapons used and lovingly maintained by the Cult are highly specialized.
Tanith was home to the legendary Nalsheen wood warriors, a brotherhood of Tanith who used the martial art cwlwhl (pronounced kil-wil); using blade-tipped staffs to fight off multiple foes. The Nalsheen were responsible for overthrowing the corrupt Huhlhuch Dynasty and ushering in the free modern era of Tanith. Most Chapter Serfs are still trained in the martial arts to levels at least equivalent to that of a standard Imperial Guardsman, and are expected to assist in the defence of Chapter assets such as fortresses and vessels if the need arises. John Grammaticus was an expert in both human and xenos martial arts. Rama Karayan, a member of the Raven Guard joined Malcador's Knights-Errant and learned Chogoris martial arts from Altan Nohai. Celestians are the most skilled fighters within an Order of the Sisters of Battle, and they are skilled practitioners of the martial arts of the Daughters of the Emperor of old.