[X] Ask him about all of it
And there is the winner, should have called it on Friday after I got back from work
"What" you begin "what is all of this?" you finally manage to ask.
Shirou for his part raises and eyebrow and looks amused, he even has the nerve to chuckle at you "quite amusing, instead of wanting an in depth explanation as to the nature one one thing, you would rather get a light summary of all of it." He now looks at your smirking and you now realise that perhaps you should have just asked about one of those objects "well since you did request it I guess I will give you what you asked for."
You note the way he said this and wonder why the last few words made you feel as if you were not getting what you wanted, wasn't Shirou giving you what you had asked for.
"This" Shirou gestures to the plants "is my work on cellular repair and reinforcement, I am able to perform such things on myself as of late however I am also practicing on other living beings, namely the flora you see here, I will move onto fauna in due time, but that is for a later date."
You notice that his explanation was short and precise, leaving you with what he was doing, just not how he was doing it. That's it you realise, this is what he meant by giving you what asked for and not what you wanted, is he really not a magus?
<Can you see someone like him ever becoming one?>
You admit that Shirou may or may not make a good magus since from what he has shown you he has the makings of one, but you note that he is not one, at least not yet.
"As you have already guessed I make use of Tarot Wafers in predicting the future" Shirou states leaving it with what you have already speculated however you note that there is a feeling that he does not require the cards to see the future, only that he may need the cards for his audience to understand what he is telling them.
Shirou now picks up the sword and you see that it crackles with electricity much to your surprises as the metal begins to noticable heat up. "This" Shirou says as he tosses the sword into the air and then catches it "this is one of my attempts to create a weapon that can harness the power of lightning. As you can see so far if I have a long way to go."
That is true however you note that his strange sword can be used as a stun weapon, though it most likely will have a sharp if not unbearably hot edge to it that would cause even Magi immense pain if they were to get clipped by it.
"and that" Shirou begins conclude my brief summary of my none Thaumaturgy related hobbies."
You can see why some of this may be more exciting than magecraft, given the ability to restore cells it could make one effectively immortal. Something would get him branded as a Sealing Designate for sure. Just then you touch your head as if something is rummaging inside there.
<Must be nothing, could only have imagined it>
That's right there is no way that someone or something could rummage around your thoughts as if it were a desk or a drawer, that's impossible.
"I can see why you said that you would give me what I asked for" you say dryly "you did just that but didn't give me what I wanted."
Shirou raised an eyebrow at this "and what exactly is it that you want?" he asks though you get the feeling that he already knows the answer.
"Answers" you reply "I want to know why there is not one, but two other Magi in this city, which I am the second owner of, by the way who are operating and setting up workshops without my permission?" you demand.
"I was an orphan of the fire, why ask me?" Shirou replies with a shrug, "Like I said Thaumaturgy is just a hobby for me, if you have any problems take it up with Kiritsugu san, Tohsaka san."
You freeze as you recall you exactly Shirou's legal guardian is "perjaps, I can overlook it for now" you stutter.
"Is there anything else, you wanted?" Shirou asks again.
You think on it for a moment before you reply "Answers, I want honest answers" you inform him.
"That will come at a price" Shirou informs you "are you willing to pay it?"
[]Nod, yes I am willing
[] Shake your head, no I will not pay for anything
[] Can I have some time to think about this?
[] What is the price I will have to pay?