[X] Nod, Yes you are teasing Taiga 7 votes
You stare at Shirou and then at Taiga, then back to Shirou and then at the tiger that is whining. It's not that you are moved to pity really nothing like that, you say to yourself, it is just that you don't want to see a high school student brought to the verge of tears by a boy your own age. A rather strange boy who's tanned reddish skin and rather bright red hair is only the surface of. Finally you nod to Shirou who has been patiently waiting for your reply while Taiga whined. "Yes" you say "you are teasing Tiger."
Suddenly you feel the temperature drop several decimals as Tagia stops whining and stands up. On her face she wears a sweet smile but she gives of an aura of rage that is almost manifesting before your very eyes. Shirou watches on a little intrigued and amused, though you note that he is staring at something above Taiga rather than at her or you, looking above Taiga and a quick glance in the direction Shirou is staring at show nothing? So what is he finding so amusing. "I think I just misheard twin tails chan?" she speaks in a sweet voice that contradict the aura of bloodlust she is releasing "I thought that you just called me a tiger" the fearsome creature stated.
"Tsun Taga nee " Shirou's reserved voice cuts through the atmosphere "Tohsaka san here referred to you as your name not that majestic creature that you are referring to."
For some strange reason you observe Taiga turns her head to regard him with a confused look "if you say so Shirou kun" she replies. "Tohsaka?" she ponders "I remember my grandfather saying something about them I just can't remember what it was about" this is lost to you as you are on a completely different thought track.
"That's hypnotism, it has to be" you internally scream internally, though you could not sense it being used on the tiger, that or Shirou is just convincing you are not sure.
<Stop overthinking things, he couldn't have used hypnotism since you know how to detect it>
Yes you agree you must just be imagining things. You pause mid thought, was that you speaking or were you hearing things? You are caught off gaurd as you realise that Shirou is waving his hand in front of your face, you flush in embarrassment as it seems you have spaced out.
"Glad to have you back with us Tohsaka san, Fuji nee has been trying to ask you if you would like to come along with us?" he asks, you note that it seems as if you will never get the chance to speak with him, but if you leave now you may miss an opportunity to at the end or during it. Shirou you note is hard to get ahold of when he isn't at the park not to mention hard to approach when he is doing his fortune telling. he boy seems scarce whenever you are searching for him and may sometimes pop up seemingly out of nowhere. SO perhaps going with them is the best option.
[] Yes, I don't have much better things to do
[] Yes, but it's because I have anything better to do
[] No, its not that I want to spend more time with you because your company is pleasant (get teased by Taiga and get taken along anyway)
[] No, I will talk to you later Shirou kun
Note that the first three options are yes, just that the reaction given to them will be different as well as the outcome. Note Magnus is having some amusement with her, that is why he is using Shirou's voice at points and talking to her, he is also may be putting thoughts inside her head but that is for later