How many Servants could Magnus summon at once and later on sustain at the same time with just using his Warp power?
Well if you read the character sheet for Magnus he can barely access his powers, if he were to regain his full might, perhaps he could support a small army of high class of them if not a big one. But that's up to use to get him there.
After all

And we could end up taking a completely different path
Intro Part 4
[]Continue to lie here motionless (Canon Choice can lead to Fate/Stay Night)
You could force Shirou's body to move but that would make it degrade easier, the human body can only tolerate so much and this one is near it's limit. If you had chosen to press on in any case, you would have been forced to use your powers to re-knit the wounds and the burns. While it may have not taken much out of you it may have also taken much more that you would have initially believed.
So instead you choose to lie in wait here, with a damaged body that it feels as if all the nerves are transmitting pain. Choosing once again to shut yourself off you delve back into Shirou's/your mindscape. the boy won't last much longer, he believes that he is already dead, strange that Catholicism exists here as well, though the Emperor was sure that he had stamped out all religion, well he stomped out the less harmful ones, Chaos found it's way into everything in the end.
Mustering what little compassion you have you try to consolidate the child as his soul begins to depart, Shirou for his part just emptily nods at you whenever you speak. His eyes blank and empty. Finally just as the boy fades leaving you as the only resident in this body there is a blinding light that shines through. Something is being injected into Shirou's/your body, the feeling of it makes your skin crawl as it heals the worn out muscles and body. Yet through it all as you retreat to the further reaches of the boy's mind to get away from the light, you can tell that it is not functioning as well as it could be.
Finally after the light dies down you return to where you were before to find Shirou there. On second glance you notice that it is not Shirou, his soul had departed. What was in here was something inconceivable if you yourself were not here seeing it, an artificial soul. It seemed that just as Shirou had expired the magic artifact injected into the boy had done its work. Since the body did not have a soul, you cannot count do to your existence as a daemon prince it create an artificial soul to take it's place, this is far from perfect and you notice some distinct changes.
While when you had last met him the child had a heart of glass which meant that Shirou would have been at that point apathetic to most things. While that is still the same there is something about the boy that seems off, not in a bad sense but you are the one who tries to find the secrets of the universe so this slightly vexes you
Deciding to open his eyes you peer through them to find a grown man smiling at him with a relieved smile, almost, no as if he had been the one saved and not Shirou/you. You also notice with your eye that this man is being eaten within by something within destroying his body slowly. It has the same taint as what you sensed caused this fire.
Seeing that smile you notice that Shirou wonders if he could smile like that if he saved someone. THe man hoist the boy's/your body onto his back as he carries you away. eventually he asks what your/Shirou's name is. It is then that the boy struggles as he makes an attempt to tell this man, supposedly his savior his name
[] You let Shirou Say his name, it is his body after all and that is all he remembers of who he was. Or to be exact that was all the original remembered so it is all the artificial soul has to work with
[] You wrest control from him and say your name instead (Proud, Daemon Prince)
[] Help Shirou say his name (gains the chance for Magnus to earn the trait kind)
[x] Help Shirou say his name (gains the chance for Magnus to earn the trait kind)
[X] Help Shirou say his name (gains the chance for Magnus to earn the trait kind)
Need to build a up a relationship whit your host
Good chapter.

[x] Help Shirou say his name (gains the chance for Magnus to earn the trait kind)

I just though of something funny.
In this universe, does W40K exist like in our world? It would be interesting to see how Magnus reacts to the fact that his entire universe is an entire game series, that and finding out some secrets from his universe he quite possibly didn't know.

The 4th War occurred in the 1990's and W40K was first published in 1987.
Good chapter.

[x] Help Shirou say his name (gains the chance for Magnus to earn the trait kind)

I just though of something funny.
In this universe, does W40K exist like in our world? It would be interesting to see how Magnus reacts to the fact that his entire universe is an entire game series, that and finding out some secrets from his universe he quite possibly didn't know.

The 4th War occurred in the 1990's and W40K was first published in 1987.
That would cause the Apocalyspe, an out of control Magnuss that is just asking for shit
[x] Help Shirou say his name (gains the chance for Magnus to earn the trait kind)

Actually Magnus is kind person before those daemon incident,he avoid made damage to conquered world if I remember correctly,
Intro Part 5
[x] Help Shirou say his name (gains the chance for Magnus to earn the trait kind) 8 votes

needed: 5 rolled: Roll(1d20):17 Astounding critical success
A small part of what made you who you were was moved to compassion by the Shirou's attempt to speak. First you regulate his breathing so that he is getting more air into his lungs and then you aid his body in the attempt to make sound, slowly you are able to get the word smoothly from Shirou. The Boy relaxes after this passing into unconsciousness leaving you awake, then again you do not dream or perhaps you are always dreaming. Still it is better for you to feign sleep at this point shutting down parts of the brain as sleep requires whil you keep your own conscience active.
Back here again in the boys mindscape you look at the desert like landscape with a few small tufts of grass here and there and see that perhaps this place could use a little makeover. However you also note that this may not just be a mindscape as the connection to Shirou goes even deeper than that. Still you would rather not have to sit in the barren wasteland of this boys mind or soul, so perhaps you should liven it up a bit, though perhaps in oing so you could impart something to Shirou as a form of recompense.

needed:70 rolled:Roll(1d100):61 bare failure, failed to gain trait kind 5% chance increase on next try.

[] Leave everything as it is (no effects for shirou and he remains as it is)
[] Change the Mindscape (minor 2 choices)
-[] Build a Spire of Prospero your legions homeworld +2 to Shirou's learning, +1 Stewardship, chance of Shirou gaining the trait curious
-[] Build an arena of Perturabo's design +3 to martial, chance of Shirou gaining the trait haughty,rowdy, diligent and proud
-[] Build a depreciation of all eighteen primarchs +1 to diplomacy, martial, stewardship, intrigue, learning, chance of Shirou gaining the trait idoliser, diligent and proud (this counts as two choices)
-[] Build a depreciation of the Emperor +2 to learning +2 martial, chance of Shirou gaining the trait idoliser, diligent and Proud

[] Change Mindscape (moderate 3 choices)
-[] Build a Spire of Prospero your legions homeworld +2 to Shirou's learning, +1 Stewardship, chance of Shirou gaining the trait curious
-[] Build an arena of Perturabo's design +3 to martial, chance of Shirou gaining the trait haughty rowdy, diligent and proud
-[] Build a depreciation of all eighteen primarchs +1 to diplomacy, martial, stewardship, intrigue, learning, chance of Shirou gaining the trait idoliser, proud and diligent (this counts as two choice)
-[] Build a depreciation of the Emperor +2 to learning +2 martial, chance of Shirou gaining the trait idoliser, diligent and Proud
-[] Build a life size replica of the Imperial Palace on Terra + 3 to diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, intrigue, learning, chance of Shirou gaining the trait idolizer, Proud, diligent and humble (takes up three choices)

[] Change Mindscape (moderate 5 choices)
-[] Build a Spire of Prospero your legions homeworld +2 to Shirou's learning, +1 Stewardship, chance of Shirou gaining the trait curious
-[] Build an arena of Perturabo's design +3 to martial, chance of Shirou gaining the trait haughty rowdy, diligent and proud
-[] Build a depreciation of all eighteen primarchs +1 to diplomacy, martial, stewardship, intrigue, learning, chance of Shirou gaining the trait idoliser, proud and diligent (this counts as two choice)
-[] Build a depreciation of the Emperor +2 to learning +2 martial, chance of Shirou gaining the trait idoliser, diligent and Proud
-[] Build a life size replica of the Imperial Palace on Terra + 3 to diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, intrigue, learning, chance of Shirou gaining the trait idolizer, Proud, diligent and humble (takes up three choices)

[]Restructure entire mindscape to suit your tastes (Proud, Daemon Prince, Book of Magnus) not reccomended
[X] Change Mindscape (moderate 5 choices)
-[X] Build a Spire of Prospero your legions homeworld +2 to Shirou's learning, +1 Stewardship, chance of Shirou gaining the trait curious
-[X] Build an arena of Perturabo's design +3 to martial, chance of Shirou gaining the trait haughty rowdy, diligent and proud
-[X] Build a life size replica of the Imperial Palace on Terra + 3 to diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, intrigue, learning, chance of Shirou gaining the trait idolizer, Proud, diligent and humble (takes up three choices)
[X] Change Mindscape (moderate 5 choices)
-[x] Build a Spire of Prospero your legions homeworld +2 to Shirou's learning, +1 Stewardship, chance of Shirou gaining the trait curious
-[x] Build a depreciation of the Emperor +2 to learning +2 martial, chance of Shirou gaining the trait idoliser, diligent and Proud
-[x] Build a life size replica of the Imperial Palace on Terra + 3 to diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, intrigue, learning, chance of Shirou gaining the trait idolizer, Proud, diligent and humble (takes up three choices)
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[X] Change the Mindscape (minor 2 choices)
-[X] Build a Spire of Prospero your legions homeworld +2 to Shirou's learning, +1 Stewardship, chance of Shirou gaining the trait curious
Maybe we will have whole holy terra's defence, armaments, army, navy as reality marble? Who needs Alex's marble when we got whole planet as defence.

No I doubt that.

HE is referring to Alexander the Great who was summoned as Iskander King of Conquerors in Fate/Zero, he had Reality Marble that could call all of his soldier to fight for him, also each of these soldiers were Servants and Heroic Spirits
HE is referring to Alexander the Great who was summoned as Iskander King of Conquerors in Fate/Zero, he had Reality Marble that could call all of his soldier to fight for him, also each of these soldiers were Servants and Heroic Spirits
Oh right, I see what he means.

I always thought he was called Iskander or something like that in Fate.
Maybe we will have whole holy terra's defence, armaments, army, navy as reality marble? Who needs Alex's marble when we got whole planet as defence.
perhaps, also everyone please note that the intro is to decide the starting parameters for Shirou. so I would advise choosing to add something into the Reality Marble.
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