Taming the Tiger Part 04
[X] Answer truthfully, yes but I just skimmed over it, I found the Art of War more interesting

Roll(1d6)+10(Mangus the Red): 1+10+Roll(1d20)+10(Mangus the Red): 5+10 Total:26 bare success
"Yes Taiga nee I did" you reply "Though I mainly just skimmed over that to learn the important parts" you informed her. "I was more interested in Sun Tzu's Art of War" you explain, It is then that you notice the Tiger is now staring at you incredulously. "Is something wrong Fuji nee?" you ask her.
"Shirou are you telling me that you are a bookworm?" Taiga asks cautiously for some reason.
"Bookworm?" you reply a little confused, you are quite sure that you are not a worm nor do you feed on books. "Taiga nee Knowledge may be power, but that not equivalate sustenance, food and water are needed for that" you explain.
"Equivalate, sustenance" the Tiger repeats "Shirou kun were did you learn those big words."
You pause now as it seems that she is rather disturbed by the level of your intellect and this may "From Kiritsugu san" you offer her. That is not a lie as you have heard him use it before. "It makes me sound older and smarter" you offer deciding to switch to more childish and simple words.
Roll(1d6)+10(Mangus the Red): 2+10+Roll(1d20)+10: 9+10 Total(Mangus the Red):31 Artificial Success
The tiger narrow her eyes and then finally relents "Shirou kun" she pouts "you shouldn't be in such a hurry to grow up" Taiga informs you, how about tomorrow I take you out since it's a saturday and show how much fun there is besides practice and study.

[] No thank you, I must continue if I am to ever make up for the seven years I lost to the fire (appeal to her sympathy, 75% chance of her countering)
[] No thank you, I desire to excell in all the fields I can, I can worry about my life once I achieve this (tell her the truth so far, 90% chance of Taiga countering)
[] Yes I will try, it can't hurt to relax for one day. (additional opinion gained with Taiga, chance to meet and make contacts with her friends)
[]Okay Tiger nee, but how about a fortune first, with any luck the prediction can lead you to manipulate events to avoid going with her tomorrow.
[X] Yes I will try, it can't hurt to relax for one day. (additional opinion gained with Taiga, chance to meet and make contacts with her friends)
[X] Yes I will try, it can't hurt to relax for one day. (additional opinion gained with Taiga, chance to meet and make contacts with her friends)
[X] Yes I will try, it can't hurt to relax for one day. (additional opinion gained with Taiga, chance to meet and make contacts with her friends)

Because she's not wrong, we do need to enjoy our childhood.
[X] Yes I will try, it can't hurt to relax for one day. (additional opinion gained with Taiga, chance to meet and make contacts with her friends)
[X] Yes I will try, it can't hurt to relax for one day. (additional opinion gained with Taiga, chance to meet and make contacts with her friends)
[X] Yes I will try, it can't hurt to relax for one day. (additional opinion gained with Taiga, chance to meet and make contacts with her friends)
[X] Yes I will try, it can't hurt to relax for one day. (additional opinion gained with Taiga, chance to meet and make contacts with her friends)
[X] Yes I will try, it can't hurt to relax for one day. (additional opinion gained with Taiga, chance to meet and make contacts with her friends)
Just to be different
[X] No thank you, I desire to excell in all the fields I can, I can worry about my life once I achieve this (tell her the truth so far, 90% chance of Taiga countering)
[X] Yes I will try, it can't hurt to relax for one day. (additional opinion gained with Taiga, chance to meet and make contacts with her friends)

I like this quest. As of now, I'm curious to see if being more fucked up in the head can actually make thigs better for Shirou.
[X] Yes I will try, it can't hurt to relax for one day. (additional opinion gained with Taiga, chance to meet and make contacts with her friends)
[X] Yes I will try, it can't hurt to relax for one day. (additional opinion gained with Taiga, chance to meet and make contacts with her friends)
[X] Yes I will try, it can't hurt to relax for one day. (additional opinion gained with Taiga, chance to meet and make contacts with her friends)

Taiga's friends would be interesting.

...didn't she assign some of her Yakuza underlings Very Nice People to escort her students home after dark sometime in the future?
[X] Yes I will try, it can't hurt to relax for one day. (additional opinion gained with Taiga, chance to meet and make contacts with her friends)
Taming the Tiger Part 05
[X] Yes I will try, it can't hurt to relax for one day. (additional opinion gained with Taiga, chance to meet and make contacts with her friends)

You pause to think about Taiga's suggestion for a moment, there are merits to doing as she says, though there are also flaws to it as it will cut into your time. Finally after what seems to be an age for the Tiger at any rate you look up at her and nod.
Almost instantly you are wrapped into a hug "now that's a good boy Shirou" Taiga says her mood skyrocketed due to your acceptance, I'll show you all my favourite places around Fuyuki and introduce you to some of my friends."
You don't really have an opinion of this but nod slowly not sure if it is a beneficial thing or not "if that is alright with them" you finally say.
"Oh don't worry about that" the tiger informs you, I have been looking forward to showing them my little brother" she explained.
"surrogate brother" you correct though you have no idea where she reached that conclusion, the two of you have barely interacted due to your own desires being in furthering your skills.
"Well" Taiga began "do you want to do anything else, I can start to teach you what I know of Kendo she offered."
[] Yes, you have heard thatt Taiga is quite skilled in it and it will help broaden your skill set. (+20 opinion with Taiga, +5 opinion with Raiga unlocks option, trait wit withTiger for monthly options)
[] No thank you, You would rather continue to practice archery
[] No thank you, you would like to sit down and read wit her (Taiga is very confused)
[X] Yes, you have heard thatt Taiga is quite skilled in it and it will help broaden your skill set. (+20 opinion with Taiga, +5 opinion with Raiga unlocks option, trait wit withTiger for monthly options)
Aww yeah ,we might even get a chance to get our hands on the Tora Shinai
<insert evil laughter>
[X] Yes, you have heard thatt Taiga is quite skilled in it and it will help broaden your skill set. (+20 opinion with Taiga, +5 opinion with Raiga unlocks option, trait wit withTiger for monthly options)

Potential psyker Taiga?
[X] Yes, you have heard thatt Taiga is quite skilled in it and it will help broaden your skill set. (+20 opinion with Taiga, +5 opinion with Raiga unlocks option, trait wit withTiger for monthly options)
[X] Yes, you have heard thatt Taiga is quite skilled in it and it will help broaden your skill set. (+20 opinion with Taiga, +5 opinion with Raiga unlocks option, trait wit withTiger for monthly options)
[X] Yes, you have heard thatt Taiga is quite skilled in it and it will help broaden your skill set. (+20 opinion with Taiga, +5 opinion with Raiga unlocks option, trait wit withTiger for monthly options)
[X] Yes, you have heard thatt Taiga is quite skilled in it and it will help broaden your skill set. (+20 opinion with Taiga, +5 opinion with Raiga unlocks option, trait wit withTiger for monthly options)