Fate/Promised Dream

Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Barter for Avalon.
-[X] Offer a command seal, shelter, and a promise not to attack him when he is on Einzbern ground.
-[X] Offer an alliance if that doesn't work, but not before.
-[X] Ask Shirou why he didn't know about the war already.
--[X] Use the gaps in each group's knowledge to convince Ilya and Shirou of the benefits of an alliance.
--[X] See if all the different things you want from the Grail can be combined into a shared wish to make it less important which of you wins in the end.
--[X] Offer an alliance
---[X] I seek to win the Grail with honor, but the last War has taught me that there are more madmen and monsters out there than true heroes. I would settle this in the end between the true heroes with honor than be forced to watch the city drown and burn.
No. of votes: 3
Ψυχή, chocolote12, Bondo

[X] Barter for Avalon.
-[X] Offer a command seal, and safe shelter
-[X] Remind him that his house isn't safe. Shirou wasn't aware of the War until now, he has no preparation. Should an enemy Servant come here and unleash a large scale attack, he and his neighbors might be affected
-[X] An alliance is possible
No. of votes: 4
Takoe, Ando Owen, Azecreth, Excalibur

[X] Barter for Avalon.
-[X] Ask Shirou why he didn't know about the war already.
-[X] Use the gaps in each group's knowledge to convince Ilya and Shirou of the benefits of an alliance.
-[X] See if all the different things you want from the Grail can be combined into a shared wish to make it less important which of you wins in the end.
-[X] Offer an alliance
--[X] I seek to win the Grail with honor, but the last War has taught me that there are more madmen and monsters out there than true heroes. I would settle this in the end between the true heroes with honor than be forced to watch the city drown and burn.
No. of votes: 7
veekie, saiman, silentspirals, wingstrike96, Wing00Raiser, Omegahugger, makopaulo

[x] Barter for Avalon.
-[x] Offer a command seal, and safe shelter
-[x] Offer an alliance if that doesn't work, but not before.
No. of votes: 1

[x] Barter for Avalon.
-[x] Offer a command seal, shelter, and a promise not to attack him when he is on Einzbern ground.
-[x] Offer an alliance if that doesn't work, but not before.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Remind him, firmly, that he is holding another person at ransom using an item that was stolen in the first place.
[X] If that has no effect suggest that you and Rider could work together to defeat the other Servants so in the end the two of you can face off in honourable combat.
[X] I seek to win the Grail with honor, but the last War has taught me that there are more madmen and monsters out there than true heroes. I would settle this in the end between the true heroes with honor than be forced to watch the city drown and burn.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Suggest that you and Rider could work together to defeat the other Servants so in the end the two of you can face off in honourable combat.
[X] I seek to win the Grail with honor, but the last War has taught me that there are more madmen and monsters out there than true heroes. I would settle this in the end between the true heroes with honor than be forced to watch the city drown and burn.
No. of votes: 1
I have to apologise. There's no way this will get out tonight, I'm too tired. At best I'll get it to the guy who looks over my posts half done.
Sorry... this is why I normally write without telling people the votes closed, but this time tomorrow the vote count could be different.
*grumbles about stupid alerts not working*

Come to think of it, Illy could sense his presence which like... Nobody could before.


This is actually a massive butterfly. IIRC the reason why no one could sense Shirou was because his actual circuits were inactive and he instead just used the fake-circuit he created as needed out of his nerves.

Since Illya can detect him that means his actual circuits have almost certainly been unlocked. So we might be looking at a Shirou with up to seven years worth of serious magical practice and a large Prana supply thanks to his circuits being less atrophied.
*grumbles about stupid alerts not working*


This is actually a massive butterfly. IIRC the reason why no one could sense Shirou was because his actual circuits were inactive and he instead just used the fake-circuit he created as needed out of his nerves.

Since Illya can detect him that means his actual circuits have almost certainly been unlocked. So we might be looking at a Shirou with up to seven years worth of serious magical practice and a large Prana supply thanks to his circuits being less atrophied.

[X] Barter for Avalon.
-[X] Offer a command seal, shelter, and a promise not to attack him when he is on Einzbern ground.
-[X] Offer an alliance if that doesn't work, but not before.
-[X] Ask Shirou why he didn't know about the war already.
–[X] Use the gaps in each group's knowledge to convince Ilya and Shirou of the benefits of an alliance.
–[X] See if all the different things you want from the Grail can be combined into a shared wish to make it less important which of you wins in the end.
–[X] Offer an alliance
—[X] "I seek to win the Grail with honor, but the last War has taught me that there are more madmen and monsters out there than true heroes. I would settle this in the end between the true heroes with honor than be forced to watch the city drown and burn.
I feel like offering Illya's house is a bit much so early in negotiation, especially as she may not like it and could easily be read as leading them into a trap.
I feel like offering Illya's house is a bit much so early in negotiation, especially as she may not like it and could easily be read as leading them into a trap.
I'm sure the Einzberns have other resources that could get them a home to live in that isn't a complete wreck.