Luvia's Prequel Adventure - 9
[x] Don't say anything. Let things go naturally.

It was a very silent and awkward next half an hour. Archer was sitting next to her master looking at the map and forming some sort of plan I guess. The maid was cleaning up after herself, demolishing the fallout shelter and putting away the expensive looking medical equipment. Kirei was staring at all of us with those blank eyes of his, which is legitimately freaking the Hades out of everyone. Rin and Luvia are looking at each other, trying to form opinions of the other.

After a long time, it was the the fake priest who broke the silence first. "While it was very interesting to observe all of you." He stood straight up. "We unfortunately don't have all the time in the world and thus we must resume to business."

Quickly both the magi heads regain their composure and payed her attention to him. "Of course, off to business then." Luvia cleared her throat. "Now then, your name is Assassin right?"

"Last I check... it was."

"Now then, you know what a leyline is right?"

I gave a smile. "My other possible class is Caster. That should be enough of an answer for you."

"Hmmm... intresting. That's good, means that we won't have to waste time explaining technical details." She clapped her hands twice. "Margaret! We require refreshments! Also be sure to call Auguste and tell him he is late. I have been waiting 4 hours just for a simple grocery run."

She bowed, dusting off some cement mix from her uniform. "At once milady, I'll be sure to contact Auguste." She went off.

"Now then. To begin things I'll talk about how I entered the war and my rather unusual circumstances since it pertains to why I'm here." She took a deep breath and resumed. "It... wasn't really my original intention to enter the war in the first place... you see it all started at one of my personal estates in London, Britain..."

3 weeks earlier

I remember getting out of bed. I was wearing one of my custom designed lingerie which I don't mean to brag but I have to say that they really show off my well developed curves. Anyways back to the story, my hand felt itchy but I was still a bit sleepy and so paid no heed to it. Sooner or later however I found that there were strange marks on my right hand. At first I thought it was a prank by either one of my cousins, my few siblings or possibly one of the hand servants. So I tried to scrub it off but much to my surprise they wouldn't come off. I decided to hide it with a glove and would have hid it for the entire remainder of the war if it weren't for a certain priestess with a rather scandalous outfit found out and revealed it to everyone much to my frustrations and her amusement.

Soon afterwards I found out that I was selected by the Grail to participate in the 5th Holy Grail War and wouldn't you know it the entire Edelfelt house was in uproar. Some wanted me out of the war, others accused me for planning to participate in the war from the very beginning while quite a few thought it was time that we Edelfelt go and regain the honor we lost in the Third Holy Grail War. The arguments grew so much that I was very much sick of it all and in a rather hasty fit I stormed out of the house in the midst of the night. Of course that was yet another stupid mistake on my behalf.

As I took a stroll in one of the business sectors I met her. That damn albino found me and upon seeing my command seals (I forgot my signature gloves that day) decided to kill a possible candidate i.e. me and sicced her giant of a Berserker on me. Of course using my bountiful combat prowess I managed to survive a blow before being thrown into an antique pawn shop. Now this is the point of the story where you may or may not believe me but that pawn shop I crashed into was actually a summoning spot for a servant from around the Second Holy Grail War and as such still had a functional summoning circle in the basement, yes it surprised me very much as well.

Now I can safely assume that you already know the name of my servant due to her very bombastic personality now can I? Good. Because let me make it clear that no matter what it was never a compatibility summon (I would rather die than find out that a servant most compatible with me is Japanese). Now since I made it clear that it was a catalyst summon the question now is what's the catalyst? Well you see the catalyst was a musket of Japanese origins dated all the way to the age of the Sengoku Jidai. The store owners knew that much but what what they didn't know was that it was the personal musket of one Oda Nobunaga which was lost to time and was picked up by a small time con artist who didn't knew what he got his hands on and as such this gun went from one country to another before finding its way into London.

Now at first I was confused, then happy, then enraged at the fact that I summoned a Japanese servant (this was before I found out about the catalyst thing). Now this is the part where I was quite ashamed of myself because as I was too busy arguing with my own servant that little albino went and setted up multiple magical traps around my person and I would have been a smoldering pile of gunk on the wall if it weren't for my own servant grabbing me and protecting us with her Magic Resistances (she claims it's for pragmatic reasons, she still needs an anchor to this world after all). Getting us out of there, I instructed my servant to bring us to the closest wooden area possible which just so happens to be the Epping Forest, because if we fought in the city then we'd have the entire Clock Tower on our hind.

Now there we were making our stand in the middle of a forest. I remember all sorts of familiars around the forest. Many of them are curious magi wondering about the ruckus happening nearby while others seek to see a glimpse of the Holy Grail War which for many is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Of course since I had an audience I thought it would rude of me not to give a good show and so I simply gave my Archer a single command, "We got an audience Archer. If you're as strong as you say you are then give them a good show will you?" I still remember that cocky smile from that time and while I can't reveal the exact specifics of the fight since I wish to hide the abilities of my servant to any possible eavesdropper but I will at least tell you in the terms of you commoners...



"We kicked some ass," she had a proud aura around her. "At least I think that's what you commoners would say?"

Rin was staring at her with a disbelieving look on her face. "You mean to tell me that this weak excuse for a servant went and fought a Berserker to a stand still?!" Her eyes were twitching.

The Archer looked playfully offended while Luvia was suppressing a noblewoman's laugh. "Ever heard of the phrase 'Never judge a book by its cover?'" She was stifling a giggle. "And who said it was a draw?"

There was a silence. "You mean to tell me..." Rin was reevaluating Archer. "That you beat a Berserker?"

"Hmmm? Are you impressed now?" Archer said as she was back in her full servant outfit, arms crossed and with a matching proud aura to boot. "Are you ready to recognize me as the one true ruler of Japan-"

"No." It was precise and blunt.

She was metaphorically knocked back with a metaphorical fist straight into a metaphorical wall. I can see her metaphorical face slowly bleeding with metaphorical blood, man that's a lot of metaphors.

"Okay, resuming with the story. We were both in bad shape and sowere limping back to my mansion carrying each other as we shared a laugh leaving behind us a albino crying in the middle of the forest who got what she deserved, stupid brat. I know she's an Einzbern but I couldn't even care even if I tried. Upon coming home I caused yet another uproar and the usual happened, magi politics, accusations, a few attempts on my life and the Mage Association breathing down my neck for making a few dozen big smoldering craters in Epping Forest and other such collateral damages all which I at least tried to limit as much as possible, nothing I can handle." She said as if it's just another day in the life of a magus, or more accurately her's.

"Hmmm? That must've one hectic week for you huh?" I asked.

"It was more exciting than usual that's for sure." She took a sip of whatever high grade tea they had.

Rin was thinking to herself as she processed the information. "So the Einzbern are knocked out of the competition? I dunno it seems like it's too early..."

Luvia took on a more serious expression. "I know, they're not one to throw the towel that early. I had used some of my connections to spy on that little albino and what I found was that she went and Summoned a Saber somewhere in London about a few days after her defeat."

Rin's eye twitched. "You mean to tell me..." She looks pissed. "That's the reason why I couldn't get a Saber?!" She whipped her head towards the fake priest. "Kirei! Why didn't you tell me this?!"

The fake priest gave a shrug. "It had slipped my mind."

"So..." She was looking at her shaking hands. "I was doomed from the start huh."

I rolled my eyes as I slapped my hand onto the back of her head. "Oh grow up will you."

"Hey! You can't treat me like a child!" Rin looked at me angrily.

I raised an eyebrow. "You do realized that I'm significantly older than you right?"

She was glaring at me. "The point still stands!"

"Ahem?" Everyone looked at Luvia. "Now that I got your attention again, I would like to finally get to the heart of I what I wanted to talk about." She leans
forward. "Now I asked if you guys knew about ley lines and I asked because this pertains to what has been happening to several ley lines of the world."

"Huh? What has been happening?" Rin asked.

"You see, someone's been messing with the ley lines and it was been messing with the magic of other magi."

"Tell me more."

Luvia nods. "The Clock Tower sensed some sort of disturbance happening right here in Fuyuki and it's causing a ripple affect on other ley lines across the world. Mind you it only effects those drawing power from the ley lines but even then it's still causing problems around the world. A village somewhere in the frozen land of Russia had disappeared and in its place a mount of otherworldly crystals. On a remote Filipino island a society of giant carnivorous plants rule unchallenged, all of which are the results of some mad experiments gone wrong. In Los Angeles, there's a poor magus' ashes that are still on fire to this very day. All connecting this are that fact that all locations are located on top of or near ley lines. The Clock Tower, if I'm to be honest, is freaking out. They've never had a problem on this scale before and so have sent me here not only as a investigater but to also as a way for me to make up for all that servant combat at London which I say is a good deal."

Rin was in deep thought. "I think I get what you mean. When I was summoning my servant a certain incident happened."

"Oh?" Luvia was listening close.

"When I summoned Assassin, instead of appearing in the circle she appeared on the floor above me, causing an explosion and the dustruction of a good chunk of my furniture up stairs. All of which she had finished cleaning and fixing."

"Oh? When I did mine she appeared right on top of my head." She gave a small glare to Archer.

"What? I couldn't control it okay!"

She gave a sigh. "Well that wasn't the only thing that happened."

"What else happened?"

"You see," She looked at her servant. "There's a reason why my Archer seems so weak."

"That reason is?" I asked.

"One of my skills is corrupted." Archer interjected.

The fake priest raised an eyebrow as both I and Rin leaned forward.

"It's the skill that raises my power to servant levels and without it I'm but a mere human in spirit form. I can still use it but I would need to force it and thus increase my prana consumption which tires my master to no end unless I stop using it. After the first battle I was carrying her more then she was carrying me as her body was barely functioning with its lack of prana especially since I had just used my Noble Phantasm. She was bed ridden for two days."

Rin was silent for a while. Finally she spoke. "I wonder... if it effected other servants." Then she looked at me. "Assassin, is there anything you're not telling me?"

"Eh? Me? Hiding anything. Heheh..." Good job me, digging yourself deeper.

"Assassin, when I summoned you, you freaked out and didn't even knew you were in the war until I told you about it." Everyone was now looking at me. "As your master I need to know if anything is wrong... especially if it hampers our performance in this war."


"And don't you dare use 'But you know my powers!' as an excuse, this problem might not even stop at effecting servant's powers, what if, it effected something more fundamental, something that's more essence then matter and I should worry since I summoned you right next to the ley line that's been causing all these problems." The air is tense. I'm sweating hard.

[] "I... I may not exactly be Medea and I might be from another part of the Kaleidoscope..."

[] "My memory is... kinda scrambled and incomplete..."

[] "I don't know okay!"

[] "..."

[] Write in
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Hugs yall - 10
OOC: Sorry this is a bit short. The last update burnt me with its long length.

[X] "My memory is... kinda scrambled and incomplete..."

For a while I was silent, clear discomfort on my face. Finally I spoke. "I... My memory...."

Rin only stared at me with an unreadable expression. Luvia and her maid are looking at me with a scrutinizing look along with Archer. The fake priest simply looks at me with those eyes of his, those blank piercing eyes of his. "My memory is... kinda scrambled and incomplete," I had to force myself to say it.

Rin soften her face a bit. "How much?"

"I... tried not to think about it too much." I'm sweating, I feel nausea, like something's pushing back something in my head. Hazy memories that are trying to break free but can't, like my brain's trying to protect me or something. "Rin uh..." I grabbed her hand and stood up. "Outside with me, please," my face was pleading. I nodded to the others in the room.
I feel an uncountable amount of swords, spears and axes pierce my entire being. I died unceremoniously.
She nods. "Please excuse us."
A red spear thrusts out of my chest. A surprised look on my face.
"Oh no, please take your time," Luvia said, acting strangely permissive of it.
A skull faced man takes my heart and curses it.
Leaving behind the room, I took Rin just outside of the building where I summoned the strongest boundary field I knew around us. "How much do you remember?" Rin asked me, but it wasn't with a harsh tone. It was more concerned asking than a harsh demand.
My neck, she's choking my neck with chains!
"I know bits and pieces of my legend, enough to know who I am but..." I looked down with a distraught face. "It's all over the place and just to kick me while I'm still down I had to relearn my own magic just so you wouldn't think I'm useless. It's like, I'm pretending to be her instead of being her."
I hold a man to my chest, crying.
She looked concerned. "Why didn't you tell me this?"
I caressed my master's face as I fade away. I felt regretful that I couldn't spend more time with him.
I looked at her with a face that's clearly was holding something back. "Didn't I tell you, I wasn't trying to think too much of it," my head hurts so much. "Even when I did I simply brushed it off the best I can."
The mud. It's drowning me, corrupting me, changing me. I'm scared.
She looked angry now. "You dummy," she was holding my cheeks now. "What were you thinking trying to bear it all?" Oh, that's why she's angry. "If you had told me from very beginning I would have helped."
A young man was stabbing me to death. Tears of anger. Tears for his lost friends.
"I didn't think you would, considering how badly you reacted to finding out that I was an Assassin." She grimaced at that statement, mostly because it was very true.
I had a talk with a young fine girl. We became fast friends.
"I know I said that but..." She considered her words carefully. "I know might be the last person you'd expect to help you but..." Oh my Zeus she's hugging me now. "A cold heartless bitch is something I'm not."

"Somehow I don't too surprised," I said as I returned the hug. My head started hurting less, gotta check that out later or something. I felt a warm feeling inside as well as that strange feeling that I'm forgetting something especially since I felt like I've stopped expending Prana or something. Oh well, it didn't matter at the moment.

"Am I really that transparent?" She said playfully.

"Only to those who pay closer attention." I said slyly, getting back some of my playfulness. "I noticed your classmates can't seem to see pass that School Idol mask that you wear so tightly on your face except maybe that one guy but whatever."

"You mean Issei? Don't mind him he's like that. Anyways when we get back home we'll figure out how to get your memories back properly."

"That sounds nice..."

"Hey, Assassin? Why did you go quiet?"

"Because I accidentally collapsed the boundary field."

Looking back towards the house, Luvia, her servant (grail one) and her other servant (the actual one) were staring at us as we stood there still hugging other. For a while silence ruled with an iron metaphorical fist. Finally it was Luvia who broke the silence. "Miss Tohsaka? Isn't that unbecoming of your station?" It wasn't a hostile question, it was more curious than anything.

"It's not gay if you really need a hug." I said plainly. Much to Rin's surprise (she was blushing).

Luvia shrugged. "I guess some emotional support needed for the affliction you're suffering from. I won't pry." She was looking towards the city as we both got out of the hug. "My maid sensed a battle happening in the city via one of our surveillance crystals. Care to join us? The priest has decided to return to the church but what about you two?"

[] "We'll be in the back lines. Assassin remember? Plus I still haven't quite emotionally recovered yet."

[] "We'll be there with you on the front line."

[] "If you don't mind, we'll be heading back to our home. Try not to die will you?"

[] Write in
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The first battle - 11
OOC: If anyone asks. I got the chants from Google Translate. Also I kinda copied some of the things in the servant sheets (namely rider) from Type Moon WIki because I was kinda lazy. Please don't kill me. :V

[x] "We'll be in the back lines. Assassin remember? Plus I still haven't quite emotionally recovered yet."
I simply said to the Edelfelt head. Rin nodded in agreement.

"Smart choice," she simply responded before saying. "The battle started somewhere near the Matou's home and has been steadily been moving towards the school you go to Miss Tohsaka."

"Matou? Guess they want to snuff out the weaker ones first." Rin said coldly. She seems to to be a bit disgusted at herself.

"Yes, I have heard of the steady decline of the Matou. Such a shame really," she looks disappointed. "It may be interesting for you to know that the servants fighting are Saber and Rider."



"Then we'll split up from here," Rin said curtly. "Try not to die."

"HA!" Archer puffed out her chest. "Dying?! I don't even know the meaning of the word!"

Rin raised an eyebrow. "What about that time in Honnouji?

"Uh... I... Uh..." That seems to stop her in her tracks.

"Oh just come you little..." Luvia seems to mutter something under her breath as she grabbed Archer's ear and dragged her out of the forest as both master and servant get into a heated argument. The maid simply sighs as she carries with her two large suitcases.

"Huh, so that's their relationship." I noted.

"What else do you think? She's still an Edelfelt and Archer is still a Japanese servant. Of course they'd still have some problems with each other." She looks in the direction of her school. "Assassin, you'll will have to carry me so we can get to the school faster. Got any teleportation spells?"

"Uh... wait a moment.. uh..." I take my tome out of thin air and began skimming over the pages until I found the spell I was looking for. "Okay, hold on tight." I wrap my arm around Rin, bringing her close to my chest as I read the words out loud. "Στο ίδιο το διάστημα. ταξιδεύω!"

A spherical void consumed both of us as I felt my sense warped into impossible angles. Reality seems to bend and fold and both I and my master felt ourselves hurtled at lightspeed before we both dropped on top of the school rooftop. "Oh..." Rin held her stomach a bit. "I feel like I'm going to hurl my breakfast, lunch and... wait forgot my dinner damn it!"

"Hey! I can't have my master start puking hers guts out!" I held a palm to her stomach as I chanted another spell. "Παύουν να ανησυχούν το σώμα."

She looked far better now. "Thanks, I needed that..."

"I knew memorizing that spell was a good idea." I gave a smirk before looking towards something else. "They're coming, better set up a boundary field and summon some familiars I guess. Prepare for the worst master. No plan survives contact with the enemy..."


Like stars they came, crashing into the back part of the school which borders the forest. A red and violet blur of frenzied violence that the naked human eye can never hope to follow. For a brief moment both figures stopped, they observe each other, waiting for the other to make their move. One is a fearsome knight encased in heavy gray steel with red all over. Complete with two horns sticking out of the knight's helmet and along with its animalistic aura and stance anyone would easily mistake the knight for a berserker. However that is not the case as the knight still held sanity to it. An odd young looking girl hung to the knight's back. Cleary filled with pride in her Saber. "Oh? Is that all you got Rider? This is quite disappointing really."

There was a huff from the knight before it planted its large blade into the ground. A muffled voice came out "This is pointless. What's the point of running away to this place Rider? So you would have more room to fight in? Are you simply that desperate or... do you even know what you're doing?"

Primary Class: Saber
True Name: ???
Gender: ???
Alignment: ???
Armament: None

Strength: A++
Endurance: A
Agility: A
Prana: B
Luck: C

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: A
The servant is impervious to magic of modern magi. Cancels out A rank or High Thaumaturgy magic or any spells with three verses.

Riding : A
All vehicles and creatures minus that of Phantasmal or Divine Beast can be used as mounts.

Personal Skills:





Noble Phantasms:

Rank: ???
Type: ???
Description: ???

The other servant remained silent. Something that looks human but isn't. She's a violet haired beauty with black and purple revealing clothing with a strange blindfold. She's on all fours or more accurately three. In one hand she brandishes a dagger with its hilt connecting to a long chain. How long? Fuck if I know. Strangely... I already know this one... Why is that?

Primary Class: Rider
True Name: Medusa
Gender: Female
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Armament: Dagger and Chains

Strength: B
Endurance: D
Agility: A
Prana: B
Luck: E

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: B
As a Fallen Greek Goddess, Medusa has an inherently high magic resistance. Spells that require three verse or less are nullified. Moreover, Medusa herself is skilled in sorcery, so she has countless ways to counter enemy spells. In other words, Medusa is excellent at fighting magi. Backing all that up is her Agility. Compared to Lancer who boasts the same level of "speed" she is inferior in sudden bursts, but has more endurance. Even with powerful spells, it is extremely hard to hit Medusa who will keep moving at high speed.

Riding: A+
Medusa has an phenomenally high riding skill. Not only can she ride ride all beast and vehicles of this era but also phantasmal or divine beast. Dragons are still out of her reach though. The steed that makes best use of Medusa's Riding ability is the legendary winged horse Pegasus. Mastering a winged horse of the Phantasmal Species is a difficult accomplishment even for Rider-class Servants. When riding the heavenly mount that was born of her own blood, both rider and steed move as one.

Personal Skills:

Mystic Eye: A+
Eyes that originally function to collect visual information are instead as a method to impart magical effects upon a subject. Medusa possesses the Mystic Eyes of Petrification "Cybele", which are Mystic Eyes of the highest order. As in her legend, subjects caught in her vision will be petrified if their Magic Resistance is C or lower. No magic, even that of Medea of Colchis, can replicate this.

Independent Action: C
The ability to materialize independently. If the Master is lost (or if the contract is nullified), Medusa can continue to materialize for one day. Since Medusa can also obtain prana by drinking blood, she can prey on humans as the situation demands and extend this duration.

Monstrous Strength: B
Medusa has this skill due to her property as a monster despite being a Heroic Spirit. If used, she can temporarily magnify her Strength. This is a necessary skill to Medusa, who does not fight with Noble Phantasms in close combat. It has many uses with her chained daggers, such as forcibly dragging an impaled opponent around. The more she uses this the more she becomes the monster Gorgon. She'll revert back after cessation of using this but if pushed too far then she'll cease to be a heroic spirit and instead become the monster of old legends.

Divinity: E-
In Greek mythology, Medusa was once a beautiful goddess, so she originally has very high Divinity. However, because she later became a monster, she is an unusual being possessing the "monstrous" attribute that is antithetical to normal Heroic Spirits. Thanks to this, Medusa manifests as both a goddess with Riding, and a monster possessing Mystic Eyes, Monstrous Strength and so forth. Nonetheless, her aptitude as a goddess Divine Spirit is mostly degraded.
However, her Divinity has not been completely eliminated, and it appears that she still has it.

Noble Phantasms:
Breaker Gorgon

Pray that these folds do not come off
Rank: C-
Type: Anti-Army
One of Medusa's anti-personnel Noble Phantasms, Breaker Gorgon is the counterpart Bounded Field thaumaturgy to Blood Fort Andromeda. While the target's consciousness is sealed within Medusa's mind, the target can be prevented from activating any abilities. Also, Medusa primarily uses somewhat weak Noble Phantasm not on others, but on herself to seal her Mystic Eyes of Petrification that are normally always active. Though mainly used to seal Mystic Eyes, its original use is obviously to exert a degree of mind control on the opponent.

Charge of the majestic beast
Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Army (Range 2~50 meters)
Medusa's most powerful attack. It is not a Noble Phantasm to be used in a one-on-one fight, but rather an "anti-army Noble Phantasm" that can cut down enemies in a wide area. An uncommon type of Noble Phantasm consisting of a paired bridle and whip, it can rapidly augment the abilities of Phantasmal Species. In battle, the strengthened Phantasmal Beast and Medusa fight as one.

Blood Fort Andromeda
Cave of the Gorgon
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Army (Range 10~80 meters)
One of Medusa's Noble Phantasms, Blood Fort Andromeda is the counterpart Bounded Field thaumaturgy to Breaker Gorgon. It takes the form of magic circles placed as predetermined points. Immediately following the placing of these circles, people within the affected area will only have their life force sapped slightly, but once the field is activated, they will be quickly dissolved. However, it is difficult to affect people with knowledge of thaumaturgy. Thus, it is not a Noble Phantasm to be used for combat, but rather a Bounded Field created by Medusa to efficiently gather blood to drink for prana.

"Heh? What are you? Mute too?" The knight said as it looked at its opponent with disdain.

"Come on Saber. Just finish her off, she's not being fun anymore." The young girl said with a pout.

"Eh, I was getting bored too. Come Rider. Meet your end by my-"

"NOT SO FAST!" Suddenly the doors blow off, one of them coming straight at Saber before it was sliced in half. Standing at the door was Oda Nobunaga herself. I forgot to mentioned that they managed to get here after us. "IT IS I THE-"

"YOU!" The little girl pointed an accusing finger at Archer. "You're that moron who killed my precious Heracles!"

"Hey you didn't let me-"

"SHUT UP! Once I kill you I'll go and turn that stupid Drill Face into my plaything!" She seems to have a grudge against that girl. (Somewhere in the far off distance I can hear the sounds of someone being offended.)

"To take revenge is all fine and dandy girl," Archer said with a surprisingly calm voice. "But to focus too much on it would hamper your performance."

"Oh shut up you. SABER!"

"With pleasure." Spinning the sword, she held it in a one handed reversed grip and threw it at Archer. Only for Archer's entire being to fizzle like static as the sword simply passed through it. The sword went and found its mark on a harmless wall. On the floor, a special complex gem that can create illusions, or at least something similar to it according to Rin.

"An Illusion? Damn it, where are you Archer-" The knight's answer came in the form of a barrage of bullets coming from the forest. While some bullets bounced off, most either embedded themselves in the armor or pierced through it. They came at multiple angles, my guess was that she was somehow boasting herself as she ran back and forth through the forest. The forest served as a great camouflage for her, Saber can't do anything but block the attacks as he slowly inches backwards to her embedded sword. I'm not sure how he's still standing but that trail of blood is telling me that he most likely can't last forever. In the confusion, it seems like Rider went and slipped out of the fight.

"I can't believe we fell for that!" The little girl had a face of pure rage. "Hand off my Saber!" With flick of a hand, she summoned strange wires which she used to defend her servant. Well, tried more like. The bullets severed them so easily that it was laughable. "No! We can't fall now! Not when I just got back in the war!"

"I... COMPLETELY AGREE!" In a burst of immense power, the knight jumped backwards into the air leaving a crater where it once stood. Twisting its body midair it crashed into the school head first to protect its master. It was safe to assume that the knight found itself on the third floor. For a while, there was silence, then explosions were heard. I guess we forgot to mention that the building was rigged with crystal based explosives. "DAMN YOU ARCHER!"

Primary Class: Archer
True Name: Oda Nobunaga
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Armament: Muskets

Strength: E - C
Endurance: E - C
Agility: E - C
Prana: E-
Luck: A+

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: B
At this rank, spells that require less than three verse are nullified. Have fun even trying to scratch her with great magic and ritual spells.

Independent Action: B
At this rank, even if the master is killed Archer can stay this world for up to two days without one. Furthermore she has more freedom than the other classes, requires less mana and can be away from her master for longer distances.

Personal Skills:
Tenka Fubu - Innovation: A
Innovation, a special skill granted to heroes who brought about a revolution in an era. The wording "Tenka Fubu" is added to Archer's version of this. A conceptual revolution of subjecting the old with the new. The way it works by
increasing the damage that Archer can do to a target depending on how old their legend is and how much mystery is behind the target, the more conceptual damage it causes. Say if Archer was to punch to someone. If that person came from the modern world or barely had any mystery to them then it would feel like the person was hit by a normal human at Strength rank E but if she punched someone like the King of Heroes or Medea in the face, both of whom are from the age of gods and hold substantial mystery to them then it'll feel like she punched them with the force of Heracles himself. This skill extends to any weapons including those not original her own. This skill is the ultimate game of compatibility. Against heroes of old she's a monster. Fighting the likes of say, Okita Souji or Billy the Kid and she's barely even a decent servant.

D̢͎͇̗̱͉̭ͯ̎͠e̴̷̮̞͍̺̦̤̪̔̐̀m̷̙̮̒̂ǫ̊̿̒ͦ̄́҉͍͍̳̝͙͙͖ṇ̷̠ͪͭͧ̎ͩ̒̅͝ ̨̼̜̰̤̣̊̆͒͂ͦͧ̅͘K̠͓͙̜ͯͭ̏͋̏͐ͪ̚͢i̴̲͔̭͔̲̲̞͓̋̂ͬn͕̻̮ͪ́̐ͥ̾́͞͞g̤̘̲̈̆ͅ:̶̸̜͎̣̠͗͂ͣͥͭ̽ͪ ̘̹̠̘͚̹̒ͬ̂̏ͅÁ̷̙͕͍͊̒͐͟
A monster whose perception in life later twisted what she had actually been in the past. Abilities and appearance have been distorted. In Archer's case, she can choose to activate or deactivate it at her own choosing because it's something that she in life had called herself. She's able to receive its benefits without any demerits. In other words, she can go from being a loli to being racked. It's a skill similar to but dissimilar to Innocent Monster. For some reason this skill is corrupted, not only reducing its benefit but also adds strain to the master of the servant as this skill must be forced out if to be used. Now it can only boost the physical parameters of the servant to C instead of A.



Noble Phantasms:

Rank: ???
Type: ???
Description: ???

"Hey Rin."

"Yes Assassin?"

"Think we should get off the building? It is rigged with crystal based explosives right?"

"I don't she would set it in such a way that it would make the entire building fall on itself. Besides a perfectly intact school suddenly turning into a smoldering pile would be a bit of a headache for Kirei to explain."

"Eh, just say it was a gas leak and/or gas explosion. I bet modern people are so passive that they'll believe anything."

Rin gave a sigh. "There is some truth to that yes. Although it's at least it's good for hiding our moonlit world."

"Of course it does." More explosion were heard alongside a whole bunch of extremely colourful profanities. "I bet they're barely doing anything to the servant."

"The Saber class does possess one of the best magic resistance in the war," another explosion can be heard as well as the sounds of gunfire. "But what about the master?"

"That knights must have their hands full," another explosion. They were kinda getting dull at this point.

"By the way Assassin. Where do you think Rider went?"

"Back to the Matou home I guess. She must've been trying to get them away from that place."

"Yes, that sounds like the most logical conclusion," more explosion.

"Rin, do you think it's strange if we're talking so casually while fighting like this is happening around us or rather below us?"

"No, not really." She had a blush. "It's the same phenomenon that happens to soldiers in war. They get so used to it that it's practically a normal part of their lives."

"Yeah but this is our first one and already we're talking so casually."

She cocked a head. "Maybe it's because we're here as observers rather than combatants?"

I tapped my chin. "It makes sense I guess." It was then that I sensed something strange. "Huh? What's this?"


I had summoned one of my Dragon Tooth Warriors before the battle started to act as my eyes in the building. It moves around the building stealthily and carefully as not only to not be seen by the knight but to also avoid setting off any of the traps laid by Archer and Luvia. A few times it caught glimpses of the knight and the demon, they were both moving down the hallways at considerable speeds it had to practically run in order to even get the entire conversation. The knight was faster but Archer gave him no room for breathing as she kept relentlessly shooting. The tight hallway plus the damage to the knight should've been enough to end him here but the knight barely seemed like it was hampered at all, even the greatly damaged armor still kept together even though it's got holes all over. This annoyed Archer greatly. "Tell me Saber? How are you still moving? Those wounds should have shredded your muscles."

"Oh I dunno. Maybe because you're weak?" It was a mix of pure resentment and playfulness as the knight moved around at impossible speeds.

Archer pulled out muskets from thin air, duel wielding them as she tried to get a shot on the knight. The first time the knight was hit it was caught off guard. Now that it wised up it started to show just how good of a servant it is. For one thing it was trying to get it its sword which was on the first floor. The both of them are on the third floor. Archer who while she cannot hit her target can at least manipulate the knight's movements. She kept him away from stairwells, windows, etc, but she can't do it forever. Especially since she's adding so much stress on her master. "Enough games Saber, time to finish this!" It was then that Archer charged towards the Knight with a burst of speed, the knight however had simply stopped in place.

"Saber? What are you-" She didn't get to finish as Archer drew a katana from her scabbard before lifting it overhead preparing to slice Saber in half. Only for said katana to be caught just as it was slashed at the knight's head as said knight clasped the blade with both hands. "Oh, so that's what you were doing."

"A Saber, you are not." With great strength, the knight crushed the blade with his hands before sending a kick to her stomach, sending her flying through the air until she crashed through a wall and into a classroom. Archer held her stomach as the knight came closer to her, that kind of menacing slow walk that gives mortal man the shivers. Of course that was all ruined when the knight stepped on yet another crystal bomb though it didn't do much to harm the knight other than annoy it even further.

"Damn it, how many bombs did you lay?"

"All of them," Archer gave a cocky smile.

"That isn't an answer." I can almost hear the sounds of teeth grinding as Saber slowly angrily marched towards the downed Archer. Only for a certain redheaded idiot to show up and ruin everything.

"Hey! What's going on here..." He slowly looked at the scene in front of him. A menacing looking knight with bullet holes that riddle its entire body along with a strange little girl with pure white hair holding on to its back. The other a downed girl with a crazy cosplay outfit and an expression that was more amused than annoyed. "Uh..."

"There you are big brother!" The little girl said with a sweet smile. "I've been looking all over for you!"

In moments like these, only one response can only truly elegantly project the feelings he has right now. "What."


"Well... this is some interesting development..." I looked at Rin and... yeah... she's totally and completely freaking out right now. Her body is shaking and sweat seems to fall like a waterfall on her face which had lost all its colour. Eyes dilated as she slowly looks towards me.

Grabbing me by the shoulders she immediately said with words full of fury and conviction. "SAVE HIM. NOW."

"Well. Shit." I blame you Shirou.

[] Dematerialize and get to Shirou

[] Fire your strongest beam at Saber
-[] Warn Archer ahead of time

[] RULE BREAKER (Fuck if I know)

[] Teleport

[] Write in
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I'm surprised myself - 12
[X] Now's your chance! It's time for the Pretty Sailor Soldier Servant Assassin to make her appearance! Love will prevail!
-[X] And while your illusion is busy doing that right in front of Emiya, sneak up behind everybody and RUUH BREAKAH Illya.

"I have the stupidest idea ever," with a flick of my wrist I was already looking through my tome looking for a decent illusion spell.

"How stupid?" The girl asked, sweat dropping as she didn't liked that statement.

"It involves, me trying to stab a kid in a back and making one of those wierd magical girls I been hearing about as a illusion." I stated as I found the spell I needed. "I suggest you don't look through the Dragon Tooth Warrior."

"Assassin if anything goes wrong then I'm blame everything on you."

"Sure sure." I said as I dematerialized and passed through the floor and straight to the third floor. Activating my Presence Concealment I sneaked up behind the group and watched from a corner.

The moron was still standing there, a deer caught in the headlight if you will. Archer was still on the ground, coughing out some blood from that kick Saber gave, C rank Endurance is shit against A++ Strength. "Wait wait wait what is this about me being a big brother?!"

"Oh? I thought you knew?" The girl was genuinely curious. "Oh? Seems like you haven't summoned a servant..." Now she seems genuinely confused. Meanwhile the knight... oh shit he's looking in my direction.

"Come out Assassin, I know you're there..." Fuck me and my D rank Presence Concealment. Well time to improvise.

"DAMN IT!" I shouted as I came out of the corner and released my Presence Concealment. "I had such a great plan too!"

"Oh? What plan?" The little girl said as she watched me carefully. "You weren't thinking of slitting my neck were you?"

"Even if she did," the knight was giving me a scrutinizing look, somehow I knew that despite the helmet. "Her Presence Concealment is quite weak... are you even an Assassin?"

"While I was never a professional killer in life," I was twirling one of my twin tail. "I still got a variety of tools to help me with my tasks."

"What kind of tools?" The little girl said.

"Well, I was going to distract you all with this illusion of mine." With a snap of my fingers I created a magical illusion seemingly out of thin air pulling the closest thing to a magical girl in my mind. That one time Rin got her hand accidentally on Ruby. Zeus knows how I remembered that. It was quite easy. Take the cat themed magical girl and do a lazy ass palette swap. Change the hair to blond, change the skin to light brown, change the dominant colour of the costume to blue instead of red and voila a shitting copy of magical girl ready for my use.

"HELLO! IT'S ME! PRETTY SAILOR SOLDIER SERVANT ASSASSIN!" She did a wink as a colourful explosion happened behind her with stage lights coming out of nowhere to illuminate her. Everyone immediately stopped what they were to look at the sight in front of them. Illya was trying to process what was in front in front her, wonder if she's having a blue screen of death right now. Archer was looking at me with me an approving smile and a thumbs up as she slowly crawls away from the scene. Shirou simply stood there as cocks his head in confusion. The knight... yeah he's standing there for some reason. Man that helmet is good at hiding his-



"Heheheh..." The knight's shoulders started shaking as he began to laugh. "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha-!" He began to laugh uncontrollably as the little girl fell off his shoulders and he fell to the ground holding his stomach. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-!"

The little girl seems to have snapped out of it as she stared at Saber in disbelief. "SABER! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!" The Einzbern girl was now trying to shake the knight with her pitiful strength. "GET UP!"

"I... I CAN'T!" The knight said in the midst of its laughing fit. "IT SO STUPID THAT I CAN'T HELP BUT LAUGH! HAHAHAHA-!"

"NO! GET UP! RESIST!" The strange girl increased her efforts to free her servant from the laughing fits.

"..." I stared. My original Plan was to distract them with the crazy magical girl illusion before turning her into a makeshift flash bang, disorienting them as I quickly steal Saber and command him to commit suicide but... this worked too I guess.

Dispelling my Illusion, I took out my Rule Breaker and made a break for it. With a burst of power I leaped across the hallway to the little girl in barely a second. Only to then get kicked in the face by a still laughing servant as he flails around. Why can't things just go my way?

On the positive side, I somehow managed to get a lock of the strange girl's hair tangled on my Rule Breaker's blade. On the negative side, the strange girl's now glaring at me. "Once I get my Saber to laughing so hard I'm going to rip your arm and legs off and I burn you in a fire!" Man I need to remember her name, my memory is even more unreliable than I thought if I already know other servants and have memories of people I never met but this girl I can barely get a finger on.

"Oh the Tartarus with it, PLAN C IT IS!" With a flick of my wrist I casted a flash bang spell at the Einzbern pair. Quickly pocketing the hair, I got on my feet and made a leap at Shirou much to his surprise. Lifting him over my shoulders despite his protests. I ran down hallways at speeds of illegal street racers as I literally jumped over stairs before finally getting to door that leads to the rooftop.

Kicking it down I was met with a confused Rin as I ran straight at her."Assassin! What happened down there-"

"NO TIME TO EXPLAIN!" I said as I grabbed her by the waist and casted my spell. I didn't even need to chant it out loud like I did earlier, I was in such a hurry that I didn't noticed that I just used my High Speed Divine Words to instantly cast the spell. Man I need to use that more often. A black void consumes us all as the usual time and space warping and stuff happened before dropping us off at Luvia's place. "Okay not exactly Tohsaka mansion but good enough." I shrugged as I dropped both people down as I fell down myself. "Man. Running around and warping space time itself is really tiring."

"Assassin." I looked up, I saw the face of Rin Tohsaka as she tapped her feet waiting for an explanation on what happened down there. Man she got up fast. Shirou on the other hand seems to have been knocked out by the teleport spell.


[] "The fine details or..."

[] Plainly state what happened

[] "It's best if you don't know, don't want your sanity to unravel or anything."

[] Write in
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End of the day, also when things start to really branch out - 13
OOC: Procrastination you ass.

[X] Plainly state what happened
-[X]Use illusion magic to show what happened as well

"You see," I waved my hands and created a chibi recreation of what happened. "I had planned to steal Saber with my Rule Breaker and to do that I had to distract the group with something as I used my Presence Concealment to hide myself." The Chibi version of myself placed itself inside a cardboard box and snuck its way to a corner. "But as you know my Presence Concealment sucks." The chibi knight had a big red exclamation mark over his head as he pointed at the cardboard box. "So I had to improvise and modify my plan." Chibi me bursts out of the box and begins shouting at the the four people.

"So what happens then?" Rin asked.

"Eh," I gave a shrug. "I made magical girl illusion of myself." My chibi self summoned a chibi girl magical version of myself, lights and explosions included. Rin's faced paled as some sort of old traumatic memory begin to resurface in her mind but I simply waved it off. "Anyways, the results was Archer using this event to crawl away to safety, your friend I guess was just standing there like an idiot while that knight simply went and laughed." The chibi knight fell over laughing while the chibi girl went and tried to stop her. "It surprised me as well master. Now using this opportunity I tried to use my noble phantasm on the girl but..." My chibi avatar was kicked mid air by a laughing knight. Leaving a comical bump on the head. "At least I got some of that girls hair." I took out some of the hair I manage to snip off out of my pocket. "I bet we can use these for something." I pocketed them back as I continued with my report. "Anyways seeing as I don't want to deal with a extremely powerful Saber I casted a flash bang spell, took the kid with me and ran all the way to rooftop (thank Zeus for disengage) and promptly grabbed you, teleported the three of us and here we are." I dispelled my illusions and simply gave Rin a blank face.

For a while she she stood there not really sure what to do, then she simply held out a hand and said. "Pillow."

Grabbing one of the pillows that seem to be literally made of golden threads, I threw it at Rin where she caught it mid air before smashing her face into it and screamed for about 10 minutes straight. Finally letting go of the pillow, she seemed to have finally calmed down. "I needed that. Thanks."

"No prob." I gave a thumbs up.

"So... you're all magi?" We froze. Slowly turning we were faced with a cross legged redhead with a curious look.

"Wait, you know magic Emiya?!" Rin was caught off guard. I on the other hand having already known this through strange means give a curious look.

He gave a shrug. "A little."

"Huh... Guess we got a lot of explaining to do..."

"So you're embroiled in a seven way death match being held here in Fuyuki..."

"That's about right."

"You're an ancient hero of times gone by..."


"Your family was one of the three people to have created this ritual."

"The other two being being the Matou clan and the Einzbern clan."

"The reason why you look like Tohsaka is because it's a magic disguise using Tohsaka as its base?"


"And you Emiya, you're actually a spellcaster this whole time and somehow you manage to slip under my nose for ten entire years without either you or me knowing?"

"Uh huh."

"And not only that but you also barely know how the world of magi works?"

"Dad only told me the bare basics. Secrecy and the length to which magi would do for their research but other than that..." He shrugged.

Rin held a hand to her head, clearly feeling a head ache coming in. "This day... too many things happening at once...."

"You're not the only one..." Shirou rubbing his head before he looked around the living room. "So Tohsaka... whose house are we in?"

"Mansion." I corrected. "The mansion is owned by one Luviagelitta Edelfelt. One of the seven masters here in the Holy Grail War, an investigator sent by the Mage Association and at the moment we're currently in an unofficial alliance with her."

"She's not a bad person right?" He seems worried.

"She's got a bit of a grudge against my family due to certain events in the Third Holy Grail War." Rin gave a shrug. "But other then that she seems to be a mostly reasonable person." Rin answered. "Why'd you ask?"

"Tohsaka," Shirou started giving a serious look. "There's been strange murders and disappearances happening all over Fuyuki. If this war..."

"I see you noticed too." Rin said plainly. "Don't worry about it Emiya, as the Second Owner of Fuyuki it's my job to to supervise this land."

"That's good to know at least." He gave a small smile.

"Huh, first time hearing this." I said offhandedly. "I guess it slipped your mind?"

"I guess I did." She was rubbing her forehead. "Tell you what, I'll explain the murder situation after I get a good night's sleep. I'm feeling really stressed right and I need to unwind... Emiya, you're okay with getting back home right?"

"Sure just tell me which neighborhood we're in."

"Oh wait," Rin slapped herself. "We're in a forest... okay technically that isn't really a problem since we're about 30 meters from my place so yeah... you do know where my mansion is right Emiya?"

"Yeah, I passed by it a few times, so... which directions do I need to go to?"

"Eh, I'll just show you on the way out. Besides we're currently waiting for-" The sounds of a door opening and feet shuffling enter the air. "Oh, here's Luvia now and... oh crud..."

Luvia does not look good. Her skin looks pale while there's bags under their eyes. Her hair while still in that fancy drill style now has strands sticking out and her sweat glands are being pushed to the limit as she's sweating a waterfall. Overall her entire body is having a hard time standing. It's almost like she has a prana guzzling Berserker instead of an extremely efficient Archer. Of course that wasn't the case. She was being held up by her maid and Servant. "Set me down here Margaret, get to the gem vault and fetch me my emergency prana gems please?" The maid nodded and headed somewhere in the building before laying her mistress against a wall. Shirou being himself went over to Luvia and asked if she was fine, she gave a small confused blush before saying she was fine. Damn, better be careful around that guy.

I turned back to Rin. "So Rin, how're you feeling about your first day in the war?"

"So far, not what I've been expecting." She turned her attention to Archer as she approached us. "So Archer, how was your fight with Saber?"

"I prefer fighting Berserker to him. At least with Berserker his insanity makes him easier to predict, it's far more challenging to fight ones with brains though it wouldn't be fun if all my fights were easy." She gave a shrug. "As you can see, my master got a good chunk of her prana drained out of her. Had to go sneak back into the school to scrounge up whatever non-denonated gem we can grab to stabilize her body. Though they weren't meant for emergency prana exchange. The rest of the gems we had to detonate to remove all magical evidence."

"Yeah it's kinda scary seeing from it over here." Rin looked at Shriou and Luvia as they both share a laugh together. "You sure you two will last long?"

"Don't worry about me, I didn't become the most infamous military genius of Japan by not winning against impossible odds." She gave a smirk. "Now excuse while I go to my room, gotta plan a rematch with that knight." She walked off to another part of the house, where? Fuck if I know, this place wasn't mine to begin with.

The maid came back with a large ruby in her hand as she placed it in the palms of her mistress. "Öffnen." The crystal glowed brightly before crumbling into dust. She sighed deeply as colour returned to her skin. "That feels quite better, though I rather go and get my beauty sleep. Help me up will you?" The maid nodded as she lifted an arm over her shoulder as Shirou did the same with her other arm. Much to the surprise of Luvia (who was now blushing more) and earning a glare from Margaret. "Oh... uh... you don't have to do this... uh..."

"Shirou, Shirou Emiya." He gave a small smile. "I just like helping people."

Looking away for a bit. Luvia hid an even bigger blush before regaining her composure. "Luviagelitta Edelfelt. You best remember it." Shirou nodded while the maid gave a pout.

Looking back at Rin for a bit, I saw that she was giving a slight fume. Oh teenage hormones, what will I ever do without you? "Oh? I see you're jel-" A swift reinforced elbow met my stomach as Rin turned to me with a beaming smile.

"What were you saying?" She gave a cute cock of her head.

"Nothing." I managed to wince out as I held my stomach.

We waited until Shirou came back before we said our goodbyes and escorted Shirou out of the forest and back into the familiar urban landscape of Fuyuki. "So Shirou was it?" I said the the redhead.

"Yeah, you're Natsi Kinoko right? I remember that name from when you were introduced to History Class."

"That's just my cover kid. Call me Assassin."

"Okay then Assassin. We'll use it as your nickname then." I gave a nod of approval as he turned around, giving a waving of goodbye as he disappeared behind a corner.

"Okay, now that's over, I'm going to bed. Keep watch over the mansion Assassin."

"Sure sure," I said as we both entered. Rin was so mentally tired that she didn't even bothered to make and eat dinner. She simply took off all her clothes minus underwear and crashed on top of her bed. I on the other hand...

[] Fuck it, go to sleep
-[] Sleep next to Rin Rin Route
-[] Sleep on couch
-[] Sleep in the guest room

-[] Go and experiment with Illya's hair
--[] Make disguise potion
---[] Drink said potion Illya's conscience route
-[] See if you can make Illya tracking device
-[] Mess with your item construction...
--[] Go make a magical girl belt for Rin The very crack route
--[] Write in

[] Go spy on someone...
-[] Check the Matou home from a safe distance Rider route
-[] Check Shirou's place Father/Son Reunion
-[] Explore city randomly RUN

[] Just explore the mansion

[] Write in
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Memories a shit - 14
-[X] Go and experiment with Illya's hair
--[X] Make disguise potion
---[X] Drink said potion
----[X] Plan it so you're an actual doppelganger and not lookalike.

"Yes that is quite a dumb plan," I said to myself. Wondering that if I was more Medea then I would never go through or even ever come up with these plans. (Un)fortunately for me, I may or may not actually be Medea and even if I was Medea my memory was so funked up that I might as well call myself Medea Scrambled or something. Like Arturia Alter and/or Arturia Lily. Anyways my point is is that I made a stupid plan and I'm through with it. " But first... I need to know if I can make clothes..."

Looking around the house, I found an old but intact and working sewing kit along with quite a lot of fabric. I can find practically anything in this house, strangely enough. Getting to the kitchen, I remove my clothes before I summoned my usual servant garbs. Man these things seem to be a one size fits all or something.

As I started boiling the water, I went and grabbed a clear crystal quartz. I hummed as I went through the process mechanically, my thoughts on nothing but the still silence of the night. Finally, I woke up from my boredom induced trance as I looked down to a cup of the potion I made. "Man, time does fly when you go make a magical potion of days gone by."

Drinking down the potion, I made a face at the gross taste. "Still tastes like shit it seems." Then I felt my bones break again. "Here we g-" I didn't finish that sentence as I fall to the ground as I felt large chunks of my mass being turned to prana. Ah... I see... I have too much mass for the body I want... So the potion is converting the excess mass to prana... Clever.

I passed out, which was probably for the best...

I am at a temple.

I was making a wand out of an idiot's body when I heard a sound.

"Gae... BOLG!"

A massive explosion blew away the temple gates.

Teleporting to the front, I saw a massive crater where the gate once stood.

Coming out of the smoke and dust was a hound, ready to kill me at a moment's notice.

Beside him stood a woman in a sharp business suit as she made sure her gloves were on tight.

The hound gave a smirk.

I died.


Those eyes, those eyes of hers.

They are those of death.

The girl looks at me, a sad smile on her face.

Her purple kimono flows in the moonlit wind.

She's talking to herself.

"Come on Rin, let's kill someone."

I died.


I watched her go.

My chest is tight but my face feels like steel.

She's crying.

My sister.

She got into the car and left.

And I stood there.

I did nothing.


How many?

How many swords are in my body?

I looked at the man in red.

His face betrays nothing.

I died.


I crawl through the rain.

In the distance, a stack of smoke emerging from blue flames.

I gave a small chuckle.

"So... this is how I die... quite pathetic..."

I fade away.


The winds are blowing.

I feel cold.

The snow is endless.

The snarls of wolves surrounds me.

I made another familiar.

"I'm so cold..."

I look into the eyes of the beasts.

"I wonder... am I dead already?"
I woke up an hour later, I rub my head as my dreams slowly come back into my consciousness. "Man... those dreams are weird as fuck... who needs drugs when you got magic fueled... no wait it still technically still counts as drugs." I look at the empty cup as I sighed. Not noticing how high pitched my voice is now. Cleaning up the mess I fold my Natsui Kinoko clothes and placed them on the couch as I head downstairs.

Looking into the mirror, I saw the perfect doppelganger of... what's her face... Garbed in the dress and cloak of one Medea of Colchis. I was about to make a joke about class cards when I realized that not only did I not know what a class card is, I didn't know why I thought of one in the first place... Man this incomplete memory bullshit is really starting to get on my nerves. Testing my voice a bit, I only now noticed how sweet and innocent it sounds, which adds a bit of that strange disconnect when I remember how bloodthirsty that little girl seemed.

Calming down a bit, I went back upstairs where I grabbed the sewing kit and headed to the living room. There I stopped when I remembered something. "Crud. What's what's her face's clothes like? I mean she was wearing a russian coat but that doesn't really tell me what's underneath the coat..." Thinking to myself, I thought of a really stupid idea, again. "Okay, so I don't know who that strange girl is while I already know who Rin, Sakura, Issei, Shirou, etc are. There's gotta be a reason why... Maybe if I think hard I'll remember it... though it might backfire horribly on my part though I'll still do it. Who knows? Maybe I'll figure out a bit more about my memory problem."

Taking a breath I look into my mind and- "ARGH!" A knife like pain shot through my brain as I fell to the ground. "Damn it. What was that?" Searching again, another knife shot into my mind as I look through it. I feel like I'm searching through a pool of files scattered to the ground and submerging me up to my waist. I look across this pool, looking for something I don't even know the form of. All the while a bunch sharp knives pierces my skull as I look through file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file

I stopped. A file in my hands as I looked my metaphorical eyes. It's crisp clean, all white with a strange red emblem on it. It's quite thick but I didn't worry, I felt like this was what I was looking for. Slowly I carefully opened it as... "Urgh!" I fell to the ground, trying to stifle a scream as a torrent of information and memories flooded my mind. Memoires of loneliness. Memoires of anger. Memories of warmth. Memories of a person that I shouldn't even have in the first place. How the Hades did I get the memories of Illyasviel Von Einzbern?

Groaning from all those memories rushing into my mind I tried to fall on the couch but instead had my head bump into the seat as I fell to the ground. "Stupid Assassin. You're a shorty now. Of course you're too small to simply collapse on couches like that." Getting up with a grunt, I climbed on the couch where I laid there, getting my mind back on track as I figured out what the hell was going on. "Okay... so I got a bunch of memories but..." I winced a bit when a memory of Illya getting 'certain adjustments' to her body as she laid on a table in pain flashed before my eyes. "Damn... I got 10 years worth of childhood trauma, abuse and parental abandonment for my troubles and that only serves to give me even more question... damn..."

Rubbing my head I got off the couch and headed for the kitchen. At the fridge I had to jump up a few times before I managed to get some ice from the freezer. Filling up a plastic with a bunch of ice, I tied the makeshift icepack to my head with a bunch of strings. "Okay, that should fix my roaring headache for a while. Note to self, don't randomly search your memories unless you want to get a killer headache." Going back into the living room, I looked at the sewing kit and piles of fabric, I gave a small smile. "At least I know what Illya's casual clothes are... though what am I going to do for the shoes?"

In a room merely above myself, the sun slowly started to shine into it, waking the sleeping demon within ever so slightly. In her restless sleep she muttered to herself words of incoherent meaning. The alarm clock started to ring and so with trained swiftness she slams her hand on the snooze button, silencing the machine for the day. Slowly getting up from the bed, she shuffled out like a zombie, her hair a mess and her eyes red. Getting down stairs she passed by a little girl in a purple cloak sewing together a small set of clothes as she heads towards the kitchen. Taking a carton of milk and drinking it all down in a single gulp. She savored the lingering dairy taste as the cogs in her brain slowly start working again. "A little girl in a cloak is sewing clothes in my living room... huh..." She thought about it some more as she chewed on her secret stash of chocolate chip cookies, the haze slowly but surely dispersing. "A girl is sewing clothes in my living room..." Putting back her secret jar of cookies in a hidden compartment. She slowly walked back into the living room as she stood over the little girl as she silently placed the finishing touches on a white skirt. As if only recognizing her presence now, the girl slowly turned its head towards the formerly sleepy demon as she pulled back the the hood, revealing the sweat happy face of Illya's doppelganger with an icepack tied to her cute little head. The formerly sleepy demon's eye twitched.

[] "Master?"

[] "Big sis?"

[] "So, how beautiful you think I am?"

[] Plainly explain what happened last night and go back to clothes making
-[] Include memory thing

[] Write in
[X] "Am I Kawaii, Rin-chan?"

I had a cute smile as I said. "Am I cute, Rin?" Turns out since I'm already speaking Japanese my brain automatically defaults to translating it to English in my mind. Explains why I never heard a single -kun, -san, -chan, sempai, etc. Though technically it's still would have the same meaning either way.

The raven haired girl in front of me simply looked down as she went into deep thought. "I guess," she answered with a shrug. Suddenly I felt extremely offended.

"You guess?" I had aneurysm appear on my forehead as my sheer magical energy radiated so hard that my makeshift ice pack fell off. "YOU GUESS!?" I rushed up to her leg and started to childishly tug on it. "How could you?! How can you say I'm average?!"

Rin didn't seem to care. "Meh. I dunno. I don't particularly like cute things but I don't outright hate them so... just meh." She gave a shrug. Stand there, I simply stared at this girl I call a master I went into a full on tantrum and I beat my hands against her legs (not too hard though I don't want my master to be a cripple even in the midst of my tantrum).

"Stupid Rin and your stupid dumb taste! At least say I'm more adorable than others!" She was looking away looking at the clock before seemingly only noticing me now.

"Oh? You said something? Sorry I was too busy checking the time." I was almost crying at this point until the raven haired let out a snicker before breaking out in a laugh. I stood there flabbergasted.

"Rin you big meanie. How could you?!"

After a while she stopped laughing and look down at me with a small smile. "At this point I'm starting to get used to your antics. Besides," she picked me off the ground as she starts cuddling me, much to my embarrassment if my blush is anything to go by. "I was lying. You really are cute now. Even though you look exactly like that bloodthirsty Einzbern girl now."

"Hey! Easy on my cheek!" I said as she started pitching them. "Damn you Rin! I'll have my revenge!"

"Sure, sure whatever." She looked over the clothes I was making and gave a nod. "You're really good at sewing huh?"

"Of course I am! Item Construction B is nothing to laugh at."

She gave a nod. "Of course." Shifting me to her back, she walked into the kitchen as she started cooking. Looking around I've started to notice that the only high tech thing in the kitchen that could be considered high tech was the refrigerator which looked like it was made 20 years ago despite its looking quite well maintained. She cooked the rice the old fashion way, by soaking it for 15-20 minutes and then boiling it in a pot for another 15-20 minutes or so. No rice cookers needed. I didn't bring this up as to avoid suspicious.

As she finished setting up the table for her sunny side up runny eggs with her imported German sausage and rice. A phone rang from the hallway and with a grumble she went and walked over to a house phone as she turns it on to speaker mode. "Hello, this is issei Ryuudou. I'm currently helping the guidance counselor and the principal make phone calls so I'll make this brief. There has been an accident over here at Homurahara High School and the police are currently investigating it. The school will now be postponed for the week in order for the police to have the best investigation conditions possible, make some repairs to the school and for the protection of the students. This does not mean your academic studies will be postponed however. We'll be sending you homework via mail and we expect you to complete them by the end of the week if things go well here. Issei signing off."

"Huh, at least I won't have to worry about school for a while."

"We did make a big mess huh?"

"They made a big mess. Not us." She pointed out before continuing. "Besides Kirei will sort things out. Bet they're gonna explain the bullet holes as gas based mini explosions or something." She gave a small chuckle.

"Or maybe they'll say that a drunk kid went in and shot up with place machines guns and grenades." I replied.

"You know I kinda wonder how people did not noticed the explosion and and gun shots last night."

I gave a shrug. "Mortals, they'll sleep through anything I guess."

"I guess, I heard this one story-" she stopped as she held her right one. The red glow in response to another master. "DAMN IT! I HAVEN'T EATEN MY BREAKFAST YET!"

I looked around in a haste as I got off Rin's back. "I feel a magical source coming from..." I looked down the hall. "From the front door..."

There was a knock. We froze in place. "Trap?" Rin finally spoke up.

"You never know..."

[] Fast and quick. Go on the offensive and blow up the front.

[] Slow and stead wins the race. Go check from a safe vantage and report to Rin.

[] "Wait, isn't it morning? We should be safe right?" Go and open the door.

[] Write in
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Lancer - 16
[X] Slow and steady wins the race. Go check from a safe vantage and report to Rin.

"Wait here master, I'll go check it out while you grab some gems and prepare yourself." I said as I dematerialize and pass through the second floor and through the rooftop. Rematerializing on the roof, I activated Presence Concealment as I carefully walk towards the edge of the roof. Looking down I see Shirou and boy does he looks beat up with a bandage over his head and a broken arm with a makeshift arm sling. Bedside him was unmistakably a servant though it seems to be in spirit form at the moment.

Rin, I think your friend Shirou just got a servant...



Let him in.

With a mental shrug I enter back into spirit mode and floated down to the front door. Making myself solid again, I pull the hood over my head as to not surprise Shirou too much. Jumping a few times, I managed to unlock the door and open it slightly as I peek my head through. Looking up, I saw Shirou look confused as to who opened the door until he looked down and gave an even more confused look at me. "Hello Shirou, like my new look?"

"You... you look quite small... what's with the hood though?"

"So you wouldn't be too surprised." I said shrugging as I opened the door all the way as I let Shirou and his servant in.

Hey Rin, where are you?


Okay, so what do you-

Bring them here.


"Follow me down this hallway please." I said as we all walked silently. There in the kitchen was Rin, calmly eating her breakfast. When she noticed us, she slowly layed down her utensil and gave a nice happy smile on her face which just so happened to contrast with the dark aura around her.

"Emiya." She said sweetly.

Looking towards Shirou he looks like he's sweating a waterfall. "Hey Tohsaka... heheh..." He's rubbing the back of his head with his good hand nervously.

"Emiya. Do you know what you got yourself into?"

"I... accidentally summoned a servant?"




"Tohsaka please just let me explain and-"

"Well you better because-"

"Stop." A feminine voice, distorted as if it was spoken through a rebreather. We all froze as a sudden feeling of dread press down on our bodies as the air around us seems to choke our lungs, I felt the source was coming from behind Shirou. I was too scared to look but I force myself to look anyways as I press my own hand against my cheek to simply turn my head. What found a striking but other worldly beauty that was only a bit shorter then Shirou but that did nothing to hinder her oppressive aura.

By my best estimations she's about 150 cm tall, long purple hair with red streaks that nearly reaches the ground and a well developed body. Her skin is deathly pale but lacks any blemishes. Her outfit consists of a sleeveless black dress with a pleated skirt that only reaches her knees. Her armor was sleek, darker than the night itself but only consist of a breastplate and a set of greaves and gauntlets. Her face was covered by what looks like a streamlined fencing mask made of dark steel and glass. Her facial features allude me except a set of glowing purple eyes. At the moment she's currently weaponless but that really doesn't matter as she simply stands there like a statue whose eye always follow the closest moving thing. It's almost like she came right out of a horror story off the pages and into the flesh of real life.

"Miss Tohsaka..." She seems to be carefully choosing her words. "We only came here with peaceful intentions. If you'll just calm down then we can actually explain our circumstances and our reasons as to why we came to here. Besides..." She leans slightly closer to Rin. "...Is that how you should treat your guests?"

Rin took a gulp as she slowly nodded her head. "Good." The choking dread around us ceased. Rin and I let out a deep breath that we were both holding in. "Oh... Almost forgot to introduce myself..." She said to herself as she gave a polite bow. "My name is Lancer, pleased to meet you..."

Primary Class: Lancer
True Name: ???
Master: Shirou Emiya
Gender: Female
Alignment: ???
Armament: ???

Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: B
Prana: B++
Luck: E

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: C
Cancels spells with with a chant that consist of 2 chants or less. Cannot defend from High Thaumaturgy or Great Rituals.

Personal Skills:

Fear Inducement: A
A skill that can be toggled on and off. Induces the feeling of dread and mortality to all living beings within a range of a 15 meter radius. Against heroic spirits, this skill encourages them to falter more often and make more mistakes in the midst of battle. Can be negated by Magic Resistance B or skills that negate mental interference that are at sufficient rank. Perhaps a skill made to emphasize the importance of fear in Lancer's legend?




Noble Phantasms:

Rank: ???
Type: ???
Description: ???

"Lancer!" We all turned to the exasperated voice of one Shirou Emiya, a guy we kinda forgot about for a moment. "What did you have to do that for!? You didn't have scare them like that."

"B-B-B-But Shirou I only meant to stop her from shouting at you and-" We were dumbstruck yet again as the terrifyingly dreadful Lancer suddenly became that flustered shy love interest from those poorly made rom coms as both Shirou and Lancer get into a argument filled with split second misunderstanding and confusion. "I-I'm sorry Shirou..." She said in a low muffled voice as she twiddles her fingers. Oh crud I can imagine the blush from underneath thatm ask of hers.

"I understand that you want to protect me." He was rubbing forehead with his good hand. "But I can handle these kinds of things on my own... besides..." He pointed at Rin and I. "They're the ones who need your apology. Not me." He gave a smile.

"Oh... uh..." She slowly turned towards us before with quick motion bowed her head. "I'm sorry for disrupting you with my aura of blood curdling fear."

"Uh... apology accepted?" This was not the morning Rin expected."Can... can I talk with Emiya for a bit? In private?" In that moment, Lancer snapped back into her neutral pose as she looked towards her master.

"Uh... sure Tohsaka..." She lead the both of them out of the room as the sounds of feet climbing the stairs reach my ears before they slowly fade with distance. Looking towards Lancer, I saw that she was deep in thought as she looked at the food Rin made.

"Ah..." She said at last. "Shirou forgot to eat breakfast." With efficient movement she opened one of the drawers and took out a well maintained white apron before placing it on as she turned on the stove and soaked a large bowl of rice in water. For a moment however she stopped and looked at me. "You're Assassin right?"

"Yes." I simply said.

"Would you like some food too?" She looks towards me, those purple eyes of hers having ceased their glowing leaving a blank dark mask.

"Uh... sure..."

She nodded, resuming to her cooking which I assume by the ingredients being used is a western style meal. From above I thought I heard the sounds of someone beating their head against something, Rin by my best guess. For a while we were both silent. After a full 20 minutes I got bored and decided to go check on Rin until a voice interrupted me as I almost passed through the door. "You're quite an anomaly you know that?"

It was a good thing this hood was great in helping to hide my expression as my eyes were as wide as the eggs she's currently holding. Eyes still wide though still hidden I turn my head towards Lancer as I tried to think of a retort.

[] "What do you mean by that?"

[] "I don't know what you mean."

[] "..."

[] Ignore her and resume back to checking on Rin and Shirou

[] Write in
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A walk to the church - 17
[x] "What do you mean by that?" I said in the calmest voice possible.

She took a knife and started chopping some green onions. "It a curious thing for Medea to be summoned in the Assassin class don't you think?" She poured the chopped up green onions into a bowl of scrambled eggs.

Under my hood my eyes slightly narrow. "So you know me... are you a Greek heroine perhaps"

She poured the scrambled egg on of the just freshly cooked rice before dumping it on a buttered pan. "I'm far from a Greek Medea." She moved the fried rice around the pan as she adds a bit of salt. "Besides, you're the strange one here." After pouring the fried rice into a large bowl "I heard a bit of the things you did at Homurahara school thanks to what Shirou told me." She grab a pack of bacon and started frying them. "Since when did Medea take on multiple personas? Since when did Medea become such a trickster? Since when did Medea..." She stopped talking and resumed her cooking. We stayed silent for another ten minutes before she started talking again. "Do you have any intentions of harming Shirou Emiya?"

Looking back at her I said. "None."

"Any particular reasons?" She grabbed a plate with a pile of bacon on it and laid it on the table along with the large bowl of fried rice.

"I don't hold anything against him. He doesn't interest me in anyway. Besides my master seems to have interest in him despite her hostilities if her orders last night told me anything and it would greatly hurt her if anything were to happen to him." I climbed on top of a chair as she sets up the plates and cups.

"That's a sound explanation." She said as she poured me a cup of orange juice. "I do not feel any deception though considering the purpose of deception that statement is kinda redundant don't you think?"

"Considering my class?" I took a sip of orange juice. "I'd say it's redundant."

"I concur." She went to cleaning up the pan and cooking utensils. "So... agree to keep this conversation a secret?" She started boiling a pot of water and got out some spices, chicken and noodles.

"It's better that way." I said as I stuffed a bit of bacon into my mouth. The perfect soft and crunchy grave my tongue as I chewed it. "For a hero of old, you sure are a good cook."

"There's no rule that states that a hero can't cook." I can feel a proud aura coming from Lancer.

"That makes sense." I said as a thought came to my mind. "By the way, are you getting enough prana from Shirou? I noticed that his 27 magic circuits were closed the last time I carried him around."

"I heard you did," she said calmly though did I feel a bit of jealousy in those words? "I'll admit though I'm quite prana efficient the amount I'm getting from him is... below abysmal..."

"Are they closed?"

"I believe so yes. We'll have to open them up sooner or later. Is it possible to ask your master to help with such task?"

"I don't know honestly." I stuff another spoonful into my mouth. "She's a girl who's torn between the world of magi and common sense. She's a contradictory figure, the emotionless magi and the passionate young girl, they're both Rin Tohsaka and they're both valid sides to her but I'm scared of what will happen if she's forced to chose one over the other."

"She doesn't have to you know." Lancer said calmly. "You can always have the best of both worlds. Besides I think in your case she just needs a good attitude adjustment."

"Hey, if my master goes and start doings some rather dickish moves care to help me whack her brain a bit?"

"Sure, besides if I know my own master enough I think that's what he'll do as well." We both gave a laugh.

*Step* *Step* *Step*

"Oh, my master is here." Lancer said as both Rin and Shirou entered the room and were surprised by the food on the table. "Hello master, if you're wondering about the food it was because you were in such a hurry that you forgot your breakfast, so I took the liberty of making you some."

"So... you forgot to eat..." The sounds of Shirou's stomach grumbling confirmed that. She sighed. "At least your servant was nice enough to cook for you. Why can't my servant cook?"

A flash of memory crossed my mind, one of the bits and pieces of the past from the Medea puzzle set. "Yeah... I wouldn't cook for you..."

She raised an eyebrow at me. "And why is that?"

Without any pause or hint of irony I simply said. "Because I'm a horrible cook."

"Oh... uh... thanks for telling me that..." She seems defeated, mostly because you can't really argue against that. "Come Shirou, lets take care of our bodily functions first before we go visit the Church Mediator."

"Hmmm? The fake priest?"

"Yes, Kirei..." She has a bit of a scowl on her face. "I don't like him but he's a reasonable person at least. Mostly." She stuff her face with egg. "Damn fake priest lost most of our territory." She started to grumble to herself as we ate.

"Hey Lancer, this cooking is great." He started to stuff more in. "His hood his ash grape ash Shakora."

"Shesh Emiya don't talk with you mouth full!"

"Haoryy." He said before swallowing. "I was just saying how this food was as great as Sakura's."

"Oh... huh..." She went silent after that.

"Hey, you okay?" He was concerned. "Was it something I said?"

"It was nothing. Go back to your eating." She was chewing harder than usual.

"But Tohsaka-"

"Go back to eating third rate."

"Ouch. I was just concerned was all." Despite that he didn't look too hurt much. Lancer on the other hand, I could've sworn she was taking more than a few glances at her if the slight head movement meant anything.

We spent the entire rest of the morning eating in silence.


It was a nice day. The birds were out chirping and the bridge was full of people and vehicles passing through. A few times though I heard whispers and rumors of what happened at Homurahara school.

"They said it was a gas explosion..."

"But that's stupid what kind of explosion leaves bullet holes..."

"I heard it was a..."

"What... What if it were ghosts or wizards or..."

That last one was suspiciously very close... Anyways after we had finished eating and Rin got a bath and dressed herself, we immediately left for the church to register Shirou as a master (and to provide the other pieces of exposition that Rin was too lazy to give). It was a nice walk where not much really happened and so I'll just skip all the way to when we get to the Church.

By the time we got there, the sun was at its highest point as the church slowly came into our vision. Or course me and Lancer were in spirit form during the entire trip. As we neared the church however both Rin and Shirou's command seals flared up as two figures exited the building. Huh, you think they're the rest of the masters? I said telepathically.

"I believe so." She didn't bother to use the telepathy.

Walking forward it seems like the two master saw us as they simply stood there watching us. Upon closer inspection I saw that the both of them look very different. One seems to be a female with Indian origins though that purple hair of hers is something you most likely wouldn't see in India along with her purple set of eyes with glasses. The other was obviously Japanese though she was one of the most plainest looking Japanese girls I have ever seen with a blank face and brown wavy hair just passes her shoulders. The Indian looking girl was wearing some sort of lab coat while the other wore a school uniform that I didn't recognize. Next to the two of them were the presence of two servants.

When we got near enough the one in the lab coat cleared her throat and greeted us. "Hello, I assume you must be here for the Church Mediator." She said in an emotionless tone of voice. "I apologize but he doesn't to be in at the moment."

"What to do mean he's not here?" She's trying to keep her cool but I can see her eyebrow twitch.

"Exactly what I meant."

"And he's supposed to be the Mediator here. What the hell he's doing right now?"

"Well..." All eyes turned to the plain looking girl as she spoke up for the first time. Damn even her voice was boring. "...He kinda left this note here..."

Taking the note she read it out loud as I floated next to her head in spirit form. "Will be out eating mapo tofu and taking care of certain business. Will be back soon." She was shaking angrily as she started ripping it up.

"Damn it! Just when I actually went out of my way to seek your help you're out eating your mapo tofu from hell and doing business and whatever else the hell you do." She continued to grumble to herself while Shirou looked on helplessly and the plain looking girl hid behind the bespectacled lab coated girl cowering as her companion simply stood there watching like a statue.

I did a mental sigh. Master. There are other masters here, please stop acting like a fool and be the professional mage you try to make yourself out to be. It had its desired effect as she immediately straighten herself out and put on an air of professionalism.

"I assume you have ceased your tantrum?" She was looking on with a stoic face.

"Yes, please excuse me for my unprofessional behavior it just that the Mediator here tends to be a bit hard to work with."

"I see." She took out a notebook and wrote it down before stuffing it back in her coat. "May I ask your name? Mine is Rani the VIII."

"Rin Tohsaka, Second Owner of Fuyuki and current head of the Tohsaka family." She said curtly. "The young man with me is Shirou Emiya, a new master in this war. May I ask who your companion is?"

"Uh..." She peeked out from her friend's back. "My name's Hakuno... Hakuno Kishinami..." Looking at her a bit closer I noticed that she looked quite sick, with sweat dripping at a slow but constant pace, sunken eyes ad skin as pale as Lancer's.

"Hey you don't look so good..." Shirou spoke up with concern.

"Oh this? It's nothing, I'm just ill is all..."

"Oh then shouldn't you be-"

"She can't." Then everyone turned their attention to the bespectacled girl again. "They have nothing that can treat her."

Rin started to give more attention to the young girl behind Rani. "What kind of disease is it?"

"A new mutated strand of tuberculosis." Rani said plainly. "From what I can find it's considered incurable. Don't worry about getting infected though, I'm currently using a mystic code to suppress it and keep it isolated within her body."

"So I'm guessing that's her wish right?" Shirou spoke up. "To be cured?"

"That's about it." Hakuno confirmed.

"You wish doesn't matter much to me." Rin said coldly. "You'll be dispatched sooner or later."


"Oh, but it's true? Can you see that she's not a proper mage?" She pointed at Hakuno. "The way she acts suggest that she does not belong to a long line of magi, am I right?"

"Well... yeah... I only found out a week ago..."

"Knew it." She gave a scrutinizing look towards Rani. "Why are you even putting her under your wing? You could've just dealt with her and be done with it."

Hakuno retreated back to the safeties of her companion's back. Shirou was giving Rin a scrutinizing look as well. "You say that but what about me?"

"You got different circumstances."

"In what way does that exclude me?" He pointed out. "I'm essentially in the same situation as her, minus incurable disease."

Before Rin could retort, Rani went and caught everyone's attention with a false cough. "If I'm to be honest, winning the Holy Grail War is the least of my or my organization's concern."

Rin looked at her suspiciously. "Then what is your purpose?"

"To investigate strange things happenings here that relate to the mass ley line disruption coming come here in Fuyuki."

If it elicited any reaction from Rin, she was not showing it. "So another one came to investigate huh?"

"I've heard that a certain Finnish mage came here an investigator of the Mage Association though that mostly due to news of her destroying quite a bit of the Epping forest."

"Seriously how much damage did she do?" Rani was about to raise a finger before Rin raised a hand to stop her. "Forget I asked. I don't want to know."

"Hey guys..." Hakuno said as she peeked out. "Is that the priest we're supposed to meet?"

Turning around, everyone saw a tall priest with brown hair and dead eyes as he slowly approaches the group. "Ah... it seems like quite a few master came to the church at the same time." He gave a chuckle. "I assume you all have been behaving? It won't do to raise trouble on holy ground."

"We didn't start a fight if that's what you're asking." Rin said before continuing. "By the way, what business were you up to?"

"Nothing special, just a few meetings with certain individuals." He said as he opened the doors to the church. "You all know to keep servants outside of the church correct?" Everyone nodded. "Good, now come with me, we have a lot to discuss especially since I'm seeing a few interesting individuals among us." He eyed both Shirou and Hakuno. Shirou merely returned a curious look while Hakuno shrunk away.

Motioning them to enter. Rin came after him first followed by Rani and Hakuno. Shirou went last but stopped when a fuchsia coloured ribbon fell out of his pocket. "Oops, almost lost it." He picked it up and stuffed it back into his pocket before entering in the church and closing the door behind him. Leaving me, Lancer and two mystery servants all alone outside. Huh...

[] Be patient and wait for them

[] Try talking to the other servants

[] Write in
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Please ignore the fact that this quest had been on a 7 month hiatus - 18
[X] Offer to cure Hakuno

I didn't see why I couldn't. I mean, I (I think?) am Medea after all. It shouldn't be all that hard to pull off. Although the tricky part is actually getting them to agree to me helping them, that or they'll stab me in the back. I'll still probably do it, because making dumb decisions is what I do best apparently.

Dispelling my presence concealment, I walked over to a nearbty bench and sat down. Clearing my throat I called out, "hey, if there's anyone interested in magical cures, Assassin's your gal!" I sat there for a while. I wondered what Lancer's thinking, maybe she's nodding her head in approval or maybe she thinking of several escape plans to bail me out of the possible shit storm I may be brewing.

What I did not expect was a young girl clad in blue with pale skin and blonde hair to appear next to me on the bench. She had a dignified air around her, short hair held with a black bow and a long flowing black scarf that flowed in the wind. "I heard you had cure for my master. What proof do you have of such claim, Assassin?"

Raising an eyebrow at her I asked, "and you are?"

"You may call me Saber."

Primary Class: Saber?
True Name: ???
Gender: ???
Alignment: ???
Armament: Sword?

Strength: C
Endurance: E
Agility: A+
Prana: E
Luck: D

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: E
For a saber, this rank is oddly low. Overall pretty much useless except for most cancelling most modern magecraft.

Riding : E
For a saber, this rank is oddly low. Overall she can only use normal mounts and vehicles.

Personal Skills:




Noble Phantasms:

Rank: ???
Type: ???
Description: ???

"Saber you say..." Well, suddenly things went from shit to deeper shit.

"You say my name as if it surprises you. Why is that?"

"Because I had met another Saber, or so I thought."

The girl kept a straight face the entire time. Her word had an unpassionated but professional tone. "You don't say? Could that supposed Saber be a fake of sorts?"

"How do I know you're not a fake Saber yourself?"

"How do I know that your supposed cure is not poison, Assassin?"

"Point, point." I gave a shrug. "It's really hard to trust someone when you're embroiled in a bloody battle for an all powerful wishing device."

"I concur." She simply said. "I'll keep that proposal of yours in mind, but I'll be watching you. Children do make shockingly great killers after all..." She disapated from my sight.

I sat there for a while. "At least I tried," I said to myself, going once more into my presence concealment.

It was another half an hour before Rin had come out with Shirou following just right behind. She was fuming, face red as she stomped out of the courtyard and into the street, Shirou doing everything he can to calm the angry magus. I sighed to myself, a servant's work is never done.

After the two masters have gotten a good distance away from the church, I spoke into the mind of Rin. "Hey, master? You feeling okay?"

"Stupid priest and his stupid contacts, WHY CAN'T THIS WAR GET ANYTHING STRAIGHT?!" Stalking up to a tree just out of sight and ear of any outsider, she started to kick it repeatedly as it shook from each impact. I could feel the prana pulsate from her legs.

Seeing as she's clearly too deep in her anger to hear me, I floated over to Shirou before reappearing. "So, what's gotten her all worked up this time?"

With his good hand, he scratched the back of his head as he did his best to recall what had transpired. "Well... As far as I can tell, there are only supposed to be seven servants in all right? Well she just found out that there seems to be more servants than there are supposed to be and well... you see the results. That and something about another Berseker running around. So tell me," his eyes took on a more serious look. "How bad do you think this is?"

[X] Well I can swear by the gods that this entire war has gone down to depths that even a rabbit with a pocket watch woundn't go to.

[X] Can you please elaborate on that part with the Berserker?

[X] Huh, funny. Just met a servant to claims to be a Saber.

[X] Write in.
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