-[X] Go and experiment with Illya's hair
--[X] Make disguise potion
---[X] Drink said potion
----[X] Plan it so you're an actual doppelganger and not lookalike.
"Yes that is quite a dumb plan," I said to myself. Wondering that if I was more Medea then I would never go through or even ever come up with these plans. (Un)fortunately for me, I may or may not actually be Medea and even if I was Medea my memory was so funked up that I might as well call myself Medea Scrambled or something. Like Arturia Alter and/or Arturia Lily. Anyways my point is is that I made a stupid plan and I'm through with it. " But first... I need to know if I can make clothes..."
Looking around the house, I found an old but intact and working sewing kit along with quite a lot of fabric. I can find practically anything in this house, strangely enough. Getting to the kitchen, I remove my clothes before I summoned my usual servant garbs. Man these things seem to be a one size fits all or something.
As I started boiling the water, I went and grabbed a clear crystal quartz. I hummed as I went through the process mechanically, my thoughts on nothing but the still silence of the night. Finally, I woke up from my boredom induced trance as I looked down to a cup of the potion I made. "Man, time does fly when you go make a magical potion of days gone by."
Drinking down the potion, I made a face at the gross taste. "Still tastes like shit it seems." Then I felt my bones break again. "Here we g-" I didn't finish that sentence as I fall to the ground as I felt large chunks of my mass being turned to prana.
Ah... I see... I have too much mass for the body I want... So the potion is converting the excess mass to prana... Clever.
I passed out, which was probably for the best...
I am at a temple.
I was making a wand out of an idiot's body when I heard a sound.
"Gae... BOLG!"
A massive explosion blew away the temple gates.
Teleporting to the front, I saw a massive crater where the gate once stood.
Coming out of the smoke and dust was a hound, ready to kill me at a moment's notice.
Beside him stood a woman in a sharp business suit as she made sure her gloves were on tight.
The hound gave a smirk.
I died.
Those eyes, those eyes of hers.
They are those of death.
The girl looks at me, a sad smile on her face.
Her purple kimono flows in the moonlit wind.
She's talking to herself.
"Come on Rin, let's kill someone."
I died.
I watched her go.
My chest is tight but my face feels like steel.
She's crying.
My sister.
She got into the car and left.
And I stood there.
I did nothing.
How many?
How many swords are in my body?
I looked at the man in red.
His face betrays nothing.
I died.
I crawl through the rain.
In the distance, a stack of smoke emerging from blue flames.
I gave a small chuckle.
"So... this is how I die... quite pathetic..."
I fade away.
The winds are blowing.
I feel cold.
The snow is endless.
The snarls of wolves surrounds me.
I made another familiar.
"I'm so cold..."
I look into the eyes of the beasts.
"I wonder... am I dead already?"
I woke up an hour later, I rub my head as my dreams slowly come back into my consciousness. "Man... those dreams are weird as fuck... who needs drugs when you got magic fueled... no wait it still technically still counts as drugs." I look at the empty cup as I sighed. Not noticing how high pitched my voice is now. Cleaning up the mess I fold my Natsui Kinoko clothes and placed them on the couch as I head downstairs.
Looking into the mirror, I saw the perfect doppelganger of... what's her face... Garbed in the dress and cloak of one Medea of Colchis. I was about to make a joke about class cards when I realized that not only did I not know what a class card is, I didn't know why I thought of one in the first place... Man this incomplete memory bullshit is really starting to get on my nerves. Testing my voice a bit, I only now noticed how sweet and innocent it sounds, which adds a bit of that strange disconnect when I remember how bloodthirsty that little girl seemed.
Calming down a bit, I went back upstairs where I grabbed the sewing kit and headed to the living room. There I stopped when I remembered something. "Crud. What's what's her face's clothes like? I mean she was wearing a russian coat but that doesn't really tell me what's underneath the coat..." Thinking to myself, I thought of a really stupid idea, again. "Okay, so I don't know who that strange girl is while I already know who Rin, Sakura, Issei, Shirou, etc are. There's gotta be a reason why... Maybe if I think hard I'll remember it... though it might backfire horribly on my part though I'll still do it. Who knows? Maybe I'll figure out a bit more about my memory problem."
Taking a breath I look into my mind and- "ARGH!" A knife like pain shot through my brain as I fell to the ground. "Damn it. What was that?" Searching again, another knife shot into my mind as I look through it. I feel like I'm searching through a pool of files scattered to the ground and submerging me up to my waist. I look across this pool, looking for something I don't even know the form of. All the while a bunch sharp knives pierces my skull as I look through file after file after file after file after file
after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file after file
I stopped. A file in my hands as I looked my metaphorical eyes. It's crisp clean, all white with a strange red emblem on it. It's quite thick but I didn't worry, I felt like this was what I was looking for. Slowly I carefully opened it as... "Urgh!" I fell to the ground, trying to stifle a scream as a torrent of information and memories flooded my mind. Memoires of loneliness. Memoires of anger. Memories of warmth. Memories of a person that I shouldn't even have in the first place. How the Hades did I get the memories of Illyasviel Von Einzbern?
Groaning from all those memories rushing into my mind I tried to fall on the couch but instead had my head bump into the seat as I fell to the ground. "Stupid Assassin. You're a shorty now. Of course you're too small to simply collapse on couches like that." Getting up with a grunt, I climbed on the couch where I laid there, getting my mind back on track as I figured out what the hell was going on. "Okay... so I got a bunch of memories but..." I winced a bit when a memory of Illya getting 'certain adjustments' to her body as she laid on a table in pain flashed before my eyes. "Damn... I got 10 years worth of childhood trauma, abuse and parental abandonment for my troubles and that only serves to give me even more question... damn..."
Rubbing my head I got off the couch and headed for the kitchen. At the fridge I had to jump up a few times before I managed to get some ice from the freezer. Filling up a plastic with a bunch of ice, I tied the makeshift icepack to my head with a bunch of strings. "Okay, that should fix my roaring headache for a while. Note to self, don't randomly search your memories unless you want to get a killer headache." Going back into the living room, I looked at the sewing kit and piles of fabric, I gave a small smile. "At least I know what Illya's casual clothes are... though what am I going to do for the shoes?"
In a room merely above myself, the sun slowly started to shine into it, waking the sleeping demon within ever so slightly. In her restless sleep she muttered to herself words of incoherent meaning. The alarm clock started to ring and so with trained swiftness she slams her hand on the snooze button, silencing the machine for the day. Slowly getting up from the bed, she shuffled out like a zombie, her hair a mess and her eyes red. Getting down stairs she passed by a little girl in a purple cloak sewing together a small set of clothes as she heads towards the kitchen. Taking a carton of milk and drinking it all down in a single gulp. She savored the lingering dairy taste as the cogs in her brain slowly start working again. "A little girl in a cloak is sewing clothes in my living room... huh..." She thought about it some more as she chewed on her secret stash of chocolate chip cookies, the haze slowly but surely dispersing. "A girl is sewing clothes in my living room..." Putting back her secret jar of cookies in a hidden compartment. She slowly walked back into the living room as she stood over the little girl as she silently placed the finishing touches on a white skirt. As if only recognizing her presence now, the girl slowly turned its head towards the formerly sleepy demon as she pulled back the the hood, revealing the sweat happy face of Illya's doppelganger with an icepack tied to her cute little head. The formerly sleepy demon's eye twitched.
[] "Master?"
[] "Big sis?"
[] "So, how beautiful you think I am?"
[] Plainly explain what happened last night and go back to clothes making
-[] Include memory thing
[] Write in