I essentially built Medea's kit around her disengage. Meaning she's kinda shit at fighting. But at least she can channel the power of Joseph Joestar and get the fuck out of there.
Look, we already have his ability to run away, do you really think we need anything else? We could literally just run up, tag somebody with our knife, then hightail it out of there, and they couldn't do anything.
Look, we already have his ability to run away, do you really think we need anything else? We could literally just run up, tag somebody with our knife, then hightail it out of there, and they couldn't do anything.
Tag as in poke. I don't know how the zigzag knife works.
Like, as long as we did it humorously, they'd be too busy being confused to stop us as we run up, and we're basically invisible when we're running away.
OOC: If anyone asks. I got the chants from Google Translate. Also I kinda copied some of the things in the servant sheets (namely rider) from Type Moon WIki because I was kinda lazy. Please don't kill me.
[x] "We'll be in the back lines. Assassin remember? Plus I still haven't quite emotionally recovered yet." I simply said to the Edelfelt head. Rin nodded in agreement.
"Smart choice," she simply responded before saying. "The battle started somewhere near the Matou's home and has been steadily been moving towards the school you go to Miss Tohsaka."
"Matou? Guess they want to snuff out the weaker ones first." Rin said coldly. She seems to to be a bit disgusted at herself.
"Yes, I have heard of the steady decline of the Matou. Such a shame really," she looks disappointed. "It may be interesting for you to know that the servants fighting are Saber and Rider."
"Then we'll split up from here," Rin said curtly. "Try not to die."
"HA!" Archer puffed out her chest. "Dying?! I don't even know the meaning of the word!"
Rin raised an eyebrow. "What about that time in Honnouji?
"Uh... I... Uh..." That seems to stop her in her tracks.
"Oh just come you little..." Luvia seems to mutter something under her breath as she grabbed Archer's ear and dragged her out of the forest as both master and servant get into a heated argument. The maid simply sighs as she carries with her two large suitcases.
"Huh, so that's their relationship." I noted.
"What else do you think? She's still an Edelfelt and Archer is still a Japanese servant. Of course they'd still have some problems with each other." She looks in the direction of her school. "Assassin, you'll will have to carry me so we can get to the school faster. Got any teleportation spells?"
"Uh... wait a moment.. uh..." I take my tome out of thin air and began skimming over the pages until I found the spell I was looking for. "Okay, hold on tight." I wrap my arm around Rin, bringing her close to my chest as I read the words out loud. "Στο ίδιο το διάστημα. ταξιδεύω!"
A spherical void consumed both of us as I felt my sense warped into impossible angles. Reality seems to bend and fold and both I and my master felt ourselves hurtled at lightspeed before we both dropped on top of the school rooftop. "Oh..." Rin held her stomach a bit. "I feel like I'm going to hurl my breakfast, lunch and... wait forgot my dinner damn it!"
"Hey! I can't have my master start puking hers guts out!" I held a palm to her stomach as I chanted another spell. "Παύουν να ανησυχούν το σώμα."
She looked far better now. "Thanks, I needed that..."
"I knew memorizing that spell was a good idea." I gave a smirk before looking towards something else. "They're coming, better set up a boundary field and summon some familiars I guess. Prepare for the worst master. No plan survives contact with the enemy..."
Like stars they came, crashing into the back part of the school which borders the forest. A red and violet blur of frenzied violence that the naked human eye can never hope to follow. For a brief moment both figures stopped, they observe each other, waiting for the other to make their move. One is a fearsome knight encased in heavy gray steel with red all over. Complete with two horns sticking out of the knight's helmet and along with its animalistic aura and stance anyone would easily mistake the knight for a berserker. However that is not the case as the knight still held sanity to it. An odd young looking girl hung to the knight's back. Cleary filled with pride in her Saber. "Oh? Is that all you got Rider? This is quite disappointing really."
There was a huff from the knight before it planted its large blade into the ground. A muffled voice came out "This is pointless. What's the point of running away to this place Rider? So you would have more room to fight in? Are you simply that desperate or... do you even know what you're doing?"
Strength: A++
Endurance: A
Agility: A
Prana: B
Luck: C
Class Skills:
Magic Resistance: A
The servant is impervious to magic of modern magi. Cancels out A rank or High Thaumaturgy magic or any spells with three verses.
Riding : A
All vehicles and creatures minus that of Phantasmal or Divine Beast can be used as mounts.
Personal Skills:
The other servant remained silent. Something that looks human but isn't. She's a violet haired beauty with black and purple revealing clothing with a strange blindfold. She's on all fours or more accurately three. In one hand she brandishes a dagger with its hilt connecting to a long chain. How long? Fuck if I know. Strangely... I already know this one... Why is that?
Primary Class: Rider True Name: Medusa Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Armament: Dagger and Chains
Strength: B
Endurance: D
Agility: A
Prana: B
Luck: E
Class Skills:
Magic Resistance: B
As a Fallen Greek Goddess, Medusa has an inherently high magic resistance. Spells that require three verse or less are nullified. Moreover, Medusa herself is skilled in sorcery, so she has countless ways to counter enemy spells. In other words, Medusa is excellent at fighting magi. Backing all that up is her Agility. Compared to Lancer who boasts the same level of "speed" she is inferior in sudden bursts, but has more endurance. Even with powerful spells, it is extremely hard to hit Medusa who will keep moving at high speed.
Riding: A+
Medusa has an phenomenally high riding skill. Not only can she ride ride all beast and vehicles of this era but also phantasmal or divine beast. Dragons are still out of her reach though. The steed that makes best use of Medusa's Riding ability is the legendary winged horse Pegasus. Mastering a winged horse of the Phantasmal Species is a difficult accomplishment even for Rider-class Servants. When riding the heavenly mount that was born of her own blood, both rider and steed move as one.
Personal Skills:
Mystic Eye: A+
Eyes that originally function to collect visual information are instead as a method to impart magical effects upon a subject. Medusa possesses the Mystic Eyes of Petrification "Cybele", which are Mystic Eyes of the highest order. As in her legend, subjects caught in her vision will be petrified if their Magic Resistance is C or lower. No magic, even that of Medea of Colchis, can replicate this.
Independent Action: C
The ability to materialize independently. If the Master is lost (or if the contract is nullified), Medusa can continue to materialize for one day. Since Medusa can also obtain prana by drinking blood, she can prey on humans as the situation demands and extend this duration.
Monstrous Strength: B
Medusa has this skill due to her property as a monster despite being a Heroic Spirit. If used, she can temporarily magnify her Strength. This is a necessary skill to Medusa, who does not fight with Noble Phantasms in close combat. It has many uses with her chained daggers, such as forcibly dragging an impaled opponent around. The more she uses this the more she becomes the monster Gorgon. She'll revert back after cessation of using this but if pushed too far then she'll cease to be a heroic spirit and instead become the monster of old legends.
Divinity: E-
In Greek mythology, Medusa was once a beautiful goddess, so she originally has very high Divinity. However, because she later became a monster, she is an unusual being possessing the "monstrous" attribute that is antithetical to normal Heroic Spirits. Thanks to this, Medusa manifests as both a goddess with Riding, and a monster possessing Mystic Eyes, Monstrous Strength and so forth. Nonetheless, her aptitude as a goddess Divine Spirit is mostly degraded.
However, her Divinity has not been completely eliminated, and it appears that she still has it.
Noble Phantasms:
Breaker Gorgon Pray that these folds do not come off Rank: C-
Type: Anti-Army
Description: One of Medusa's anti-personnel Noble Phantasms, Breaker Gorgon is the counterpart Bounded Field thaumaturgy to Blood Fort Andromeda. While the target's consciousness is sealed within Medusa's mind, the target can be prevented from activating any abilities. Also, Medusa primarily uses somewhat weak Noble Phantasm not on others, but on herself to seal her Mystic Eyes of Petrification that are normally always active. Though mainly used to seal Mystic Eyes, its original use is obviously to exert a degree of mind control on the opponent.
Bellerophon Charge of the majestic beast Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Army (Range 2~50 meters)
Description: Medusa's most powerful attack. It is not a Noble Phantasm to be used in a one-on-one fight, but rather an "anti-army Noble Phantasm" that can cut down enemies in a wide area. An uncommon type of Noble Phantasm consisting of a paired bridle and whip, it can rapidly augment the abilities of Phantasmal Species. In battle, the strengthened Phantasmal Beast and Medusa fight as one.
Blood Fort Andromeda Cave of the Gorgon Rank: B
Type: Anti-Army (Range 10~80 meters)
Description: One of Medusa's Noble Phantasms, Blood Fort Andromeda is the counterpart Bounded Field thaumaturgy to Breaker Gorgon. It takes the form of magic circles placed as predetermined points. Immediately following the placing of these circles, people within the affected area will only have their life force sapped slightly, but once the field is activated, they will be quickly dissolved. However, it is difficult to affect people with knowledge of thaumaturgy. Thus, it is not a Noble Phantasm to be used for combat, but rather a Bounded Field created by Medusa to efficiently gather blood to drink for prana.
"Heh? What are you? Mute too?" The knight said as it looked at its opponent with disdain.
"Come on Saber. Just finish her off, she's not being fun anymore." The young girl said with a pout.
"Eh, I was getting bored too. Come Rider. Meet your end by my-"
"NOT SO FAST!" Suddenly the doors blow off, one of them coming straight at Saber before it was sliced in half. Standing at the door was Oda Nobunaga herself. I forgot to mentioned that they managed to get here after us. "IT IS I THE-"
"YOU!" The little girl pointed an accusing finger at Archer. "You're that moron who killed my precious Heracles!"
"Hey you didn't let me-"
"SHUT UP! Once I kill you I'll go and turn that stupid Drill Face into my plaything!" She seems to have a grudge against that girl. (Somewhere in the far off distance I can hear the sounds of someone being offended.)
"To take revenge is all fine and dandy girl," Archer said with a surprisingly calm voice. "But to focus too much on it would hamper your performance."
"Oh shut up you. SABER!"
"With pleasure." Spinning the sword, she held it in a one handed reversed grip and threw it at Archer. Only for Archer's entire being to fizzle like static as the sword simply passed through it. The sword went and found its mark on a harmless wall. On the floor, a special complex gem that can create illusions, or at least something similar to it according to Rin.
"An Illusion? Damn it, where are you Archer-" The knight's answer came in the form of a barrage of bullets coming from the forest. While some bullets bounced off, most either embedded themselves in the armor or pierced through it. They came at multiple angles, my guess was that she was somehow boasting herself as she ran back and forth through the forest. The forest served as a great camouflage for her, Saber can't do anything but block the attacks as he slowly inches backwards to her embedded sword. I'm not sure how he's still standing but that trail of blood is telling me that he most likely can't last forever. In the confusion, it seems like Rider went and slipped out of the fight.
"I can't believe we fell for that!" The little girl had a face of pure rage. "Hand off my Saber!" With flick of a hand, she summoned strange wires which she used to defend her servant. Well, tried more like. The bullets severed them so easily that it was laughable. "No! We can't fall now! Not when I just got back in the war!"
"I... COMPLETELY AGREE!" In a burst of immense power, the knight jumped backwards into the air leaving a crater where it once stood. Twisting its body midair it crashed into the school head first to protect its master. It was safe to assume that the knight found itself on the third floor. For a while, there was silence, then explosions were heard. I guess we forgot to mention that the building was rigged with crystal based explosives. "DAMN YOU ARCHER!"
Strength: E - C
Endurance: E - C
Agility: E - C
Prana: E-
Luck: A+
Class Skills:
Magic Resistance: B
At this rank, spells that require less than three verse are nullified. Have fun even trying to scratch her with great magic and ritual spells.
Independent Action: B
At this rank, even if the master is killed Archer can stay this world for up to two days without one. Furthermore she has more freedom than the other classes, requires less mana and can be away from her master for longer distances.
Personal Skills:
Tenka Fubu - Innovation: A
Innovation, a special skill granted to heroes who brought about a revolution in an era. The wording "Tenka Fubu" is added to Archer's version of this. A conceptual revolution of subjecting the old with the new. The way it works by
increasing the damage that Archer can do to a target depending on how old their legend is and how much mystery is behind the target, the more conceptual damage it causes. Say if Archer was to punch to someone. If that person came from the modern world or barely had any mystery to them then it would feel like the person was hit by a normal human at Strength rank E but if she punched someone like the King of Heroes or Medea in the face, both of whom are from the age of gods and hold substantial mystery to them then it'll feel like she punched them with the force of Heracles himself. This skill extends to any weapons including those not original her own. This skill is the ultimate game of compatibility. Against heroes of old she's a monster. Fighting the likes of say, Okita Souji or Billy the Kid and she's barely even a decent servant.
D̢͎͇̗̱͉̭ͯ̎͠e̴̷̮̞͍̺̦̤̪̔̐̀m̷̙̮̒̂ǫ̊̿̒ͦ̄́҉͍͍̳̝͙͙͖ṇ̷̠ͪͭͧ̎ͩ̒̅͝ ̨̼̜̰̤̣̊̆͒͂ͦͧ̅͘K̠͓͙̜ͯͭ̏͋̏͐ͪ̚͢i̴̲͔̭͔̲̲̞͓̋̂ͬn͕̻̮ͪ́̐ͥ̾́͞͞g̤̘̲̈̆ͅ:̶̸̜͎̣̠͗͂ͣͥͭ̽ͪ ̘̹̠̘͚̹̒ͬ̂̏ͅÁ̷̙͕͍͊̒͐͟
A monster whose perception in life later twisted what she had actually been in the past. Abilities and appearance have been distorted. In Archer's case, she can choose to activate or deactivate it at her own choosing because it's something that she in life had called herself. She's able to receive its benefits without any demerits. In other words, she can go from being a loli to being racked. It's a skill similar to but dissimilar to Innocent Monster. For some reason this skill is corrupted, not only reducing its benefit but also adds strain to the master of the servant as this skill must be forced out if to be used. Now it can only boost the physical parameters of the servant to C instead of A.
"Think we should get off the building? It is rigged with crystal based explosives right?"
"I don't she would set it in such a way that it would make the entire building fall on itself. Besides a perfectly intact school suddenly turning into a smoldering pile would be a bit of a headache for Kirei to explain."
"Eh, just say it was a gas leak and/or gas explosion. I bet modern people are so passive that they'll believe anything."
Rin gave a sigh. "There is some truth to that yes. Although it's at least it's good for hiding our moonlit world."
"Of course it does." More explosion were heard alongside a whole bunch of extremely colourful profanities. "I bet they're barely doing anything to the servant."
"The Saber class does possess one of the best magic resistance in the war," another explosion can be heard as well as the sounds of gunfire. "But what about the master?"
"That knights must have their hands full," another explosion. They were kinda getting dull at this point.
"By the way Assassin. Where do you think Rider went?"
"Back to the Matou home I guess. She must've been trying to get them away from that place."
"Yes, that sounds like the most logical conclusion," more explosion.
"Rin, do you think it's strange if we're talking so casually while fighting like this is happening around us or rather below us?"
"No, not really." She had a blush. "It's the same phenomenon that happens to soldiers in war. They get so used to it that it's practically a normal part of their lives."
"Yeah but this is our first one and already we're talking so casually."
She cocked a head. "Maybe it's because we're here as observers rather than combatants?"
I tapped my chin. "It makes sense I guess." It was then that I sensed something strange. "Huh? What's this?"
I had summoned one of my Dragon Tooth Warriors before the battle started to act as my eyes in the building. It moves around the building stealthily and carefully as not only to not be seen by the knight but to also avoid setting off any of the traps laid by Archer and Luvia. A few times it caught glimpses of the knight and the demon, they were both moving down the hallways at considerable speeds it had to practically run in order to even get the entire conversation. The knight was faster but Archer gave him no room for breathing as she kept relentlessly shooting. The tight hallway plus the damage to the knight should've been enough to end him here but the knight barely seemed like it was hampered at all, even the greatly damaged armor still kept together even though it's got holes all over. This annoyed Archer greatly. "Tell me Saber? How are you still moving? Those wounds should have shredded your muscles."
"Oh I dunno. Maybe because you're weak?" It was a mix of pure resentment and playfulness as the knight moved around at impossible speeds.
Archer pulled out muskets from thin air, duel wielding them as she tried to get a shot on the knight. The first time the knight was hit it was caught off guard. Now that it wised up it started to show just how good of a servant it is. For one thing it was trying to get it its sword which was on the first floor. The both of them are on the third floor. Archer who while she cannot hit her target can at least manipulate the knight's movements. She kept him away from stairwells, windows, etc, but she can't do it forever. Especially since she's adding so much stress on her master. "Enough games Saber, time to finish this!" It was then that Archer charged towards the Knight with a burst of speed, the knight however had simply stopped in place.
"Saber? What are you-" She didn't get to finish as Archer drew a katana from her scabbard before lifting it overhead preparing to slice Saber in half. Only for said katana to be caught just as it was slashed at the knight's head as said knight clasped the blade with both hands. "Oh, so that's what you were doing."
"A Saber, you are not." With great strength, the knight crushed the blade with his hands before sending a kick to her stomach, sending her flying through the air until she crashed through a wall and into a classroom. Archer held her stomach as the knight came closer to her, that kind of menacing slow walk that gives mortal man the shivers. Of course that was all ruined when the knight stepped on yet another crystal bomb though it didn't do much to harm the knight other than annoy it even further.
"Damn it, how many bombs did you lay?"
"All of them," Archer gave a cocky smile.
"That isn't an answer." I can almost hear the sounds of teeth grinding as Saber slowly angrily marched towards the downed Archer. Only for a certain redheaded idiot to show up and ruin everything.
"Hey! What's going on here..." He slowly looked at the scene in front of him. A menacing looking knight with bullet holes that riddle its entire body along with a strange little girl with pure white hair holding on to its back. The other a downed girl with a crazy cosplay outfit and an expression that was more amused than annoyed. "Uh..."
"There you are big brother!" The little girl said with a sweet smile. "I've been looking all over for you!"
In moments like these, only one response can only truly elegantly project the feelings he has right now. "What."
"Well... this is some interesting development..." I looked at Rin and... yeah... she's totally and completely freaking out right now. Her body is shaking and sweat seems to fall like a waterfall on her face which had lost all its colour. Eyes dilated as she slowly looks towards me.
Grabbing me by the shoulders she immediately said with words full of fury and conviction. "SAVE HIM. NOW."
"Well. Shit." I blame you Shirou.
[] Dematerialize and get to Shirou
[] Fire your strongest beam at Saber
-[] Warn Archer ahead of time
The other servant remained silent. Something that looks human but isn't. She's a violet haired beauty with black and purple revealing clothing with a strange blindfold. She's on all fours or more accurately three. In one hand she brandishes a dagger with its hilt connecting to a long chain. How long? Fuck if I know. Strangely... I already know this one... Why is that?
[X] Now's your chance! It's time for the Pretty Sailor Soldier Servant Assassin to make her appearance! Love will prevail!
-[X] And while your illusion is busy doing that right in front of Emiya, sneak up behind everybody and RUUH BREAKAH Illya.
[X] Now's your chance! It's time for the Pretty Sailor Soldier Servant Assassin to make her appearance! Love will prevail!
-[X] And while your illusion is busy doing that right in front of Emiya, sneak up behind everybody and RUUH BREAKAH Illya.
[X] Now's your chance! It's time for the Pretty Sailor Soldier Servant Assassin to make her appearance! Love will prevail!
-[X] And while your illusion is busy doing that right in front of Emiya, sneak up behind everybody and RUUH BREAKAH Illya.
So we all agree that Illya summoned Mordred right? Because that seems like Mordred.
[X] Now's your chance! It's time for the Pretty Sailor Soldier Servant Assassin to make her appearance! Love will prevail!
-[X] And while your illusion is busy doing that right in front of Emiya, sneak up behind everybody and RUUH BREAKAH Illya.
So we all agree that Illya summoned Mordred right? Because that seems like Mordred.