Your vote could decide its existence. :V

...Oh shit I haven't voted?

Oh Shit I haven't Voted!

[X] Now's your chance! It's time for the Pretty Sailor Soldier Servant Assassin to make her appearance! Love will prevail!
-[X] And while your illusion is busy doing that right in front of Emiya, sneak up behind everybody and RUUH BREAKAH Illya.
[X] Now's your chance! It's time for the Pretty Sailor Soldier Servant Assassin to make her appearance! Love will prevail!
-[X] And while your illusion is busy doing that right in front of Emiya, sneak up behind everybody and RUUH BREAKAH Illya.

this is a terrible idea

I love it
Adhoc vote count started by kinigget on Aug 22, 2017 at 12:50 AM, finished with 356 posts and 16 votes.
This is hard

[] Teleport
Sensible, and probably means teleporting to Shirou and teleporting out

[X] Now's your chance! It's time for the Pretty Sailor Soldier Servant Assassin to make her appearance! Love will prevail!
-[X] And while your illusion is busy doing that right in front of Emiya, sneak up behind everybody and RUUH BREAKAH Illya.

But this is fun and takes out a Master...
OKAY! The forum refused to notify me about all of the updates but I'm all caught up now! Now we—

WHOOO! said:
[X] Now's your chance! It's time for the Pretty Sailor Soldier Servant Assassin to make her appearance! Love will prevail!
-[X] And while your illusion is busy doing that right in front of Emiya, sneak up behind everybody and RUUH BREAKAH Illya.

This is a terrible idea. Why are we even considering this? Isn't our Presence Concealment absolutely shit?


[X] Now's your chance! It's time for the Pretty Sailor Soldier Servant Assassin to make her appearance! Love will prevail!
-[X] And while your illusion is busy doing that right in front of Emiya, sneak up behind everybody and RUUH BREAKAH Illya.

it's the kind of bad idea that you really have no choice but to go through with because it's so inventive and likely to end in hilarity
[X] Now's your chance! It's time for the Pretty Sailor Soldier Servant Assassin to make her appearance! Love will prevail!
-[X] And while your illusion is busy doing that right in front of Emiya, sneak up behind everybody and RUUH BREAKAH Illya.
[X] Now's your chance! It's time for the Pretty Sailor Soldier Servant Assassin to make her appearance! Love will prevail!
-[X] And while your illusion is busy doing that right in front of Emiya, sneak up behind everybody and RUUH BREAKAH Illya.
Adhoc vote count started by Look to the Left on Aug 22, 2017 at 12:09 PM, finished with 47 posts and 19 votes.
Also I hope that we manage to get a strand of Illya's hair, because I want to trick Shirou into drinking a shapechanging potion based on it.....because it would be hilarious.