Fate/In Glory Of (Worm)

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That's actually a sick as hell line.

It occurred to me that if she doesn't have the five senses, she actually can't feel anything. She is observing the past and future but that doesn't give her physical feedback. She is essentially acting in accordance with what's predicted and not getting any literal feedback except for what she sees in postcog.

At least my two cents.
Parodos 04.01
[X] Of a castle.

A little girl sits in the room.

It is a beautiful room; filled with criss-crossing patterns on mosaics, an opulent four poster bed that has blankets so soft one could sink a foot into. Dolls line the dresser, each immaculate and better condition than when they were made.

A fireplace is stoked and warms the room against the chill of the winter, accentuating the gilded chandeliers. Marble pillars dot the room, it's size so large it requires support beams. Handcrafted chairs with feather-stuffed cushions are available, yet, the girl sits on the floor.

She is surrounded by a baker's dozen of stuffed animals. They are ratty, worn-thin and well-loved. Some have patches, others have been sewn together with an amateur's hand.

Her eyes are only for the fluffy animals.

With one small exception.

A tiny one.

Every so often, her eyes dart to the window.

She makes a motion, like she is going to get up but stops every time, aborting it.

It is, perhaps, clearer that she is more interested in the window than in the stuffed animals that surround her like subjects crowding their queen.

The wind howls.

She bolts up to the window- snow white hair swishing as she rushes in her pajamas to her only portal to the outside.

The glass plane is cold against her forehead, yet it doesn't stop her from smushing her face against it.

Crimson eyes spot something, a motion, a movement out there. It's something that she intrinsically knows by heart as silly as it sounds. Her papa made it a game with her, so she would always know he was back first.

"He's back!"

With unsteady steps, runs to the front door- she was a good girl, she didn't even skip the steps as she descended the staircases. The maids can't tattle on her if she doesn't do anything wrong.

There are three keys she has to put in and a motion that requires her to unlock something that can't be seen nor touched before the front door opens.

"Welcome back, Kiri-"

No one is there.

Nothing but the wind and the cold and the snow.

Did she trick herself to thinking he was already back? It wouldn't be impossible; she really wanted her papa to come back home.

She barely can summon the effort to pull the door close, her arms truly insufficient for the old oak doors.

She turns back to head back up to her room and wait.

A tall woman, taller than her mama, almost as tall as her papa is there.

The girl has never seen this person before.

She is the second person she has ever seen with black hair, and the first with curly hair.

She is the second person the girl had seen to not share her own eye colour.

She looks as confused as the girl feels.

Then she is alone.




That was what greeted Taylor at the end of her dream.

She knew, on some level, that she was experiencing a case of deja vu, albeit with one major point of difference.

Taylor's everything ached.

Some small point of her called it an ache because if she used the word hurt, that would mean it would hurt to live. Ache felt… more fitting.

Yet she also felt numb. Sluggish, like her heart was struggling to pump life giving blood through her. An odd combination to be sure.

It was when she cracked open her eyes, an herculean task if there ever was one, that she saw a hospital room.

It was similar and very different from the last one she was in.

For one, her dad was there. Staring at her, with imploring eyes with a laser level of focus before darting away to look at something she couldn't and then back to her.

Or the giant.

He was there, in the corner, shadowed in whatever let Taylor see the unseen form of his.

That was similar.

What was not similar was a pile of… flowers and a teddy bear.

And it was a pile.

Far more than could fit in a vase, they were in a bouquet sitting across a chair. Said chair was occupied by a teddy bear. Which was at least two feet tall, maybe three. It was big.

Then there was someone else in the room.

It took a moment before Taylor's eyes focused enough to actually understand what she was seeing.

Tall, dirty blond hair and an offensively yellow hoodie with a smiley face.


That was as much as Taylor saw before her eyes closed again.

When she awoke next it was dark out.

Her dad was still there, but he was sprawled out in a very uncomfortable looking position in his chair, snoring loudly.

Nikki was nowhere to be seen.

The chair was still occupied by flowers and a teddy bear.

The pai- ache wasn't quite as bad now. It sucked, but it sucked less.

A hundred percent improvement.

Minutes passed.

She didn't think she would end up falling back asleep quite so quickly.

It was just her, her dad and the giant.

The giant that had fought an Endbringer.

The Simurgh.

Even in her groggy state, it made her worry. It had been a split of the moment decision for Taylor to send him off.

He had also lost connection with her for a moment.

That… it had been so quick that Taylor hadn't had time to even process it at the time, but given that she had nothing but time now, she was ruminating on it.

Incidentally, she now had some inkling of what happen if she pushed the ephemeral reservoir for the giant past it's limit and kept pushing. Namely it made her feel like shit and she was now in the hospital. Did it cause her to have a stroke? That wasn't right, the giant would never hurt her.


Still, that didn't do much to assuage Taylor's worry about what happened after she had sent him.

The curtains were closed, her dad was asleep, it was dark out.

And the longer she kept him immaterial, the more her worry mounted.

Anxiety clawed at her, it's wicked talons digging deeper into her mind with every second she considered.

The muscle tensed.

The giant appeared.

He was whole and hearty, as much as Taylor could tell.

The mounting feeling started to abate.

Her brow scrunched.

The hell was he holding? It was a mangled milk-white thing. Fracturing off of it were shattered tips of long daggers, ovaloid in nature but clearly ruined. The whole structure was bent in a manner that Taylor could tell it was not meant to bend. Wh-

It clicked.

The giant was holding a broken wing.

He had fought the Simurgh.

Who had many such wings.

With countless feathers.

The giant had pulled off one of the Simurgh's wings.

And kept it.

One of the Simurgh's wings was in the same room as her and her dad.

What. The. Fuck.

If Taylor had been able to, she might have screamed.

The muscle untensed in pure shock.

The giant disappeared in a flutter of motes.

Well, she was awake now.

By morning, she was feeling… better.

Everyone was alive and she would figure out what to do about the wing after she got out of the hospital.

It was also when her dad started to make some noises, he was bearily staring at the wall, still in the uncomfortable looking hospital chair.

"Hey dad."

His head moved on a swivel.

"Taylor." His hands found one of hers'. "You're awake."

"Yeah." Some of the lines in his face relaxed. "What happened?" A few of them returned.

"We… I don't know." His hands shook as he cradled her hands. "When I got home you were out-cold in the entryway. O-On the ground." His voice was about as steady as his hands. "I couldn't wake you."

"I'm sorry." It was the only thing Taylor could think to say.

"Just… just, you're awake now." Her dad stared resolutely at her. "You're awake now." He was trying to convince himself of it, almost.

It hurt to see her dad like this.

"Yeah." She weakly managed to raise her arms a few inches.

It was enough to get the message across.

She was enveloped by a gentle hug that her dad needed far more than she did.

Her dad had stayed with her the whole day; it was less than forty-eight hours since the sirens had gone off. The week after an Endbringer siren was usually… a bit wild. It wasn't unexpected.

Taylor was happy to spend as much time as she could assuaging her dad that she was awake and it would be fine.

It didn't seem to be doing much.

In fact, his expression became more and more pinched. Biting the inside of his cheek.

It made her anxious, which only made him more worried. A positive feedback loop, ironically enough.

It was after lunch that the bubble finally burst.

"We need to talk."

Those words were enough to send shivers down the spine of anyone that heard them. Taylor was no exception. What's worse, it could be about just anything.

It was panic that made Taylor start talking, "Is this..."

[] About the cellphone
[] About her power
[] About Nikki
[] About her health
[] About Emma

Author's note: Aaaaand we're back. I'm hoping to get another chapter out within three days, so please vote!

So, here's the thing about the Castle v Star vote. It was only a one vote difference. Someone voted on both sites so it ended up being a tie when I discounted it. I ended up flipping a coin. Castle won.

The giant picked up a souvenir in the deadly Outback.

Thank you everyone for all the comments that the previous chapter got!
Alright, I see. Illya could only sustain Herc's shenanigans due to the vast litany of Command Seals and other bullshit the Einzberns juiced her up on, so it figures that fueling Herc's "Break the World" past her mortal limits conked Taylor out for a spell. Also,
oh no.
[X] About Nikki
Softball things and maybe try to avoid the confrontation Danny's clearly been building up to (I half expect things will escalate anyway, but we'll see).
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Ok, let's think about the options.
[] About the cellphone
Is likely Taylor had it with her when she passed out, he may wonder about that.
[] About her power
There should be no way he knows about that, but he may suspect.
[] About Nikki
Maybe something about how she was most likely the one who brought all of those flowers, maybe something he suspects? (hopefully Taylor keeps the Teddy Bear)
[X] About her health
I think this is the most likely thing he may ask, passing out out of nowhere (from what he knows) is possibly not healthy.
[] About Emma
I don't know if it is relevant.
A little girl sits in the room.

It is a beautiful room; filled with criss-crossing patterns on mosaics, an opulent four poster bed that has blankets so soft one could sink a foot into. Dolls line the dresser, each immaculate and better condition than when they were made.

A fireplace is stoked and warms the room against the chill of the winter, accentuating the gilded chandeliers. Marble pillars dot the room, it's size so large it requires support beams. Handcrafted chairs with feather-stuffed cushions are available, yet, the girl sits on the floor.

She is surrounded by a baker's dozen of stuffed animals. They are ratty, worn-thin and well-loved. Some have patches, others have been sewn together with an amateur's hand.

Her eyes are only for the fluffy animals.

With one small exception.

A tiny one.

Every so often, her eyes dart to the window.

She makes a motion, like she is going to get up but stops every time, aborting it.

It is, perhaps, clearer that she is more interested in the window than in the stuffed animals that surround her like subjects crowding their queen.

The wind howls.

She bolts up to the window- snow white hair swishing as she rushes in her pajamas to her only portal to the outside.

The glass plane is cold against her forehead, yet it doesn't stop her from smushing her face against it.

Crimson eyes spot something, a motion, a movement out there. It's something that she intrinsically knows by heart as silly as it sounds. Her papa made it a game with her, so
she would always know he was back first.

"He's back!"

With unsteady steps, runs to the front door- she was a good girl, she didn't even skip the steps as she descended the staircases. The maids can't tattle on her if she doesn't do anything wrong.

There are three keys she has to put in and a motion that requires her to unlock something that can't be seen nor touched before the front door opens.

"Welcome back, Kiri-"

No one is there.

Nothing but the wind and the cold and the snow.

Did she trick herself to thinking he was already back? It wouldn't be impossible; she really wanted her papa to come back home.

She barely can summon the effort to pull the door close, her arms truly insufficient for the old oak doors.
Well, is clear this is Illya. Something we were already aware this dream would focus on. Although, looking at the events from her perspective is pretty odd for a Fate dream as far as I know.

She turns back to head back up to her room and wait.

A tall woman, taller than her mama, almost as tall as her papa is there.

The girl has never seen this person before.

She is the second person she has ever seen with black hair, and the first with curly hair.

She is the second person the girl had seen to not share her own eye colour.

She looks as confused as the girl feels.

Then she is alone.
Then, suddenly, Taylor herself is there. Wonder what this could evolve into.
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I feel like we should make it a priority some time soon to find out what happened at the Endbringer fight, media/PHO reactions, etc. Like, Taylor told the giant to kill the Endbringer, but I don't know if she actually expected to pull it off, but the thing with the wing at least suggests it managed to do more damage than anyone has ever done before.

(On the other hand, "an unknown projection(?) showed up, fought the Simurgh up close, and did not follow any of the Simurgh fight protocols with the bomb collars etc" might have caused negative reactions that might mean we should keep a low profile)
Current vote is for 11 Health, 10 Nikki and 9 Power.

It's still anyone's game! Well. Mostly.

(On the other hand, "an unknown projection(?) showed up, fought the Simurgh up close, and did not follow any of the Simurgh fight protocols with the bomb collars etc" might have caused negative reactions that might mean we should keep a low profile)

It was a weird fight from the outside.

It honestly looks like the giant and ziz did a final blow that made the giant cease to exist and the ziz to faceplant into the ground with visible wounds and a missing wing followed by a few minutes of her doing nothing.

I'm trying to think if there's anything we can actually do with the wing other than have Heracles hold onto it as a trophy.

That will be a later vote!
So is the giant explicitly Heracles? I haven't been following the comments and while I knew it was a Fate crossover I figured it could be any Berserker.
So is the giant explicitly Heracles? I haven't been following the comments and while I knew it was a Fate crossover I figured it could be any Berserker
It was explicity and implicity indicated several times before that it is Berserker Heracles, the one Illya had. Of course we know this, but Taylor has absolutly no idea, naturally.
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So is the giant explicitly Heracles? I haven't been following the comments and while I knew it was a Fate crossover I figured it could be any Berserker.

I will not say information that Taylor doesn't know, but check the media thread mark because there is art of what she can see.

Queen Administrator throwing in her two cents is more her commentating, but she knows as much as the readers do, if not less.
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