[X] Comply with Gilles' commands. Bring Rider and Saber inside. So long as you go along with his mad little play, nobody gets hurt.
[X] Comply with Gilles' commands. Bring Rider and Saber inside. So long as you go along with his mad little play, nobody gets hurt.

My only question is... has medieval france invented popcorn yet?
I'd advise against humouring Gilles too much in his delusions of thespian accomplishment. After all, he's trying to make this production as authentic as possible, to the point of casting Jeanne herself in the lead role.

And we all know how this story ends.
[X] Comply with Gilles' commands. Bring Rider and Saber inside. So long as you go along with his mad little play, nobody gets hurt.

I will go through a thousand bad endings just to hear Rider's opinion on the play.

It could start the apocalypse, but it would totally be worth it.
My only question is... has medieval france invented popcorn yet?

They have beer, we're good here.
.... I don't want to know...

What the hell did I just read?


To hell with this, I'm gonna buy you guys a beer for this, brb!
I'd advise against humouring Gilles too much in his delusions of thespian accomplishment. After all, he's trying to make this production as authentic as possible, to the point of casting Jeanne herself in the lead role.

And we all know how this story ends.

Mmmmm. On the one hand, I have trouble imagining that this is going to adhere to actual history any more than a hypothetical film titled Washington, the Spirit of 1776 directed by Michael Bay and starring Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson in the title role would.

On the other hand, I can't see Ash Faction investing as much as they have into it if the climax involves all the English being smote by fire from Heaven while Jeanne marries her one true love, Gilles de Raiss.
I'm fairly certain that the main goal here was just to get everyone nice and cozy tucked up inside of Caster of Ash's fireballing range.

He's an old, old man after all, he can't be expected to go charging after the Blue team. Also, I don't think he's part of the musical proceedings here.
'm fairly certain that the main goal here was just to get everyone nice and cozy tucked up inside of Caster of Ash's fireballing range.

He's an old, old man after all, he can't be expected to go charging after the Blue team. Also, I don't think he's part of the musical proceedings here.

Yes, because old men in an anime setting are totally frail and useless.
Does Giles know about our foxy assassin? Because if not, we might make a introduction at an opportune moment.

I mean, come on, sneaking into a cathedral to assassinate a crazy playwright? He couldn't ask for a better first kill!
"May we go to an opera one day, Master?" Saber asks.

"Ah... sure, I'll see what I can do."

...Does Saber know that movies are a thing? I don't think he does (tbh I don't think Rostam does either exactly). Shit, son, we're going to have to draw up a Captain America-style list of things he might like.

Perhaps in another situation you would feel self-conscious about stripping down and getting changed around two women, but right now exaggerated embarrassment couldn't be further from your mind. The potential dozens of hostages are a mite more pressing.

Rostam you are the worst anime protagonist. We need a tone-mauling sequence before the battle where you try to cover yourself and shout "B-BAKA" while you go all chibi and shit. smh

You glimpse something through its window at first. Once it passes, you get an especially clear look. There's a man back here with you, nearly entirely still despite the hustle and bustle of the cast and crew all around. His skin is dark, darker than yours, his hair brittle white and long enough to obscure unseeing eyes. He's a wizened man, bent nearly double, hunched over his gnarled walking stick. He wears an old, weathered robe of animal hide with the hood pulled down as far as it will go. All you can see of his features is his muttering mouth. You can't hear what he's saying over the near-deafening hubbub of shouts in French and movement, but it involves the word 'damn' a lot. He notices you looking.

"Stop staring and work!" he snaps, his voice weathered and hoarse with age. You see his bright blue tongue past his lips. He brings his walking stick down on the floor with a loud crack, sparks flying from the point of contact. And then he's off, hobbling away, not pausing to check if you're actually obeying the instruction, muttering to himself once more. He leaves dark, smoking footprints on the floorboards were his bare feet touch down. There can be no doubt about what he is.

Mmm, so this knocks out the possibility of Phantom being Caster and unless he has a full on Territory Creation personal skill (which ennnhhh maybe?) the playhouse is all Gilles's doing. We're already inside his Noble Phantasm and he has his own familiars manifest in the form of knights, their arms and armor is likely enchanted as well.

Also on a side note: we're starting to get a sense of Black Team's, dunno, thematic coherency? Does that sound too pretentious? Whatever.

The seductive, predatory witch Carmilla, the fallen nobility and grandeur of Marie, Brynhildr the scorned and betrayed (who uses fire as a principle tool no less). And now probably-Lungkata. The living pyre.

Not sure where Phantom or the as of yet unmet Lancer and Berserker would fit in though.

The English version?

Thank God for Servant foreign language crash courses and Gilles being sort of racist. He hasn't realized that Rostam's from England yet.

[X] Comply with Gilles' commands. Bring Rider and Saber inside. So long as you go along with his mad little play, nobody gets hurt.

This situation is...really really bad yeah. Gilles knows our strength. He knows exactly what we're packing and he's either insane enough or confident enough that he can take all the rest of Blue Team if he has to. And considering the oodles of hostages he has and the fact that we're standing fully inside his Noble Phantasm he might not be wrong.

Right now Reynard is our ace in the hole and we're in the entirely unenviable position of waiting for the trickster to follow through.

... Did Gilles just use Mad Enhancement to essentially brute-force his way past a Command Seal?

I suppose that's to be expected of an EX-Rank.

I think it was partly that and part weasel-wording his way around the injunction. "I'm not hurting them it'd be the demons! And even if the demons did hurt them it wouldn't be in anger, it would just be what they do! In the name of a good cause! And even if it wasn't it'd be you who was forcing my hand so really who's at fault here?"

On the other hand, I can't see Ash Faction investing as much as they have into it if the climax involves all the English being smote by fire from Heaven while Jeanne marries her one true love, Gilles de Raiss.

It depends what they want. Killing Jeanne's on the agenda yeah but, like...well let's look at the Ash presence here. There's Blackened Lungkata who's apparently not enjoying himself, he's here under duress most likely. Orders from Jeanne Pepper, which means that she has an invested interest in this production, this humiliation. But on the other hand:

But a new friend and benefactor, a wonderfully artistic and insightful soul, spoke the truth. No one could play the role but you, Jeanne! And now, here we are, the preview night!"

>musically inclined
>relating to the theater
>encouraged Gilles to pursue the object of his obsession

It's the Phantom. And more than that he's probably cooperating with Gilles of his own free will and volition. Because, like, canonically the Phantom kills people who are shit. It's part of who he is, what he does, that sort of proto-Hannibal murderous condemnation of bad manners and ineptitude. I'm not sure he could fake liking Gilles if he had to is what I'm getting at. Even if he was Command Sealed it wouldn't take well, it'd go against every fiber of his being.

Which implies that he's seen something to admire in Bluezerker. And I'm not really sure what the implications of that are.
[X] Comply with Gilles' commands. Bring Rider and Saber inside. So long as you go along with his mad little play, nobody gets hurt.
... Did Gilles just use Mad Enhancement to essentially brute-force his way past a Command Seal?

I suppose that's to be expected of an EX-Rank.
Well, Spartacus does it, so it's not super surprising.

[X] Comply with Gilles' commands. Bring Rider and Saber inside. So long as you go along with his mad little play, nobody gets hurt.
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Because, like, canonically the Phantom kills people who are shit. It's part of who he is, what he does, that sort of proto-Hannibal murderous condemnation of bad manners and ineptitude.

Not quite. That is...I can't speak for the Grand Order Phantom or any of the adaptations, but in the novel the Phantom was a master of various forms of assassination who spent a while devising ever more elaborate ways of killing people for the amusement of a Sultana long before he settled in France, then once he moved into the opera house his kill list was less "People who are dicks" and more "People who are standing in the way of the musical career of my beloved Christine (who I watch from behind a two way mirror in her bedroom while pretending to be her guardian angel because that's not creepy at all)" and later "that boy who would never love you like I can he'd just break your heart dear now smile for your new husband"....

Basically, he and Gilles are very much peas in a pod when it comes to being incredibly obsessed with oh so pure and virtuous women.
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[X] Comply with Gilles' commands. Bring Rider and Saber inside. So long as you go along with his mad little play, nobody gets hurt.

I'll be laughing my ass off if this doesn't lead to a bad ending.
The person who inspired Giles might be actual Giles. Just saying.
True, it might be. On the other hand, it might be the music-themed Servant who's mastered the art that Ryuunosuke desried. You know, the guy who summoned Gilles on affinity alone and managed to solve his crisis of faith through sheer dedication to art for the sake of art. A crisis of faith that our Gilles might very well still have (or had until he met this spirited young youth).

(who I watch from behind a two way mirror in her bedroom while pretending to be her guardian angel because that's not creepy at all)
And so the theme of "French Twilight" continues.