Mata Hari is declared guilty by Hopkins and you're punished by having to pay 70 pounds
However, you're being given a hint by Mata Hari before she is being taken away, signifying that the entire act of her getting executed was within the plan.
Sanson, at the execution place, requested Hopkins to consider delaying the execution due to how a majority of the people not satisfied with the result that came out from this trial. With the Ghouls and other demon entities attacking recently, the situation may get worse and disturbs the peace further
As you can't bear to watch the execution getting to Mata Hari, your party discusses the plan to get her out. Circe, however, has another plan of her own. "Just let her be executed". Of course you don't accept it.
However, you find it strange why Mata Hari can just accept being executed like that. Robin explained that Mata Hari, while knowing she can be innocent and isn't by far guilty to warrant her own execution, she doesn't actually have the will to defend herself. Because of that her view towards that is just the same as suicide.
Matahari's execution is up and her lips are moving. You realized that and have Robin read what she's trying to relay immediately.
"This is fine. Trust Circe"
However, the execution went on, and Mata Hari is hanged to death.
At the same time, you also realized that Randolph's house is under fire, which means the base you setup for Chaldea by Circe is also burning.
While this is all going on, Salem is now thrown into chaos where ghouls and monsters attacking. Not just that, some of the villages joined the fray and caused chaos as well. The judge reports that to Hopkins and hopkins concluded that the soilders who are not well fed are starting to had enough and cause rebellion. This doesn't stop Hopkins from continuing the execution however. Until Hopkins confirmed that the executed "sinners" are truly dead.
While this is going on the Ghouls started attacking and Circe requests Robin to immediately steal Mata Hari's corpse while this is going on.
The battle goes on, Nezha tries to get back to the burned house to get Abigail (Nezha loves kids), but Abigail's mental state is getting more and more affected. Meanwhile, soilders are fighting back the ghouls and Sanson joined in to help, however the judge went paranoid and asks Sanson not to meddle in Salem's business because on his words
"Salem is our land! A land which we cut through the darkness of forest and developed it. We will protect our land, no matter it's from the indigenous people, or the demons! Get aside, you! We'll not borrow help from the likes of you!"
Hopkins then issue an arrest on Sanson because "the troupe has now degraded into nothing but thieves"
Sanson however opt to stay back to protect the people in the execution place. Robin then screamed at Sanson for being a retard.
Regardless Robin managed to steal Mata Hari's corpse (her corpse is wiggling throughout), and you managed to escape succesfully despite all that chaos.
As you escape, you managed to find a place to catch a breath, Nezha managed to bring along Abigail and escaped, but what followed Nezha along are a group of ghouls as well, You then prepare to solve the problem (and in the process maybe abandon Robin because he's been complaining he's been bitten by the "heavy person he's carrying").
Queen Sheba then scattered powder to stun the ghouls, buying some time. Abigail is surprised to see Tituba still alive, but Sheba claims that the Tituba she knew is already dead, and her role is now over, and is pulled down from the stageplay (She then claims she is now free to do anything from now on...which means she can now freely wave her powers and make money as well)
Queen Sheba tries to charge you money for dealing with the ghouls.
You have 2 choices:
First choice is to temporary enter a contract with her, and have Chaldea pay for the bill
Second choice is to "discuss with a certain gold guy" (fucking lol)
After the battle, Queen Sheba then revealed herself. Initially she doesn't want to, but out of obligation of her servitude to Abigail, she did.
You then reunited with Mashu, who is under Sheba's magical boundary field throughout her disappearance.
Mata Hari also woke up, it is then revealed that Circe gave Mata Hari a medicine that puts her into fake death (suspended sleep)
She also used a trick to avoid her neck getting snapped to death.
Circe's plan is to ensure that Mata Hari to get her verdict, executed and calculated the chaotic incident that happens throughout so that they can use this chance to get out Salem's inner city and move to somewhere safer. If Mata Hari does not get her verdict, then reuniting with Mashu is never going to be possible.
Here ends Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Abigail woke up from a nightmare.
Mashu has been looking after her. Abigail has a horrible dream where everyone accuses her of being a witch. She was apparently still shocked from what happened yesterday...
Supposedly, Randolph and Mashu are both supposed to get to Boston to find an alternative judge (probably to counter Hopkins' obsession of hunting witches). Mashu thought that she could find a way to get out of Salem. Mashu also admitted that her intentions were really naive. The reason why Robin lost sight of Mashu when Robin is supposed to look after her (as Mashu was supposed to do shopping with Abigail during that time, for food supplies) is because the time in Salem is different from the time where she entered Queen Sheba's boundary field.
Mashu then got lost and get separated from Randolph ever since she wandered in the forest, got chased by ghouls and is saved by Queen Sheba.
It is also revealed (from the screenshot posted above) that the Near Future Observation Lens "Sheba" is actually taken from Queen Sheba as well.
Regardless, Circe wants to know why Queen Sheba is capable enough of getting away from the influence of Salem, but currently she wants to prioritize on how to deal with the Demon Pillars. She found a way to deal with it. During the conversation you also found out that Lavinia can also use magecraft, and Abigail knows of her ability.
Mata Hari then tries to find out why Queen Sheba is summoned. Queen Sheba has no idea whatsoever, and even if Queen Sheba is somehow summoned by NFOL "Sheba", she doesn't have the motive nor the reason to answer the call either. She only knows of one thing: Someone summoned her without paying the equivalent price for it. As a result she is trapped in Salem, and for some convenient setup she was arranged and given a role forcefully, "Tituba". She did have the memories of being Tituba, but also knows that she is forced to play that role, and for some time believed that she is Tituba, and her thoughts got clouded as a result.
Thanks to your contract however, Queen Sheba managed to maintain her current presence to this world, otherwise she would eventually disappear from the singularity.
Robin then asks how did Queen Sheba transformed into the ghoul that you fought beforehand, and assumed she actually did, and then reformed as a proper servant. Queen Sheba refuses to answer the question for now.
because she has a clue, but she doesn't know if it's correct, everyone is just as puzzled as you lol
When Robin asked her motives for keeping it secret, her only answer was "I don't want to end up being your enemies"
Regardless Abigail regained her conciousness and Mashu found out that she and Abigail have something in common: Even if she may feel alone and unstable from time to time, but she never abandoned herself, and knows she should regain her composure from the chaos. Abigail is worried about her home and wants to go back to Salem. You , too would want more info about the whole thing so your group splits into two: Mashu, Nezha and Abigail, one group. You, Circe and Robin in another.
You tried to reach Sanson but Sanson refuses to follow you along for now. This makes Robin and Circe rolled their eyes because of that stupidity
Oh, Queen Sheba is said to have "Resistance against Demon Pillars"
but Queen Sheba quickly corrects Mata Hari by saying that it's not that she has resistance. It's more akin to Demon Pillar's influence will do nothing to her. She holds the blood of a human and a demon.
Her father was a human, but her mother was a Djinn
And Queen Sheba is also assumed by Mata Hari to hold the Eye of Clairvoyance.
Queen Sheba thus said this "The detection and spread of a secret can also cause the weak point of a fixing a phenomenon into a permanent, unchangable one"
and lamented that her failure is due to how she posesses far too many asset she'd call "Knowledge"
The payment is thus
"Can you tell me everything about a certain male, that person only the people of Chaldea would know? Well, His memories when he was a human"