If you've got Okita, Nobunaga, EMIYA, Medusa, Ushiwakamaru, Cu Chulainn (non-prototype Lancer), Mephistopheles, and/or Benkei, put them together in the team you use to farm the event. also keep in mind that you're a week late, so you've already missed half the golden heaven quests, and with it a lot of the free points you would have gotten.

Of the above, don't bother actually leveling Meph or Benkei, they're both bad at what they do/much better options exist.

Cu is one of the best lancers you can get despite only being a 3*, and has ridiculous amounts of survivability once properly leveled/skill up-ed.

EMIYA is popular because of the anime but his skills aren't great until his strengthening quest (which isn't available yet), and his stat progression only gets good half way through (Nobu is much better until then, and gets better than him afterward as EMIYA's stats drop off again towards the end of his progression).

Ushi and Medusa are both decent, but if you've got both Ushi is probably the better choice for advancement.

If you manage to get Okita with your first post-prologue 10-roll, then you're very lucky, since she's one of if not the best Saber in the game.

What is Okita's niche?

She generates lots of crit stars, and also has high NP gain that gets buffed massively when she crits.

Nero Bride for example seems to see lots of use in stall and Arts teams.
Musashi seems to see lots of suggested work for crit Buster or just Buster work, and has her debuff and enemy buff clears and invincibility pierce which is handy.

Okita seems to work for crit teams as a generator and side DPS.
Maybe Crit Buster with some support? Though her cards being mostly Quick and skills don't seem to synergize well with Busters and Buster supports. Besides just hitting things alongside the Buster chains and teams.

No it's just a nickname for JDASL
Mini Jeanne got the nickname Starbucks because "Jeanne D'Arc Alter Santa Lily" (full name "Jeanne D'Arc Alter Santa Lily Lancer Santa") sounds like a starbucks coffee order.

Got it, thanks.

I don't know much about any Starbucks or even Starbucks stereotypes/jokes so the joke still doesn't quite make sense to me, but your explanation basically covers everything I was curious about.
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JP Christmas 2016 rerun starts in 5 hours (barring any of the usual fuck ups)

Good luck on getting Jeanne d'arc Alter Santa Lily Lancer for you new peoples!

Remember, this event has servants also boosting the drops!

Gold Drop Fruit Cake: Amakusa, Ishtar, Santa Lily
Silver Drop Short Cake: Jeanne, Jeanne Alter, Santa Alter, Martha, Jack, Nursury Rhyme, Santam
Bronze Drop Cheese Cake: Rice Man, Mata Hary, Fluffy, Sparta, Jing Xe, Ushiwakamarum Caster Giles, Ko-Gil, Cursed Arm, Kotaro, Mashu

Gatcha CEs also boost drops as usual!

Jeanne Alter CE boosts stockings for the Lottery Box. The final Free Mission will only drop these so farm these last.

And finally, the Gatcha

No Amakusa but Ishtar will be up every day while the four stars will be on rotation
SO... in two years time, if they do the NA Christmas rerun before Thanksgiving...
Probably want to get the final singularity out before Christmas. Its probably going to be the biggest one yet as it is the lead up to the next major F/GO storyline.
It's unlikely to happen, but DW could always implement a system that guarantees you pull a SSR after you've rolled enough quartz where you should've gotten one statistically to avoid scandal.
Wish they would just implement a surprise ticket system like granblue. Drop 25 to get the specific character you want but not limited ones. Problem is that there really isn't enough non limited SSR's in the game to do something like that.
Wish they would just implement a surprise ticket system like granblue. Drop 25 to get the specific character you want but not limited ones. Problem is that there really isn't enough non limited SSR's in the game to do something like that.
If they're taking something from granblue, it should be the "roll 300 times to just pick what you were going for if you didn't get it by then", not the suptix system.

You mean the Blank Saint Graphs aren't sufficient for that?
They don't help you when you literally just don't pull SSRs like some of us.
JP Christmas 2016 rerun has begun!

No need to download a new apk or update from the stores, just let your game download it by turning it on and start farming cakes
You mean the Blank Saint Graphs aren't sufficient for that?
Let's not pretend like BSGs aren't a complete fucking joke to anyone but mega whales here.

Even if you deliberately rolled on fucking rateup specifically seeking more copies of an SSR you already have just for BSGs that's 700 rolls, statistically speaking, to get the 10 you need, if the given SSR is already NP5.
It's unlikely to happen, but DW could always implement a system that guarantees you pull a SSR after you've rolled enough quartz where you should've gotten one statistically to avoid scandal.
I'd prefer Granblue's 'pick a character after rolling X times' system, personally. Never ended up collecting enough of those blue sparkles to use it, myself, but I'm aware that it'd be really helpful for those trying to get a specific character via throwing vast sums of money at the gacha.

FGO's current Blank Saint Graph system... I could see it working? But only if you spend a lot of money, like several thousand at minimum, and that's just ridiculous.
Friendly reminder that although you can reset right after you get the Giles Doll, you only can rest it 9 times for a total of 10 boxes.

So get everything first
Done changing support list.

Put my Holy Night Dinner on Raikou for whoever wants to farm, next ones will go to Waver and Suzuka. Otherwise just Jeanne, Ishtar, Jack and Jeanne Alter for bonuses.
And here I thought it was obvious I was being sarcastic when I suggested the Saint Graph was enough.

Yeah, I kinda forgot that I'm a self-proclaimed idiot and therefore that it's very believeable that I think idioti things like that.

Especially considering I've defended Instinct in public before.
And here I thought it was obvious I was being sarcastic when I suggested the Saint Graph was enough.

Yeah, I kinda forgot that I'm a self-proclaimed idiot and therefore that it's very believeable that I think idioti things like that.

Especially considering I've defended Instinct in public before.
If you roll Shuten Douji fifteen times, Grail her to 100 then NP5 10/10/10 her, a secret option will open up in the Blank Saint Graph shop that lets you buy Orochi. Trust me, my uncle works at DelightWorks.
Went into this gacha with the conviction of 11 (all) tickets or Ishtar = stop

Got 5 random silvers

2 non event 4*CEs
1 George CE
1 Waver CE
2 Amakusa CE

I was feeling the high of A+ Luck and did a 10 roll


9 silver + Angel Song CE
FGO NA had an app update, it seems. Anyone know what that was for? Fixing some bug in the event would've been server-sided, I'd think, so probably not that..