Remind me again: in a mixed card chain, to maximize your amount of (stars/NP/damage), is it preferable to slot that card in the first slot or the third slot?
Remind me again: in a mixed card chain, to maximize your amount of (stars/NP/damage), is it preferable to slot that card in the first slot or the third slot?
I think as a general rule of thumb it's better to slot it in first, because that way the Extra card also gets that bonus in a Brave chain. If it's a mixed chain between a bunch of Servants, I think third slot is best.
I think as a general rule of thumb it's better to slot it in first, because that way the Extra card also gets that bonus in a Brave chain. If it's a mixed chain between a bunch of Servants, I think third slot is best.
Extra card doesn't get any bonus from the First Card.

You have to take into consideration what cards you have, what you want to maximize and, if what you want is stars/NP, the hitcount of the cards. As a rule of thumb, I always put Buster first for damage and Quick/Arts last for stars/NP unless the hitcount of the other cards is enough to surpass the last card bonus, then I put Quick/Arts first.
Extra card doesn't get any bonus from the First Card.
Yes it does.

Remind me again: in a mixed card chain, to maximize your amount of (stars/NP/damage), is it preferable to slot that card in the first slot or the third slot?
Sometimes. It depends how good the individual Servant's hitcounts and generation stats are. For example, with something like a Buster and two Quicks you might want to do it BQQ because the First Card Bonus is only 20% Star Rate on top of the Extra attack's 100% base (and individual star rate but that's basically insignificant) while Quick cards go 80/130/180% (thus 100/150/200% with the bonus).

Or with Arts cards for someone like, say, Kiritsugu you'd do an AQQ or ABQ chain because his non-Arts hitcounts are fantastic (and actually gen NP better than the real thing) whereas Gorgon with her fuckin 5-hit ones would be better-served going BBA or QAA or whatever because her Quick and Extra aren't gonna do shit for dick even with the +100% flat NP Gain bonus (Arts inherent scaling being 300/450/600% before said bonus).

This is why King Hassan's ABQ chain is legit better than any other combo for both stargen and NP gen.

EDIT: I don't know why I automatically assumed you meant Brave Chains exclusively, I am insane. But the basic principles hold true - case-by-case basis, familiarise yourself with people's hitcounts and the base card generation stats and judge it yourself in the moment.
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Jesus christ, talk about daily hell.

I think I'm going to end up having to level up Servants to the max just to make room in my inventory for all this EXP I'm farming off these 40APs.
Jesus christ, talk about daily hell.

I think I'm going to end up having to level up Servants to the max just to make room in my inventory for all this EXP I'm farming off these 40APs.
It's great, isn't it? I managed to level Herk from 60 to 70 throughout a single day, when I expected a week or so. The rest of my time'll probs be spent collecting XP card for Tamamo and throwing them in storage, methinks.
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Jesus christ, talk about daily hell.
I think I'm going to end up having to level up Servants to the max just to make room in my inventory for all this EXP I'm farming off these 40APs.
I just wish I could actually get some Dragon Fangs to drop off the Wyvern Island so I can ascend my Sabers and use the Saber EXP cards I've farmed off this event.
Oh hey, found my old quartz account for JP that I gave up logging into about 4 months ago

Anyone want it? Only has Medb and Cu Alter for 5 stars, Elizabeth and Edison for 4 star

I'm still made cuz I don't have those 5stars in my real account and rolled them in the same roll way back when America first came out. Back when emulators were still a thing

Has 74 tickets and 698 quartz
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Well, you could wait with giving it away for like 2 weeks and roll on EoR3 once or twice.

And if my own acc didn't have 13 SSR rolls to its name I might be tempted to say yes, but as it is I don't feel like griding for events twice over.
I'd be tempted to say yes because no reserves of Quartz and tickets are enough for whenever Achilles shows his mug.

But I already got enough to worry about in my main, and I'd feel bad taking an account when I already have an EX luck one.
Halloween event coming up on NA for October 17th. I've saved 240 quartz for this. Hope I can come up with a few more in the Okeanos free quests + interludes. I'm hoping for that Tamamo.
So is Tamamo worth burning your stash for even if you are a dirty f2p player?

Or should you wait for something like Scathach or Mordred to cry over not getting.
So is Tamamo worth burning your stash for even if you are a dirty f2p player?

Or should you wait for something like Scathach or Mordred to cry over not getting.
She remains the best Arts Support in-game even on the JP Server, so if you like those go for her.

There are Servants who are superior to her overall, but none that are neccesary in any meaningful ways and she makes a lot of comps better/possible.

... I want her.
So is Tamamo worth burning your stash for even if you are a dirty f2p player?

Or should you wait for something like Scathach or Mordred to cry over not getting.

Well, look at this thread and see how many people are going to roll for her.
Remember that she will be a permanent addition to the pool come London.
If I were a 100% F2P NA player I'd just make do with half my caster support list being waver, and the other half Tamamo.
Really, it's much better to blow your SQ on a limited servant than on a permanent one.
Arts meme is cool and all, but to do it in NA right now you sorta need Vlad the Berserker.
And Mashu won't be able to help out your artsmeme all that much until 3-4 singularities down the line when her skills and NP get buffed, and she gets ascended.
This is also the reason I'm saving my SQ atm instead of going for the Heavens Feel banner.
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