Stop: I am deeply unhappy
i am deeply unhappy @The Curious Fan has been infracted under Rule 6 and removed from the thread for three days. Not two pages after I posted a warning about sexualising minors being unacceptable content on SV, I have twelve-year olds wearing low-rise knickers.

I cannot guarantee further action will not be taken under Rule 1, as that is solely the purview of the Directors.
Information: HEY LISTEN
hey listen
Quite against my better judgement, I am going to re-open the thread. But I want to make something very clear: this is probationary.

It's concerning to me that we have a - very large - thread for a game so sleazy that posting its official art violates the rules. My original instinct was to simply close the thread and any others like it. Others, however, have suggested that this community is "non-toxic".

I am not convinced that's the case. But now you have an opportunity to prove it.

You are not allowed to post anything that sexualizes a minor, even if it is part of the official material. If this behavior reoccurs again, the posters will be banned, and - depending on the severity of the behavior, the number of users liking it, and whether or how quickly it has been reported - other actions may be taken, including infracting supporting users or closing the thread, and others like it.
Warning: You should know better than this
you should know better than this
@GilliamYaeger, use of 'trap' to refer to transgender individuals or individuals who for whatever other reason look and/or dress like a different gender is and always has been against the rules of SV. It is classified as hate speech under Rule 2.

You are receiving an official warning rather than automatic points because you merely posted a video with a title containing the term, rather than posting it yourself, and because you have no priors for usage. This has earned you a modicum of leniency, but that said, you have been around for long enough to know better.

Please understand that if it happens again you will be infracted, and please exercise better awareness of our rules in future when posting or embedding content.

i'm gonna just leave this here To repeat the words of @Strypgia, who's said it better than I ever could on this subject:

This has come up before. Not tossing out infractions or anything here, but I do want to hand out an explanation.

Trap in that way is a slur we don't allow on SV. Yes, it's a slur, yes, it's been prohibited here for literally years now, and yes, it's even specifically used in the rules as an example. We've had Staff and regular posters have that screamed at them IRL as an insult and worse, so it's not just a fluffy anime term because it's used that way on some sites or boards.

I'm just going to reuse the words one of our directors used in a similar case a while ago: The term isn't a mystery. A lot of the trans people we have on SV are themselves otaku and familiar with the term, the character type it refers to and so on. It's not some mystery that they, or us for that matter, had never encountered before.

Moreover because we are familiar with the term we can say that the idea that it's not a bad term is somewhat naïve. Even setting aside that it's a gay panic joke where the gay panic has subsided somewhat, the character type itself - the otoko no ko - is very often used in pornography that sexualizes young boys or is pretty much rape. It's not all Juns and Totsukas. Moreover, it is not uncommon for transwomen to be treated like they're actually crossdressing men who catch men in insidious gay sex traps, so they're understandably sensitive about this. Considering the inherently negative connotation in the word 'trap', its origins as a gay panic joke, and the concerns of a significant portion of our userbase, we don't allow the word to be used.

So just an advisory, kids: Don't giggle and toss 'trap' around here.
Stop: No
Really wish they get ran over

Declaring your desire for other users to suffer a horrible accident is unacceptable behaviour on Sufficient Velocity, and you have been issued with 50 infraction points and a two week threadban for this. I cannot guarantee further action will not be taken after review.