[X] Edgar and Riya should go get their planes moving NOW, we have a broom and they don't.
[X] attempt to water-magic a fix, there's no time to fiddle manually.
-[X] invoke Stosneita
-[X] if that fails, rig the gas bombs to detonate and bail
[X] Edgar and Riya should go get their planes moving NOW, we have a broom and they don't.
[X] attempt to water-magic a fix, there's no time to fiddle manually.
-[X] invoke Stosneita

If we detonate the gas bombs, that is guaranteed Infamy, and the village may just kill us where we stand
[X] Edgar and Riya should go get their planes moving NOW, we have a broom and they don't.
[X] attempt to water-magic a fix, there's no time to fiddle manually.
-[X] invoke Stosneita
-[X] if that fails, rig the gas bombs to detonate and bail

This sounds like a better plan. After all, statistically Hilda has to use magic successfully in a high-stress situation eventually.

[X] Edgar and Riya should go get their planes moving NOW, we have a broom and they don't.
[X] attempt to water-magic a fix, there's no time to fiddle manually.
-[X] invoke Stosneita
-[X] if that fails, rig the gas bombs to detonate and bail
[X] Edgar and Riya should go get their planes moving NOW, we have a broom and they don't.
[X] attempt to water-magic a fix, there's no time to fiddle manually.
-[X] invoke Stosneita
-[X] if that fails, rig the gas bombs to detonate and bail

I'm partial to this too. It's a good plan.
I don't know that setting off the gas here would cause infamy. I'd argue that it might actually earn Fame. We would be keeping the bomber and the rest of the base out of the hands of the Goths. Maybe even two Fame, if we sacrifice the engine, our pay for the job.

[X] Edgar and Riya should go get their planes moving NOW, we have a broom and they don't.
[X] attempt to water-magic a fix, there's no time to fiddle manually.
-[X] invoke Stosneita
-[X] if that fails, rig the gas bombs to detonate and bail
I don't know that setting off the gas here would cause infamy. I'd argue that it might actually earn Fame. We would be keeping the bomber and the rest of the base out of the hands of the Goths. Maybe even two Fame, if we sacrifice the engine, our pay for the job.

[X] Edgar and Riya should go get their planes moving NOW, we have a broom and they don't.
[X] attempt to water-magic a fix, there's no time to fiddle manually.
-[X] invoke Stosneita
-[X] if that fails, rig the gas bombs to detonate and bail

I think people in this setting, especially those old enough to remember the war, won't have such a rational reaction to the use of the city-killer bombs. It's better than the Goths having it, but there's a lot of trauma there.
Alright then, let's do this. Roll +Wild, +1. So 2d10+4. Keep in mind you are targeting a piece of technology, so it might have
✨🌈✨consequences✨🌈✨ for that if you get a partial or a failure.
I think people in this setting, especially those old enough to remember the war, won't have such a rational reaction to the use of the city-killer bombs. It's better than the Goths having it, but there's a lot of trauma there.
I mean, it's not like we went "Goths! Let's bomb them!" It's more like, "Oh no! Goths! Do we try and get paid but let them have this terrible weapon or blow it and our paycheck up to keep it from them?" One of those is horrifying, the other gets you free drinks and a good reputation. Especially since we didn't do anything to lead the Goths here, they found it because of the guy in the suit.
WE DID IT. Ok well you got a partial but YOU DID IT.


I mean, it's not like we went "Goths! Let's bomb them!" It's more like, "Oh no! Goths! Do we try and get paid but let them have this terrible weapon or blow it and our paycheck up to keep it from them?" One of those is horrifying, the other gets you free drinks and a good reputation. Especially since we didn't do anything to lead the Goths here, they found it because of the guy in the suit.

I don't disagree, though I worry that the good doctor might.
[X] Edgar and Riya should go get their planes moving NOW, we have a broom and they don't.
[X] attempt to water-magic a fix, there's no time to fiddle manually.
-[X] invoke Stosneita
11-3 Dead Weight
Through the dirty window on the side of the hangar, a plane skidded to a stop onto the East runway. A huge, stubby plane with three engines, bone white, with a giant black angular spade on the side. You were stunned, and watched as soldiers piled out. They weren't like a military force. Some of them were in complete uniforms, but far more just had random assortments of clothing in the shape of a uniform, all dressed in white, black, and red. A man in a dirty suit was thrown onto the ground, out of the plane, and shot in the head by an older man wearing an officer's cap.

"START YOUR PLANES! OPEN THE SHUTTERS! I CAN DO THIS!" You screamed at them over the five running engines, running across the wing and putting your hands to the engines, trying to think of some concept you could latch onto for a spell to start the engines with.

"HILDA!" Riya wheezed. You turned to her, and she threw you her scarf. You caught it out of the air, locking eyes with her for a moment before Edgar helped her to her feet and they started toward the doors that led to the operation center of the base. You pictured a waterfall running through the propellers like a waterwheel, restarting the dead motor and returning the engines to functionality. Within a few seconds, the propellers began spinning again, slowly, with a couple dull snapping noises from inside the engine cylinders. You pictured more water flowing through, like a torrential downpour, or the colossal currents Stosneita conjured to consume prey, pushing away the thoughts that this was taking too long, ignoring the sound of the side door to the east runway being thrown open as the engines ignited and started to roar. You opened your eyes, seeing three soldiers with guns raised at you. One of them fired a pistol at you, and almost instantly you saw a shower of sparks burst off the propeller in between you and him. You scrambled back towards the cockpit, hearing comparatively quiet gunshots and seeing the canvas of the Pferd perforated by holes. You threw yourself into the pilot seat, grabbing the yoke, and staring for a moment at the opening shutter doors. You took another deep breath of your oxygen mask, grabbed the throttle lever, disengaged the brakes, jammed the throttle open.

You lurched back in your seat and accelerated out of the hangar, past the downed airship, and towards the cliff's edge. You had about a kilometer drop under it, you'd gain enough speed to glide at the very least. The engines were a quiet hum in the cabin, so you could hear clearly as something loudly pieced the steel structure of the aircraft. You spun your head around to see what that was, and saw a large metal spike, covered in serrated barbs, through the hull of the plane. After a moment a second one pierced the other side. The three-engined aircraft that landed on the runway had multiple turrets, so you guessed it must have come from that. After a moment you felt the harpoon lines snap taut, but instead of ripping your plane in half or just snapping, it felt like you were dragging something behind you. Thankfully, you had far more inertia, and soared off the runway, nosing down and catching momentum, before pulling the yoke back with all your might, feeling like you were lifting a rock the size of your torso, and leveling out. The altitude gauge was reading you at sea level, but you knew the altitude of the base, four thousand five hundred meters up, and estimated you'd dove about a hundred, so you were generally aware of how high you were. There was a headset on a hook on the side of the dashboard that crackled with static. You took your hands off the controls for a moment, grabbing the headset and putting it on. There was a mix of someone sounding like a young man speaking and some music from a far off radio station playing. You adjusted the radio's dial to hear the young man speaking. He didn't sound older than his mid-twenties.

"-Korporal Schwarz! Surrender and comply with orders now and you will be rewarded for bringing such an asset into the new Gotha Empire! Resist and you will be PUNISHED!" Someone yelled through the radio. Glancing through the right windshield, at the rear view mirror, you saw the wing of the landing craft trailing behind you, and multiple goth soldiers climbing across the harpoon line like it was nothing.

[ ] Write in your response to the Corporal
[ ] Turn off the radio

Current Altitude: 44/59 (Ground is 35)
Current Speed: 7/20
Toughness: 41/41
Strain: 32/32
Fuel: 1/12
RPM 1: 2/7
Wear 1: 1/5(7)
RPM 2: 2/7
Wear 2: 3/5(7)
RPM 3: 2/7
Wear 3: 0/5(7)
RPM 4: 4/7
Wear 4: 3/5(7)
Your Infamy Generator
Status Effect: Pooned!

Changing how we do combat rounds a bit in my endless search to find the perfect quest format to do action rounds in.

[ ] Describe the plan of actions you want to take, in order, and I'll tell you what moves we roll for it, then I'll summarize it narratively.
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[X]"I don't think you men can handle this plane!"
-Not confident in that line, but Hilda should say something to keep attention on us and away from Riya and Edgar as they taxi out.

[X]Dive dive dive! Throw the plane down to altitude 37 or so, then use the overspeed to climb back up towards our Circus' altitude.
-We have lots of altitude, low airspeed, and aren't paying for the engine repairs, so a rapid dive to shake these guys off could work, whether by windspeed tearing them off or the harpoons shaking loose, presuming Hilda can pull out and we don't tear the wings off.
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and multiple goth soldiers climbing across the harpoon line like it was nothing.
4 km up, 70 km/h winds, freezing cold.

Just build different, or the power of meth?

[ ] Describe the plan of actions you want to take, in order, and I'll tell you what moves we roll for it, then I'll summarize it narratively.
You know how you crack a whip. Sending a big wave through it that then snaps at the end. Let's try that with the harpoon. Shimmy the bomber side to side, and see if we can't snap them off.