[X] Take it back to town (Stuff the engine in the trunk)
The irony of using the Pferd for the opposite of its intended purpose is quite delightful.

[X] How do you react to the noises you hear?
[X] Let the others know you're hearing the pilot talking, try to freak out, fail due to the hypnosis.
[X] Tell the others about the incoming aircraft, suggest we should scramble and meet the newcomers in the air.
[] Give Edgar our Oxygen Tank, he clearly needs it much more than we do.
Edit: nevermind, we don't have the spare I thought we did.

Other than that, I have nothing to add to the bandwagon.

[X] Take it back to town (Stuff the engine in the trunk)
[X] Ask your pen pal Deep One if they can give you more info about the noises and ask them if they know what's going on with Karl. Get the hell out of there. Get the hell out of there.

[X] How do you react to the noises you hear?
-[X] You should... talk to someone? Maybe?
-[X] After you tell the others about the incoming planes and prepare your next steps.
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He got two, and used one during flight, and is now using one on the ground.
I strongly suspect he's going to need another on the way back down; I don't think he'd handle combat (which seems likely) well without one. And since we're back to 3pilots/3planes, he won't have a copilot to catch him if something goes wrong.

I don't want to lose our buddy because he passed out during a hard turn and crashed into the mountainside.

Edit: or because he cranked too hard steering the big plane; that thing costs 2 stress just to fly.
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I don't want to lose our buddy because he passed out during a hard turn and crashed into the mountainside.
Well, I'm glad you like him at the very least. But he'll be fine without yours, you spent 3 Thaler on it, I'm not gonna fuck with you when you dropped that much cash. Also you pulled the tabs at the same time, so they both have the same time limit.
Edit: or because he cranked too hard steering the big plane; that thing costs 2 stress just to fly.
Worry not about that him getting too stressed from that plane, it only affects him when he lands. Additionally, he'd only pass out from too much G force or injury, both of which are unavoidable even in the cockpit with him.
Woo! @Texas Red ! If that's the plane I think it is, than it is as bad as they say it is. I know it is a point less vote but I gotta speak my piece:
While I trust the Doc, I *don't* trust the town to be able to hold onto it. If/when the Goths see that plane, their new goal in life will be to burn the town to the ground and steal the plane, not necessarily in that order

[X] Goths can't take what doesn't exist
[x] Get rid of this abomination
- fly it up very high/over a gear drop, force it into a nose dive and Broom to safety

[X] Ask your pen pal Deep One if they can give you more info about the noises and ask them if they know what's going on with Karl. Get the hell out of there. Get the hell out of there.

[X] How do you react to the noises you hear?
-[X] You should... talk to someone? Maybe?
-[X] After you tell the others about the incoming planes and prepare your next steps
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11-2 Blow This Scene (Transmission)
You turned your head and looked behind you towards the open door. Your ears were standing on end. You had a bad feeling. A really bad feeling.

"We need to get the hell out of here." You said, glancing down to make sure you knew where your sword and gun were. "Elena wants this to de-gas cities. She should get it. Edgar, hook up the drop tanks, Riya, check the engines, I'm gonna do cockpit preflight." You said, before getting behind the crate and pushing with all your might towards the entrance door. There was already a ramp to it, so you just opened the entrance and shoved the crate inside.

"You're flying?" Edgar asked, also shoving the pallet of fuel tanks towards the empt- holy shit. The bomb bay was completely full of bombs. Dumb bombs with green caps and the same poison hazard symbol on the oxidized fuel barrel. "…fuck."

"Just take out enough to load the fuel! We need to go!" You yelled, sprinting through the dark plane into the cockpit, a closed room with a large control panel, covered in buttons nose gauges. You were experienced enough as a pilot to understand all of them, thankfully. You sat down on the padded chair, confused as to the strange set of straps hanging off that looked like they'd connect, and examined what you were looking at. The fuel gauge was set to a full tank, but petrol has a shelf life of a year at most, so by now it would be as combustible as dirty water. Luckily planes draw fuel from drop tanks first. Oil pressure looked fine, the temperature gauge for the coolant, marked "Glycol", and the oil was predictively below zero. The plane was steered with a yoke instead of a stick, which you had a lot of time to practice with in Edgar's plane. You jiggled the ailerons a few times, looking left and right at the wings as you did so, feeling fine to you, if a bit stiff. The controls cost a lot of core and arm strength to even use, no wonder there were two other seats for copilots. This would be a nightmare to fly solo.

Oh wait, you had three planes and three pilots. You concentrated on talking to your new patron for a moment.

Hey there, uh, buddy, do you know what the hallucination was? Am I going crazy or was that the spirit of the guy from my dreams? You asked your patron. She whispered that she had a vague awareness of someone else in here with you, though her connection was to you, not whatever else is here. But she told you to be unworried because you had this in the bag, you were going to complete the mission and get home safe.

"Tanks secured!" Edgar called from back near the entrance.

"Control's are fine! Can you pump the fuel?" You called back, almost immediately hearing four quick pumps of the two-handed fuel pump from the back of the cockpit. You clasped your hands together and leaned onto the cockpit, speaking low to the Goddesses.

"Dear Goddesses, I beg forgiveness for my transgression of awakening this dragon of iron from its tomb, even if for virtuous reasons. I vow to prevent it from falling into the hands of m-…" you took a breath. "those that would abuse its power to ruin the world more, no matter the cost." Those engine noises were audible from inside the cockpit.

"CONTACT!" You heard Riya call from outside, holding the front left prop. On instinct you opened the glass cover of the magnetic switch and pressed it into the on position.

"SWITCH IS HOT!" You called back. She threw the propeller with a horrible grinding sound. A loud BANG burst through the hangar, and it started spinning. She slid down the ladder, ran to the other prop behind it, and threw it too with another deafening BANG. They both started, if a little slow. You opened the throttle just a little to test it, and the engine's exhaust turned black immediately. You closed the throttle to idle speed, and it stayed black. This was going to be a rough flight. Edgar threw the third prop, the front right one, and it ignited as well. Riya went for the fourth propeller, threw it, and was immediately it started pouring out black smoke. Riya jumped off the ladder she was using to reach the prop, coughing and wheezing. FUCK! The prop spun slowly for a few seconds, and then both on the right side simply stopped, pouring out jet black and toxic green smoke. You stood up from the pilot seat and opened the door to the wing, seeing Riya collapsed on the ground trying to catch her breath and Edgar moving to help her. Sitting in storage for two decades clearly did a number on the engine. You'd need to find a way to fix it yourself if you wanted to fly this thing out.

[ ] Stay and fix the engine (Patch Fix) (also say if you want to call out to your patron for a +1 or not) if you succeed, there wooo be dubious shit happening. If you fail, bad, bad shit will happen
[ ] Abandon the plane and run to attach the engine to Edgar's plane. It will cost you to repair it.
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[X] Stay and fix the engine (patch fix) (also say if you want to call out to your patron for a +1 or not) if you succeed, there wooo be dubious shit happening. If you fail, bad, bad shit will happen
-[X] Invoke Stosneita

I super don't want to leave this to others, and I am committed to getting it back.
[X] Eyeball: Can we see who's coming? If it's not Goths, we might be able to wait and do this properly.
Either way, advantage forward.

Edit: 7! Curse you dice.
Tetragramm threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Eyeball: 2d10+0 Keen -3 Vis Total: 10
8 8 2 2
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Edit: 7! Curse you dice.

Oh well. You see a three engined Goth raiding plane carrying a dozen and a half soldiers skid to a stop on the east runway through the narrow east window, and some man in a dirty suit being thrown on the ground and shot in the back of the head. They are unaware of your presence as their engines are still on too.
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[X] Stay and fix the engine (patch fix) (also say if you want to call out to your patron for a +1 or not) if you succeed, there wooo be dubious shit happening. If you fail, bad, bad shit will happen
-[X] Invoke Stosneita

If this doesn't work, I'm voting for broom out and set the horrible plane on fire as we go, maybe try to detonate the gas bombs to leave the base unsalvageable.
[X] Abandon the plane and run to attach the engine to Edgar's plane. It will cost you to repair it.
[X] Rig the gas bombs to detonate.

With that many Goths on the runway, the mission is FUBAR. Time to focus our goal: getting an engine and getting away.
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