Another reminder, do vote for what you think the character would do, and remember she is pretty stressed!
Yeah, blowing up definitely isn't ideal from a gameplay perspective, but with how stressed she is and how unreceptive she was to Edgar's proselytizing, a big dramatic Break Trust makes sense to me.
You know what, that is a good point, and I actually agree with you! I'm gonna vote for this as well. The drama will be fun, in any case.

[X] Reject, +1 Stress.
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[X] Reject, take 1 stress

We trust enough for BDSM, we trust enough for cuddly old ones. Fuck breaking trust after we tried so hard to keep it.

That said, it has been pointed out how scummy Edgar's actions are when reflected upon. Hilda should at least call this out.
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Was reading through the Ground Masteries and I'm obsessing over Hilda getting the Getaway Mastery and becoming uncatchable and ungovernable.
[X] Reject, Break Trust.
I'm going to say this. Hilda's main interaction with the Deep Ones was a nightmare, she just had a(nother) Fae digging around in her head, the other soul is in there, and he didn't agree to have Deep Ones whispering to him. Maybe once we sort this out a little, but adding creepy tentacle voices to all of this seems like a bad idea.
That's a good point too! I thought people would he like "hell yeah eldritch abominations" but I'm really happy there's legitimate conflict and discussion here!
I'm gonna let this go for a while longer, as much as I want to keep writing I'm loving the division!
Given that her main goal seems to be clearing other people out of her head at the moment, it does seem premature to add more, especially while Hilda is on drugs and hypnotized.
Now that I think about it, it does seem like a form of taking advantage of her vulnerable mental state, even if Edgar thinks he's helping. Pretty shitty on Edgar's part for not recognizing stress, mind altering substances, and him-induced hypnosis isn't an ethical position for someone to be in when attempting to convert them to your religion but I don't think he recognizes what he's doing is unethical.
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Hilda's been brain damaged, possesed, on drugs (illegal), on drugs(legsl), enchanted, hypnotized.

What's a little haunting?
[X] Reject, take 1 stress

NDP-ass vote, I know, but here me out:

Normally I just vote with Ebbor, but the reject crowd has convinced me that turning Edgar down at this time is the play.

However, I believe Hilda still wants to trust Edgar (See Pillow's argument), to the point that I feel this conflict materializes as an internal one in Hilda rather than a hard rejection of Edgar. I imagine said conflict might take the form of Hilda's internalized Misandry flaring up and seeing it the way Marshal does, vs wanting to love the fish boy the way the rest of us do.
Never mind, another amazing point! I'm actually going to change my vote cause I agree with that too! I think that would be interesting drama too, coping with Edgar's ignorance of when to introduce folks to things like this and perceiving it as advantage taking, while still trying to focus on loving him.
[X] Accept the Deep Ones move, spend 4 XP.

Edgar seems to be legitimately trying to help, and it's not like Hilda is a champion of foresight.

(Yeah it is creepy/scummy, but I don't think Edgar actually realizes that.)

Were she not in domesticated badger mode I think she might object harder. I do think these compounding 'Edgar keeps messing with my head' factors are prepping a spectacular fight down the line.
I don't think Edgar actually realizes that
I mean, he doesn't realize it because he hasn't been told. I feel he needs to be told so he can learn, especially if we want to keep this dream of a wholesome polycule alive.

I personally do want to keep the polycule dream alive, and that means communication after spotting these things, before they turn a nice thing -like hypnoplay- into trust breaking ugliness.
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In the interest of splitting the vote a little, and delaying everything some more, behold

[] Yes, but actually no, but actually yes
-[] Poor Edgar has clearly fallen into the grasp of some perfidious, nautical fae. You'll play along, for now. Bonds like this can not be broken from without, you'll have to break them from within.

Hilda having a severly misunderstood relationship with a poor, befuddled Deep one seems fun.