Extra Credits: Extra Sci Fi

This is what I get from Googling Anthropology Definition

a published collection of poems or other pieces of writing.
"an anthology of European poetry"
  • a published collection of songs or musical compositions issued in one album.
I don't really remember the book well enough to agree or disagree with their conclusions, but I do have one nitpick; even if we agree with their thesis that "The Million Year Picnic" is a cycle in-of-itself, it seems kinda cheap to just skip the rest of the post-Earth stories.
By what logic is War of the Worlds "subtle" in it's critique of colonialism?

The narrator explicitly makes the comparison.

Anyways, what are the odds they'll hit my man ERB at some point?

Also I see that Constantine ref you clever little buggers.
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Looking at this and Nasuverse's Frankenstein, I realize that everything about Nasuverse Frankenstein defeats the point of the original work's Frankenstein. Not that it's surprising, considering what it did with the Indian heroes, but it was kind of disappointing.

What do you mean by this? Explain? I'm genuinely curious.