[Exalted/SMT] Shard of a Broken Sun

Hot damn.

Is it just me or is Kagutsuchi more or less giving us it's blessing?
Pretty sure the mere Existence of a Solar here, has caused changes.

Kagatsuchi just witnessed a possible Alternative Path.

Going by the cutscenes I just read, Kagatsuchi helped create Paradise. But that world fell, from corruption. So it tried again, and created Earth. But then Himekawa happened, and thus Earth was destroyed, so that things could start anew, Again.

But a lone Solar, in the right place and time, proved itself powerful enough to defy that destruction. And now an entirely New possibility is opened.
Kagutsuchi isn't evil, and he certainly respects strength of will.

The only endings where he's upset with you are the Demon Endings, because they're both options where you've either surrendered your will in favor of just being a mindless thug, or you've resolved to fuck Everything over for all time just to punch the Great Will in the face. He's perfectly chill with the Neutral ending (Where you restore the world as it was) for instance, because at least that's still resolve, though he does more-or-less point out that it won't actually solve anything.

That's pretty much what Neutral does in Megaten--Law and Chaos don't get their way, but the foundations they built on go largely untouched.
[x] Essence 4~

[x] Head to Medical to get yourself and... yourself checked out.

Should probably add some more to this, but I'd rather not try to transform with Physics Amu just yet. Right now, at least, Amu's awake and can still interact with people and stuff; if diving back in works it might be headlong into an unconscious body for however long it would take to recover.

Maybe try to intentionally overwrite Dream Amu with Su's Linguistics? Also kind of reckless, but it'd fix the problem; assuming an intentional effort can get around DAP.
[x] Head to Medical to get yourself and... yourself checked out.
Reading and Writing still requires Linguistics sadly :(

Or rather, you need Lore 1 to be literate, but it's still based off of what languages you know.

We're at Lingustics -1, what this means is that we Don't even have a native language.

So yeah, we're going to need to buy that off as soon as the Exaltation comes out of repair mode, hopefully we'll still have some residual "Growth" left to do it quickly.

After that, going to need to start considering where to go from there. We're at "War" from here on out after all, so we can't go ignoring combat abilities from here on out.
Welp! ...unsure whether we'll osmose that Linguistics non-dot back from Su or anything, but still.

Exaltation is needed to give the benefits of Favored Skills, but Unfavored ones can be done by Amu alone; she'd need three weeks standard to get Linguistics 1, unsure how it works with re-learning Linguistics 0.
Gamerex27 said:
Uh...being totally ignorant of Exalted, how do we raise those stats back up? Do we need to spend the XP to do so?
The Willpower dots will come back on their own; one a month from now, the other two months from now. We can buy up Amu's Willpower in the meantime, which will cost the same as if it wasn't penalized. XP and training time will allow her to increase her Linguistics, she might also osmose it from Su; learning a language is effectively either a side-effect of a dot of Linguistics, or a Specialty gained (I think she's at -1, so I dunno how Baughn wants to rule that).

Willpower costs (current Willpower) xp and has "instant" training time (i.e., an hour), the first dot of a skill costs 3xp and takes three weeks training time (whether favored or not).

[X] Essence 4
Oh god yes Essence 4, this is a huge thing. Both for the extra motes and the Charms we can learn with it. Seriously, fulfilling a heroic Motivation or getting months of training time to meditate free just does not happen that often.

[X] Heat to Medical to get yourself and... yourself checked out.
Barring any better choice coming up, this seems reasonable; we have no idea what the heck is up with that. We should also un-merge with Su for part of the time and have Amu checked out with Su relaying instructions, to see what the physical differences are.
Su can't actually understand us when we're not fused either.

When we talk, we're speaking metaphysical "Gibberish". It's untranslatable because Amu's "Words" are devoid of all meaning. -1 Linguistics is actually virtually impossible in Exalted, because any being that enters Creation without a language gets Old Realm as a "Bye".

But yeah, heading to medical is probably going to be useful plan, we should also stay transformed at least until we've explained the situation..
[X] Essence 4
[X] Hugs of relief for everyone
[X] Go bright red at the almost-kiss
[X] Confusion at other-Amu, try to wake her.
[X] Check that the Charas are all ok.
[X] Gather wits and look for a doctor to inspect your head and the other Amu.
[X] Essence 4
[X] Hugs of relief for everyone
[X] Go bright red at the almost-kiss
[X] Confusion at other-Amu, try to wake her.
-[X]Unless you think that's a bad idea due to your medical knowledge.
[X] Check that the Charas are all ok.
[X] Gather wits and look for a doctor to inspect your head and the other Amu.

Amu's ability to say and understand words is a peculiar loss, but one that's simultaneously aggravating and tolerable.
Not sure about course of action, but...

[X] Essence 4
Might take a stab at adding a bit to that vote of mine later, once I wake up a bit more.

Not-fully-awake prelim version:
[] Now that you're not in horrifying pain, think for a minute; go over what just happened and put that Lore 4 to use.
-[] (Assuming Lore's the right stat and 4 is sufficient to figure out the Physical/Dream Amu stuff, might be an Occult thing) You're, uh, probably going to want to get back into your body at some point. Might as well get it checked out first in Medical though, just in case you have another 12~16 hours of unconsciousness to look forward too.

[] Ran and Miki will probably be suffering from the language thing too... but the Shard said that you'd all gotten the Lore upgrades, and not just you and Miki. Maybe this would work in the same way? It's not like you'd be messing with your personality or anything, just your knowledge of Japanese...
-[] Carefully try to copy over Su's copy of the Japanese language; the Shard said Dream Affirming Projection would stop unwanted self shaping, so you'll probably have to do it actively rather than just hoping for some kind of passive osmosis.
........ said:
-[] (Assuming Lore's the right stat and 4 is sufficient to figure out the Physical/Dream Amu stuff, might be an Occult thing) You're, uh, probably going to want to get back into your body at some point. Might as well get it checked out first in Medical though, just in case you have another 12~16 hours of unconsciousness to look forward too.
It's an occult thing, but of course you can try anyway.

You've even got an occult excellency, and your pools aren't completely empty. Isn't that nice?

EDIT: Also, calling this at 16:00.
Buying "Harmonious Academic Methodology" as soon as possible will help us into getting our linguistic back to normal relatively rapidly(one week instead of three).
Giygas said:
Buying "Harmonious Academic Methodology" as soon as possible will help us into getting our linguistic back to normal relatively rapidly(one week instead of three).
Also, we might be able to teach babies language earlier than normal or something if they join us in our endeavor to learn, but I'm not sure how to communicate that in pantomime.
Copying it over from Su would be a great deal faster, but thinking on it more it'd be best to wait for the Shard to reconnect first; both because it would probably help a great deal in directing the effort to hopefully minimize the chances that something could go wrong, and for the chance it'd pick up some helpful data from observing a directed effort.

That said... What, exactly, does Harmonious Academic Methodology do? If it cuts training times in general it might help in getting Amu some dots in Martial Arts and/or Melee in a more reasonable time frame.
Yeah, I had a big huge plan in mind for Amu to remain useful even while staying back to recover, and a lot of it revolved around Training Charms.
........ said:
Copying it over from Su would be a great deal faster, but thinking on it more it'd be best to wait for the Shard to reconnect first; both because it would probably help a great deal in directing the effort to hopefully minimize the chances that something could go wrong, and for the chance it'd pick up some helpful data from observing a directed effort.

That said... What, exactly, does Harmonious Academic Methodology do? If it cuts training times in general it might help in getting Amu some dots in Martial Arts and/or Melee in a more reasonable time frame.
It reduces training times for abilities or attributes to a week per dot, which Amu already learns Dawn abilities faster than, across a social group of unspecified size which the user must actually teach (I think it's 5 hours per week for the teacher and a lot of self-study for everyone who's learning, including Amu in this case). It also teaches scholarly topics exclusively until the expansion charm is purchased, and has a further expansion that can teach more mystical topics like sorcery or supernatural martial arts charms, but that one's at Essence 5 and in a book nobody likes.

The Tiger Warrior Training Technique is a War charm, and can do some things that even HAM's expansions don't.
........ said:
Copying it over from Su would be a great deal faster, but thinking on it more it'd be best to wait for the Shard to reconnect first; both because it would probably help a great deal in directing the effort to hopefully minimize the chances that something could go wrong, and for the chance it'd pick up some helpful data from observing a directed effort.

That said... What, exactly, does Harmonious Academic Methodology do? If it cuts training times in general it might help in getting Amu some dots in Martial Arts and/or Melee in a more reasonable time frame.
Firstly: thanks to our Dawn caste, if we have sufficent XP we can buy instantly every dots we want of every combat ability(Archery, Melee, Thrown, Martial Arts and War).
Secondly: here is the text of the Charm:
Cost: 10m, 2wp; Mins: Lore 5, Essence 3;
Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Obvious, Touch, Training
Duration: One week
Prerequisite Charms: Any two Lore Excellencies
Enlightened Lawgivers bring wisdom to the masses. This Charm involves training an organized social group such as a class, ministry or guild. This action requires five or more hours of effort in any given week to bear fruit. In each week of training, the trainer picks one trait to train: Conviction, Temperance, Perception, Intelligence, Craft (Air, Earth, Fire, Water or Wood), Investigation, Lore, Linguistics, Performance, Presence or Socialize. This Charm increases that trait for each member of the unit by one dot, to a maximum of 4. The Solar can train with the group or as a solo character, increasing her own traits. She cannot increase others' traits past her own.
The problem is that for some reason, Harmonious Academic Methodology needs 2 Lore Excellencies. That said, we could still learn it fairly easily.

That aside, Training Charms are going to be one of our best contributions while Amu is still on the mend. Harmonious Academic Methodology allows us to train programmers up to Fumi's level to help manage the machines, Tiger Warrior Training Method would let us train up Demon Tamers to help defend the physical servers, and if we get any of the Essence 4 Upgrades, we'll be in even better shape.

We can't be everywhere at once, but we can train dudes up to Special Forces spec en masse, that's not a small thing.
Huh. So, going by some things I've heard, as a Dawn we can buy up any combat related skill without training times, yes?

Is it possible for us to buy up Martial Arts right now? And if so, how high could we get it after buying E4?