[X] The Mountain. Those armored suits that surrounded the larger platforms, each one thrice the size of a man. Implacable. Indomitable. Relentless.

Destroyer. Fitting, I suppose.
[X] The Mountain. Those armored suits that surrounded the larger platforms, each one thrice the size of a man. Implacable. Indomitable. Relentless.
little did we know that the first age would allow @TenfoldShields to combine his shadowrun writing with his exalted writing like twisted matter-antimatter explosion releasing a devastating wave of awesome

you had us all fooled

[X] The Mountain. Those armored suits that surrounded the larger platforms, each one thrice the size of a man. Implacable. Indomitable. Relentless.

yes but fuck mechs I want power armor
[X] The Mountain. Those armored suits that surrounded the larger platforms, each one thrice the size of a man. Implacable. Indomitable. Relentless.

Can't punch people with fighters (Well, not as easily).
[X] The Mountain. Those armored suits that surrounded the larger platforms, each one thrice the size of a man. Implacable. Indomitable. Relentless.
[X] The Sky. Those fighters, fast and sleek and deadly, darting through the clouds. Dancing between the raindrops. Untethered from the world below.
[X] The Sky. Those fighters, fast and sleek and deadly, darting through the clouds. Dancing between the raindrops. Untethered from the world below.

Those bird-faced killing machines in your dreams were free. So shall you be.
[X] The Sky. Those fighters, fast and sleek and deadly, darting through the clouds. Dancing between the raindrops. Untethered from the world below.
[X] The Sky. Those fighters, fast and sleek and deadly, darting through the clouds. Dancing between the raindrops. Untethered from the world below.

Lets go to the sky!
And that tells us everything we need to know about the character of Harrower's past life.
I've really only dabbled with Exalted, but I assume Bright Shattered Ice was a horrible person?

I thought I was reading about some type of proto-Alchemical exalted originally, until I realized that all first-age Solars were bug-fuck insane. I don't know why this one was so nonchalant about death though. Weren't the Solars terrified of the fact that they just dropped dead once they reached a certain age?

[X] The Sky. Those fighters, fast and sleek and deadly, darting through the clouds. Dancing between the raindrops. Untethered from the world below.

~Fly like an eagle
Let my spirit carry me
'Till I'm free
Oh, Lord through the revolution~
[X] The Mountain. Those armored suits that surrounded the larger platforms, each one thrice the size of a man. Implacable. Indomitable. Relentless.
[X] The Sky. Those fighters, fast and sleek and deadly, darting through the clouds. Dancing between the raindrops. Untethered from the world below.

Isn't that the sidereals?

Nah, the solars had the "Thousand Struggles Era" in the First Age, when they all realized that they were mortal and this, "
unraveled the polite fiction that had previously tied the Deliberative together (i.e., each Solar's belief, however tenuous, that she'd eventually have her turn at guidance of the Deliberative)."
[X] The Sky. Those fighters, fast and sleek and deadly, darting through the clouds. Dancing between the raindrops. Untethered from the world below.
Adhoc vote count started by Dauan Tienar on Jan 23, 2019 at 11:07 AM, finished with 814 posts and 43 votes.
I've really only dabbled with Exalted, but I assume Bright Shattered Ice was a horrible person?
She was a First Age Solar, the signature elder Twilight, and Bluh Bluh Huge Bitch. She voted for Operation Wyldhand, and had a massive spy network to help her snipe upcoming new developments from other Exalts to secure her reputation as the pre-eminent Twilight "for the safety of the Realm," the reasoning going that anybody trying to hide new developments from her was obviously up to no good. She was also legitimately a genius inventor in her own right, but... Bluh Bluh Huge Bitch. Think Rule 63'd Memetic Thomas Edison overlaid with a personality imprint of "calculating asshole" and you've basically got her to a T.

She also had a raging crush on Desus, and honestly I could probably have left it at that.
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She also had a raging crush on Desus, and honestly I could probably have left it at that.
Nuff said yeah.

This flashback was great because of the sheer-disconnect. Yeah, Apollyon's this transhuman monster who thinks he's a god and perhaps rightfully so, but the only reason he was still alive was that he threw a little temper-tantrum. It's deliciously human.

I was weirded out by Merela. My only knowledge about her comes from EarthScorpion's fic so I knew that she was Queen Bitch of the Universe and was the on and off lover of Sol-Invictus but there is something oddly compelling about the fact that she clung to her original form while her compatriots went bat-shit insane.
I was weirded out by Merela. My only knowledge about her comes from EarthScorpion's fic so I knew that she was Queen Bitch of the Universe and was the on and off lover of Sol-Invictus but there is something oddly compelling about the fact that she clung to her original form while her compatriots went bat-shit insane.
Merela in general seems to be this person where her story is ultimately that of struggling to come to grips with how irrelevent the lauded war hero has become after the war ends. She was one of the greatest fighters of the Primordial War, and on the basis she was appointed Queen of the First Age. Then she found she wasn't a great peacetime ruler, and the other Exalted weren't keen on being ruled, so she was forced into abdication, and afterwards vanished from the world stage. My read on her is basically that she pottered on through life, keeping up her training and dabbled in personal projects, trying to make peace with the new shape of the world. It's fairly easy for me to see her growing disgusted with the First Age.

That said, clinging to her original form isn't all that unusual. Most Exalted did, per canon. Apollyon didn't because, well, he's a very @TenfoldShields sort of character :V
[x] The Mountain. Those armored suits that surrounded the larger platforms, each one thrice the size of a man. Implacable. Indomitable. Relentless.
[X] The Sky. Those fighters, fast and sleek and deadly, darting through the clouds. Dancing between the raindrops. Untethered from the world below.
I'd just like to take a moment and tip my hat to @TenfoldShields for managing to convey the sheer wrongness of the Reign of the Solars.

Just a few hundred people, and they've convinced themselves that only each other matters and just...having the same arguments and debates about the same subjects and making the same jokes and laughing at them and they're dug that rut for eons, "Vanity, vanity, there is nothing new under the sun, so says the Preacher."

This is coming from someone who feels the tendrils of a psychotic break squirming through their brain on a week long vacation where the whole family has to cram into two hotel rooms, but to me it was just this horribly compelling vision of well, Hell.

Kudos, sir.
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[X] The Sky. Those fighters, fast and sleek and deadly, darting through the clouds. Dancing between the raindrops. Untethered from the world below.

Two words: flying blender
Maaaan. I'm gonna curse this thread by saying it but I'm gonna say it, in terms of energy this reminds me of the Man of Steel prologue some (but not an incoherent grey nightmare). The difference in tech level mentioned in passing is like night and day - in Alexius' time we've got slave labour digging big ditches, in Apollyon's time we've got no-shit like, interdimensional research stations and he's got a SAM implant in his skull he stole from the Andromeda Initiative and he kinda casually biomodded himself into complete unrecogniseability etc etc etc. Love the contrast, really makes the First Age feel like this mythic era that Creation has fallen so far from. The fact that Apollyon more or less just like, got bored of being nice to people is wonderfully awful in its own banal way and is a great hint and how the thinking patterns of First Age Solars warped over time, especially in comparison to how much being alone with his own thoughts and mortality seems to unbalance him.
See, I was heavily reminded of Asura's Wrath, what with the cybernetically-reforged deities reigning over the mortal masses and Apollyon staggering around with big chunks ripped out of him, still alive, still angry, still utterly dedicated to his goals. Him referring to himself as one "stained with Pride" just sealed the deal.

[X] The Mountain. Those armored suits that surrounded the larger platforms, each one thrice the size of a man. Implacable. Indomitable. Relentless.
[X] The Mountain. Those armored suits that surrounded the larger platforms, each one thrice the size of a man. Implacable. Indomitable. Relentless.