[x] Elegia, you think. Your mostly-still-enigmatic Deathlord. At the start- at some point you were here bearing his flag. Fully intent on staking it on a mound of corpses. And then you simply...forgot about him completely.
Especially this line."You can't actually kill me you know." You say, softly, almost conversationally as General Navona bodily picks you up and simply plunges through reinforced walls, one shovel-sized hand closed around your throat. Reinforced timber shattering over your spine. "I hate you too much to die again."
This is the mind of a helot: thoughts limp slowly through wastelands of memory and yearning, lost in a sea of choking grey dust and hissing sand. Leaving bloody footprints behind in the endless, trackless, nothing; the sole signs of passage, proof of existence, swiftly blurred into shapeless clots, erased seconds later. They fall after a point to their knees, hands pressed against the drought-parched earth, feeling the rasp of grit against flesh torn to ragged white shreds. They fall again to their faces and lay still. Every dream dies this way: choking, struggling for breath, divorced from its origin, unable to recall where it was headed or why only that someone once wanted something so very badly. It is...more than mere denial, more than a loss of opportunity, more than a refutation or a barred door to some chamber of higher learning. It is deprivation. That juncture between starvation and thirst, the point where it feels like the navel kisses the spine and nerves are worn bloody and raw. Too tired to stand. Too tired to think. Too tired to remember (and even if you could, what would be the point, the dead are numberless; you could never remember them all). "The mind of a helot is weak" they say, the learned citizens and the wise archons and the Encrypted, their noble, cruel, hunting hawks. "Look at how little it retains. Look at how little it comprehends."
As if they hadn't broken your ribs till they swung open like hinges and filled the spaces within with dust. As if they hadn't peeled back the scalp and cracked open the skull, packing your brain in dust. As if they hadn't pushed their fingers between your jaws and pulled your mouth wide, pouring a river of dust down your throat until it drowned your souls. How is one supposed to feel about that? How is one supposed to feel about such violation, such wretched hypocrisy? "Rage" is too small a word, too quaint. "Sorrow" is all painted melodrama. "Hate" cannot even begin to describe those black depths in your chest (and oh they are so lovely, so dark, so deep). You never had a choice. Never had a chance. From your mother's hands to the fires of your funeral pyre you never could have been anything but what you were made to be. And you understand that fully, completely, with a perspective you never could have known before your death.
They made such a ruin of you, didn't they? A few pieces of shattered pottery from something that maybe-was, a few words on a long-eroded wall in a language nobody speaks. Torn and tattered lips mouthing little fragments of things that were once so important. Your mother's face. Your siblings and kin. The pretty boy with the handsome plumage who died once upon a time- his name, his name, what was- what was his name?
This is the thing about this world of the living, this is the nature of its wisdom and light: it reveals with a clarity that breaks the heart. It demands and that demand is imperial, arrogant and tyrannical; it will not be defied. "This is the whole of things" it says. "Everything that you see is. Everything that you do not, is not. So say I."
But the wisdom of death, those few things you have seen...it doesn't demand does it? No, oh no. It tempts. It promises. It spreads its arms wide and takes you into itself and whispers in your ear: "come then, let us think of things as they could be". When you drew your Second Breath it was like a gentle rain falling across the sum of your self. Dust into mud; titanic, desolate basins slowly filled drop by drop, becoming black oceans. A primordial wild. An abyss so impossibly ancient and vast; full of potential, full of possibility. Waiting so eagerly to see what you would do, you would make, what new horizons you would explore. It and you together, embraced forever.
Comfy Chair Urizen crossed with Urizen Forma Perfeccion, all wrapped up with that Tenfold fair - big approve. This is exactly why I voted for The Aesthetic.Your skin is shadow and ivory scale, organic segments as cleverly crafted as any plate draped over a slender form. Cloth made from flame in every shade of a dying sun billows from your hips in an open skirt and graceful horns curve into a shattered halo. Splendid plumage spills down your back, your spine, down the line of a saurian tail. Closed eyes, lidded in living armor sit in your forearms, your shoulders, your shins, your thighs, the very center of your chest. Your face is a blank milk-white mask, the suggestion of something saurian, something skeletal in the shape of the ivory and the shadows cast by the fires. It has been etched with iron and gold in elaborate wire-designs. Stylized monstrosity, a dragon's death mask, pressed on the blind, mute planes of your helm. In the dying light of the burning town is the impression of four thousand reaching hands. Against the backdrop of cold, coal-black clouds the impression of a more visceral, celestial anatomy is slowly resolving, becoming more real.
Listen: this is your Anima Banner and it is a carving knife working through the cosmos. Stripping away the veil of sky, of skin, to show the system below. Baring those beating, wetly organic stars and the shadows between that seem so like serrated teeth. The rainbow of pulsing nebulae, slit and split til their ichor drips down upon you in iridescent shades. Thickets of bone transfixing a realm of red, red meat and the silhouette of feathered wings.
You are a holy monster flayed into carrion, a messenger made into a message.
A promise of peace on Earth and goodwill toward all mankind.
It is genuinely impressive how quickly Harrower has gone from zero to JRPG endboss. I mean this is his second ever fight as an Exalt and he is sparing no time getting to the good part. Just give him a seven-foot-long katana and a blonde twunk to be villainously gay at and he'll accelarate to the absolute apex in no time."Listener," you say "Welcome". She doesn't flinch but there's something that shifts in her posture, a subtle leaning back. You wonder if it's your voice, if it's so contrary to your regalia, to her expectation. The armor does nothing to modulate it, it is as it has always been: not especially deep, not particularly loud by nature, a little soft perhaps. Slightly high but recently flat in aspect, as if you've had all the energy drained from you, a tap driven into your spine like your chest was a cask of wine and all the light drained away.
"Anathema," she replies, her words even. Considered. "May I hear your name, before your death?"
A twang of a bowstring, a hand snaps out and a titanic bolt transfixes your palm. Punching through the armor, piercing the meat and spearing out the other side. You flex your claws, it shatters like the others. The wreckage pushed out by the inexorable motion of the cut closing, sapphire and scarlet worming through the wound as your Banner shrouds you. A snake flickers a tongue at Damianos. You'll deal with him, deal with both of them in a moment. But for now you find yourself enjoying the...ritual of the exchange, the address. The acknowledgement.
"I am titled Harrower of the Celestial Skein," you say, "And I have already died. Who then are you, Listener, who has come to lay me to rest?"
"Listener Ekhidna Tomaria Paradoxica," she says as she splays her fingers and you can hear, even from here, the crunch-crunch-crunch of her working her knuckles. Slowly twisting her neck. Beneath your death mask eyes narrow, you watch as water pulls itself into slender strands around her, something weaving itself out of the air, anchored around her spine. "One last question then, before the reckoning. Why has the Mask of Winters, Master of Thorns, sent you among us now?"
"The Mask-," oh. Oh this is new. This is new and this- you like this. The asymmetry of knowledge. The implicit assumption of power. You let your head tip to the side as you spread your hands. Ekhidna can't see your smile beneath the ivory and gold and iron but you imagine that something of it seeps through your posture, something of it stains the air around you. "I do not serve the Mask of Winters, I know nothing of him and he knows nothing of me," you say with a mouthful of sharklike teeth, a carnivorous grin, "I serve Steel-and-Ember Elegia. The last king of Deheleshen. He brought me back, you see. To bring pain and punishment upon you, the children of traitors and coup-plotters and assassins. His was the first body laid at Lookshy's foundation. And now I will hang your corpses from the seven walls by the thousands."
The moments come in cascades. Halting in brief instances of clarity before hurtling ahead.
"You can't actually kill me you know." You say, softly, almost conversationally as General Navona bodily picks you up and simply plunges through reinforced walls, one shovel-sized hand closed around your throat. Reinforced timber shattering over your spine. "I hate you too much to die again."
They spin, pivot, hurl you. Liquid ribbons spear through your limbs, through the hairline gaps in your armor, pinning you to the wall like an insect. Arrows aglow with azure power destroy the half-filled storehouse as Damianos bombards you. It doesn't matter, the contamination, the corruption is already creeping along Listener Ekhidna's tentacles as you flood the world with necrotic Essence. Sacrificing reserve power to restore yourself, knit your monstrous physiology together and make yourself whole. She sheds the limbs with a hiss and skips out beyond the border of the poisoned sphere. Traps and snares of strangling vine and clouds of perfumed, intoxicating violet bloom underfoot, covering her retreat; Opiter you suspect, intervening as he's able. They lash themselves to your feet, your forearms, wind around your wrists with armor creaking strength only to rot and wither a second later. He cannot hold you. They cannot hold you.
"It's concerning, isn't it?" You ask, broadly indifferent in your curiosity as the grease-smear shimmering heatwaves from General Navona and the fanged mouth in the priestess's palm, that desiccating, sorcerous organ strip blood from the air, power from death, turning essential streams of energy to clotted dust. "You're veterans of- how many decades? I died during Calibration. I shouldn't be able to stand against you. I should have fallen by now. Something is wrong, don't you agree?"
The Fire Aspect's daiklave comes in a cleaving, overhead blow. Fit to split you from helm to groin, past even your ability to heal. A muted start, a flinch away as spear long spikes of sharpened bone explode from your body in every direction. A slick, still-steaming starburst that nearly impales them through the stomach, that does spear them through the meat of a bicep, that embeds itself in the plates of their armor. Your regalia re-seals itself as the organic polearms shatter, one white-clawed foot sweeping through the staves, breaking them like fine china. Talons curl in the collar of their breastplate. You burn Essence as you haul yourself up on thigh muscle alone and kick them in the jaw hard enough that their hair rustles in the shockwave. They grab you with a wounded arm, teeth gritted with agony and you drink deep of their blood as they drive you into the ground.
A third.
"I think I can do this forever," you say, confident and confiding in equal measure, almost at ease as the air above the town blossoms with explosions. A rolling thunder as booming detonations overlap, spilling over each other. Beams of bloody light intercepting ship-destroying arrows, diverted and scattered in turn by the selfsame missiles in vast plumes of hydraulic force. The snow and sleet have long since turned to rain, falling upon the semi-extinguished ruins in an artificial storm. Damianos swears in the twilight, both of you half-flashblind but you wear the handicap better. And you know he can hear you. The slaves and soldiers alike have fled, desperation to escape the cacophony a universal sensation. Listener and General on a pair of wide flanking paths, forcing you to use your false flash-step, blurring through the landscape in stutter-stop motion. "And I know you can't, kin of mine. The ending is inevitable, you should save us all time and blood and just let me kill-"
Thalia stabs you through the shoulder with a lance of white jade. The motion is so utilitarian and unromantic that for a second you don't even realize what's happened. You just blink beneath your death mask, muscles in your throat locking semi-rigid as you struggle to turn your head. Smelling, more than feeling, the sizzle of muscle and armored flesh as it begins to slough away into denatured, tar-thick strands. A cleansing white halo wreathing her, eating into the core of your being. You should be stepping out of range. You should be relocating. The other three will recover soon and this is-
This hurts. This hurts. She hurt you.
"There was a plan. You stupid child." She says, voice even, cool for all that it's still just the two of you, only you, here in what was once an alleyway. Ship sails are burning in the night, you can see them from the corner of your eye. Part of your brain sluggishly seizing on the detail, trying to remember if you did that. "There was a point to all this, if could you could even understand that. Do you have any idea how much you've jeopardized everything? Months of work, the trust of Archon Basilia, and then this moment. This...opportunity. This victory against the ravening wolves, the only truly moral target of the City. We would have won. And we would have purchased so, so much with that victory."
She smoothly withdraws the spear, and as if it was the only thing keeping you upright you slowly sink to a knee, hand pressed to the slope of your neck. Trying to reallocate what power you haven't carelessly expended, trying to halt the decay. It's not working like it should, it's happening too slowly and the Winglord is deliberately spinning her spear. Snapping it into her palm. Lining up the thrust with a keen, cold eye. And there's a drumming in your skull, a steady, even thudding in your head but it can't be from your heart. You don't think your heart really beats anymore. But still the noise, the noise, the noise.
Her words sound like hissing sand, the whisper of choking grey dust.
"All that effort wasted now," she says, as she steps back, "Because of you. Have you even considered what Lookshy will do to your kind? Once they learn what you were-"
What is it that pushes you through the pain? Rage is too small a word, and anguish is the word of poets. And hate? Hate can't encapsulate the feeling, not at all. The simple, overwhelming desire, the all encompassing need to hurt her back. You don't really know what happens next. It all comes in flickers. Fragments of sensation scraping past raw nerves, moments of focus in an unreal world.
The feeling of her throat in your hands, sandstone scales bruising, then breaking under the pressure as she tries to do what Navona did, and leverage you off with her righteous weapon.
The feeling of breaking wood as it flies past your knuckles, your arms, and glances off your helm. A no-longer-standing wall behind you, another one soon to join it as you tear speed from the darkness, from the deep, from the black ocean within you. As you push muscles to the point you think they're going to tear.
The feeling of her twisting, flipping in your grasp, bracing her feet to your breastplate and breaking the lock. Falling back into the earth, solid soil parting like water as she sinks. The paving stones exploding as you plunge a clawed hand in after her, close them around a greaved shin and pull her free. As you drag her up.
And up.
And up.
Blasts of Essence from your soles, your palm, ramshackle wings of induced force and manipulated power sending you higher and higher into a lunatic sky. Winglord Thalia struggling in your iron grip, lacerating your thigh with the spearhead in a burst of agony that whites out your senses for a moment. You just smack it away with your whip-like tail and pull her higher. Higher until the well within is almost empty. Until the town is rendered far, far below your feet in miniature. You glance down at the woman hanging by one leg, her spear braced against your chest now, the shaft splitting open like some strange tuning fork. You look down at her and think how dumb and mindless she is as flames build in that hollow haft.
You just open your hand and let gravity take her.
An inferno comes howling out of her lance, you can taste the resonance of the jade dust as it ignites, as she falls. It doesn't quite reach you.
You splay your fingers and let a single serpent coil around your forearm. A scarlet spark burning into being between its fangs. The lone crimson beam seems almost needle-thin as for a moment, a moment, you bridge Heaven and Earth through Winglord Thalia's belly. Lancing through her right flank.
And you hear her cry out, that impenetrable facade fracturing and watch as the Dragon-Blood is swallowed up by the darkness below.
This is the mind of a helot: thoughts limp slowly through wastelands of memory and yearning, lost in a sea of choking grey dust and hissing sand. Leaving bloody footprints behind in the endless, trackless, nothing; the sole signs of passage, proof of existence, swiftly blurred into shapeless clots, erased seconds later. They fall after a point to their knees, hands pressed against the drought-parched earth, feeling the rasp of grit against flesh torn to ragged white shreds. They fall again to their faces and lay still. Every dream dies this way: choking, struggling for breath, divorced from its origin, unable to recall where it was headed or why only that someone once wanted something so very badly. It is...more than mere denial, more than a loss of opportunity, more than a refutation or a barred door to some chamber of higher learning. It is deprivation. That juncture between starvation and thirst, the point where it feels like the navel kisses the spine and nerves are worn bloody and raw. Too tired to stand. Too tired to think. Too tired to remember (and even if you could, what would be the point, the dead are numberless; you could never remember them all). "The mind of a helot is weak" they say, the learned citizens and the wise archons and the Encrypted, their noble, cruel, hunting hawks. "Look at how little it retains. Look at how little it comprehends."
As if they hadn't broken your ribs till they swung open like hinges and filled the spaces within with dust. As if they hadn't peeled back the scalp and cracked open the skull, packing your brain in dust. As if they hadn't pushed their fingers between your jaws and pulled your mouth wide, pouring a river of dust down your throat until it drowned your souls. How is one supposed to feel about that? How is one supposed to feel about such violation, such wretched hypocrisy? "Rage" is too small a word, too quaint. "Sorrow" is all painted melodrama. "Hate" cannot even begin to describe those black depths in your chest (and oh they are so lovely, so dark, so deep). You never had a choice. Never had a chance. From your mother's hands to the fires of your funeral pyre you never could have been anything but what you were made to be. And you understand that fully, completely, with a perspective you never could have known before your death.
They made such a ruin of you, didn't they? A few pieces of shattered pottery from something that maybe-was, a few words on a long-eroded wall in a language nobody speaks. Torn and tattered lips mouthing little fragments of things that were once so important. Your mother's face. Your siblings and kin. The pretty boy with the handsome plumage who died once upon a time- his name, his name, what was- what was his name?
This is the thing about this world of the living, this is the nature of its wisdom and light: it reveals with a clarity that breaks the heart. It demands and that demand is imperial, arrogant and tyrannical; it will not be defied. "This is the whole of things" it says. "Everything that you see is. Everything that you do not, is not. So say I."
But the wisdom of death, those few things you have seen...it doesn't demand does it? No, oh no. It tempts. It promises. It spreads its arms wide and takes you into itself and whispers in your ear: "come then, let us think of things as they could be". When you drew your Second Breath it was like a gentle rain falling across the sum of your self. Dust into mud; titanic, desolate basins slowly filled drop by drop, becoming black oceans. A primordial wild. An abyss so impossibly ancient and vast; full of potential, full of possibility. Waiting so eagerly to see what you would do, you would make, what new horizons you would explore. It and you together, embraced forever.
You are fighting the City together, here, now. Its holy champions stand cast their defiance in your face, they will not fall to you. You are not done with them even so.
Yes, good, perfect attitude. They have their reasons, and their reasons aren't worth spit.It occurs to you that all you know is his story. It occurs to you that you don't know much of the man at all, that you don't understand the triumph and the fury and the hints of shame on his face as he looks at you, his hair blowing in the slow-building gale that whips through the camp. You wonder what, if anything, you said pierced his hide, stayed lodged in his side like a poisoned arrow, turning the blood toxic. You wonder if he feels grief, or if that guilt is for a past he can no longer change, or if all of it is for that moment of mortal hesitation and that he thought he was shed of such things. You don't know.
But maybe when you pull his heart from the ivory nest, the bed of meat and bone you'll ask it your questions. Maybe it will answer.
... I know exactly where this is going. It's utterly predictable from TenfoldShields of all people.But hush, hush and hear the sound of a body being broken beneath it all. Hush and hear the sound of a form remade by the will of one. Hush and hear this secret, whispered then, at the beginning. Bounced back now through the angles of the aeons to buzz and hum in your ear.
Before the Unconquered Sun walked as a man he flew as a Dragon. His scales were golden plate, each one unbreakable. Down his back were feathers in every color of dawn and dusk, each one a marvel. His tongue was a golden flame and with it he spoke wonders into being. He had not four hands then but four thousand and in each palm he held one good thing, bestowed upon the earth and around each scaled wrist he had a golden shackle. And so bound he crawled across the heavens, lustrous chains wound link by link around an ever turning wheel, from horizon to horizon till at last he could rest, if only for a time, (and he would understand, you think, that feeling of lost thoughts and lost dreams and he would understand, you would like to think, the idea of living with a soul full of dust).
AND I AM HERE FOR IT! Yesss dragon form goodness.You are a holy monster flayed into carrion, a messenger made into a message.
A promise of peace on Earth and goodwill toward all mankind.
Ah... Hm. Is this the first time a Dragonblood has formally acknowledged Harrower? I think it might be. Yes, the circumstances are... fitting.A twang of a bowstring, a hand snaps out and a titanic bolt transfixes your palm. Punching through the armor, piercing the meat and spearing out the other side. You flex your claws, it shatters like the others. The wreckage pushed out by the inexorable motion of the cut closing, sapphire and scarlet worming through the wound as your Banner shrouds you. A snake flickers a tongue at Damianos. You'll deal with him, deal with both of them in a moment. But for now you find yourself enjoying the...ritual of the exchange, the address. The acknowledgement.
Oh this... Mmm. I'm hardly the first to pick this passage out as worthy of comment, this is well-trodden ground, but oh the arrogance of her in this speech, as if anybody from Lookshy deserves to cast themselves as a saviour of the downtrodden, the sheer presumption in trying to make out that Lookshy's cruelties are the helot's fault for daring to rebuke them. Oh that burns. You deserve everything you got and more, lady."There was a plan. You stupid child." She says, voice even, cool for all that it's still just the two of you, only you, here in what was once an alleyway. Ship sails are burning in the night, you can see them from the corner of your eye. Part of your brain sluggishly seizing on the detail, trying to remember if you did that. "There was a point to all this, if could you could even understand that. Do you have any idea how much you've jeopardized everything? Months of work, the trust of Archon Basilia, and then this moment. This...opportunity. This victory against the ravening wolves, the only truly moral target of the City. We would have won. And we would have purchased so, so much with that victory."
She smoothly withdraws the spear, and as if it was the only thing keeping you upright you slowly sink to a knee, hand pressed to the slope of your neck. Trying to reallocate what power you haven't carelessly expended, trying to halt the decay. It's not working like it should, it's happening too slowly and the Winglord is deliberately spinning her spear. Snapping it into her palm. Lining up the thrust with a keen, cold eye. And there's a drumming in your skull, a steady, even thudding in your head but it can't be from your heart. You don't think your heart really beats anymore. But still the noise, the noise, the noise.
Her words sound like hissing sand, the whisper of choking grey dust.
"All that effort wasted now," she says, as she steps back, "Because of you. Have you even considered what Lookshy will do to your kind? Once they learn what you were-"