[Exalted, ?] Most High

This, basically. I'm not opposed to any of the options; I think they're all really useful and interesting, but we walked into a deathtrap and now we want to give up the chance for breathing room? Not stabilizing the situation will lead to severe complications down the road. The other options don't help us in the here and now, and all the pies in the sky won't be worth a damn if we don't survive to eat them. It's just not the time to be focusing on the other stuff.

Also, it'll save tens of thousands of peasant lives, ensuring the happiness and prosperity of the people we are ostensibly responsible for. Y'know, if you care about that kind of thing.
While certainly true, there is to consider that it doesn't actually guarantee breathing room and that not opening up with some seriously dangerous but also incredibly impressive heroics for as long as the stasis lasts will have its own drawback.

As Rihaku noted, Uly isn't all that likable. In fact, he's kind of a dick.
Immediate action would give Uly the opportunity to win the loyalty he needs with some ridiculously awe-inspiring feats and to start building his legend.

The alternative is, even if the plan works out as intended, that Uly's first exposure to the people in his Satrapy is while everyone is stuck in a city with simply too many people in it, all of which will be on edge and only very few of which will be confident in Uly's odds of success.
And for the whole time, that they're stuck in there and tension increases constantly, Uly will be his gruff, disrespectful and kind of dickish self, only he also gets to be an incredibly demanding taskmaster, without really having any accomplishments behind him that would make people accept having to put up with this sort of treatment.
Uly's biggest achievement so far is killing the incredibly respected, admired and loved guy that could otherwise have been sent here to save everyone. Showing up without some pretty huge and immediate results and then spending the next period of time not doing anything immediately visible is kind of going to be problematic.
While certainly true, there is to consider that it doesn't actually guarantee breathing room and that not opening up with some seriously dangerous but also incredibly impressive heroics for as long as the stasis lasts will have its own drawback.

As Rihaku noted, Uly isn't all that likable. In fact, he's kind of a dick.
Immediate action would give Uly the opportunity to win the loyalty he needs with some ridiculously awe-inspiring feats and to start building his legend.

The alternative is, even if the plan works out as intended, that Uly's first exposure to the people in his Satrapy is while everyone is stuck in a city with simply too many people in it, all of which will be on edge and only very few of which will be confident in Uly's odds of success.
And for the whole time, that they're stuck in there and tension increases constantly, Uly will be his gruff, disrespectful and kind of dickish self, only he also gets to be an incredibly demanding taskmaster, without really having any accomplishments behind him that would make people accept having to put up with this sort of treatment.
Uly's biggest achievement so far is killing the incredibly respected, admired and loved guy that could otherwise have been sent here to save everyone. Showing up without some pretty huge and immediate results and then spending the next period of time not doing anything immediately visible is kind of going to be problematic.

To be fair, he is able to use Prophet while the city is under siege, so life for its residents will likely be quite secure, as long as the records room isn't damaged.

But yes, while competent administration can win friends over time, immediate heroics can win awe-struck worshippers right now. If you survive, which kinda depends on your Wake the Sleeper roll.

[X] The Scarlet Flag Prophecy

I wanted to go full crazy but this more immediate.

This doesn't actually help you much at Luseng directly though, not with its immediate troubles.
[X] The Three Kingdoms Prophecy
[X] Wake the Sleeper

I choose immediate survival. The other prophecies are long terms prospects, none of them help us on arrival into this death trap we've chosen to enter.
[X] The Three Kingdoms Prophecy
[X] Wake the Sleeper

I choose immediate survival. The other prophecies are long terms prospects, none of them help us on arrival into this death trap we've chosen to enter.

Well, one could look at it from the perspective of making maximum use of your resources. You don't really have definitive assets you can use for more specific Seventeen Cycles predictions, but you will get those when you arrive at Luseng (hopefully). On the other hand, this might be the last time in a while that you're able to influence the fate of the outside world, because you'll soon be too busy.
Well, one could look at it from the perspective of making maximum use of your resources. You don't really have definitive assets you can use for more specific Seventeen Cycles predictions, but you will get those when you arrive at Luseng (hopefully). On the other hand, this might be the last time in a while that you're able to influence the fate of the outside world, because you'll soon be too busy.

It's the "hopefully" part of that statement that lead me to this choice.
While certainly true, there is to consider that it doesn't actually guarantee breathing room and that not opening up with some seriously dangerous but also incredibly impressive heroics for as long as the stasis lasts will have its own drawback.

As Rihaku noted, Uly isn't all that likable. In fact, he's kind of a dick.
Immediate action would give Uly the opportunity to win the loyalty he needs with some ridiculously awe-inspiring feats and to start building his legend.

The alternative is, even if the plan works out as intended, that Uly's first exposure to the people in his Satrapy is while everyone is stuck in a city with simply too many people in it, all of which will be on edge and only very few of which will be confident in Uly's odds of success.
And for the whole time, that they're stuck in there and tension increases constantly, Uly will be his gruff, disrespectful and kind of dickish self, only he also gets to be an incredibly demanding taskmaster, without really having any accomplishments behind him that would make people accept having to put up with this sort of treatment.
Uly's biggest achievement so far is killing the incredibly respected, admired and loved guy that could otherwise have been sent here to save everyone. Showing up without some pretty huge and immediate results and then spending the next period of time not doing anything immediately visible is kind of going to be problematic.
The Three Kingoms prophecy takes time to get going. Which means we should have time to be all impressive before we engineer two of the three armies on their doorstep to get distracted squabbling.

I don't really see the rank and file having a problem with any of that.
It's the "hopefully" part of that statement that lead me to this choice.

If you really have to, you can always conduct interviews and have the Legion do a census or basic research on your behalf. Strange, but the benefits could well be worth it.

The Three Kingoms prophecy takes time to get going. Which means we should have time to be all impressive before we engineer two of the three armies on their doorstep to get distracted squabbling.

I don't really see the rank and file having a problem with any of that.

If you delay on using the Prophecy, though, it doesn't very well guarantee your safety!
So, just to clarify as I attempt to write up a stunt for the inevitable victory of Wake the Sleeper, Where in the thread does it say how that works? i.e. what's getting rolled against what? I think it's Lore but I'm not sure. Also, Heaven Turning Calculation is an enhancement on math related rolls right? Is there more to it than that or is that basically it?

I'm sorry I keep asking about this sort of thing over and over again btw
The Three Kingoms prophecy takes time to get going. Which means we should have time to be all impressive before we engineer two of the three armies on their doorstep to get distracted squabbling.

I don't really see the rank and file having a problem with any of that.
The entire point of Three Kingdoms is to prevent serious assaults before we've whipped the collapsing Realm forces back into shape and entrenched ourselves properly.
Therefor, if it works like intended, it will stop the kind of attacks that are of a large enough scale to earn Uly enough awe-struck worshipment to make people overlook how much of a dick he is.
If Three Kingdoms cannot ward off assaults of that scale, because they are already in progress or something, then, yes, we'll get to be just as impressive as we would have (if we survived) with the other options, but only because Three Kingdoms didn't do shit.

Any heroics we have to pull off before Three Kingdoms kicks in will pale in comparison to fending off those assaults almost on our own and engineering for two of the three armies to get distracted is simply not that visible an accomplishment of ours, especially if most of it is accomplished through imperceptible butterfly effects.

If we're going with Three Kingdoms we need to figure out how we're going to win the loyalty of our forces before the stasis breaks off, what kind of solo-missions we'll want to go on, how we're going to dodge our minders for those without appearing like we're either up to no good or planning to run away and probably some other stuff as well.
The disadvantages of Three Kingdoms can probably be made up for, but we'll need some solid plans for doing so.
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So, just to clarify as I attempt to write up a stunt for the inevitable victory of Wake the Sleeper, Where in the thread does it say how that works? i.e. what's getting rolled against what? I think it's Lore but I'm not sure. Also, Heaven Turning Calculation is an enhancement on math related rolls right? Is there more to it than that or is that basically it?

I'm sorry I keep asking about this sort of thing over and over again btw

No problem, Heaven Turning works for any rolls that rely heavily or primarily on math or logical reasoning.

Wake the Sleeper is basically analyzing / communing with an Artifact in order to brute force discover its powers with raw intellectual skill rather than relying on the slower method of empirical experience with the object. It is being so supremely attuned to the Artifact, and so generally competent at analysis and prediction, that you can replicate the effects of experience with mental analysis alone.
So, just to clarify as I attempt to write up a stunt for the inevitable victory of Wake the Sleeper, Where in the thread does it say how that works? i.e. what's getting rolled against what? I think it's Lore but I'm not sure. Also, Heaven Turning Calculation is an enhancement on math related rolls right? Is there more to it than that or is that basically it?

I'm sorry I keep asking about this sort of thing over and over again btw
Evocations are fluffed as more or less inherent potential in the Artifacts drawn out by the intimate bond one forms with an Artifact and the interaction of the wielder's and weapon's "spirit".
The Artifacts don't really become sentient, but they do sort of gain a "personality" as one gets more and more Evocations.
This is a decent example of such:
How ridiculous we are, old friend, he thought to the armor, and felt its warm, amused sentiment in response.

To my understanding Wake the Sleeper uses the Solar's ridiculous mental faculties and understanding of Artifacts to surge Essence through the Artifact in question, merge their spirits and wake the Artifacts sleeping spiritual potential up, which bypasses the otherwise very arduous and lengthy process required to gain access to an Artifact's Evocations (which is mechanically represented by skipping XP costs and the normally rather lengthy training times required for Evocations).

Ninja'd by over ten minutes.
Really should have refreshed the page.
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I will note one thing about the Scarlet Flag - while Zao is an important mentor to you, if you maintain this current level of growth and get to use WtS on another Artifact past your first, you may soon grow powerful enough to do what you want regardless of what he thinks, or at the very least it would be too much trouble to stop you as long as you don't go crazy.
Alright, here's an attempt at describing how WtS might work, hopefully with enough poetic math talk to stunt with!
Wordcount: 653

Sesus Ulyssian meditated. Upon his lap lay the blade Ambition, forged through the greatest efforts of the god king that he once was, Odyssial the Awesome. With the power of his mind and soul as one he examined and attempted to perceive the power of his sword. Deep he delved, beneath the material, beneath the spiritual, until he stood at the bottom-most level of reality, where pure motes of Essence danced and moved together to create and change all of Creation.

Ulyssian perceived the flows of Ambition's Essence, the arc and vectors of its motions, the dips and curves through which it moved as it acted and was acted upon. Every action, every reaction, came together into a harmonious whole that shone with everbright perfection in his mind's eye. Every aspect of the blade was as near to perfect as a transcendent god king of the High First Age could make it, and his reborn self could now perceive and parse.

Ambition could strike without striking, bring down its force of supernal perfection upon those who opposed it, and was in all ways a blade beyond mortal comprehension. Now, here, in the depths of his mind as he looked upon its inner workings he knew that this sword was something beyond even that.

Ambition was no mere weapon, it was an extension of his very self. Its name was more than an affectation, for this blade was the Ambition of Odyssial made manifest in the world. In all actions one might take with it, or it might partake of, in every united step of Essence and matter, it would serve the goals and aims of Ulyssian-who-was-Odyssial.

The sheer symmetric perfection inherent in the wish metal of the blade was obvious at a single glance, but at a deeper level, as its manifold aspects became clear to Ulyssian, it was clear that this perfection was in evidence as far as his enhanced mind could understand. Every aspect of the blade was forged as one, united in purpose, form, and function. It was at this time that Sesus Ulyssian might have rejoiced had he not been so stoic, for were his knowledge not so superlative, so supernaturally potent, some of the deeper facets of Mighty Ambition would have escaped him.

As it stood his sheer breadth of knowledge found purchase in his analysis and in his communion with the blade. Was it not said As Above, So Below? And here and now that truth showed itself once more. For just as the perfect movements of the celestial heavens arced over the world, and streamed ever onward in a perfect dance, so too did the rivers and streams within Ambition flow.

In every possible way, in every conceivable manner, Ambition was a part of him, and he was a part of it. He could calculate its strength, its preferences, its power, as though it had always been a part of him, for in truth it had been. Had Ambition not resided within his Exaltation for untold centuries awaiting him? Was it not forged from him and for him?

Sesus Ulyssian understood Ambition on a level deeper than ever before, comprehending it and its capabilities with the same perfection that a savant might gravity or the interaction of motonic physics. The equations flowed through his mind in passing, deepening his understanding further, as he understood that the perfection of this blade, his blade, on a level and with a completeness that was beyond even the vast majority of the Exalted.

With this power he would stand taller, and strike harder. He would protect those given to him to protect, and he would smite the foes of Creation. He would stand against the misguided plans of the Sidereals, and the savagry of the Lunars, against the madness of the Fair Folk, and the bottomless hatred of the Deathlords. With Ambition in hand, Sesus Ulyssian would Find A Way.
Pretty tired for now, so I am going to put these there in case the vote is called before I can spend some time reviewing the discussions more in-depths, those are the options that appeal to me outside of arguments made.

[X] Wake the Sleeper
-[X] Ambition
[X] The Scarlet Flag Prophecy
I will note one thing about the Scarlet Flag - while Zao is an important mentor to you, if you maintain this current level of growth and get to use WtS on another Artifact past your first, you may soon grow powerful enough to do what you want regardless of what he thinks, or at the very least it would be too much trouble to stop you as long as you don't go crazy.
I don't really see that being a significant issue.

We like Zao; odds are we'll continue to go along with his suggestions for the foreseeable future.
I've been thinking how adress the issue of Anys. One idea that popped into my mind would be maneuvering her somehow into a situation where she has to come out into the open to rule or lose influence before she is prepared to bring forth Flame. Could make her rule very brittle if it succeeds, with maybe also giving us the chance of using EotUS to melt away her disguise in a situation with witnesses who are not aware of her true nature. Some PoSC shenanigans are probably required.

Other method could be spreading the rumour that Hesiesh has returned among the Dragon-Blooded and the common folk, and so hopefully alerting her enemies about what is happening and directing them against her.

And then there is straight up assassination of course. If we survive long enough, we will become strong enough to threaten her even alone. Add in our current allies and sometimes-allies of convinience like the two Infernals if we manage to convince them, who will also be growing in strength, and I'd say we have a pretty good chance of just destroying Anys (optimally without connection to our DB identity) in a reasonable time-frame.

Mind you, I'm not sure how well they would realistically work. Just throwing some ideas around and seeing what sticks.
You guys certainly didn't like his overbearing suggestions on your interactions or lack thereof with Moon!
Well, there's levels of trust and respect, here.

The Mentor simply comes in behind the Waifu. Unless Zao could manage to take that slot too, I don't see that ever changing.

Mind you, I would totally vote for Shogun Feng, Ulyssian Waifu.
Well, dealing with Anys has a couple of issues:

1. Finding her - she is mobile, an Elder Exalt, and a Sidereal

2. Avoiding or neutralizing her guards - powerful Martial Artists, all

3. Killing her - no easy feat, even if she is wracked! By the time you are able to do this, you will truly be able to say that you have surpassed your old master, Lung Feng Zao.

As for breaking her power over the Realm, that is another matter. Anys may believe that she had made you far too busy to be able to spare Prophecy uses on undermining her, but if you are powerful enough, anything is possible. That, after all, is one of the lessons of the Exalted.

The number of E4 Solars in the world is very low, possibly in the single digits. The number that have completed the extensive pre-reqs of Prophecy may well be just one - the former Lors Strategos. You have acquired great power. Use it responsibly.

Or don't, what do I care?

Alright, here's an attempt at describing how WtS might work, hopefully with enough poetic math talk to stunt with!
Wordcount: 653

Sesus Ulyssian meditated. Upon his lap lay the blade Ambition, forged through the greatest efforts of the god king that he once was, Odyssial the Awesome. With the power of his mind and soul as one he examined and attempted to perceive the power of his sword. Deep he delved, beneath the material, beneath the spiritual, until he stood at the bottom-most level of reality, where pure motes of Essence danced and moved together to create and change all of Creation.

Ulyssian perceived the flows of Ambition's Essence, the arc and vectors of its motions, the dips and curves through which it moved as it acted and was acted upon. Every action, every reaction, came together into a harmonious whole that shone with everbright perfection in his mind's eye. Every aspect of the blade was as near to perfect as a transcendent god king of the High First Age could make it, and his reborn self could now perceive and parse.

Ambition could strike without striking, bring down its force of supernal perfection upon those who opposed it, and was in all ways a blade beyond mortal comprehension. Now, here, in the depths of his mind as he looked upon its inner workings he knew that this sword was something beyond even that.

Ambition was no mere weapon, it was an extension of his very self. Its name was more than an affectation, for this blade was the Ambition of Odyssial made manifest in the world. In all actions one might take with it, or it might partake of, in every united step of Essence and matter, it would serve the goals and aims of Ulyssian-who-was-Odyssial.

The sheer symmetric perfection inherent in the wish metal of the blade was obvious at a single glance, but at a deeper level, as its manifold aspects became clear to Ulyssian, it was clear that this perfection was in evidence as far as his enhanced mind could understand. Every aspect of the blade was forged as one, united in purpose, form, and function. It was at this time that Sesus Ulyssian might have rejoiced had he not been so stoic, for were his knowledge not so superlative, so supernaturally potent, some of the deeper facets of Mighty Ambition would have escaped him.

As it stood his sheer breadth of knowledge found purchase in his analysis and in his communion with the blade. Was it not said As Above, So Below? And here and now that truth showed itself once more. For just as the perfect movements of the celestial heavens arced over the world, and streamed ever onward in a perfect dance, so too did the rivers and streams within Ambition flow.

In every possible way, in every conceivable manner, Ambition was a part of him, and he was a part of it. He could calculate its strength, its preferences, its power, as though it had always been a part of him, for in truth it had been. Had Ambition not resided within his Exaltation for untold centuries awaiting him? Was it not forged from him and for him?

Sesus Ulyssian understood Ambition on a level deeper than ever before, comprehending it and its capabilities with the same perfection that a savant might gravity or the interaction of motonic physics. The equations flowed through his mind in passing, deepening his understanding further, as he understood that the perfection of this blade, his blade, on a level and with a completeness that was beyond even the vast majority of the Exalted.

With this power he would stand taller, and strike harder. He would protect those given to him to protect, and he would smite the foes of Creation. He would stand against the misguided plans of the Sidereals, and the savagry of the Lunars, against the madness of the Fair Folk, and the bottomless hatred of the Deathlords. With Ambition in hand, Sesus Ulyssian would Find A Way.

Nice, that qualifies you for Heaven-Turning Calculations. Additional stunts to that effect have the ability to potentially upgrade the stunt to level 2 or level 3, which will result in additional automatic successes being added to the roll (as well as great WP regen!)
For extra bonus points on the Wake the Sleeper stunt, be sure to justify using one of Ulyssian's Lore specialties(Dynastic Scion or Prediction) to add an extra dice and 4 non-charm automatic successes.

Might be a bit tricky, though. Prediction is probably the best bet. It's even mathematical. Though I can just imagine Ulyssian bullying his sword into compliance, because Dynasts get whatever they want.
[X] The Grand Heretical Prophecy
[X] Wake the Sleeper

We decided to stay and duke it out with Anys in incredibly unfavorable conditions... so we have to actually make some motions to that effect. Rather than being fat, dumb, and happy solving all her problems for her before we get killed. WtS because the Prophecy doesn't help us with the current situation, so we'll need that killiness to hold on.