[Exalted, ?] Most High

Okay, so Luseng is pretty popular right now, seems like.

I think Luseng will actually ultimately depend on getting enough breathing space to drop a Prophecy. The non-aggression treaty these three have is insurmountable for our forces over a posting the size of a satrapy, but in the confusion of war, if two of these competing armies accidentally clash, that could upset the whole table. Deathlords, Elder Lunars and Fae aren't terribly rational and even-keeled; they're proud, they're eager, and they all enjoy a good scrap (I assume that the fae is enjoying a good war story, anyway, since they're all shipped to the front; if they were playing aristocrats, they'd be back in the Wyldlands). If they think one of the others attacked them to score a bigger piece of the pie...

Despite that, we can't just cut out way through whatever's in our way to the capital, and then lock ourselves in the libraries for a day. Our 'friends' being deployed with us would (try to) murder us for being a weak-willed craven just waiting to die.

So by that logic, can we scrape together enough materials to study on the way over (by the fastest deployment ship in the area, I assume)? If not, can we scrape together enough information through battle using our peerless senses to get the lay of the land for miles in every direction? If either of those are true, we should dive right in and start cutting our way through the nearest army until we've scrounged enough information for a Prophecy to set the other two factions to squabbling while we deal with the one we got stuck into. If on the other hand they require actual literature on the subject, then we may be better served with turning this into a defensive war making them bleed for every inch of ground, while we snatch stolen moments among our libraries between giving orders and going out to ambush forces we can't leave to the dragonbloods - the Abyssals, probably, or maybe the behemoths.
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X]Give Zao Ambition.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Luseng - The newly-conquered coastal satrapy of Luseng is rich in resources, close to several major island ports, and has a developed urban base. However, it is threatened from the south by the Deathlord, The Gardener of Elysian Fields, and her loyal deathknights, Abyssal Exalts of tremendous power. To the north, it contends with the cunning and treacherous Lunar Ragmar, whose horde has allied with the Bull of the North. To the north-west, it is bordered by the Freehold of Sislay Chorus, an ancient seat of Fae power whose behemoths have recently taken six of the satrapy's outlying cities. It is believed that the three powers circling Luseng have taken up a non-aggression pact to carve up the city-state and its territories; one third shadowland, one third freehold, and one third Lunar domain. If they intend on betraying each other, it is not until the elephant of the Realm has been carved at the joints
No. of votes: 2
TheOtherSandman, aja318

[X] Luseng
No. of votes: 10
Gaudy Guise, aja318, Alectai, Van Ropen, cyberswordsmen, veekie, Guile, Gerrou, Katreus, Emerald Oracle

[X] Keep Ambition
No. of votes: 12
aja318, Mannan, Van Ropen, cyberswordsmen, Usernames, Guile, CrawlingChaos74, Gerrou, Reckless_Sun, Dark Lord Bob, dragon, Katreus

[X] Lend Moon Ambition
No. of votes: 2
Alectai, veekie

[X] Fading Away
No. of votes: 1

[X] Cavalier
No. of votes: 1

[X] Don't give Moon Ambition
No. of votes: 1

[X] Pretend to accept the posting to Serentidopolos, fake your death, meet up with your friends and seek out Lealope.
No. of votes: 9
Usernames, Cavalier, CrawlingChaos74, Vanathor, 1986ctcel, Reckless_Sun, Dark Lord Bob, dragon, Celestrail

-[X] Give Fei Ling and Ayala a Great Favor to secure their aid faking Ulyssian's death.
No. of votes: 9
Usernames, Cavalier, CrawlingChaos74, Vanathor, 1986ctcel, Reckless_Sun, Dark Lord Bob, dragon, Celestrail

--[X] Attack should obviously point to the Yozis. The Infernals will know ahead of time and shelter or remove their assets.
No. of votes: 9
Usernames, Cavalier, CrawlingChaos74, Vanathor, 1986ctcel, Reckless_Sun, Dark Lord Bob, dragon, Celestrail

-[X] Pearl, Nilul, and Moon will exfiltrate from the Academy and meet Ulyssian in the River Province.
No. of votes: 9
Usernames, Cavalier, CrawlingChaos74, Vanathor, 1986ctcel, Reckless_Sun, Dark Lord Bob, dragon, Celestrail

-[X] Head out east to find Lealope.
No. of votes: 9
Usernames, Cavalier, CrawlingChaos74, Vanathor, 1986ctcel, Reckless_Sun, Dark Lord Bob, dragon, Celestrail

--[X] Buff factions in the River Province standing for Creation and against the Realm with PoSC (Lookshy, Nexus, Great Forks, Marukani Confederation, Sijan, etc) along the way for Resources, influences, support, favors, Artifacts, and etc.
No. of votes: 9
Usernames, Cavalier, CrawlingChaos74, Vanathor, 1986ctcel, Reckless_Sun, Dark Lord Bob, dragon, Celestrail

--[X] Also debuff Thorns and the Realm if feasible.
No. of votes: 9
Usernames, Cavalier, CrawlingChaos74, Vanathor, 1986ctcel, Reckless_Sun, Dark Lord Bob, dragon, Celestrail

[X] Loan Ambition to Zao
No. of votes: 1

-[x] don't debuff realm
No. of votes: 1

Huh, are there really no votes for Serentidopolis at all?

If we go to Luseng, do you guys want to get God King Strike? It should be able to hurt and delay one of the three factions.

I personally prefer the other Satrapy, tho, especially if we can bring Nilul along, thought that is still unconfirmed.Serentidopolis gives us more opportunities to get rid of our minders, while Nilul can contribute more there with lesser danger to her person. The lowered danger would also make it more likely for Zao to allow Moon and Pearl to join us there.

I'm surprised you guys want to throw yourselves into the meat grinder so quickly. Serenti is at least likely to be a bit slower-paced, giving you more time to accumulate XP. Speaking of which, I'm going to update the XP total soon; are there any Charms you guys are interested in Flash-buying?
I'm surprised you guys want to throw yourselves into the meat grinder so quickly. Serenti is at least likely to be a bit slower-paced, giving you more time to accumulate XP. Speaking of which, I'm going to update the XP total soon; are there any Charms you guys are interested in Flash-buying?
Well if we are going "into the meat grinder" I'd prefer to do it with a bunch of extra Evocations, so WtS would be good. If we could afford it that maths boosting charm would be good if it adds dice to our WtS roll, as we're hanging around a dice/success parity right now, and a few extra Evications can't go amiss.
Looks like you're currently at 249,970 Normal and 122,200 Solar XP.

There are a few other problems we need to deal with eventually. The Deathlords need to be sealed in a can because apparently they are even harder to kill than a Primordial. The Lunars need to unite, or at least stop wasting their time rearranging the landscape in the far east fighting each other when they could be helping. And The Infernals and Yozi need to be dealt with, somehow, though I don't have a good idea yet.

Oh, the Handsome Monkey King would LOVE to 'help' Creation!

I think Luseng will actually ultimately depend on getting enough breathing space to drop a Prophecy. The non-aggression treaty these three have is insurmountable for our forces over a posting the size of a satrapy, but in the confusion of war, if two of these competing armies accidentally clash, that could upset the whole table. Deathlords, Elder Lunars and Fae aren't terribly rational and even-keeled; they're proud, they're eager, and they all enjoy a good scrap (I assume that the fae is enjoying a good war story, anyway, since they're all shipped to the front; if they were playing aristocrats, they'd be back in the Wyldlands). If they think one of the others attacked them to score a bigger piece of the pie...

Trying to engineer a Hitler vs. Stalin scenario, eh? I'll give you this, kid: ya got guts!
Well if we are going "into the meat grinder" I'd prefer to do it with a bunch of extra Evocations, so WtS would be good. If we could afford it that maths boosting charm would be good if it adds dice to our WtS roll, as we're hanging around a dice/success parity right now, and a few extra Evications can't go amiss.

It's looking pretty tight for Luseng vs Murderhobo right now. Poor Serenti! But only about ~half the voter base has voted, so we'll see.
I don't really see a problem with that as we want to do something similar. We might want to think about getting him to help us find the Husk and activate it.

Trust me, your visions different DRASTICALLY

Lea is more badass than I have ever imagined.
It's time to prepare for a Journey to the East.

You guys 'helped' make him stronger by raising Odyssial's Greatness! After all, the Monkey King had to keep up with his chief rival...
[X] Luseng
[X] Keep Ambition

Already invested in Ambition, giving it away will hurt us quite badly if we actually accept the suicide post. As long as we succeed at our posting, we will be in a solid position for having won a pretty much unwinnable fight. Just think of all of the chances for sweet shiny experience as well!
[X] Luseng
[X] Keep Ambition

Consolidating my votes, I know I'll never win the "Give up our murdersword vote", and we'll probably need all the firepower we can get for this pick anyway.
Man, the Eye of the Unconquered Sun could be all kinds of hilarious now.
Probably not really cosntructive or even viable at all, but hilarious as shit.

Oh, I think you guys do have enough XP to flash-buy this, which would be really helpful in Serenti. Or even in Lusang - dispel Lunar shapeshifting, cancel Abyssal perfect disguises, neutralize Fair Folk Masques! But it does compete with several other attractive options at flash-buy.
Oh, I think you guys do have enough XP to flash-buy this, which would be really helpful in Serenti. Or even in Lusang - dispel Lunar shapeshifting, cancel Abyssal perfect disguises, neutralize Fair Folk Masques! But it does compete with several other attractive options at flash-buy.

Such as Awaken the Sleeper, rght? Which would let us pick up a bunch more Ambition Charms?
Before or after Odyssial was through with him?


Good thing Lea's sane, huh? You guys basically don't have to worry about HMK for a good while.

[X] Luseng
[X] Keep Ambition

Already invested in Ambition, giving it away will hurt us quite badly if we actually accept the suicide post. As long as we succeed at our posting, we will be in a solid position for having won a pretty much unwinnable fight. Just think of all of the chances for sweet shiny experience as well!

I thought you said suicide pact for a moment there. Hm, it would probably be easier to clean up Serenti than to achieve an unambiguous victory in Luseng, though. Just hanging on is hard enough!

[X] Luseng
[X] Keep Ambition

Consolidating my votes, I know I'll never win the "Give up our murdersword vote", and we'll probably need all the firepower we can get for this pick anyway.

There was a faction that very strongly supported giving Ambition to Moon, but they haven't turned out yet on this occasion.
[X] Luseng
[X] Keep Ambition

I have no idea why people want to weaken Ulyssian by giving away Ambition when we just saw Anys Syn contemplate assassinating us.
[X] Serentidopolis
The dangers here seem to be assassination, which we can laugh off, and general corruptness/inefficiency, which we can work through with Solar efficiency. We won't be fighting mutiple hostile Solaroid Exalts, at least not off the bat.
So it looks very doable to me, and will give good cred. for doing well.