[Exalted, ?] Most High

Do note that this would weaken Uly massively on a personal scale, as you don't really have the training time to spend on a new weapon. Also, a new weapon's Evocations would be wayyy less broken than Ambition's disgustingly overpowered ones.
Don't care. We can deal without it.
[X] Luseng - The newly-conquered coastal satrapy of Luseng is rich in resources, close to several major island ports, and has a developed urban base. However, it is threatened from the south by the Deathlord, The Gardener of Elysian Fields, and her loyal deathknights, Abyssal Exalts of tremendous power. To the north, it contends with the cunning and treacherous Lunar Ragmar, whose horde has allied with the Bull of the North. To the north-west, it is bordered by the Freehold of Sislay Chorus, an ancient seat of Fae power whose behemoths have recently taken six of the satrapy's outlying cities. It is believed that the three powers circling Luseng have taken up a non-aggression pact to carve up the city-state and its territories; one third shadowland, one third freehold, and one third Lunar domain. If they intend on betraying each other, it is not until the elephant of the Realm has been carved at the joints
Well, hell. Alright, how long is she going to be able to maintain this? She's going to fail, and fail hard, simply because this sort of direct rulership is NOT what Sidereals are made for. My personal greatest worry here is that she'll still get a hold of Moon and do some of her brainwashy stuff.

Is it likely that if she believes Ulyssian severed from Zao that she won't strike at him or his daughter? or would she see that as a weakness to be exploited? How far gone is she is basically what I'm trying to figure out here. Because, I really don't want to go off on a whirlwind adventure to find that Moon has been turned into a brainwashed rape-broodmare. That would be bad.
Giving Zao Ambition is something that Anys Syn and the heads cannot possibly plan to counter, and she has given us a chance to utterly discredit the Immaculate faith when we counter.
Man, the Eye of the Unconquered Sun could be all kinds of hilarious now.
Probably not really cosntructive or even viable at all, but hilarious as shit.
Anyway, hrmm. I would think long and hard about what to do first. Accepting assignment as a Satrap is to walk into Anys' trap. Walking away is, of course, to throw away what protections we might have, but we can probably come up with some kind of excuse; faking Ulyssian's death can be done, though Truth Charms are a problem.

Frankly my inclination is a plot to expose Hesiesh as a fraud. I'm not sure right now how that can be attempted, but we can probably think of something. Failing that, well, we did make a deal with Ayala and Fei Ling last turn. Alas didn't see the end of that but I presume our terms were accepted. We can spend resources and favors to gather up as much Infernal support as possible for an assassination attempt; a Realm being ruled by Anys Syn hardly favors their interests, after all.

Or, hmm, yeah, maybe that trick with Eye of the Unconquered Sun to expose her as a Sidereal. Ulyssian could probably fight his way out of the resulting chaos... Granted it also means he's exposed as a Solar, but with the Immaculate Order so brutal discredited it would be an opening for Shogun Feng to step in and explain the truth of the World to the assembled House leaders.
Hmm, giving Ambition to Zao is actually not a bad plan now.

Anys and the Heads's attention are on all Ulyssian and they seem to have mostly dismissed Zao. This gives Ambition Empowered Zao the chance to punch their strategy where they aren't looking.
Or, hmm, yeah, maybe that trick with Eye of the Unconquered Sun to expose her as a Sidereal. Ulyssian could probably fight his way out of the resulting chaos... Granted it also means he's exposed as a Solar, but with the Immaculate Order so brutal discredited it would be an opening for Shogun Feng to step in and explain the truth of the World to the assembled House leaders.
Does it necessarily expose us as a Solar?
Looking at the Charm, the Eye only melts mundane disguises the Solar actually looks at, so we could be wearing a mask of our own, position us somewhere where we can run away from and stare at Any Syn through a few dozen of walls when she's surrounded by hardcore Immaculates or something and then run the fuck away from anyone who's noticed our Caste Mark shining like a blazing sun.
[X] Luseng - The newly-conquered coastal satrapy of Luseng is rich in resources, close to several major island ports, and has a developed urban base. However, it is threatened from the south by the Deathlord, The Gardener of Elysian Fields, and her loyal deathknights, Abyssal Exalts of tremendous power. To the north, it contends with the cunning and treacherous Lunar Ragmar, whose horde has allied with the Bull of the North. To the north-west, it is bordered by the Freehold of Sislay Chorus, an ancient seat of Fae power whose behemoths have recently taken six of the satrapy's outlying cities. It is believed that the three powers circling Luseng have taken up a non-aggression pact to carve up the city-state and its territories; one third shadowland, one third freehold, and one third Lunar domain. If they intend on betraying each other, it is not until the elephant of the Realm has been carved at the joints
I am entertained that the bandwagon is the choice that nerfs the PCs personal Power. What has become of the rampant power gaming? I do not understand!
[X] Luseng

Well, I did want the Satrapal posting. And it's only fitting that our first post would basically be Western Roman Empire on Very Hard with no saves. Man, Sidereals don't fuck around when it comes to suicide missions. But at least we only have three enemies to face!

I don't know about Zao, but maybe Moon may be on the agenda again? We've already had it suggested that Lung Feng Zao is Not a good person to hand Ambition, but he's still a Known Quantity Planned for, profiled, his fundamental personality is one that Anys Syn understands and has worked against.

Moon's role is solely as "Fuel for Flame's super bloodline" in Anys Syn's plans--when your enemy knows who she's up against, the best plan is to put a completely new card in play, when she's already overextended keeping Zao pinned down while trying to fuck Ulyssian over. She's also a decent person, and decent people gaining Ambition doesn't necessarily lead to disaster--she's also not likely going to die out in a few years.

Don't we have Wake the Sleeper at this point? We could quickly gain functional use of a decent new weapon, so while our personal power level is reduced significantly, we can quickly bring another, friendly asset into play on our same tier--it also spokes the wheels pretty heavily if Anys Syn makes a play on her.
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