[X] The Field Commander - Swift as sunlight, he lead always from the front. A masterful strategist, ever-inventive, his tactics and thoroughness shocked and bewildered enemies and allies alike. A consummate polymath, he commanded the unwavering and absolute loyalty of his legions despite his cold, furious disposition.
I want an Odyssial who believes that the optimal route to a perfect world for humanity demands a perfect humanity to live in that world, and surrounds himself with people who he strives to perfect. One man, no matter how unstoppable and perfect of vision, cannot build an entire world with his own hands; instead, he must build the people who can build the world he wishes to see for him. His brilliance cannot be limited to that which he can do or think of himself; every resource becomes an asset, every person a tool to craft the results which are required. Odyssial is the most potent tool in his own arsenal, but never the only one.
[X] Masked Queen - Strong where he was weak, direct where he was circuitous, together they eclipsed even the sun and moon. The thousand-faced seductress stalked the gardens and courtyards of the Titans and the Fair, plying her wiles, pouring poison and honey into their councils of war. Masks beneath masks she hid, and in all the history of Creation her true name was spoken only when they were alone. A love made strong by weakness: the weakness of her true face, and the weakness of his kindness.
We don't need to decide between Lealope and Moon, because with the Masked Queen option we can discover at the most dramatic possible moment that Moon was Lealope all along.
If that's infeasible (possibly because Lealope has better things to do than romance the mortal shell destined to become her reincarnated Solar mate), then Masked Queen remains the best because she could be anyone we've ever met (or possibly everyone we've ever met). On more trivial matters, she's the most likely option to have been actively maintaining or even advancing Odyssial's minions, works, and reputation over the course of the last several thousand years. A queen can rule in her own right, after all, even if she'd prefer a king by her side.
Hey! I read through the Sail charmset because it was on your list. They were as underwhelming as my dislike of sailing had lead me to believe.
Not too bad if you didn't have War, theres a tiger warrior charm in it for pirates.Hey! I read through the Sail charmset because it was on your list. They were as underwhelming as my dislike of sailing had lead me to believe.
Hey! I read through the Sail charmset because it was on your list. They were as underwhelming as my dislike of sailing had lead me to believe.
The problem is that Sail is very, very poorly developed in Exalted, and it's not very fun to favor it if you don't have to, because it doesn't really help you very much unless it's a naval campaign.
Which this very well might be, admittedly.
I can see Odyssial Favouring Lore, and Ulyssian favouring Sail though as a sign where they're different people.
On that note:Yes, if Odyssial fails, they may have different Favored Abilities. As Greatness increases, however, the spectrum of outcomes shifts further towards successes.
Which is kind of a shame, because I'm honestly not even seeing remotely as much reason for someone with Odyssial's goals to favour Sail over Lore as Ulyssian would have.Yes, if Odyssial fails, they may have different Favored Abilities. As Greatness increases, however, the spectrum of outcomes shifts further towards successes.
Clearly the only solution to this dilemma is to throw a social focused Odyssial tier Elder Lunar into the mix, who then proceeds to unlock the harem route because she's more optimized towards that than killing them all.Since people are already arguing about the eventual pairing(s), I'll just say that while I like Moon well enough, Nilul is obviously best girl and Ivory has that hot teacher thing going on for her. Hard choice!
On the other hand...the whole way home was exemplary of bad sailing putting the namesake into adventures.Well, Ilium was a land war, but the journey home... that was a bit of an odyssey.
The paragraphs after this were a bit of a dissapointment.On another note, I'm starting to wonder, would the Mortal Foe be really that likely to fuck Uly from the start?
See, what you have to understand is that to someone with high enough Essence, Creation is actually a gigantic boat sailing through the Wyld....honestly not even seeing remotely as much reason for someone with Odyssial's goals to favour Sail over Lore as Ulyssian would have.
Clearly the only solution to this dilemma is to throw a social focused Odyssial tier Elder Lunar into the mix, who then proceeds to unlock the harem route because she's more optimized towards that than killing them all.
There is no way this could go wrong.
On another note, I'm starting to wonder, would the Mortal Foe be really that likely to fuck Uly from the start?
I mean, sure she's Odyssial's arch enemy who fucks over his plans pretty often because they have directly opposed goals so there'd definitely be less of Odyssial's goodies lying around for Ulyssian to take advantage of, but it also means Odyssial puts more resources into stuff Lea can't destroy easily like improving himself or things secured tightly enough that they'll also survive the Ursupation and what follows afterwards, it means that for millenia there'll be a powerful Lunar around focused on helping Creation in ways that don't rely on world changing schemes and don't consist of ruthless optimization and, while her relationship with Uly would probably be "interesting", she and Odyssial did somehow love each other and apparently more or less agree on protecting Creation against the forces trying to destroy it and making sure things aren't complete shit before ruining each other's plans all day.
Considering that the first thing Ulyssian will have to face are numerous urgent threats threatening to ruin everything forever while he is still a weak little newborn Solar, a supremely powerful Elder Lunar focused on protecting Creation above all else and with no mad revelutionary schemes in the works and also not intent on pushing him towards Odyssial's goals or getting rid of other love interests is not necessarily a bad thing.
Ultimately it of course depends on how violently Yandere she ends up being, but there's a possibility we could rely on any "kill him before he regains his power" schemes being too much like Odyssial's MO for her to consider and therefor being relatively safe until we actually start pursuing Odyssial's goals, which as noted shouldn't happen before Creation isn't as fucked anymore.
On the other hand...the whole way home was exemplary of bad sailing putting the namesake into adventures.
I wonder why Mortal Foe Lea loves Odyssial so much?Well, remember, the Mortal Foe is the most in love with Odyssial of the three options, and also the most likely to be yandere.
He wasn't a bad sailor, Poseidon just freaking hated him.