[Exalted, ?] Most High

There are too many Abilities that fit Odyssial and only five can be Favored, so we need to figure this out, preferably ahead of time. Integrity is pretty much mandatory, you'll probably. want Athletics, Stealth, and Larceny as well (though I suppose you could drop one of Stealth or Larceny if you really had to). That leaves only one free slot.

Sail? < - Potentially extremely useful for Ulyssian, and we could work it into Odyssial's post-Exaltation background during the First Age.
Presence fits neatly, given his history of hilariously effective intimidation, although Sail provides a strong incentive to focus on Seacrown, which was the crown jewel of the last quest. They're all tempting, save for Bureaucracy.
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There are too many Abilities that fit Odyssial and only five can be Favored, so we need to figure this out, preferably ahead of time. Integrity is pretty much mandatory, you'll probably. want Athletics, Stealth, and Larceny as well (though I suppose you could drop one of Stealth or Larceny if you really had to). That leaves only one free slot.

Sail? < - Potentially extremely useful for Ulyssian, and we could work it into Odyssial's post-Exaltation background during the First Age.
If you didn't know:
In 3E Castes have 8 abilities associated with them, and you can choose 5 as caste abilities. Dawns have:
Archery, Awareness, Brawl (and Martial Arts), Dodge, Melee, Resistance, Thrown, War.

In addition, you get one Caste Ability as Supernal, allowing you to treat it as Essence 5 for prerequisites for charms.

But yeah, Presence. If not that then Occult.
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I think you guys are really underestimating Lore here. Lore + War is how you do Keikaku Dori in Exalted!

Presence fits neatly, given his history of hilariously effective intimidation, although Sail provides a strong incentive to focus on Seacrown, which was the crown jewel of the last quest. They're all tempting, save for Bureaucracy.

Really? But super-administration is an extremely overpowered Ability! All the drudgery of actually running an organization well falls under the aegis of a single skill; the Excellency alone makes you a superhuman administrator such as this world has never seen!

Should make it easier when you want to know when the last XP Tally was made.

Yeah, I've been using it for that.
There are too many Abilities that fit Odyssial and only five can be Favored, so we need to figure this out, preferably ahead of time. Integrity is pretty much mandatory, you'll probably. want Athletics, Stealth, and Larceny as well (though I suppose you could drop one of Stealth or Larceny if you really had to). That leaves only one free slot.

Sail? < - Potentially extremely useful for Ulyssian, and we could work it into Odyssial's post-Exaltation background during the First Age.

Hmm well we almost certainly want one of presence/bureaucracy/performance/investigation/linguistics for social attacks, if we go with obliterator I'd say investigation would fit well making him the ultimate hunter-killer and if he goes with Commander presence or maybe performance. I have a hard time seeing him having bureaucracy as a favored ability though, sure I expect he's competent at it and can do it at a level that would make bureaucrats weep at how comparatively inefficient they are but it's hard to imagine him specializing in it.

Definitely want Athletics though, after all how else is Odyssial going to catch up to his enemies when they flee in terror?

Less sure about Larceny though, it's certainly a good ability but i'm not sure it truly fits Odyssial. I could easily be convinced though after all it's not like Odyssial is against a little bit of asset redistribution.

Edit: Also I like the theadmarks, they're pretty convenient.
Really? But super-administration is an extremely overpowered Ability! All the drudgery of actually running an organization well falls under the aegis of a single skill; the Excellency alone makes you a superhuman administrator such as this world has never seen!
Bureaucracy Charms are overpowered from a technical standpoint, so much so that they've become memetic, but thematically there's little to tie Odyssial to bureaucracy as a concept. His tribe wasn't large enough to support the trappings of civilization, after all!

Maybe if you went back further and pointed to his treating with the Devas, mastering the Trade Cants...
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Bureaucracy Charms are overpowered from a technical standpoint, so much so that they've become memetic, but I thematically there's little to tie Odyssial to bureaucracy as a concept.

It reflects general rulership competence, which is probably something Odyssial doesn't want to neglect. Of course, that doesn't mean it has to be favored, either.
Larceny and Bureaucracy are both extremely expansive abilities: Larceny covers a truly staggering breadth of criminal activity, while Bureaucracy does the same for management and administration. Comparatively, something like Presence is actually fairly limited; Odyssial is not really a primary social combatant, Lea covers it, and he has superb mental / social defenses due to Integrity. It's very possible that Odyssial did not develop his intimidation Charms until well into the summer of his power, when he exhausted his ability to improve at inflicting actual harm and had to resort to improving its mere implication.

Similarly, Lore is very broad, covering the entirety of "being knowledgeable about stuff," though its applicability is somewhat limited by the nature of the storytelling system. But the ultimate master planner, who considers every contingency and researches every foe, definitely would not neglect Lore.
I think you guys are really underestimating Lore here. Lore + War is how you do Keikaku Dori in Exalted!
Of course Lore's also got the "My mathematical skill is so great I get (Essence) non-charm bonus dice to Crafting" and "I understand the world so well I can predict apocalypses into existence" charms. It's pretty cool.

Actually, I'll switch to Lore. Odyssial should have great Presence skills, but it shouldn't be a core character component.
Lore for sure, that stuff is awesome even before the transfer of motes, health and willpower, the wyld shaping and craft enhancement, the literal Just As Planned(penalties to all rolls not going to the predicted plan)/predicting meteor strikes into existence.

The base Introduce A Fact system is handy for stuff like declaring weaknesses and blindspots.

As for Occult...you can learn some spirit charms(committed motes hurt thoug), upgrade ghost eating technique so you can briefly use the powers of a spirit you've torn apart, build a custom spirit out of devoured and captured spirits for use as a familiar and generally being the most deadly thing to all spirits.
Right then, this will be brief in comparison to my last diatribe, but here we go.

We have been offered two paths for a Best Friend Lea: 1)Nio-like and more powerful, 2)Less powerful but not like Nio.

The first option strikes me as something of a trap. Yes, Lea will be more powerful along this path, but it comes with the inherent cost of fixating upon a person who will constantly do something - maybe a turn of phrase, maybe a favored activity, what have you - to remind us of our failure and resulting dead sister. For an Odyssial already struggling with rage issues, that seems highly unadvised - the anger has to be tamed to serve Odyssial's greater ambition, not merely to inflame his passion to destroy and crush the Primordials. I've gone over some of the possible downfalls along the Fury path previously, but in essence this option just seems to aggregate all of the mentioned issues. And if it does often stoke his anger, it largely defeats the restraining abilities that make the option appealing in the first place. Plus, this relationship implies an insane level of co-dependency due to conflating Nio and Lea. When the Great Curse inevitably strikes, the joint figure representing our deepest relationship of past and present seems a very likely figure for our Limit Break, which restricts the possibility of optimizing it as Odyssial had previously been stated to do. If we are dependent upon a single anchor against the tide of madness, we are then bound to accede to the wishes of that anchor lest we lose it.

As for the second path, well, it avoids the conflated relationship issues of Nio-Lea. But it has a higher cost, I think, beyond a weakened Lunar Mate. Rihaku has stated that the Best Friend Lea simply doesn't particularly care for power. Odyssial can respond to this in at least two ways. He might simply accept it, but that requires him to internalize that will to power is not a terminal value. That has to cause some sort of BSOD for someone of his original mindset, and there are no guarantees that he will emerge from that crucible the same man as which he entered. To accept Lea's ameliorating influence is to also accept that she might change Odyssial, and perhaps not for the better. At least from the perspective of his original self focused upon strength and human independence. Or, if Odyssial is really as consumed by a desire for vengeance as the last prelude update indicated, I think this attitude might honestly disgust him. He has dedicated his very life to pushing that one inch more, straining for that additional bit of inspiration, to achieve his goals and to free humanity from the uncaring hegemony of the Daeva. How frustrating must it be to know that your counterpart, the true partner ordained by the fate and power to which you owe your life, simply cannot comprehend the deepest core of your being? Worse yet, she simply rejects the aim to which you devote each and every moment of your days as unnecessary. It would seem inevitable that friction would grow between Odyssial's ideals and Lea's attitudes, which might sour the relationship in the long term. It is possible that this conflict might eventually, through sufficient application of the Great Curse, time, and Wyld exposure, result in a relationship similar if lesser to the Mortal Foe. At the very least, it would strain their friendship and make her a less willing aid to Ulyssian, a further changed Odyssial with grossly different experiences.

Compare these then to the Masked Queen. She is the one thing Odyssial has never before encountered - a true equal, a counterpart, strong where he is soft, weak where he is powerful. They fit together in a union surpassing even the Sun and Moon which gave them life as they currently are and still tread forward, pushing each other to be better, to grow stronger, in service of a shared dream. She can understand him like no one else, and he her, for they walk the same path with the same conviction. In her is the realization that Odyssial need not strive alone, for to care for her is no risk and she supports him just as he reinforces her. Because she stands at his side, he can dedicate himself to true perfection in his areas of expertise and trust her to carry her own weight in hers. And further, once each has reached the peak of their current endeavors, the other serves as the best possible tutor in new fields of scholarship. Their twinned merit imposes no burden upon the other, each drawing their counterpart in turn further towards the fullest realization of excellence. And yet still, in the secrets told and the hidden weakness shared, they reflect the continued humanity of the Exalted, so that they do not lose themselves in the power they hold. Together they are a beacon as to the potential of their race, a clarion call summoning all to stand against the Primordial apathy that has bound humanity to its shackles from the instant of their creation.

Yes, the existence of this relationship will impose drama with Ulyssian's academy romances, but it is ultimately a necessary step. Moon, no matter her honor and accomplishment, will never stand as Ulyssian/Odyssial's equal, cannot by her own heritage stand unafraid at his side a commensurate partner. It would be the greatest sin to sacrifice the living proof that Odyssial/Ulyssian is not alone in this world, that his efforts are not the lonely struggle of a single man against all of Creation, for the sake of an as yet untested youthful romantic fling with no guarantee that it will ever become anything more. After all, to be a Solar is to be Anathema in the Immaculate Creed and Moon is and shall always a true example of the Shogun's blood.

And, on an entirely separate note, I also support Lore.
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Yes, the existence of this relationship will impose drama with Ulyssian's academy romances, but it is ultimately a necessary step. Moon, no matter her honor and accomplishment, will never stand as Ulyssian/Odyssial's equal, cannot by her own heritage stand unafraid at this side a commensurate partner. It would be the greatest sin to sacrifice the living proof that Odyssial/Ulyssian is not alone in this world, that his efforts are not the lonely struggle of a single man against all of Creation, for the sake of a childish romantic fling with no guarantee that it will ever become anything more. After all, to be a Solar is to be Anathema in the Immaculate Creed and Moon is and shall always a true example of the Shogun's blood.
While I may not have agreed with everything I could at the very least understand where you were coming from up until this point. This ship is unsinkable I'm afraid and to demean it as a childish fling is to spit upon the lengths that Moon and Ulyssian are willing to go to keep it afloat.
While I may not have agreed with everything I could at the very least understand where you were coming from up until this point. This ship is unsinkable I'm afraid and to demean it as a childish fling is to spit upon the lengths that Moon and Ulyssian are willing to go to keep it afloat.
There are two solutions:
1. Threesomes.
2. That people fusion sorcery.
While I may not have agreed with everything I could at the very least understand where you were coming from up until this point. This ship is unsinkable I'm afraid and to demean it as a childish fling is to spit upon the lengths that Moon and Ulyssian are willing to go to keep it afloat.

More seriously the idea that Moon can never stand as Ulyssians equal is absurd, while she may never reach the heights of power that he will I think the very fact that they could have a relationship when he was mortal proves that power really isn't everything.
I meant childish more as in a product of youth rather than dismissible due to inexperience and naivete. I'll change the wording for better clarity. But still, reading back over the previous quest archive, they were attracted to each other and had just started dating before the divergence. Their feelings were true, but that is no less accurate of many failed relationships in this world and Creation. Merely because they currently experience such a relationship does not ensure they always shall, nor is Ulyssian's efforts to support his current relationship in any way out of line with his approach to all endeavors. Simply, feelings change and I am interested in the dynamic between an existing if young relationship and a tried and true relationship with an equal partner.

And in so far as power dynamics, you partially miss my meaning. Yes, part of this issue is that a single Dragonblooded, even if descended of the Shoguns, will never have the power of a Solar, much less Odyssial/Ulyssian. But it is also that Odyssial's path is an isolated one by its very nature (even if somewhat less so due to the Fury choice). Though Moon sympathizes and cares for Ulyssian, she does not have the background to truly understand his approach to life and the struggles inherent in his position. Lealope offers an actual counterpart, which is available nowhere else. Whether that will result in a continued relationship with Ulyssian is questionable, but it is a question worth consideration and exploration despite the shipping in prior versions of the quest. Much of the issue I think is merely that Lea never appeared so we have a necessarily flimsy grasp on her character in comparison to the wholly present Empty Moon. That makes comparison difficult, but I am quite interested in the collision of past and present lives beyond merely the legend of Odyssial's greatness, as represented by the returned Lunar Mate, changed by her own experiences as Ulyssian is by reincarnation.

EDIT: I might expand this converstation further, but I really need to get some sleep. Also, no disrespect intended to your position. This is merely to better represent my own interests and preferences.
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More seriously the idea that Moon can never stand as Ulyssians equal is absurd, while she may never reach the heights of power that he will I think the very fact that they could have a relationship when he was mortal proves that power really isn't everything.
While in general Zao's comment about the Mortal-DB gap eclipsing the DB-Solar gap is true, in Ulyssian's case a new category is needed to describe him. Moon won't be his equal. This isn't to say that they can't date (though I might be rooting for Lea) because the "Can care about those who might die horribly and depress us" option was chosen.
While I may not have agreed with everything I could at the very least understand where you were coming from up until this point. This ship is unsinkable I'm afraid and to demean it as a childish fling is to spit upon the lengths that Moon and Ulyssian are willing to go to keep it afloat.
This. The magnitude of the feelings Ulyssian has for Moon are comparable to what Odyssial felt for Nio and his tribe, though the context of the relationships is obviously different. Nothing any incarnation of our protagonist does is childish or trivial. I'm voting for the Masked Queen because I like the duality of the option and it synergizes well with the Obliterator; the conflict it engenders might be interesting, but I am still very much rooting for Moon. As for power... well, we had a possible way to promote a Dragon-Blood to Celestial-tier in the last quest. If Ulyssian desires it, he will find a way, much as his predecessor did.
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