I do have a question for Rihaku. Is the charm you were thinking of to disguise his anima Perfect Mirror? Because if so, it's only Essence 2, and you could easily make an argument that Ulyssian actually qualifies for it if he does Essentially as Planned, since he starts out stronger than a new Solar.
Advancing Essence is mostly a matter of experience in E3. It's how well you can control your supernatural abilities, tied to how much experience you've spent. Given Odyssial's memories, I don't think it's beyond the pale for Ulyssian to have gotten the small distance to E2. Almost by definition that year's experience sounds like E2.
In game terms E2 is only 50 xp from character creation, or 6 favored charms more. It needs to be tied to character defining moment to be raised instantly, but I definitely think this qualifies from several angles; both internally in regards to Odyssial and externally in regards to blocking Flame, and else.
Heck, depending on how much Essentially as Planned gets us you could even make arguments for E3, which is 125 XP.
Or, was it meant to be used in combination with Flashing Ruse Prana for an instant disguise? That would mean E3 is required, which is probably far more of a stretch, but I could see a really good stunt letting you apply Perfect Mirror near instantly.
I wish I had more time before work, I would try my hand at it then, but I'm honestly not sure I'll even have the time to try at all today. Tomorrow probably, but we seem to be updating faster than that.
Anyone want to write a stunt that has Ulyssian seizing his power, comprehending it near instantly, and out of desperation weaving his anima into a new form in an instant.
Edit: Or instead, Ulyssian facing the totality of Odyssial's understanding, and distilling it down into a form he can handle based on his sheer need, eliminating countless choices in a moment in order to choose the optimal path.
... Except for a single moment, his caste mark showed, and Rising Flame, who stood right in front of him, got a very nice view of it. Fortunately, he blocked everyone else's view, but still...
With Perfect Mirror his anima still won't burn things, but I think he could manage to make a custom charm that does similar if need be. I do think this is within his bounds.
Other less related things:
I have a guess for (one of) the reasons that Odyssial actually wanted the merge.
He died, and therefore something managed to beat him despite the totality of his power. Which means he missed something, which means that having the same mind after his reincarnation could chance leaving a blind spot in his psyche. A new perspective would be warranted.
And as a side question that is just me being curious. Back in the first game we got a quote on Odyssial's opinion of Desus; could we see the same for a few other Luminaries? I'd be particularly interesting in seeing his opinion on Thrice Radiant Misho if he existed here, and perhaps Merela given that she was (supposedly) the strongest one on one combatant at the close of the war (Obliterator vs. Field Commander?). Seeing Odyssial's opinion on how she shifted tracks to politics and didn't really maintain that standard would be interesting too. She's obviously suboptimal, but not everyone can be nearly so good as Odyssial...