An Evolution art quest based on A Monstrous Biosphere. With the twist that instead of adapting to life on a world these species will be growing from ancient ruins and adapting to a gas giant.
Welcome to the world of Hyperon B long before this age aliens had come to this world. In the skies of Hyperon B, their facilities are hovering supported but long-lost technologies. The skies of this world will be filled with life in the near future. Life that you will help guide and grow. At the beginning of this quest, three species will be inhabiting those ruins, and with the guidance of the readers, they will diverge and become the many species that will one day call this world home.
Species Blamps: The Blamps are simple creatures with a light skin around a sack of lighter-than-air gases that allow the species to float around the ruins. They can photosynthesize to gather energy from light and power. They are soft and move farther away from the ground when being hunted, though if they drift too far from the ruins they can't return to reproduce.
Drekin: The Drekin are small creatures with a hard shell with sharp tips on the ends of their legs. They can break the ruins' surface metals and use them to climb up and jump onto Blamps hunting them and Slina in an ambush style. Their shells are hard enough that the Slina can not break through them allowing the Drekin to be the apex predator of this world.
Slina: The Slina are long serpent creatures with two heads they are quick moving rapidly around the tight spaces of the ruins to avoid predation from the Drekin, and bite the Blamps before they can move away.
How To Play
Each turn the players will select a species with a pressure on them and create an adaptation that allows that species to resist or overcome that pressure. These adaptations need to be incremental and based on part of the already existing species. If a species is under enough pressures or a pressure remains for long enough it will go extinct, you will receive a warning the turn before a species goes extinct.
Pressured by the predation of Drekin, and Slina some Blamps have developed a series of vents along the edges of their body and organs inside that can be filled with extra gasses. When filled, These organs push against the Vent Blamp's insides, causing their eyes to press out, giving them a wider range of vision. When they see a predator these Vent Blamps can release the gasses from one of their vents to push them around allowing them to avoid attack. Additionally, these vents allow the Vent Blamps to return to the structure from farther away successfully, and migratory groups of Vent Blamps will move from structure to structure. The Vent Blamps are thriving.
Other species have their own challenges the Blamps are disrupted when Vent Blamps expel near them and the predation of the other species on their kind has not slowed down. The Slina often find themselves expending energy trying to catch a Vent Blamp unsuccessfully this makes them an easier prey for the Drekin.
How To Play
If a species has 3 or more pressures on it they are vulnerable to extinction, this will not cause extinction by itself as that is based on the weight of each pressure but species with less than 3 pressures are not able to go extinct.
Scheduled vote count started by Planetary Tennis on Jul 27, 2024 at 4:04 PM, finished with 21 posts and 15 votes.
[X] Blamps developed an increased budding rate and shortened growth cycle. Causing them to be smaller and have more of a bluish green color. To compensate these Blamps cling together in large clusters. These clusters break apart when attacked sacrificing a few to spare the rest of the cluster.
[X] Blamp develop an organ that stores some of the energy that they get from photosynthesis. They release it as an explosion when attacked by other predators. They have changed their color from green to bright red to indicate their dangerous and separate them from their relatives, the Blamps and Vent Blamps.
The Cluster Blamps
Some Blamps grow quicker their budding cycle is shorter and they produce more offspring, however, this is not without side effects the Cluster Blamps are smaller with only a single eye and have a shorter life cycle. Normally the Cluster Blamps will gather together traveling and floating in large clusters but when attacked they scatter and some are left to the mercy of predators. These adaptations allow the Cluster Blamps to thrive in the reach of the facilities but their smaller size makes them more vulnerable to wind currents so they cannot go far from the facilities. They become a stable of the diets of Slina, and Drekin but their small size makes the Slina hunting tactics more effective against the Cluster Blamps.
The Blamps find themselves crowded out of the best areas of the facilities by the faster budding Cluster Blamps, combined with a lack of adaptations to thrive at the edge of the facilities or in the open air, their populations are rapidly dwindling. If nothing changes their extinction now looms. With the lower populations of Blamps and the difficulty of getting enough food from the Cluster Blamps the Drekin are struggling and need to hunt the Slina more.
Scheduled vote count started by Planetary Tennis on Aug 3, 2024 at 2:09 PM, finished with 19 posts and 16 votes.
[X] Slina develop long, pointy, harpoon like tongues that they can launch from a distance to pierce the soft skin of the different Blamp species and pull back to feast on them. Experienced members of this offshoot will prioritize more challenging prey, either hunting tricky Vent Blamps or piercing multiple Cluster Blamps with a single attack.
[X] Some Blamps become darker in color, allowing them to absorb more light. This allows the Blamps to grow faster and reach a larger maximum size. This larger size makes it harder for predators to hunt them.
[X] Blamps develop an organ that stores some of the energy that they get from photosynthesis. They release it as an explosion when attacked by other predators. They have changed their color from green to bright red to indicate their dangerous and separate them from their relatives, the Blamps, Vent Blamps, and Cluster Blamps.
[X] Slina building off their double sided snake body develop a incredibly modular biology. A neurology distributed across the length of their segmented body. Each segment having their own smaller organs capable of functioning independently from the whole and genetic information needs to grow a head at either end. All this allows the Slina to break into its segments as needed. Note they usually only do this when a segment is irreparably harmed or to escape from being pinned down by either environmental hazards or predators.
The Harpoon Slina
Some Slina have grown a sharp tooth and long tongues the effort to maintain the structure causes them to grow smaller than the original Slina. However, this tooth can be shot out at high speed striking targets several meters from the Slina and allowing them to pull targets back to them. To aim these shots the heads have grown more eyes to track targets. Both heads compete with each other to make trick or difficult shots. The harpoons are sharp and can break through the flesh of Blamps easily. The Slina have some success hunting Drakin using their harpoons to strike at the unarmored eyes and pull the creature in. The Slina can strike even Vent Blamps with speed and accuracy when they grow old. However, the time it takes them to grow skilled means that the Slina has formed small family groups where the parents will hunt for the offspring.
The Drakin find the Harpoon Slina as dangerous prey they can win at close range but the Harpoon Slina can strike them at range crippling or blinding them. The Slina find the Harpoon Slina young as easy prey and will strike at their nests when the older Slina are out gathering food. The Blamps are hunted occasionally but the Harpoon Slina young are the only ones to do so habitually. The Cluster Blamps are hunted as well but they scatter and rarely the whole flock takes many losses. The Vent Blamps who rely on their ability to stay away from the ruins for most of their lives and move quickly are a favored prey of all but the most skilled Harpoon Slina large enough to be a good meal and hard enough to train the Harpoon Slina's skills.
Scheduled vote count started by Planetary Tennis on Aug 11, 2024 at 1:00 PM, finished with 17 posts and 16 votes.
[X] Some Blamps become darker in color, allowing them to absorb more light. This allows the Blamps to grow faster and reach a larger maximum size, as well as acquiring a thicker skin. This both makes it harder for vent Blamps to disrupt them and harder for Drekin or Harpoon Slina to break their skin.
[X] Blamps develop an organ that stores some of the energy that they get from photosynthesis. They release it as an explosion when attacked by other predators. They have changed their color from green to bright red to indicate their dangerous and separate them from their relatives, the Blamps, Vent Blamps, and Cluster Blamps
[X] Some Blamps develop adhesive pads across their bodies, which allows them to stick to walls and ceilings without drifting away. This allows them to go to places the Slina can't follow and live in areas where they don't have to compete with other Blamps.
[X] Some Blamps become darker in color, allowing them to absorb more light. This allows the Blamps to grow faster and reach a larger maximum size, as well as acquiring a thicker skin. This both makes it harder for vent Blamps to disrupt them and harder for Drekin or Harpoon Slina to break their skin. To encourage the spread of their much heavier shelled buds they are wrapped in fruiting bodies.
[X] Some Slina started developing propulsion organs allowing them to quite literally shoot themselves into their prey at large speeds. This also allows them to move faster and make suprise strikes against prey that is faraway from them.
The many struggles of the Blamp cause a new breed of Blamps to be born, the Megablamps are massive their darker thicker skin gathering more light and defending them from other species' predation. These Megablamps are so large they are hard for other blamps or the winds around the facilities to move making them giants uncaring of the world below. Their fragile eyes are the only point that creatures can break through making them a challenging target for the Harpoon Slina and Drakin and impossible for the Slina to hunt. Their larger bodies mean they take up far more space on the edges of the ruins.
The cluster Blampsare pushed into the tighter spaces of the facilities where the Megablamps can not follow. Still, the Blamps find that their ideal territories are now dominated by the Megablamps whose massive size makes movement and light gathering more difficult for the Blamps. Few predators can hunt the Megablamps and so they quickly grow in population. The migration of the Cluster Blamps deeper into the facilities causes the Slina and Harpoon Slinato to follow in small numbers the Drekin do not follow as the Cluster Blamps are difficult and often unfulfilling prey.
Scheduled vote count started by Planetary Tennis on Aug 18, 2024 at 12:35 PM, finished with 16 posts and 15 votes.
[X] Some Blamps develop adhesive pads across their bodies, which allows them to stick to walls and ceilings without drifting away. This allows them to go to places the Slina can't follow and live in areas where they don't have to compete with other Blamps.
[X] Blamps develop an organ that stores some of the energy that they get from photosynthesis. They release it as an explosion when attacked by other predators. They have changed their color from green to bright red to indicate that their dangerous and separate them from their relatives, the Blamps, Vent Blamps, Cluster Blamps, and Megablamps
[X] The Drekins limbs Start secreting a sticky acid allowing multiple of them to grab onto a Mega Blaps and slowly work their way through their thick skin. This new hunting method means that the Drekins how to work together to force the Blaps to pop in a reasonable amount of time.
Climbing Blamp
The Climbing Blamps grow adhesive pads on their body that can stick to walls, small limbs attach them allowing the Climbing Blamps a degree of mobility. The pads and the smaller nooks they move to mean the Climbing Blamps are smaller than traditional Blamps though they are larger than the Cluster Blamps. The pads allow the Climbing Blamps to live on the tops of the facilities where other Blamps can not stay because of the harsh winds. They often group together in leeward outcroppings and other divots in the structure where the winds are less powerful.
Only the Harpoon Slina have any chance at the Climbing Blamps given the creature's remote habitat, the Harpoon Slina can pop out of openings to the top of the ruins and strike at the Climbing Balmps though the creatures are often far from these openings making the shots difficult to make.