Everyone is Zaealix Mafia (Mafia)

Six hours and nineteen minutes remain, assuming that Cyricubed's vigging doesn't add 12 hours to the clock :V
So I suppose the next question is, if they both flip Blue who is the next suspect? I've got one solid suspect off the top of my head but want to hear what others are thinking.

None of this changes my views stated prior I will continue my push tommorrow.
Has my work brain swapped Nictis and LDJ? I thought nictis was the one deflecting away from YP and LDJ was pushing for it citing rolecop as traditionally scum role?
Has my work brain swapped Nictis and LDJ? I thought nictis was the one deflecting away from YP and LDJ was pushing for it citing rolecop as traditionally scum role?

I fell into the social hole and was hard townreading YP solely off of his explanation for why he picked Snickers instead of me, but I was the one pushing back against LDJ's deflection.
This is why you should sleep instead of trying to hyper analyze and get your thought wires crossed
11 v 4 v 1 or
11 v 3 v 2

Are the probable permutations on start correct?
I'm highly sus of both CCC and LDJ primarily because they shaded me and then both basically admitted I'm town.

They're both in the range I describe above, both of them are voting Scia.

I can't find CCCs reasoning.

But I think LDJs is like kinda eh, the no kill vote is not as bad as he's making it out to be imo.

Hopping at the end isn't great but I don't feel nearly as visceral about it. Especially considering all the discussion about why no killing is bad I think Scia was just convinced to take a stand and panic voted.

Scia still is in range but like I think CCC and LDJ are linked based on this and I think the odds of one of them flipping scum is the highest of the four.

Cyri is the dark horse for me and I haven't really looked at him.
Not gonna bother arguing for me but I will say for the record that my read on CCC is more "newb town" than "actual scum".
Okay 7ish hours left in day I'm ready to make my claim but I'm not going to do a complete one:
I am either a Watcher or a Tracker.
-If I am a Watcher I watched Legend of Ruina, and they were visited by Snickers4444
-If I am a Tracker I tracked Snickers4444, and they visited Snickers4444

I'd prefer to not claim exactly which at this phase, as either should be damning based off how just this phase has gone early. Now for the running commentary I've been storing slowly in DMs. But I'm QUITE CONFIDENT that Snickers4444 performed the Blue kill.

Man this post is a really bad look when I saw you visited Legend of Ruina last night. So I guess either you're working with YP, or a SK with some defense immunity but no Ninja, and more likely the later. You played your hand too hard snickers.

You really fished for that investigation, and then outright trying to equate that to not being responsible is a bit too heavy handed.

You really are focused on this Blue kill thing, concerned about it in fact, probably because you are it. I don't know exactly what your plan is here with trying to make it sound like a scum group instead of an SK, but I guess that makes you more likely to be an SK, and that you seemed to have avoided YP's investigation type power, but not mine, is heavily not in your favor here.

Not quite sure if distancing, or just trying to give yourself more defense on either flip, but I am feeling its more likely you're SK, and honestly I feel sorry that you got caught.

End of running commentary I'm trying to not do an insane mega-post here, the questions I asked were mostly to see if how people looked at the YP + Snickers end of things. Checking if anyone was first off inconsistent with like scum reading Snickers but not YP was unlikely to be the case but probably would be telling. Some names were there were for smokescreens, and I got some nuggets out of the more inactive players for later analysis which should be helpful as the game develops.

I'm not quite sure if Snickers is solo SK, or working with YP, but Blue kill feels more SK than red, and I am confident that a kill should show up to YP's claimed power-set and the way that Snickers was just so excited about the clear, and may even be trying to get a YP elimination to try and further confirm there "no active abilities reveal" seems a bit more likely than just straight distancing, though could easily be that, but Snickers4444 is like 100% scum and YP is like 85% scum. So I prefer what feels like a sure thing.

[X] Unvote Cyricubed
[X] Vote Snickers4444
Well, shit. I already resolved after last game not to fall victim to Cassandra 🐢 again, and a hard investigative catch beats a soft read, so:

[X] Vote Snickers4444
Btw is the turtle emoji visible to everyone? My phone added it and I thought it was cute, but idk if it reads right on other devices and can't check rn.
I am also wondering if YP's super cryptic post was to me saying that I was right in thinking he was implying 3p but wrong in thinking that it was SK setting up a fakeclaim for 3P.
Nope. I briefly considered claiming 3p earlier, but on this forum and mu, I've learned that people just kill the claimed immediately most of the time, unless they're completely unsuspected, so it's not a good choice.
I'm honestly gonna bet pretty hard on them working together. I do recall YP responding to someone saying Snickers is Vanilla being "Factually incorrect" and specifically bringing up the bulletproof possibility.
Okay, so this is a bit of a weird explanation.

I have played the majority of my mafia games on a subforum of a fan site of a specific author. They run games with flavor based on mainly his books. Due to the chronological release order of that authors books, literally the earliest game on has established a trend of roles as the standard set, with some games disregarding that, but still, those are the most common. Of those, the only passive role (besides one that doesn't translate at all, and one other weird one with both a passive and an active ability) is a universal vest-equivalent, so a vest is the first thing I think of when I think of passive abilities for examples. I can provide a link if you want.
I'd prefer to not claim exactly which at this phase, as either should be damning based off how just this phase has gone early. Now for the running commentary I've been storing slowly in DMs. But I'm QUITE CONFIDENT that Snickers4444 performed the Blue kill.
Snickers being able to spoof investigatives is a great explanation for them volunteering.
Hrm...it's as if setting up the claim. This is tracking with previous thought lines...I really should look over their day 1 interactions more too. It feels way to convenient overall.

You know what. Fuck it. It's a big day, I feel like making sure the game-state shifts properly and both are heavily suspect plus moments ago YP was leading so this shouldn't shift discussion as much.

[X] Daykill Young Pyromancer
…you might want to wait to see if snickers flips as investigative immune first? Like, we're strongly linked at this point, so targeting me now before we know snickers flip makes no sense.
Also, agree with your decision not to go after snickers here, as people might vote on them anyways in case you're lying.
Now, we can discuss who to target with your power as a pseudo-vote, to keep up pressure.
On lunch.

[X] Vote Snickers4444

Not seeing many worlds if in which Snickers shows as vanilla to YP but is actually SK and YP is not scum.
why would that be scum indicative tho?

Because Snickers is scum or SK. If SK they have a role that has an individual killing nightpower. If scum they are unlikely to have volunteered unless he knows you are on his team since it wasn't clear IMO at that point that vanilla scum showed as vanilla to you.

Snickers being able to spoof investigatives is a great explanation for them volunteering.

What is your hypothetical language for the spoofing here? Like I guess maybe Comi is watcher and targeted LoR and Snickers has like "all night powers used against you fail?" Seems pretty unlikely.
Also "I was considered claiming 3P" is a frankly horrible look. I honestly can't think of a situation where claiming 3P is pro-town. Town should just lynch any 3P it knows about (unless they are 100% on someone being maf) so if you are town this is just a guaranteed mislynch.

Claiming 3P is essentially only useful for any player if they are anti-town trying to downplay it as not explicitly anti-town or when Maf + 3P > Town and 3P is letting maf know that they can end the game.
Yeah, considering claiming 3p seems really odd when you earlier claimed a town role, really doubting your claimed role now especially with the snickers reveal.

To throw everything out there though;
If snickers = maf Kill might not show if it's a factional ability as it could be considered 'non-active' to his claimed ability
If snickers = SK. Really see kill ability showing here as should be there active ability, unless the SK is investigative immune. Doubt that though, seems really overpowered in a game that's probably investigative low, given amount of vanilla town roles likely in play.
Serial Killers being investigation immune is pretty standard tbh, Capital.