Everyone is Zaealix Mafia (Mafia)

I'd like to mention that Comi's insistance that Snicker's is SK specifically is concerning to me.
My reads are basically just what Devil-San has said. I'm not very good at understanding you humans, so o don't have much to add in case of my death.
Adhoc vote count started by hugh_donnetono on Feb 18, 2022 at 7:00 PM, finished with 423 posts and 12 votes.
An Odd Elimination!
The second Thursday of the Zaealix Collective's internal struggle is much more animated and varied than the first, though that same Zaealix that barely survived the first day does just keep coming up in conversation. It seems that this time they'll be voted out for sure... But then, a shock! A Zaealix that had been keeping relatively quiet comes forward with what seems to be incontrovertible evidence that a particular other Zaealix was the one responsible for last night's mysterious account deletion! The gathered Zaealices are nearly unanimous in their subsequent decision, and that Zaealix is exiled. And as they leave - the collective collectively realizes that they really made the right move there. For that person - no, that thing - it was neither human nor Zaealix.

@Snickers4444 has been voted out. They were FirnBot, the Mad Dicebot.

Night Two begins now, and will end in , after which there will be a 6-hour twilight period for me to deal with night actions before Day Three begins.
A Zaealix Outrage!
Thursday begins again and the Collective reconvenes, all glad to be rid of that dreadful mechanical monstrosity. However, a headcount shows that dealing with one problem doesn't solve the other...

@hailcapital has been Kicked From The Server. They were Zaealix, a member of the Zaealix Collective.

However, midway through the process of reconvening, another Zaealix suddenly blips out from the server's roster! This is odd and confusing, but investigating them reveals something even more shocking and horrifying!

@Nictis has been Confused into Self-Banning. They were Zaealix Prime, a member of the Anti-Zaealix Initiative.

The idea seems utterly incredible. The Prime themself, working against the collective? Inconceivable! And yet, the evidence is ironclad. The collective weeps at this terrible turn of fate.

Day 3 has begun, and will end in .
Also, anyone else find it a bit suspicious that a claimed day-vig gets passed over? There's guessing around protectives of course, but Hail was getting somewhat scumread last I checked, so while I don't think they were the worst kill target, the choice strikes me as a bit odd.
Ok, can honestly say I wasn't expecting that. Thought Zaealix Prime would of been a town role.

No blue kill at least, so must of been correct in thinking they were an SK unless a possible teammate didn't kill tonight for whatever reason. So if it's just maf team left, that's 2-3 scum to find? Possibly more?
Nictis being maf I think was still solidly in my range of possibilities.
Initial reading without me looking deep this is entirely off the cuff:

I think this makes YP look worse
I still don't think my reads from yesterday are entirely affected.
I think it makes how fast SK swap happen and discussion kinda halting look a bit funnier.
So I'm not entirely sure what precisely happened last night either but that's a thing!
The Prime thing though, eh, that makes sense to me. Meme formed around me, I can't recall ever doing anything to encourage it happening this time either...
But Nictis Scum. That...Gives me pause, but on a meta-level, it makes sense- me and Nictis ending up on opposing sides tends to be memorable. At least, for me.
I expected death, and I am utterly disappointed.
I am sus of comi being alive , After all when was the Last time you where town and survived to see day 3? :p

And okay the flavor sounds like either a vig or a transporter there
Also same mafia flavor kill there, so it seems that this is their regular flavor , as double strongman kill seems unlikely as I can't remember a game where they had 2 beyond archdemon , and that was power madness
I would like to complain that my night was wasted because I visited Nictis and they died.
...Sonnova beep. Nictis is Scum. Which means no one to drive conversation. I wish I could edit posts because I'm looking back and this:
You do a really good Zaealix Prime act, but you are not the first, faker.
Became alot more meaningful, especially given the whole 'YP offering psuedo-clears' thing to anyone and then Nictis and Snickers both jumped on it...Which worked out funky in the sense of highlighting Scum.
I'll need to re-read to confirm but I'm now eying Shadell and Scia, as Nictis is the sort of guy who can wine up his buddies by offering random people clears or at least outreach trust to them, I think?
"Purge the infection"
Looks like someone here has a anti Zaealix stance :V
That option doesn't strikes me as especially more likely and rising cult paranoia day one always looks a bit weird.
...That wording with the fact the Scum team apparently is literally named the Anti-Zaealix Inititive is also interesting...
But nyeh.
Top two Town reads?
Well, obviously as Zaealix Prime, I personally am Town!...Except I can't say that now because of the Nictis Example! CURSE YOU NICTIS!
More seriously, so removing myself from the selection pool for fairly obvious reasons...
I would say...Original Name is my most likely bet, thinking back.
As for number two Town read? Uhh...*draws name out of hat* ...Legend of Ruina? Whatever.
Top two scum?
As I said earlier, Scia and Shadell. Reminder I have yet to do my re-read, so bare that in mind.