Everyone is Zaealix Mafia (Mafia)

Okay 7ish hours left in day I'm ready to make my claim but I'm not going to do a complete one:
I am either a Watcher or a Tracker.
-If I am a Watcher I watched Legend of Ruina, and they were visited by Snickers4444
-If I am a Tracker I tracked Snickers4444, and they visited Snickers4444

I'd prefer to not claim exactly which at this phase, as either should be damning based off how just this phase has gone early. Now for the running commentary I've been storing slowly in DMs. But I'm QUITE CONFIDENT that Snickers4444 performed the Blue kill.

Man this post is a really bad look when I saw you visited Legend of Ruina last night. So I guess either you're working with YP, or a SK with some defense immunity but no Ninja, and more likely the later. You played your hand too hard snickers.

You really fished for that investigation, and then outright trying to equate that to not being responsible is a bit too heavy handed.

You really are focused on this Blue kill thing, concerned about it in fact, probably because you are it. I don't know exactly what your plan is here with trying to make it sound like a scum group instead of an SK, but I guess that makes you more likely to be an SK, and that you seemed to have avoided YP's investigation type power, but not mine, is heavily not in your favor here.

Not quite sure if distancing, or just trying to give yourself more defense on either flip, but I am feeling its more likely you're SK, and honestly I feel sorry that you got caught.

End of running commentary I'm trying to not do an insane mega-post here, the questions I asked were mostly to see if how people looked at the YP + Snickers end of things. Checking if anyone was first off inconsistent with like scum reading Snickers but not YP was unlikely to be the case but probably would be telling. Some names were there were for smokescreens, and I got some nuggets out of the more inactive players for later analysis which should be helpful as the game develops.

I'm not quite sure if Snickers is solo SK, or working with YP, but Blue kill feels more SK than red, and I am confident that a kill should show up to YP's claimed power-set and the way that Snickers was just so excited about the clear, and may even be trying to get a YP elimination to try and further confirm there "no active abilities reveal" seems a bit more likely than just straight distancing, though could easily be that, but Snickers4444 is like 100% scum and YP is like 85% scum. So I prefer what feels like a sure thing.

[X] Unvote Cyricubed
[X] Vote Snickers4444
Huh. Not who I would have guessed.

[X] Null
[X] Vote Snickers4444
This is why I should proof read from the beginning before posting instead of just the back half.
I'm highly sus of both CCC and LDJ primarily because they shaded me and then both basically admitted I'm town.

They're both in the range I describe above, both of them are voting Scia.

I can't find CCCs reasoning.

But I think LDJs is like kinda eh, the no kill vote is not as bad as he's making it out to be imo.

Hopping at the end isn't great but I don't feel nearly as visceral about it. Especially considering all the discussion about why no killing is bad I think Scia was just convinced to take a stand and panic voted.

Scia still is in range but like I think CCC and LDJ are linked based on this and I think the odds of one of them flipping scum is the highest of the four.

Cyri is the dark horse for me and I haven't really looked at him.

CCC has been pretty sus for me as well, was my second choice vote yesterday though forgot to place it, though honestly if I didn't turn back up just 2mins before EoD I'd likely of placed my vote back on Pyro. Not sure how I feel on CCC currently, haven't stood out as much to me today, may have to review.

LDJ has just been pretty shifty today in general I think, admit to being slightly unsure on Scia as well though nowhere near as much after explanation given by them and others for their vote d1. It honestly feels like the push on 99 all over again here, jumping on someone for a relatively minor thing. They dropped a vote without explanation yesterday, which is exactly the same thing Scia did minus the 'no kill' they have explained why but still not a good look going after someone for something you yourself did. Think they where also one of the first votes onto this wagon, and the very first for the rush on them at the end.

I'd also be happy voting either of these in place of Young, but that might just extend this another day. If either flips scum though, especially devil I'd be willing to think they might just be extending the game state, ally defence is equally possible there though.
Now I'm really stuck wondering about the LoR kill, because he was deadset on YP being scum and I was expecting his killer to have been either Hail or Cat if Blue is SK. That the Blue kill was Snickers4444 seems strange for an SK move.
CCC has been pretty sus for me as well, was my second choice vote yesterday though forgot to place it, though honestly if I didn't turn back up just 2mins before EoD I'd likely of placed my vote back on Pyro. Not sure how I feel on CCC currently, haven't stood out as much to me today, may have to review.

LDJ has just been pretty shifty today in general I think, admit to being slightly unsure on Scia as well though nowhere near as much after explanation given by them and others for their vote d1. It honestly feels like the push on 99 all over again here, jumping on someone for a relatively minor thing. They dropped a vote without explanation yesterday, which is exactly the same thing Scia did minus the 'no kill' they have explained why but still not a good look going after someone for something you yourself did. Think they where also one of the first votes onto this wagon, and the very first for the rush on them at the end.

I'd also be happy voting either of these in place of Young, but that might just extend this another day. If either flips scum though, especially devil I'd be willing to think they might just be extending the game state, ally defence is equally possible there though.
Read the new Comi update :V

This latest patch really throws things out
Huh, nothing much I can defend myself here but maybe it was something that fooled comis power and not yps or that you are lying, but I don't see why you would.
[x] Vote Snickers4444

I think removing KP is the best outcome.

I really don't think this fundamentally changes my analysis though.
Huh, nothing much I can defend myself here but maybe it was something that fooled comis power and not yps or that you are lying, but I don't see why you would.

From a pure game play perspective: Probably have to make a hard claim of some kind.

From a personal perspective: Sorry for reigning on your likely SK parade, I am upset I kept getting actionable information on day 1, and now two games in a row point towards the SK... darn it fate. DARN YOU!
From a pure game play perspective: Probably have to make a hard claim of some kind.

From a personal perspective: Sorry for reigning on your likely SK parade, I am upset I kept getting actionable information on day 1, and now two games in a row point towards the SK... darn it fate. DARN YOU!
Oh right, there's a proper order to this. Nearly forgot.

[X] Null
[X] Vote ComiTurtle

You're not allowed to vote out scum while alive :V
man all that effort just for Comi to steal my thunder and make me sit on the sidelines
[] Murder Cassandra


I'm still working on some reviews but that info is pretty damning.

[X] Vote Snickers4444

or Comi is exe and just jebaited us all.

I think the Scia vote is in line with the Mafia nightkill reasoning.

Mafia goal with the N1 kill is preservation of the current gamestate.

Voting Scia ultimately preserves the current gamestate further, there is little to be gained from it in my opinion obviously there is value in Scum!Scia world but I don't think Scia has done nearly enough in comparison to my two favored targets to justify elimination at this juncture.

I'm not sure which I prefer between the two I think theres merits for both.

I wanted to point out the possibility of scum hiding in those same positions, by maintaining gamestate they stay out of the limelight longer. Essentially delaying the time till we turn to look at them.

I'm not quite sure if Snickers is solo SK, or working with YP, but Blue kill feels more SK than red, and I am confident that a kill should show up to YP's claimed power-set and the way that Snickers was just so excited about the clear, and may even be trying to get a YP elimination to try and further confirm there "no active abilities reveal" seems a bit more likely than just straight distancing, though could easily be that, but Snickers4444 is like 100% scum and YP is like 85% scum. So I prefer what feels like a sure thing.

how certain are you on the 85%? Do you think YP guessed a claim if Snickers is Sk, or do you think really think they're working together somehow?
how certain are you on the 85%? Do you think YP guessed a claim if Snickers is Sk, or do you think really think they're working together somehow?
I'm honestly gonna bet pretty hard on them working together. I do recall YP responding to someone saying Snickers is Vanilla being "Factually incorrect" and specifically bringing up the bulletproof possibility.
Also, to people saying Snickers is vanilla: this is factually incorrect. Not only is there a possibility of some kind of spoofing, but I only check for ACTIVE abilities, so something like a passive extra life, or something that they don't have control over like a reflexive revenge kill, would not be detected.
Lotta hedging in that comment. Possibility of spoofing is something that I just have not seen on a rolecop.
Hrm...it's as if setting up the claim. This is tracking with previous thought lines...I really should look over their day 1 interactions more too. It feels way to convenient overall.

You know what. Fuck it. It's a big day, I feel like making sure the game-state shifts properly and both are heavily suspect plus moments ago YP was leading so this shouldn't shift discussion as much.

[X] Daykill Young Pyromancer
how certain are you on the 85%? Do you think YP guessed a claim if Snickers is Sk, or do you think really think they're working together somehow?

Snickers raised their hand for YP in a way that is suspect, YP's claimed power is either false or real. If real it could've been tricked by Snickers the likely Investigation immune SK, who I know isn't a Ninja in addition. Or if real, YP tried to defend either an ally (unlikely because I am reading blue kill as SK) or make an ally, by trying to create a defense for the SK their scum faction may have found.

I think investigation immunity is the most likely trait here because of the eagerness to be investigated and risking potential town to look into for the chance they are scum is well... insane.

Basically there are two main worlds I see:
-"SK" faction of two strong which is YP + Snickers
-Snickers is solo SK, YP is just trying to save their skin as either Town or Scum.

Effectively I think its unlikely outside of the directly allied world that YP doesn't actually have a power at least similar to their claim accessible to them (or in a scum world potentially an allies).
Unironic Day vig.

However the irony is the amount of times I've been day-vigged.

It doesn't go off till day end however unless canceled.
So I suppose the next question is, if they both flip Blue who is the next suspect? I've got one solid suspect off the top of my head but want to hear what others are thinking.