Cultivator Advancement Chart
The following chart lists each Cultivation stage and the age at which a rare genius of the Four Clans would be "expected" to reach it. Note that the Four Clans are more powerful than the Seven Sects, which are themselves enormously richer and more influential than backwater Clans and Sects. Someone who consistently hit these milestones would be considered on-track for a future Patriarch / Matriarch position.
Peak of Ego Barrier - 15 years of age
Peak of Organ Refinement - 17 years of age (Before 35 years is notable)
Peak of Soul Chrysalis - 70 years of age (Before 200 years is notable)
Peak of Dao Cleaving - 210 years of age (Before 700 years is notable)
Peak of Reality Forming - 450 years of age (Before 1500 years is notable)
Peak of Grand Solipsism - 1000 years of age (Reaching this point at all is notable even for the highly talented)
Titanic Ascension - Not enough data, youngest ever was 230 years of age
On to the vote:
[ ] A Stable Genius - This is the popular option combo of [A Strong Foundation, A Spoiled Brat, A Total Bookworm, Grandfather]. An efficient and option-maximizing choice that uses Spoiled Brat to augment two other Foci. Long-term, this builds a solid foundation with your Grandfather's Cultivation-improving methods impressed upon you from a young age. Your Diagram Sorcery skills will be significant, a noteworthy complement to your power. Depending on your area of focus, it may already offer impressive utility or combat enhancements.
*Aside from being Spoiled, a solid build with no weaknesses
*Remember, as long as you can contact him, Grandpa can bail you out once against virtually any foe. This is an option worth nearly .7 orbs for free!
*It's not flashy, but it is effective at setting you up for future success. Why gamble?
*Value Town
[ ] Just As Planned - This is a synthesis of various Diagram-focused combos designed to absolutely maximize your proficiency with Diagram Magic. [A Spoiled Brat, A Total Bookworm, Father, Lich Unlock]. A vote combo focused comprehensively on strengthening the mind and putting everything else off for now. Of the available plans, this is the most likely to achieve functional chronomancy before the age of 18 - though it is risky, and may entail enormous costs. Still, if you want time dilation or other spectacularly unfair Diagram-Cultivation interactions as fast as possible, it is worth considering. In addition, your father's teachings combined with Total Bookworm will make you a versatile problem solver, if (presently) a bit subpar on the actual execution.
*Retains the Spoiled +1 choice, allowing you to take the Lich Mentor for "free next update"
*Learn your father's ways to spin every situation to his advantage and pretend it was Just As Planned
*Kick ass at board games
*No Cultivation, only intellectual development
*Still Spoiled
[ ] BASK In My Glory, Mongrels! - This option avoids the Spoiled Passion while near-maximizing Cultivation gains. It is similar to various Cultivation-maximizing combos without taking an overly dangerous combination of Passions at this early stage of development. Your character will do all he can to bring glory to the clan, Cultivating at frenetic speeds and glad-handing to cement the accrued influence. Expect to be a thought leader for the coming generation. A Lackey or two is virtually guaranteed, and many powerful families will compete aggressively for a betrothal. [A Strong Foundation, A Blazing Sun, Social Butterfly, Grandfather]
*Reveal your Thrice-Great nature. Halfway through the Soul Chrysalis stage at the age of 10, able to unman armies of lessers
*You will actually have some experience with Diagram Magic and Artifice (A Blazing Sun), though only as pertains to Cultivation
*You will be respected and feared, with all that entails. It will go to your head.
*Definitively prove your value to the Clan and reinforce your immediate family's influence within it
*Everyone will think your father somehow arranged this