Even Further Beyond [Complete]

Honestly speaking? We can actually use that to our advantage. Her having mitigated/enhanced consequences/power of the options. Because want to know something about cheaters? When you figure out how they are cheating, they are easier to beat than a noob.
Yeah, she reincarnated as herself, so she got thrice-great and a million other abilities, many of which we probably could never pick, for free. And the gods are messing with the world in her favor. No wonder we're said to be doomed.

Age of glory states "A number of great heroes will emerge alongside your opponent". I wonder if they'll be other gods, or angels/her servants.
If she's also got Young Master, which would fit both the Orb costs and her charmed life and "reincarnate in the same manner as your opponent", how are the gods screwing us over by making her Young Master better than ours?

I'm thinking this portion might actually be fair, and the Special Offer bullshit is mostly contained in her Reincarnation being better than ours could ever hope to be. But it's worth a look, I think.
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There doesn't seem to be much interest in Artifacts or Social Butterfly, so cleaning up one of the other plans would be my preferred option.

I wouldn't be opposed to a Social Butterfly option; it was actually one of my top picks but I went with Spoiled Brat as no one else was going for it. At this point, I think it's a matter of seeing where things stand.
My current theory is that she lucked into Reincarnation and Young Master for free (each being one result on a dx table where x is an arbitrary number, and spending orbs let us pick one result or narrow the field), can't use Thrice Great, can only use one discipline which is probably cultivation.

There are three orbs equivalent of bonuses in reincarnation, but they're not necessarily three actual choices we got at gen.

Assuming she can only pick one sign, likely has Sword or Bow. If she has Scythe we will hear about it when she starts employing it.

She's most likely under Sign of the Bow so she can go Befriend a Lich or other immortal Diagramist, Nanoha style, and crank her cultivation to absurd levels.
You said using Mother's training to get pass her heroine rich family. I'm saying that Social Butterfly would help with that. Easiest way to your target is the front door? Why not use it then?
Oh okay, "she" is the heroine. Yeah, I wanted Social Butterfly alongside Mother, Spoiled Brat and Bookworm. Figured utility skills works better as a solid foundation but I'm sure we could still work on Social later.

Oh, that cheeky dickwaffle.

He gave her Reincarnation, but the Reincarnation is of her divine self, so there's literally no downside to it. It's three free Orbs of benefit for the price of 'One' and gives her at least limited access to her godly powers. It's a loophole they can abuse because they grab someone from outside the system to be the opposite number, and thus to be 'Fair', they have to do the temporal loop shit, and that leads to our prior-incarnation hating us and fighting every step of the way.

After all, the flaw to Reincarnation is that we're coming from outside the system, so he has to basically do a temporal loop on our self and then send that soul fragment through a long and drawn out hell that'll piss the soul fragment off. It's fair and balanced because he gives exactly the same treatment either way, but in order to superficially appear fair, he can give it to us in a manner that taints it, and limits the benefit we'd receive from it.

This might very well be precisely why they grab someone from out of the universe to play this game. So that they can effectively wall off the best option from them and ensure that even if you take it, you don't get as much benefit out of it. "Sure, you can take it, but it's going to fight you every step of the way."

Hell, we've been outright told that she works on the Reincarnation spectrum. And there's no reason why her Prior Incarnation would hate her.

So yeah, I think that was her core build. "Reincarnation" plus "Young Master". But her Reincarnation has no penalties simply because of how they gamed the system. So she spends one Orb to get three Orbs when she matures at no further expense or effort, while we have to pry every scrap of advantage out if we do the same thing simply because our prior incarnation hates us while hers is identical to her current incarnation.

It would explain why her brother only popped in for those two options and then lost interest. They probably would love to pull a kind of "We give the same benefits, but yours are less beneficial than ours" horseshit.

The best thing about this hypothesis is that it perfectly explain why she will know exactly who we are when her reincarnation finish percolating, but we won't know who she is: the goddess obviously knew who we where before reincarnating...
My current theory is that she lucked into Reincarnation and Young Master for free (each being one result on a dx table where x is an arbitrary number, and spending orbs let us pick one result or narrow the field), can't use Thrice Great, can only use one discipline which is probably cultivation.

I don't think she gets any Orbs. She gets Reincarnation and Young Master, and the gods just so happen to value those at 1 and 2 orbs, so we get those to make it "fair". The only thing she actually chose was her drawback wishlist to present to us.

I do wonder how what special relationships gods have with signs, though.
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Oh, I just thought of something. If she reincarnated as herself, her soul is Divine in nature. If we put this in Pathfinder terms, that makes her an Outsider (Native). This comes with a lot of advantages: carte blanche immunity to human based soul magics, for one thing, but it also has a glaring downside: systems of magic that interact with the soul are usually stronger on things that come from Outside Reality once the caster properly identifies the target and casts accordingly. If we find a way to identify the Divinity our opposite number was before she incarnated, we may be able to use that knowledge as a sympathetic link, like an Outsider's Truename, and affect her more accurately with Diagrams we design with her in mind. Scrying, Binding, Abjuration. Potentially Conjuration, even.
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[X] A Strong Foundation
[X] A Blazing Sun
[X] A Total Bookworm
[X] Grandfather, the Unbroken World
[X] +1 additional choice for this vote

I'd prefer blazing sun over spoiled brat. Being halfway into the third realm by 10 years old should net us a bunch of advantages from the clan that we can leverage in the next timeskip, while bookworm improves the intelligence of our character and gramps should open up better training later.
I think that her brother's options Young Master and Reincarnation being three orbs makes sense with the possibility of her past life giving Thrice-Great for free. Signs are called a unique path to power so I wouldn't be surprised to hear she has none

Orange seems to be the colour of the brother and it's linked to Special, Reincarnation and Immortality.

Red: part of Guardian Beast, part of Cursebearer, all of the Sword and all of Cultivation. Game breaking powers?

Yellow is Young Master and Binary Magic which I suppose are ones that can be levereged for great potential but limited alone?

Grey: Scales and most of Cursebearer

Blue: Magic, Diagram Magic and Thrice-Great

Green: Sign, Scythe and Limit Break. Sacrificial power?
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Green: Sign, Scythe and Limit Break. Sacrificial power?

If that's so, what did we give up by taking a Sign? If she doesn't have a sign, assume there is some way of taking advantage of someone else's.Some downside to them. We should look into that and neutralize the weakness if it exists.

*Grants roughly 3 orbs worth of benefits over time, the exact nature depending on the activities of your past soul fragment, but no immediate power.
Interesting. Even if she DOES get a buffed up version of reincarnation, I get the feeling even she would be effected by those last three words. Which may be beneficial to us. It'll take longer for her rise to power.
Oh shit. Oh shit. The colors. The gods. Someone on a desktop, quick, pull up the Color Wheel and tell me what color is opposite Orange: that's a complimentary color.

One might say it's the Sibling to Orange.
No, colors are linked to whatever emotional or physical associations exist with that color, and are present in other Rihaku quests.

Red: Risky, violent options
Dark Red: Corruption, evil.
Green/light green: Options that are safe, or that involve life or regeneration.
Gold/yellow: Glory. Heroism. Being socially #1
Grey: Cold, pragmatic, rational, unemotional, professional.
White: Good.
Not sure about orange.

Sometimes votes are colored because they are referencing colored things. LIke we got a light blue option for being the ice king once, or a vote option called Ultra-Teal that was teal.
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Orange seems to be the colour of the brother and it's linked to Special, Reincarnation and Immortality.


What if she just straight up took Immortality? For us it's not that helpful, since while she can't kill us she can still topple the age. But for her...

It makes it literally impossible for her to lose, barring things that can specifically override three orbs of perk. We can't kill her, so we can only try to preserve the realm. Forever.
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Interesting. Even if she DOES get a buffed up version of reincarnation, I get the feeling even she would be effected by those last three words. Which may be beneficial to us. It'll take longer for her rise to power.

We... already knew that?

you would have a period of decades to familiarize yourself with the world and gather power before your nemesis reaches maturity, fully regains her memories, and begins adventuring

She won't fully regain her memory and start adventuring until she's 18. We knew that from the very start and it is the only reason picking Young Master wasn't outright suicide
No, colors are linked to whatever emotional or physical associations exist with that color, and are present in other Rihaku quests.

You're talking like these things are mutually exclusive but they aren't. Gods embody Concepts, they have symbology. If we can find out what the Heroine was Goddess of we can figure out what Immortality gave her.

I feel like that guy on the History channel right now and I fucking love it.
Interesting. Even if she DOES get a buffed up version of reincarnation, I get the feeling even she would be effected by those last three words. Which may be beneficial to us. It'll take longer for her rise to power.

She doesn't have to worry about that because she has axiomatic plot armor enforced by destiny until she's at least eighteen.

More than enough time to take advantage of Reincarnation.
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