EVA01's Unitversal Idea and Concept Posting Bin

Anyone here familiar with mecha genre?

Trying to plan out an SRW fic and I have a series that I really, really, really want to use, but the bad guys in it are demons and it'll stick out like a sore thumb (even more than it kind of already does) if I can't find more ways to conveniently lore-blend/have its setting interact with other works in the fic. Failing magic/demon villains, ancient "sealed evil in a can" villains would also work.

.....wait, the Dinosaur Empire's beef is that the human race took over their planet while they were hibernating away from a burst of Getter Radiation, yeah? That actually works out pretty well, so as long as I go with Getter Classic or possibly Shin vs Neo, that might have the issue taken care of. ....New Getter might work as well, but I'd have to rewatch it (but then, I have to rewatch or finish half the crap I'm planning to use anyway, so...)

I mean, in theory I have a number of interactions on the heroic side down, but usually it's good to have at least some of the individual shows' antagonistic forces interacting as well (whether it's that douche commander from Tekkaman Blade working for Blue Cosmos in both J and W, or how Zonders were said to be created as a defense against the Radam in W, etc.).

Now I just have to figure out which two or three Gundam shows I want to use....

Currently torn between OYW (primarily on the basis that a Colony Drop thematically works as a good way to unleash/wake up the ancient sealed villains), Victory (primarily on the basis that it's the most recent one I started watching, and it might be fun to explore how the tone of that show clashes with so many other works in the fic).

I want to keep it kind of controlled for simplicity's sake, so I'm thinking about 10 works used. Currently looking at Mazinkaiser, a Getter series, two Gundam shows (probably Victory and either 0079 or SEED), Heroman, and NGE. Torn between Kotetsushin Jeeg or Jushin Liger for a third Dynamic series, and with the other show I'm settled on being a Super Robot series as well, whatever three other shows I pick probably should be Real Robot. And/or one of them be a "powered armor" series like Tekkaman Blade was.
You're among friends here Person.
I can only offer you a virtual brofist.

....that they're both Real Robot shows (FMP's Lambda Driver and related tech notwithstanding)?
Exactly. Even though Nadesico was kinda big on the whole Super Robot deal, too.

Speaking of which, I recently started watching G Gundam. It's whacky. So, I'm thinking... This Super Robot Crossover you mentioned, do you want to keep the tone serious, or have it somewhat whacky?
I can only offer you a virtual brofist.

Exactly. Even though Nadesico was kinda big on the whole Super Robot deal, too.

Speaking of which, I recently started watching G Gundam. It's whacky. So, I'm thinking... This Super Robot Crossover you mentioned, do you want to keep the tone serious, or have it somewhat whacky?
....it has a Power Rangers show in it at the same time as Evangelion and Zeta Gundam. (and Nadesico)

There's going to be both kinds of moments.
it has a Power Rangers show
There's a... Oh! Under the link.

I was going to suggest adding some Ranma 1/2. For some reason, the idea of teenagers with attitude that are able to knock over giant robots seems amusing to me. And also, like I mentioned, G Gundam gives me serious Ranma vibes. Not that either show is very serious.
There's a... Oh! Under the link.

I was going to suggest adding some Ranma 1/2. For some reason, the idea of teenagers with attitude that are able to knock over giant robots seems amusing to me. And also, like I mentioned, G Gundam gives me serious Ranma vibes. Not that either show is very serious.
Well admittedly, the PR show I'm using is Lightspeed Rescue, which overall is one of the ones to take itself more seriously. Not that there aren't funny moments, but there's a much lower quotient of silliness than is typical.

So the overall tone of the fic will mostly be more serious, the mere fact of Nadesico and its cast being involved (and everyone else dealing with them) ensures there will be a fair amount of silliness.

I can confirm from experience that Ranma and G Gundam work quite well together, though.


Anyway, I want to take a moment to go somewhere completely different, and talk about headcanons/alternate character interpretation. Specifically regarding Raynare, from Highschool DxD.

Let me first preface this by saying that my interpretation is based on the ENG dub of the anime, and that I'm aware there are differences in dialogue/translation between dubs (and even between the anime version and the original light novels). Don't care, this is headcanon and not actual canon.

That said? Turns out this is a big damn wall of text, so I'm going to spoiler it on account of "not being in and of itself a fic idea" like most other stuff I bring up here.

Basically, I'm of the mind that the "real/true" Raynare - or perhaps better phrased, "what she's like under normal circumstances" - is best exemplified by her behavior in the scene where she kills Issei, not by her scenes after the fact. Is that scene where she's at her least malevolent/bitchy outside of the false "Yuuma Amano" identity? Yes. Is treating that as her normal personality suspiciously convenient for shipping/waifuing purposes? I confess that indeed it is, BUT! There's a method behind this madness, as I shall now outline.

In the scene where Raynare murders Issei, for the most part she seems quite cheery and even cordial. She tells Issei that for whatever it's worth to him, she did enjoy their date together, and IIRC she's even still wearing that little wristband he bought her. At this point, when he's already halfway bled out and Raynare has no real expectation of seeing him again, it seems incredibly pointless that she'd lie to him, especially if the lie she were telling seemed meant to end their interaction on a positive note. If she were naturally as bitchy as she is later, it seems more likely that she'd have taken a moment to kick him while he was down right then, possibly even literally. Instead, as I said a moment ago, she still seems pleased that he bought her a gift, and she tells him that she enjoyed the date.

Do I take that to mean she actually liked Issei? ....well, if she did have feelings for Issei at that point, evidently they weren't strong enough to stop her from killing him. Personally, I like to think that if Raynare hadn't thought she was supposed to kill him, then she would probably have been content to continue the charade, and it's possible that some stronger, genuine feelings could have been born from that later on. A case of "becoming the mask", if you will.

Needless to say, she did kill Issei when she did, but I again point out that at that time she didn't seem to have any vitriol or malevolence about it. True, she did have a slasher-villain smile immediately before her transformation, but that just confirms she's probably a sociopath of some kind, which is separate from my point. Maybe she even enjoys killing, I'unno, she certainly didn't show any signs of regret for killing Issei. But, again, she left him on what (I think for her/coming from her) is a positive note. She enjoyed the date, kept the present, and would have had little or no plausible reason to lie to him at that point. Not that she's above lying, far from it, but that lying to Issei at that point wouldn't have gotten her anything, wouldn't have achieved anything. Why go to the effort of hiding the truth when there's no benefit to it? (again, I'm aware that the JP text is different, and I don't care. It doesn't even impact the plot, unlike the Rias/President thing)

The next time we see Raynare is after Issei's first meeting with Asia (which was also quite like a date in many respects, even if neither of the two involved were thinking of it as one), and by that time Issei's been resurrected as a Devil, an "unclean scourge/enemy of God", a "creature inherently of sin". Even though they've, well, fallen from grace (hence their fucking name), the Fallen Angels do - at least, according to Rias, but I'm not aware of too much in canon that would contradict her - still, in their own flawed, twisted way, desire to serve God. They use Exorcists and Holy Light just like the Angels do, and more than anything else they appear to hate Devils. This is the important thing, because for all we know Raynare's just seeing Issei again after she left him for dead and even went to the trouble of saying something nice to him, but a) here he is still alive (how inconsiderate!), b) here he is on what looks suspiciously like a date with another woman (and Raynare does call him out on that, in a rather mocking/sarcastic-sounding way), and c) "not ONLY did he not die when I killed him, and not ONLY do I find him with another woman, but that two-timing bastard went and aligned himself with those filthy, digusting DEVILS?!"

I mean, if I were a religious zealot, I could kind of see where she'd be a bit salty about that last point on top of the other two. Admittedly I don't recall much of this scene as well as I do the prior one and what comes after, but the main point is that Raynare is visibly bitchier (or more aggressively bitchy if you're of the mind that her "I enjoyed the date" thing before was sarcastic). Still, at this point Issei isn't visibly hanging around other Devils, and he clearly doesn't have much of a clue what Asia's deal is, so maybe he'll end up a Stray and self-destruct or something. Either way he's an irritant but not a priority (especially when compared with securing Asia in order to steal her Twilight Healing). And you know what? In some still-rational corner of Raynare's mind, it might not even be Issei's fault he's a Devil. Could be that some random Devil came along at the wrong (or right, depending on perspective), saw a dying human with a Sacred Gear, and took advantage of the opportunity to make Issei their servant. In which case killing him again and for real might actually be a mercy, but one that can be held off on until later (because again, Twilight Healing is more important at the moment).

The next time we see her after that, IIRC, is when Issei and the ORC mount a rescue operation to invade the Fallen's church and save Asia, and it's at this point that Raynare completely and totally loses her shit. Compounding everything I mentioned above, Issei is now actively working with Devils and showing the other Devils camaraderie and loyalty as they all invade a House of God to subvert a scheme hatched in the name of His glory to aid the war effort against His Enemy.

The other Devils on the scene, that blonde pretty-boy with the sword and the little girl with kung fu? Eh. Devil scum acting against the Servants of God (Fallen from His Grace though they may be) just means it's Tuesday.

But Issei? A guy she dated (even if it was only once, while under disguise, and she killed him afterward)? First he comes back as a Devil, first Raynare sees of him is what looks like a date with some stupid virgin of a blonde, then he turns out to be a loyal and willing Devil leading their own twisted little parody of a Crusade against HER hard-plotted scheme?! At this point, Issei has transcended beyond being just 'the enemy' for Raynare, he's gone beyond the pale and become The Adversary in her mind, Raynare's very own personal Satan. She's embarrassed, she's humiliated, and above all else she's pissed, and Issei just turned himself into the ultimate "Acceptable Target" from her perspective. This is where we see her at her most sadistic, her most cruel, as she uses everything she can to tear Issei down after "what he's done", after "what he's turned into". He's a Devil, he's God's enemy, he deserves every ounce of emotional torment I can possibly inflict on him by nature of what he is. And this is where she actually does get a benefit out of deliberately crafting her every word and action in a way to cause pain, up to and even including lying (even of the "declaring previous truths to also be a lie" variety). The fact that she lets the rush of finally having her own Sacred Gear go completely to her head and she basically goes drunk with power doesn't help the situation on any level.

It's at the end, when she's desperately begging for her life and even using the Yuuma Amano form and voice to try and stop Issei from killing her, that we see another true of what Raynare is - bereft of any options, too weak to actually change the outcome herself, she's a coward, utterly shameless in her willingness to play with someone else's feelings (but again: "Issei's a Devil, he deserves to be hurt. I'm still a servant of God, so I should live."). But the thing that gets me is that even at the very end, she still had the present he bought for her (or remembered it clearly/vividly enough to produce a perfect illusion of it on the spot and under high stress, which would arguably make it sound like it actually WAS really important to her, and could put her previous "Woman Scorned" bitch fit in a different light).

I'm not at all saying that Raynare's a great person, or even a good one. She's quite plainly deceitful, manipulative, covetous of power and probably status, ambitious enough to doggedly pursue those goals, amoral (or holds herself to enough double standards from being a self-proclaimed agent of God's will as makes no practical difference), arrogant, cowardly in the face of defeat, petty, vengeful (not just with Issei; after getting TH she also gloats about how she's going to get back at everyone who ever "screwed [her] over", and sounds damn near orgasmic at the prospect), and can be staggeringly cruel.

But hey -- even horrible, evil people can fall in love.

knowing what we do about Azazel and that Raynare seems to adore/love him, it seems probable that she may have been under orders just to observe a Sacred Gear user (Issei) but misunderstood them/operated beyond bounds in a tragically doomed attempt to overachieve and impress him. One way that could've gone is, Azazel could've said "Observe this SG user," and Raynare heard an implied "and then eliminate him if he isn't of use to us" that wasn't actually there, either because she's misunderstanding based on prior experience or even just, again, trying to overachieve and impress by denying the enemy a possible asset, and only managing to fuck up colossally instead. "Hey, it's just a measly little Twice Critical. We already know all there is to know about that, so it's not like we even need to study it. Better make sure the filthy Devils from getting him."
Oh, hey, that author. Oh, hey! Their latest story isn't as dead as I thought!

True, she did have a slasher-villain smile immediately before her transformation
I have a feeling they all do. I mean, "designated antagonists" in most anime cannot order a coffee without a murderous smirk, or so it seems.
Superman/Attack on Titan crossover proposal
If that "crossovers.... everywhere!" tag weren't enough warning, be informed now that there's another one coming. Due to time constraints, however, I only have time to put out the most basic and facetious version of the premise:

"What's that up in the sky?! Is it a bird? Maybe some kind of plane? No, it's -- Mikasa's little brother!"

In which Mr. and Ms. Ackerman adopted a baby that fell from the sky and named him Clark.
Questions/commentary from the peanut gallery are welcome, of course.
Well, I'm familiar with Superman somewhat, and have some second-hand knowledge about the other series. Speaking of which, I've been wondering for a while if it's worth watching...

Wait, hold up. One is Misaka, the other one is Mikasa. I'm afraid my knowledge of that series is even more second-hand. Something like, everyone is a spy, and the spy secretly isn't?
Well, I'm familiar with Superman somewhat, and have some second-hand knowledge about the other series. Speaking of which, I've been wondering for a while if it's worth watching...

Wait, hold up. One is Misaka, the other one is Mikasa. I'm afraid my knowledge of that series is even more second-hand. Something like, everyone is a spy, and the spy secretly isn't?
Not Railgun, or even Index.

It's Attack on Titan. Where humanity lives like sheep behind gigantic walls that "protect" them from the man-eating Titans.

I recommend it highly.
If that "crossovers.... everywhere!" tag weren't enough warning, be informed now that there's another one coming. Due to time constraints, however, I only have time to put out the most basic and facetious version of the premise:

"What's that up in the sky?! Is it a bird? Maybe some kind of plane? No, it's -- Mikasa's little brother!"

In which Mr. and Ms. Ackerman adopted a baby that fell from the sky and named him Clark.
So now that I actually have a little time to expand on this, the idea is that Kal-El's shuttle lands on the Attack on Titan version of Earth, about a decade or so before the start of the series.

It happens when the Ackermans are receiving a visit from Mr. Ackerman's old friend Doctor Grisha Jeager, checking up on Mrs. Ackerman and their child, Mikasa.

Startled by sounds of an explosion in the general vicinity of the Ackerman homestead, the men rush out to investigate and discover some kind of badly-damaged vessel at the landing site. Inside is a seemingly-healthy young boy, about a year or two younger than Mikasa. There are no signs of any human presence, past or present.

They can't just leave a baby in the woods, so they bring it back to the Ackerman home, and after an involved discussion between the three adults, they all eventually decide that the Ackermans will take care of it. Game is plentiful enough that Mr. Ackerman will still be able to provide and care for it, but Grisha and his family live in the city -- if there were suddenly another baby in his house when Carla hadn't shown even the first signs of pregnancy again since their son Eren was born, there'd be a lot of questions being asked.

They agree to keep the baby's origin a secret because, honestly? Only a madman would take the situation at face value, and a rational man would declare them mad. Mrs. Ackerman doesn't get out much and they rarely have visitors, so it's easy enough to simply say that the new baby - named Clark - is the Ackermans' very own second child.

The first (#) chapters would primarily be cute/funny WAFF about the Ackerman family, and things steadily beginning to get weird when Clark's around (mostly in the form of improbable strength/speed/agility for a good while).

Generic Person: "But you never told us you had a son!"

Mr. Ackerman: "...did you ask me if I did?"

GP: "Yes!"

MA (starting to sweat a little): ".....did I happen to be drunk at the time?"

GP: "....you were a little tipsy?"

MA: ".......I've never been able to hold my liquor."
So now that I actually have a little time to expand on this, the idea is that Kal-El's shuttle lands on the Attack on Titan version of Earth, about a decade or so before the start of the series.

It happens when the Ackermans are receiving a visit from Mr. Ackerman's old friend Doctor Grisha Jeager, checking up on Mrs. Ackerman and their child, Mikasa.

Startled by sounds of an explosion in the general vicinity of the Ackerman homestead, the men rush out to investigate and discover some kind of badly-damaged vessel at the landing site. Inside is a seemingly-healthy young boy, about a year or two younger than Mikasa. There are no signs of any human presence, past or present.

They can't just leave a baby in the woods, so they bring it back to the Ackerman home, and after an involved discussion between the three adults, they all eventually decide that the Ackermans will take care of it. Game is plentiful enough that Mr. Ackerman will still be able to provide and care for it, but Grisha and his family live in the city -- if there were suddenly another baby in his house when Carla hadn't shown even the first signs of pregnancy again since their son Eren was born, there'd be a lot of questions being asked.

They agree to keep the baby's origin a secret because, honestly? Only a madman would take the situation at face value, and a rational man would declare them mad. Mrs. Ackerman doesn't get out much and they rarely have visitors, so it's easy enough to simply say that the new baby - named Clark - is the Ackermans' very own second child.

The first (#) chapters would primarily be cute/funny WAFF about the Ackerman family, and things steadily beginning to get weird when Clark's around (mostly in the form of improbable strength/speed/agility for a good while).

Generic Person: "But you never told us you had a son!"

Mr. Ackerman: "...did you ask me if I did?"

GP: "Yes!"

MA (starting to sweat a little): ".....did I happen to be drunk at the time?"

GP: "....you were a little tipsy?"

MA: ".......I've never been able to hold my liquor."
I'm unsure whether the titans would get through Wall Maria short of transferred over Superman Villains or Kryptonite shenanigans. I do see that setting being viable for Luthor though.
Yuffie Timetravel and MHA/TTGL crossover proposals
It often happens that what I get ideas/motivation for directly correlates to whatever I happen to be watching/reading/playing/listening to from one moment to the next. Very inconsistent, very unproductive, yes all of that's true, but I'd rather have lots of ideas than none at all.

So anyway, I've been reading a good amount of Final Fantasy VII fics lately, including a couple of time travel stories, all of them actually quite good.

Now, apparently "Cloud timetravel" is the gaming equivalent of Naruto or Harry Potter doing it, but fortunately I have an idea in mind that should be quite a fun little twist on the genre even in FFVII.

Instead of Cloud, the protagonist shall be.... the most alluring woman of all, that most cunning and sneaky of all ninjas, that masterful thief of materia and bane of countless gamers the world over, the single White Rose of Wutai! The ever-energetic and attention-deficit Treasure Princess, Yuffie Kisaragi!

....surely there's no way this can possibly go wrong.


There's actually another crossover I should run past you all while I'm here.

It's the story of those who have yet to realize their destiny....

Of a boy looking for answers....

"My parents didn't die in an earthquake.... they were killed! And I'll keep digging until I find out who did it!"

Of a girl discovering the world for the first time...

"How could you do something so horrible, when everyone was just minding their own business?! You're a.... you're a pissing-off person!"

And of a man seeking his next horizon....

"Heroes like us are sustained by willpower! If there's a villain in our way, then we kick his ass! If there's no path to a civilian in danger, then we pave it for ourselves!"


"Kick reason to the curb..... AND GO BEYOND PLUS ULTRAAAAA!!!!!!"
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Both sounds interesting to me.
The Yuffie timetravel story would in many aspects be more of a parody, especially of the "fix-fic" nature most such stories tend to have.

Usually a consequence of Yuffie misremembering things (like the convoluted mess that is.... basically everything Shinra so much as fucking looks at, come to think of it) and/or just doing things without really thinking them through or making sure that everyone's on the same page/expecting her friends to remember her and them not doing so.

Like breaking into the Shinra Mansion early and harassing Vincent through the coffin lid (because she can't remember where the key is) until he decides to come along for a while just as long as it shuts her up for a few minutes.

Or, depending on how far back she goes, going to Corel and wondering why it "isn't full of hobos anymore".

In any case, it would definitely be toward the sillier end of my usual fare.

The TTGL/MHA cross, on the other hand, would be legit shonen all the way, just like its respective source materials.
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Suppose that Taylor Hebert found a Death Note and, in a fit of frustration combined with arbitrary skepticism (a seemingly totally ordinary notebook that kills anyone whose name is written in it? Even in a world of capes.... yeah, riiiight) wrote Emma's, Sophia's, and Madison's name in it.

Does she freak out and go crazy trying to keep from getting caught, or does she freak out and write her own name in it next?
MGLN x YGO proposal, starring Hayate
Just a quick interest/commentary check, not something I'm actually ready to start... anywhere in the immediate future.


Hayate Yagami stared, almost dumbfounded.

Sure, she'd won big at a few regional tournaments over the last year or so, but to be invited to so high-profile of an event this early in her dueling career? Even though she was only...

[]thirteen, and still in a wheelchair?
[]fourteen, and only recently having regained the use of her legs?

It was really unbelievable, but there the letter sat, staring at Hayate from her lap; a formal invitation to the --

[]Duelist Kingdom Tournament, hosted by Industrial Illusions on Maximillion Pegasus's own private island.
[]Battle City Tournament, hosted by KaibaCorp in which the whole of Domino City becomes a dueling arena.

"But if I leave for an extended event like this," Hayate muttered, "then what'll happen to the house?"

Feeling a warm hand on her shoulder, Hayate looked up, to find a smiling Shamal. "We can take care of the house, Hayate. If you want to go for it, we'll support you all the way!"

"Vita and I will make sure she doesn't burn everything down," Signum said with a hint of humor, looking up from her book.

Zafira, rising up from the floor, nuzzled against his mistress's hand.

Bolstered by her family's support, Hayate nodded. "All right then, I'll accept the invitation!"

As she and her Knights began making preparations for the absence, Hayate resolved to tune up her deck, customized for --

[]stalling out a game and closing off the opponent's options while she accumulated her own power.
[]debilitating an opponent's hand, deck, and field with effects, hemorrhaging their cards and life points alike.
[]maximum power! Go big or go home!
Just a quick interest/commentary check, not something I'm actually ready to start... anywhere in the immediate future.


Hayate Yagami stared, almost dumbfounded.

Sure, she'd won big at a few regional tournaments over the last year or so, but to be invited to so high-profile of an event this early in her dueling career? Even though she was only...

[]thirteen, and still in a wheelchair?
[]fourteen, and only recently having regained the use of her legs?

It was really unbelievable, but there the letter sat, staring at Hayate from her lap; a formal invitation to the --

[]Duelist Kingdom Tournament, hosted by Industrial Illusions on Maximillion Pegasus's own private island.
[]Battle City Tournament, hosted by KaibaCorp in which the whole of Domino City becomes a dueling arena.

"But if I leave for an extended event like this," Hayate muttered, "then what'll happen to the house?"

Feeling a warm hand on her shoulder, Hayate looked up, to find a smiling Shamal. "We can take care of the house, Hayate. If you want to go for it, we'll support you all the way!"

"Vita and I will make sure she doesn't burn everything down," Signum said with a hint of humor, looking up from her book.

Zafira, rising up from the floor, nuzzled against his mistress's hand.

Bolstered by her family's support, Hayate nodded. "All right then, I'll accept the invitation!"

As she and her Knights began making preparations for the absence, Hayate resolved to tune up her deck, customized for --

[]stalling out a game and closing off the opponent's options while she accumulated her own power.
[]debilitating an opponent's hand, deck, and field with effects, hemorrhaging their cards and life points alike.
[]maximum power! Go big or go home!
Just so you're warned, if you do a card-games-on-motorcycles thing with any Nanoha character I am going to make so many Nanoha Innocenct jokes in response.