EVA01's Unitversal Idea and Concept Posting Bin

But I think I'll start with 8, after all. Because I'm a rebel hipster like that. I mean, I had kinda-sorta put together the brief story of what 7 is about from all the parodies and references, and what not, but 8? If it's not good, I want to at least know why it isn't good.

Yes, my favorite Final Fantasy (in the running for favorite game) won.

Oh, by the way, I do happen to know off hand that there exists mods to improve 8's quality for the PC. I was considering buying the PC version for myself because I wanted to replay the game but couldn't find my old PS2 controller.

Had an idea earlier for an FFXV peggy sue (protag mental time travels back to the start), just because a lot of the second half or so of the story frustrated me and it'd be nice to see if a happier ending could be gotten with some narrative sequence breaking or something.

Sorry that I can't help with this, haven't gotten around to FF15 yet.

but parts of 7 and 8 are engraved upon my soul.

I'll say this for certain, their very good at creating a portrait that just stays with you forever. Certain images from certain of both games, but 8 specifically, are just preserved in my brain like I took a picture.
And so, thanks again for the recommendations, and sorry for taking over the thread like that.
It's fine.

You said you wanted to see the protagonist mentally time-travelling to the start of the story, and I'm assuming from the end of the game. Why not any of the Three Best Buddies, or the Sid's Daughter?
That's an interesting question, and one presently without an answer.

Where would the protagonist begin to go his own way, in your story? Would he carry the full memories, or just get deja-vu's in the critical moments?
He'd carry his memories in general, but that doesn't mean he remembers everything perfectly.
You said you wanted to see the protagonist mentally time-travelling to the start of the story, and I'm assuming from the end of the game.
From the end of the game back to.... ah, probably about the end of chapter 1 or so.

Why not any of the Three Best Buddies?
.....can't think of a good reason, so okay, why the fuck not. Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto all get to time travel too.

We'll even call it all, "The Boys Are Back In Time!" with appropriate echoing effects.

, or the Sid's Daughter?
For the sake of answering the question? I can't think of an asspull that would justify Cindy going back with the boys unless it caught up EVERYONE, and that's not a fish I'm sure I want on my line.
From the end of the game back to.... ah, probably about the end of chapter 1 or so.
Is it shortly after they get on the ship?

For the sake of answering the question? I can't think of an asspull that would justify Cindy going back with the boys unless it caught up EVERYONE, and that's not a fish I'm sure I want on my line.
Well, if I had to justify specifically Cindy by any means neccessary... How about, in the realm beyond time, souls of the people who feel strongly toward each other are connected by the powerful force, known as S. Where "S" stands for "sympathetic soul string", and a few other terms, maybe not all alliterated.

Anyway, people with a strong affinity towards each other are connected by this "S", in a manner above time and space. That's how the heroes managed to Peggy-Sue in a coordinated manner, and not, say, eleven years apart. And while they were being Peggy-Sue'd, by whatever means they used, one of them thought about Cindy. Probably Prompto, because he's got a crush. So, caught in the flow of their S, Cindy's conciousness also travelled thought time...

It was an S-pull.

.....can't think of a good reason, so okay, why the fuck not. Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto all get to time travel too.

We'll even call it all, "The Boys Are Back In Time!" with appropriate echoing effects.
I know I was the one who suggested that, but... Even if you can't think of a good reason to not do it, that shouldn't mean anything if you also can't think of a good reason to do it. I would accept "their friendship is that strong" as a good reason, if I knew anything beyond the first 30 minutes of the story.

If you want to add a twist, I can suggest the following: they all remember different parts of the future, and/or different variants of the future. And/or, they have different ideas about what's actually a good course of action. And then their frienship is strained by their attempts to save their friends. I would totally read something like that.

I would also totally read something more light-hearted and comedic, where they milk their plot-knowledge for every advantage and any prank they can get over the Bad Guy(s). Depending on how dark the source material is, I would even prefer this to a more dramatic Peggy Sue Fanfic. But, again, I can only guess about how dark it is. And my guess is, "darker than the opening would let you think".

Then again, I might find out soon. Because I discovered that this chibified FFXV for Android can, in fact, run on my phone.
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Even if you can't think of a good reason to not do it, that shouldn't mean anything if you also can't think of a good reason to do it.
I've got plans, I just have three more FF games to play before I can realize them.

Doing the research, and all that.

"Three more games," you ask. "Wouldn't it just be a replay of XV itself?"

And I have three words to answer that question: Fabula. Nova. Crystallis. Meaning I need to finish XIII-2, as well as play Type-0 and Lightning Returns.
something more light-hearted and comedic
This is the current plan.
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I've got plans, I just have three more FF games to play before I can realize them.

Doing the research, and all that.

"Three more games," you ask. "Wouldn't it just be a replay of XV itself?"

And I have three words to answer that question: Fabula. Nova. Crystallis.
"And what about those Fabulous New Crystals?", I thought, and looked them up. Turns out, it's a series of games, and one of them is an Extreme Lightning Dressup Simulator. Huh, pretty cool, but I'm probably never going to play them.

What I did play was the FF8, and... I already have a first impression. To sum up my feelings: "Mixed".
"And what about those Fabulous New Crystals?", I thought, and looked them up. Turns out, it's a series of games, and one of them is an Extreme Lightning Dressup Simulator. Huh, pretty cool, but I'm probably never going to play them.
Still working on-and-off on 13-2, and I have to admit that X-2 did the "sequel starts off super-lighthearted, and then gets increasingly dramatic/apocalyptic" thing way better.

Which is annoying, because the few hours or so of 13-2 were significantly better/more fun than the majority of the entire 13-1.

What I did play was the FF8, and... I already have a first impression. To sum up my feelings: "Mixed".
The gameplay is fun. The whole Guardian Force thing, where each GF is both a summon and kinda-sorta an equippable job is novel. I'm especially digging the fact that it's possible to equip many GFs on a singe character. And how spells are used as stat boosts and have to be absorbed from monsters, that's also interesting. My favourite part, so far, is the fact that "double-cast" is now a spell instead of a super-duper-long-to-learn ability. Character models are not as angular as I expected, which is a bonus, too.

The only two faults with the gameplay are too many areas to run between - but many other games have it, too - and the ATB battle system. Which, in my opinion, stands for "A Total Bull", that's how much I don't like it. Especially since I can't find the option to make the enemy wait while I dig through menus, nor to assign each of the four commands to a directional key - both things I could do in FFV.

Then there are the characters. I don't always want to kick the MC for being a clod, but when I do, I want to do it repeatedly. I have only played until Quistis and Squall have an after-party in the training centre, so I do hope there's some character development ahead. Anyway, the characters either act like teenagers or seem to have been made to impress teenagers. The former is realistic, but both are annoying. So far, I have found the most likeable to be Quistis (maybe because she didn't appear much) and Zell (but he has something on his face, and this distracts me).
The gameplay is fun. The whole Guardian Force thing, where each GF is both a summon and kinda-sorta an equippable job is novel. I'm especially digging the fact that it's possible to equip many GFs on a singe character. And how spells are used as stat boosts and have to be absorbed from monsters, that's also interesting. My favourite part, so far, is the fact that "double-cast" is now a spell instead of a super-duper-long-to-learn ability. Character models are not as angular as I expected, which is a bonus, too.
There's also Triple-Cast later on.

The only two faults with the gameplay are too many areas to run between - but many other games have it, too - and the ATB battle system. Which, in my opinion, stands for "A Total Bull", that's how much I don't like it. Especially since I can't find the option to make the enemy wait while I dig through menus, nor to assign each of the four commands to a directional key - both things I could do in FFV.
The first should be somewhere in the configuration menu, and the second is not an option I've ever heard of anywhere except in Persona 5. What did you play it on?

Then there are the characters. I don't always want to kick the MC for being a clod, but when I do, I want to do it repeatedly. I have only played until Quistis and Squall have an after-party in the training centre, so I do hope there's some character development ahead. Anyway, the characters either act like teenagers or seem to have been made to impress teenagers. The former is realistic, but both are annoying. So far, I have found the most likeable to be Quistis (maybe because she didn't appear much) and Zell (but he has something on his face, and this distracts me).
To be fair, the characters ARE teenagers. Quistis is 19, Squall is 17 IIRC. And yes, there's a lot of character development later on.

The "something" on Zell's face is a tattoo.
What did you play it on?
GBA (emulated).

To be fair, the characters ARE teenagers. Quistis is 19, Squall is 17 IIRC.
Wa-ait, what? Kid soldiers grow up fast in those Gardens.

The "something" on Zell's face is a tattoo.
Well, every time I see it, ever since his intro played, I want to tell him: "Dude, there's something on your face". Unless it's clan markings, the combination of size, shape, and place makes it look ridiculous. He's cool, though, he don' need no gun-shiv to bust monsters in the face. I respect that much.
Then there are the characters. I don't always want to kick the MC for being a clod, but when I do, I want to do it repeatedly. I have only played until Quistis and Squall have an after-party in the training centre, so I do hope there's some character development ahead.

Character development happens and it is incredibly important, and that's all I'll say about it. You are incredibly early days at the moment.
Mega Man and a Vampire proposal
So I've been listening to The Megas' album Get Equipped a helluva lot lately, it single-handedly made me actually get into the classic series of Mega Man games (whereas before I'd only been into the Legends, X, and Battle Network subseries).

It's also given me a crossover idea or two, both with Rosario and Vampire.

"But Eva! You're already doing Rosario and Joestar! You don't have time to go into Rosario and Mega Man!"

"But fans! Mega Man and a Vampire can cover completely different ground, and there's no guarantee yet that I'm even doing it anyway."

Anyway, my first concept draws heavily from Lamentations of a War Machine (in other words, after Mega Man 2), and has Dr. Light sending Mega Man to what they all think is a completely normal high school so he can psychologically/emotionally recover from the battle against Wily's evil robots. Not sure offhand if Mega would go with or instead of Tsukune, or maybe I go the Battle Network route and have Mega be a cyborg, and that he is Tsukune somehow.

From there, the early arcs would be comparatively WAFF-heavy, before steadily working into History Repeating (i.e., Mega Man 3).

The second concept is.... not ready to go into yet.
Have finally gotten around to starting in earnest on playing Final Fantasy Type-0 (formerly Agito XIII), which is some of the research for that XV peggy-sue fic I teased a long while back.

Which may also end up having fix-fic elements for KH3 as well, somehow. Mostly because some of the things in both FFXV and KH3 that annoyed me the most are the same damn thing.

The love interest (Lunafreya and Kairi) is unceremoniously killed off right in front of her hubby by the main villain, basically for no better reason than to piss off the hero/audience.

Aside from that project, Type-0 actually has a fun enough-seeming setting all on its own; of mild relevance, it could conceivably cross over quite well with RWBY and you'd only have to moderately fudge the tech level of either universe.
Have finally gotten around to starting in earnest on playing Final Fantasy Type-0 (formerly Agito XIII), which is some of the research for that XV peggy-sue fic I teased a long while back.

Which may also end up having fix-fic elements for KH3 as well, somehow. Mostly because some of the things in both FFXV and KH3 that annoyed me the most are the same damn thing.
While I have no real attachment to FFXV I could appreciably affect ocean salinity levels with my salt about that particular choice in KHIII so rock the fuck on there.
Bleach/Castlevania crossove proposal
I don't really have any clue of where to go with this because I haven't actually even played his game yet, but I had an idea earlier of Leon Belmont (Castlevania series, specifically from Lament of Innocence IIRC) ending up in Soul Society (Bleach universe) after his death, and reuniting with Sarah there as well -- his love interest, who simultaneously takes the form of his Zanpakuto, Soul Eater-style, as their souls are inextricably linked.

Admittedly, the only way that really comes anywhere close to making sense is if somewhere down the line Dracula wins and/or else I find a way to asspull some kind of Nasu-esque Heroic Spirit/Noble Phantasm kind of bullshit, but fuck it -- it sounds like a recipe for drama and WAFF!

Hell, their Shikai name and call are practically a given:

"Tear through them, Vampire Killer...!"

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Admittedly, the only way that really comes anywhere close to making sense is if somewhere down the line Dracula wins
"Dracula won this time" sounds like a pretty solid source of plot in itself, assuming that unlike the Netflix version Drac winning doesn't involve wiping people from the face of the earth. Going back to kick his ass properly gives Leon a goal to aim for.
"Dracula won this time" sounds like a pretty solid source of plot in itself, assuming that unlike the Netflix version Drac winning doesn't involve wiping people from the face of the earth. Going back to kick his ass properly gives Leon a goal to aim for.
By "Dracula won", at the time I specifically meant that he defeated whichever Belmont had challenged him this time, and during the course of the battle destroyed their ancestral Vampire Killer whip as well -- that being the how and why of Sarah making it to Soul Society as well.

As for Dracula's "and then what", admittedly I'm not yet familiar enough with Castlevania lore to determine if there would be that significant of a difference from the Netflix version.
MGLNS/MHA crossover proposal
So after I started a rewatch of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS last night with a friend (their first time watching it), the first episode or so kept making me flash back to the start of My Hero Academia -- what with Subaru's being saved by Nanoha, and then taking the latter as a personal hero and trying to become like her, reminding me of Izuku watching that one video of All Might saving people bajillions of times and idolizing him, before later going on to become his student and successor.

So naturally, once it came to me the idea of bringing them together wouldn't quite get out of my head.

Now before anyone so much as raises an eyebrow at me about the vaguely shipping-based connotations of how that was phrased, I'm perfectly aware of the "rainbows are straighter" meme -- to which my response is "you can't prove that Subaru wouldn't wake up a close enough guy friend by feeling them up" -- but crossover protagonist shipping isn't actually what I had in mind. Or at least, I'm certainly not against going that route, but that's more of a "if in the course of writing things should happen to naturally develop that way" kind of thing.

After their meeting, somewhere before StrikerS ep 1 and probably a little after the start of MHA, Izuku's and Subaru's relationship would probably mostly just be friendship through common fanboy/fangirl-ism.

The bigger issue, and one that in a lot of ways can make or break the concept, is actually bringing the two shows together.

One the one hand, you have MGLNS "magical military police in space, and oh by the way Earth doesn't matter anymore", and on the other you have MHA "Earth is far enough in our future that they'd have space colonies and vacations to other solar systems, except the Quirk Revolution caused so much social upheaval that society has been stagnant ever since".

My solution to the matter is a bit easier said than done: screw Mid-Childa, and combine it with both Earths.

In the later stages of the Quirk Revolution, just as society was beginning to stabilize again with the widespread acceptance of the Hero system, the world was rocked once again with something straight out of a comic book: First Contact. Remnants and survivors from what would later be known as the Late Belkan Wars came into the Earth Sphere from Dimensional Space, mistaking Quirks as signs of a magically-advanced civilization. Though there was some initial confusion over the matter, ultimately introductions and negotiations turned out peacefully, and about seventy years before the beginning of the story, the Time and Space Administration Bureau was founded on Earth.

Magic and Quirks are completely unrelated, and some people can be "blessed" with one form of power over the other, both, or neither.
Magic but Quirkless: Nanoha is actually Quirkless, but is also the goddamn Ace of Aces.

Quirk but no Magic: Endeavor is the Number Two Hero who can and has fought on an even level with the Wolkenritter, but has no aptitude for magic himself.

Superpower Lottery: Hayate after the Book of Darkness incident is not only the most powerful mage in the TSAB in terms of raw numbers if not in skill, but her Quirk also makes her an Empath that can sense the feelings of others in a wide area, and a much more limited ability to project/influence said feelings.

Screwed, Blued, and Tattooed: Izuku can't use magic and is born Quirkless, being completely unpowered in every way until he displays the heroism that would inspire All Might to take him on his successor and inherit One For All.

The TSAB and Hero system are also different career types, though there's certainly overlap with some Mages choosing to become Pro Heroes instead of joining the TSAB, and the TSAB is also willing to accept non-mages into their ground, air, or police forces if they've got a well-suited Quirk and can otherwise pass the relevant examinations, and there's definitely overlap with certain famous mages (most prominently Nanoha and to a lesser extent Fate) being recognized by civilians as Heroes even if they technically aren't registered as such.