EVA01's Unitversal Idea and Concept Posting Bin

First off, to keep from having to ape too much of the original game's plot, it'd probably have to be at least some degree of AU in terms of backstory, even more than just the fact of being a quest already makes it.
Well, you could always just start the quest after the game ends. The world is in a rather interesting spot what with the flying gardens, populations centers and armies having been devastated by missiles and armies and monsters raining from the sky, an invisible super country making a reappearance on the world stage, SeeD having just won a war against an entire nation, SeeD having to deal with going from having a concrete purpose for the first time in existence but now, when the world probably thinks more positively of them then they ever have before, they have to go back to being regular mercenaries again to build up funds and experience for if their purpose is ever required again. The politics of being a member of SeeD has never been more interesting.

After game Final Fantasy 8 is an intense and interesting place. I mean, this holds true for before and during game FF8, but still, if you wanna avoid retreading canon that's one way to do it.

Also, is Squall, the least social guy on the planet, still in charge of the place?

Plus, the second strongest nation around just got it's leadership entirely obliterated after it's army was wrecked and they had made a ton of enemies. That's a lot of plot hooks for a lot of interesting missions.

So without aping a "significant canon" character too closely, offhand I can think of Axe, Shield, Handgun, and Rapier.

Ooooh. I was thinking Glaive, but I'm down with a Rapier.

So in that light, the audience should probably be given some kind of morals/values axis for their characters, in terms of the kinds of jobs they'd be more or less comfortable with taking.

Sounds good to me.
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Given that Heihachi was in the SCII roster, that fight could be a rematch.
His epilogue in that game implies that it was just a dream.

Which does make for an interesting potential dynamic to the match, in that Heihachi might remember elements of Sophitia's fighting style from his dream, while for Sophitia it's the first time they've ever crossed weapons.

Well, you could always just start the quest after the game ends. The world is in a rather interesting spot what with the flying gardens, populations centers and armies having been devastated by missiles and armies and monsters raining from the sky, an invisible super country making a reappearance on the world stage, SeeD having just won a war against an entire nation, SeeD having to deal with going from having a concrete purpose for the first time in existence but now, when the world probably thinks more positively of them then they ever have before, they have to go back to being regular mercenaries again to build up funds and experience for if their purpose is ever required again. The politics of being a member of SeeD has never been more interesting.

After game Final Fantasy 8 is an intense and interesting place. I mean, this holds true for before and during game FF8, but still, if you wanna avoid retreading canon that's one way to do it.
....I had honestly never considered going postgame for the setting.

Thank you for suggesting it.
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My Bride Is A Mermaid darkfic bunnies/musings

My Bride is a Mermaid, known to some only by its original Japanese title, Seto no Hanayome.

An outrageous and audacious parody series in which a beautiful yakuza princess mermaid rescues an ordinary middle school student from drowning to death. Then in order to keep her wildly overprotective yakuza boss dad from killing him to protect the secret of merfolks' existence, boy has to get married into the family.

Sounds like a riot, yeah?

I admit to only having watched the first half-dozen or so episodes (out of a 26-episode anime), but it was great until I realized how freaking strictly it was going to adhere of its initial status quo of the first couple episodes.

Oh, sure, with school starting back up in the show they may have changed locales, but it's still the same old gangsters from the backwoods village still trying to assassinate Nagasumi on Sun's father's orders, some of whom are sympathetic to our hero's plight, and some of whom are not.

So in my series-pausing salt, I mulled that over for a while, and I asked myself: "So if Nagasumi has to deal with sea-gangsters trying to assassinate him at any and all hours of the day, and Sun can't help him because she's completely freaking oblivious and he doesn't have the stones to tell her what's going on and/or doesn't know how to do it without being an ass....... how's that going to affect him, mentally?"

And, well, I basically figured the kid either snaps like a twig and goes crazy axe-murderer on everybody, ooooor he takes up the 'family business'.

So, yeah. I watch a fluffy semi-brainless gag series with a side of romance, and my main/only plot bunny for it is darkfic. Go figure, right?
Maybe one of the attempts almosts gets him and he's heavily injured, leading to Sun becoming aware of shit.

Alternatively you could introduce an outside force. A rival group encroaching on the Yakuza's territory? Either Nagasumi shows his effectiveness and proves his worth or he gets injured and honor demands they avenge him or something. Idk. Throwing at a wall and seeing what sticks.
So the more I think about it, the more I realize that my idealized headcanon version of Nanoha Force's new characters works as an extended Final Fantasy metaphor.

Thoma is basically Noel Kreiss, with a shade of V's Bartz, in that he's traveling across multiple planets instead of time periods, but doesn't really have a destination in mind -- he's just going wherever the metaphorical wind takes him.

Hades Vandeim, as the primary/true antagonist of the story, can be summed up as Sephiroth's powers and abilities being employed by a corporate version of XV's Ardyn.

The Huckebein, in turn, are failed S-Project subjects who've gone insane from trying to fight off Jenova Vandeim's mind control, and their group behavior consequently varies between lashing out in highly destructive freak-outs, trying to get revenge on Vandeim for his experiments on them by targeting his corporate holdings, or occasionally feeling sorry for themselves in their calmer moments.
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....screw it, interest-checking for an OG Final Fantasy quest. Though be informed/forewarned I'll be crossposting in a few other threads.

What kind of world is it?

[]Classic -- civilization and technology aren't well-developed, population centers are small and insular. Even Kingdoms are rarely extend further than their primary city. (I, X)

[]Rennaissance -- technology has advanced to the point that Kingdoms can extend their reach to become proper Nations, and continent-spanning Empires are possible. Perhaps because of this, culture has also begun to flourish. There may be steampunk elements. (IV, IX, XII)

[]Modern -- technology and culture are at a similar level to what currently exists IRL, and many civilians enjoy comfortable lives in a powerful metropolis. The world is dominated by a few superpowers. (VIII, XV)

[]Postmodern -- technology has advanced to beyond RL levels, a single superpower appears to provide its citizens with security and comfort through their powerful military. There may be cyberpunk elements. (XIII)
[X] Classic -- civilization and technology aren't well-developed, population centers are small and insular. Even Kingdoms are rarely extend further than their primary city. (I, X)

It has been a very long time since i saw someone do anything with classic final fantasy and i would totally be down for a quest set in it.
I like all da options, so why not a the MC is stuck jumping between worlds. Though I will agree that Classic has a certain draw to it.
I'm a fan of the more advanced settings, myself. It's fun having some sci-fi in the fantasy.

So we got one vote for classic, one for not classic, and one for anything. We give very helpful feedback.
I'm a fan of the more advanced settings, myself. It's fun having some sci-fi in the fantasy.

So we got one vote for classic, one for not classic, and one for anything. We give very helpful feedback.
I also posted it in a couple of other threads, so I would count votes from there as well. Although the only vote in a different thread is for Rennaissance.

I like all da options, so why not a the MC is stuck jumping between worlds.
Because as much as I like Noel, I'm not ready to try and rip him off yet. :V

Although it's been a helluva while since FF last did a multiple-world plot, so that's a potential idea to mull over.
....screw it, interest-checking for an OG Final Fantasy quest. Though be informed/forewarned I'll be crossposting in a few other threads.

What kind of world is it?

[]Classic -- civilization and technology aren't well-developed, population centers are small and insular. Even Kingdoms are rarely extend further than their primary city. (I, X)

[]Rennaissance -- technology has advanced to the point that Kingdoms can extend their reach to become proper Nations, and continent-spanning Empires are possible. Perhaps because of this, culture has also begun to flourish. There may be steampunk elements. (IV, IX, XII)

[]Modern -- technology and culture are at a similar level to what currently exists IRL, and many civilians enjoy comfortable lives in a powerful metropolis. The world is dominated by a few superpowers. (VIII, XV)

[]Postmodern -- technology has advanced to beyond RL levels, a single superpower appears to provide its citizens with security and comfort through their powerful military. There may be cyberpunk elements. (XIII)
Which one of those has the most chances for Viera MC/party members?
[X]Rennaissance -- technology has advanced to the point that Kingdoms can extend their reach to become proper Nations, and continent-spanning Empires are possible. Perhaps because of this, culture has also begun to flourish. There may be steampunk elements. (IV, IX, XII)

Though in truth, I'd be happier with a setting like VI. Some magitek or similar.
Which one of those has the most chances for Viera MC/party members?
None of them, because it'd be an original setting instead of Ivalice.

Although as far as non-human party members are concerned, you'd have the best luck with Renaissance (VI has Mog and Umaro, XII had Fran and Tactics Advance had every race available for use), although it's not impossible to get one in Modern/Postmodern (VII has precedent via Nanaki, and maybe Vincent depending on your perspective) or Classic (in V's backstory, one of the heroes of the previous generation who worked with Galuf to seal Exdeath was a werewolf).

That said, between this thread and the FF Fanfic thread, it appears that Renaissance is the most popular era for quest.

Normally, my next question would've been regarding character progression... but I've decided that a "1 Character, 1 Job" system similar to IV or IX would work best.

So with that, I guess the next order of business would be to design your protagonist.

What's your 'Job'? (all options gender-neutral, and come with a secret background template)

[]Knight (purely phys-oriented but tough, probably to end up the designated tank)

[]Thief (agile utility character with some degree of martial prowess)

[]Black Mage (squishy, but offensive magic support)

[]White Mage (squishy, but defensive/medical magic support)
[X]White Mage (squishy, but defensive/medical magic support)

Hmm. It has potential, being the rear line tactician and buff master could be fun. Since it's a quest, we're likely to be the leader of the party. To that end Knight would be a good class, thief I'm not seeing being a leader, black mages are too squishy and underpowered at low levels to justify leadership. But healer? Yeah that could work.
[X]Thief (agile utility character with some degree of martial prowess)
So... two for WM, two for Thief. And no input from the other thread as of yet.

....although in all fairness, MC selection probably deserves to be an opening vote in the actual quest thread, whenever I get around to making it...