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[x] Plan: First, look within
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It's not a matter of 'would the Soul choose someone like this?' and more 'why would the Soul choose someone like this?' and that has potential for an awesome narrative. Our guy was a professional soldier, he never expected to rule, and he doesn't know why he's being called to stand for the task and that makes him more nervous than he cares to admit. So in response, he does what he does best- prepare for war in the days ahead.I flat-out don't think the Sould would choose someone like that, though. I like Imperial Ties because we can use measured pressure to negate the blood in the water risks.
It posits a question to both the character, the reader, and the faction we're playing as: why is Hiraku Shiba the man needed to oversee the Phoenix? And that gives Maugan a lot of fun potential to play with other than 'the Isawa played with things man was not meant to know and we need to clean it up'.
There's also "we need to rebuild", "how do we stay pertinent in an empire when we are one of the least populous clans", and "there are dark tidings ahead, we must prepare".
Well, the Phoenix are kind of at war with the Unicorn right now. Something about a Phoenix contractor installing cheaper components in one of their ships than he was being paid for and pocketing the difference. So probably not them.
I mean the war is probably about to end because 'we killed your Champion' is a decent enough pretext for the Unicorn to say that honour is satisfied. But still, they're not likely to trust you for a while.
We're still technically at war- it makes sense for a wartime leader to be selected. And this is still a humiliation that we need address regardless. And the people who will have the most disregard for our utter failure in the war so far also happen to be the guys my build specifically is well respected by. It counters the loss in honour and glory to an extent that getting our shit pushed in by the Unicorn is doing. Yes, we can end the war and pretend everything's alright, we can embrace the pacifistic ways of our clan, or we can demonstrate that despite our pacifism, the Phoenix are not some weak clan you gut because they gave you faulty ship parts.
And all of this is somewhat addressed by my build through the somewhat unconventional lense of Hiraku. How do we rebuild? By exhorting war indemnities from the Unicorn. How do we remain relevant? Get a bit more territory and develop the shit out of it. How do we prepare for the dark days ahead? By militarizing and readying the legions.There's also "we need to rebuild", "how do we stay pertinent in an empire when we are one of the least populous clans", and "there are dark tidings ahead, we must prepare".
I agree with Sirocco. Military expansion is meaningless if your economy cannot support and sustain it.
I think we can afford it. Or we can set up trade deals for our tech so we can afford it.+ Most technologically advanced of all the Great Clans
+ Greatest proportion of Shugenja in the empire, leading to vastly increased magical might.
+ Provinces tend to be very well developed, especially in Learning and Piety.
I agree with your reasoning good sir you get an informative!Seriously despite my plan being fairly unconventional, and let's be frank- one dimensional it covers a surprising amount of bases.
Trade? Lions always need weapons, and I'm sure the Crab wouldn't mind some more trade and magical support.
Developing any new provinces we acquire- the Kaiu would be fantastic for that.
Courtly intrigue? We'd at least see a degree of support from the Ikoma, and that's not bad by any means.
Mantis suddenly find a pragmatic militarist they can deal with as opposed to a bureaucrat who shares none of their ambition.
Hell, you want allies? Send an honest, sincere letter to the Crab about our fears over what our selection means in the days ahead for Rokugan and our determination to prepare and you've got a pretty stalwart ally right there.
Proof the might of our fleets and we have the respect of the Lion which isn't something to be discarded relatively.
Most of all, it suddenly makes the Phoenix more relatable to the other Clans because we're (from their perspective) just doing what a greater clan tends to do- expand and seek glory.
I'ts not about a conquest victory, or being flat out warlike. It's about what choosing that option implies, and part of it's specifically because how it's so incongruous to the Phoenix. I'm not saying we should become the Lions but with more tech and magic, I'm saying that we're kinda a joke outside of tech and magic and that has worrisome implications.Seems a bit strange to go from choosing the smallest, least warlike clan to a plan for development by conquest. Would have made more sense to choose Lion or Unicorn if that was the playstyle we wanted.