The Wildest of Ronins
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Most DS1 characters seem to go through this weird reincarnation cycle. Then there's the old dragonslayer who could be any number of things.But after that, I met an old friend from DS1. Ornstein! Oddly, he wasn't throwing lightning at any point. And well took him down on my first try. Which is a bit of a letdown honestly. It took me half a dozen tries to beat him and Smough in 1.
Tilting the left stick moves the Zweihander's heavy attack in that direction, to make the attack go straight for the targeted enemy you need to let go of the left stick.
I see. In that case I dunno.I was standing still I was not tilting the left analog stick. It was still going off target. My best guess for the cause of the problem is the lock on system is somewhat wonky when used against an opponent that was moving fast but suddenly stopped moving.
DS1 is way more enjoyable. There are some things DS2 does better, but overall I much enjoyed DS1 more. Like the worst parts of DS1 didn't get me half as annoyed as some of the worst parts I've hit in DS2 so far. Most annoying DS1 zone I can think of at the moment is the crystal caves just because of the invisible platforms slowing me down so much. But both Earthen Peak and Iron Keep have been far more infuriating. I suppose at least so far none of the bosses have been as bad as Bed of Chaos. Sure a lot of them have killed me way more then that, but like Bed of Chaos wasn't a boss fight, it was hitting three switches while dealing with ridiculous environmental hazards disguised as a boss fight.
I think one of the main problems with DS2 is since the game devs set it up so monsters would stop spawning eventually they felt far more free to crowd the zones with annoyances that just drag everything down, because hey the player can eventually get rid of them so they won't actually stop them from completing the game no matter how bad it gets. Mostly in regards to 'snipers' being way way more common in 2 as far as I've been able to remember compared to one.
Of course I bitch and I moan about all this, but I'm gonna go right back to streaming it again tomorrow. Because its still Dark Souls and I do still enjoy it even if I've hit some zones that are just not fun anymore.
Any favorite/least favorite bosses? How do you think they compare?
Yeah I watched that. The nearly 2 hour struggle against Black Gulch. I do not envy you, friend. :/
But hey, at least you did better against The Rotten than I did!
So Dark Souls 2 should be a nice palette cleanser even if its considered weaker then Dark Souls 1
How naive I was.
Anyways, I don't know if I'm gonna get back to streaming tonight, but if I do it'll probably be my last session of Dark Souls 2 for a while. Unless things improve in the fun factor, I'm probably going to switch to Dishonored and do the Daud DLC. After that, it'll be up in the air if I go back to DS2 or start ME2. Or something else.
See, for Christmas I got decent amount of cash from my grandparents. So, I ordered myself up some RAM for my computer. It should be arriving by the end of this week or the next. And with that RAM upgrade, my computer can finally run the new DOOM. Which true, I played on the PS4 once when my brother let me borrow it for a bit. But, honestly, I'm severely tempted to start streaming it instead. Because it was fucking awesome, and I've been wanting to play it again for ages.
Also, I'll have enough RAM to hit the minimal recommended thing Twitch says one should have, so I might be switching to Twitch for streaming instead of Steam's built-in system. Not sure yet.
As for why I haven't been streaming, its been a mix between really bad sleep schedule due in part to Christmas/New Years, being just getting hugely annoyed with DS2, and me farming in Warframe before Ember and Frost stuff gets revaulted. Oh and the sorties, and the stupid fucking snowball fight conclave tactical alert, which I enjoyed at first but have now come to despise.
If you don't finish DS2, DS3 is definitely better. Where it stacks up against DS1 is up to your personal feelings, but you shouldn't regret playing it.
Just so you don't drop the entire series without knowing it gets better.