Element Broadcast: Currently Livestreaming: Command and Conquer Red Alert 3

Element Broadcast #49 Dark Souls 2 #11
I'm chugging along at a decent pace at this point. Probably helps that I'm in a lower level area that I skipped over by accident, but I'd also like to think its because I've been gitting gud. I did a brief non stream session to get the bonfire near the ornifex earlier today and accidentally got a great scythe from the spiders. But once the session started I went to Huntsman's Copse. Which was overall pretty easy even if those poison moths annoyed me. Even the boss wasn't all that bad even though it killed me twice.

First time I killed all the skeleton lords in rapid succession not realizing that when they died they spawned enemies. A lot of enemies. Just like a shitton of skeletons. I did admittedly almost beat the horde but one of the bone wheels screwed me over near the end since it could now have a clear shot at me through the thinned hordes.

Second time, I rushed the pyromancer skeleton lord, who apparently spawns the aforementioned bone wheels. This time they screwed me over in even shorter order. Third time being the charm, I killed the scythe one first, spawned a handful of heavy skeletons, killed them, then the spear lord, spawning the huge amount of light skeletons. Killed them, then took out the pyro and cheapshotted the bonewheels as they were spawning.

Of course then I end up in Harvest Valley where there's poison fucking everywhere. And poison seems to do more DPS in 2 then it did in 1. So that was certainly an annoying slog. Eventually I got fed up, teleported back to Cromwell, bought a poisonbite ring and then five minutes after returning to Poison central, I found another poisonbite ring. Basically making that side trip completely pointless.

Also those ogres with casters riding on them are a pain. Well they're not too hard to fight one on one, but those dark orbs of doom pack one hell of a punch, which between the poison and other mooks and/or desert sorceress bombardment isn't the most pleasant situation. Even if said sorceresses are pleasant to look at. Amusingly, apparently their top is the rarest drop of theirs (according to the fextralife wiki), but its the first thing I got from them and on only my second kill of them.

After getting through that, I have my second boss fight of the session, Jabba the Hutt! (aka Covetous Demon) Took me only one try to kill Jabba, but there were certainly a few close calls when he tried to roll over and squash me. With Jabba did and me having falling down a bottomless pit shortly afterwards, I decided to call it quits for the night. I'll grab my dropped souls next session.
Element Broadcast #50 Dark Souls 2 #12
So fuck Earthren Peak. That is All.

Well ok there's more then just that, but man am I tempted to just leave this summary as that. Because seriously fuck that location. What sick bastard sticks a bonfire behind a boss fog? I ran past it and died like half a dozen times before I gave up on retaining souls and decided, lets go fight a boss. But nope it was a bonfire. A fucking bonfire, that I had been avoiding. Yeah, wasn't the happiest camper at that point.

And its just a really infuriating place all together with all the fucking poison the god damn headless ninjas, and the sorceresses who can one shot me if I let them hit me. And then I apparently wasted a lockstone on a pharros device that just fills up a pool with poison. After I got eaten by a mimic because they don't have a breathing animation like DS1 mimics do. Apparently you can just barely see their teeth while their inactive.

Then I finally discover illusionary walls/hidden doors are opened by hitting the use key not hitting them with a weapon like they were in DS1, which means a number of messages I thought were lies might have well been true and I missed who knows what sort of loot. Which ok isn't really the problem with this zone in and of itself. and honestly I'm glad I know it now.

Then the boss fight. Honestly, the boss wasn't that bad. But discovering the entire boss arena is covered in poison was infuriating. I almost just quit right then and there. But I decided to look around for a way to drain the poison. Died a dozen times in the process of that. Never figured it out on my own. Looked it up and apparently the way to drain the poison is to light the windmill on fire. I guess I can kind of see how a person was supposed to figure that out on their own, but at the same time it seems, like a bit of a leap in logic to make. Stopping the windmill sure. But lighting it on fire? and not by flipping a lever?

Oh well. Once that was done, it only took me two more tries to kill the decapitated queen. I really don't know why she was decapitated but whatever. Then I moved on to the Iron Keep, where I met a merchant selling jester clothes. Which have some nice bonuses attached. Like improved item drop on the mask, and improved soul drops on the gloves. And then he gave me a covetous gold ring +1.

So, needless to say I grabbed my item find boosting items, ported back to Brightstone Cove and farmed spiders for like five minutes to get a zweihander. PRAISE THE SUN! Sadly, don't quite have enough titanite chunks to max it out yet. But still I got me a +7 zweihander now and I am a happy Cursed Undead. Of course the move set has been changed from DS1 and so has I think the timing on the swings. So to get a little practice in I went back to Heide. Because I wanted to kill a dragon. Which I did, even if I did it the cheap way by plinking at it with arrows.

But after that, I met an old friend from DS1. Ornstein! Oddly, he wasn't throwing lightning at any point. And well took him down on my first try. Which is a bit of a letdown honestly. It took me half a dozen tries to beat him and Smough in 1.
But after that, I met an old friend from DS1. Ornstein! Oddly, he wasn't throwing lightning at any point. And well took him down on my first try. Which is a bit of a letdown honestly. It took me half a dozen tries to beat him and Smough in 1.
Most DS1 characters seem to go through this weird reincarnation cycle. Then there's the old dragonslayer who could be any number of things.
Element Broadcast #51 Dark Souls 2 #13
So, it took me an entire fucking session to beat just the first half of the Iron Keep. And yet oddly I still don't hate it half as much as I hate Earthen Peak despite it killing me at least twice maybe three times as much. I ended up having to clear out the entire front half of the keep permanently. And then still died several more times to the Smelter Demon. It was not a very pleasant experience. I think I was up to like a dozen tries against him which is pretty bad.

A significant part of the problem was admittedly just dealing with all the knights, who weren't too bad, until for some reason my zweihander just attacks at an angle missing them entirely. It kept happening. I wasn't hitting any weird directions when I launch the first heavy attack but it kept going off to the side and missing them instead of slamming them into the ground when they charged straight at me like it should have. It was infuriating. Also infuriating is the followup uppercut tends to miss more often then not even if the overhead slam lands. It's taking me a fair bit to adjust to the new move set.

Also, since I was wearing all my item find boosting items for most of this I am now the proud owner of like 8 darksteel katanas. I feel like such a weeb even though I'm still just sticking with my zweihander. I also probably have like two maybe three complete sets of Alonne Knight Armor now. Sadly, I only have one Captain Greatbow.
Tilting the left stick moves the Zweihander's heavy attack in that direction, to make the attack go straight for the targeted enemy you need to let go of the left stick. And the followup uppercut supposedly has a shorter hitbox than the first heavy attack.
Tilting the left stick moves the Zweihander's heavy attack in that direction, to make the attack go straight for the targeted enemy you need to let go of the left stick.

I was standing still I was not tilting the left analog stick. It was still going off target. My best guess for the cause of the problem is the lock on system is somewhat wonky when used against an opponent that was moving fast but suddenly stopped moving.
Element Broadcast #52 Dark Souls 2 #14
Not much progress to report about again. I spent the first part of the session dealing with the items on the lava field in the Iron Keep. Which was a hassle. Even with flash sweat and the smelter set and the water stuff that fire burns through your HP quick. I'm probably going to get a flame resistance ring before I go back to the Iron Keep.

And speaking of the Iron Keep it is one hell of a slog. I thought once I got past the first part, I'd be good to go, but nope. Got all sorts of greatbow archers fucking everywhere, but now the turtle knights are back and they don't get staggered by my zweihander like the Alonne knights do. And just ugh. Its a long slow tedious process to make progress especially now that there are death traps everywhere.

So, deciding I wasn't in the mood to deal with that, especially once I got Chaos Storm, I decided to go revisit the endless rat horde. Needless to say the Royal Rat Vanguard and company got fried and chopped. Now this led me to the Gutter, which is a mix of Blighttown and Tomb of the Giants from DS1. So its dark, and instead of toxic blowdarts you got poison spitting statues fucking everywhere.

Got down to the central part of it, killed a giant termite/ant/something, though it never really fought back. Got killed again by one of those bellyflopping mummies. And just decided to go fuck it, I'm done for the night.
Are you enjoying it as much as DS1, so far?


DS1 is way more enjoyable. There are some things DS2 does better, but overall I much enjoyed DS1 more. Like the worst parts of DS1 didn't get me half as annoyed as some of the worst parts I've hit in DS2 so far. Most annoying DS1 zone I can think of at the moment is the crystal caves just because of the invisible platforms slowing me down so much. But both Earthen Peak and Iron Keep have been far more infuriating. I suppose at least so far none of the bosses have been as bad as Bed of Chaos. Sure a lot of them have killed me way more then that, but like Bed of Chaos wasn't a boss fight, it was hitting three switches while dealing with ridiculous environmental hazards disguised as a boss fight.

I think one of the main problems with DS2 is since the game devs set it up so monsters would stop spawning eventually they felt far more free to crowd the zones with annoyances that just drag everything down, because hey the player can eventually get rid of them so they won't actually stop them from completing the game no matter how bad it gets. Mostly in regards to 'snipers' being way way more common in 2 as far as I've been able to remember compared to one.

Of course I bitch and I moan about all this, but I'm gonna go right back to streaming it again tomorrow. Because its still Dark Souls and I do still enjoy it even if I've hit some zones that are just not fun anymore.


DS1 is way more enjoyable. There are some things DS2 does better, but overall I much enjoyed DS1 more. Like the worst parts of DS1 didn't get me half as annoyed as some of the worst parts I've hit in DS2 so far. Most annoying DS1 zone I can think of at the moment is the crystal caves just because of the invisible platforms slowing me down so much. But both Earthen Peak and Iron Keep have been far more infuriating. I suppose at least so far none of the bosses have been as bad as Bed of Chaos. Sure a lot of them have killed me way more then that, but like Bed of Chaos wasn't a boss fight, it was hitting three switches while dealing with ridiculous environmental hazards disguised as a boss fight.

I think one of the main problems with DS2 is since the game devs set it up so monsters would stop spawning eventually they felt far more free to crowd the zones with annoyances that just drag everything down, because hey the player can eventually get rid of them so they won't actually stop them from completing the game no matter how bad it gets. Mostly in regards to 'snipers' being way way more common in 2 as far as I've been able to remember compared to one.

Of course I bitch and I moan about all this, but I'm gonna go right back to streaming it again tomorrow. Because its still Dark Souls and I do still enjoy it even if I've hit some zones that are just not fun anymore.

Any favorite/least favorite bosses? How do you think they compare?

Any enemies stand out for some reason or another?

Any new mechanics/areas you're glad they included?
Any favorite/least favorite bosses? How do you think they compare?

There's not much to say about the bosses. I mean sure DS2 bosses overall have been killing me way more then DS1 bosses, but overall they feel very similar. Their appearances might be a fair bit different, but I wouldn't say there's a meaningful difference in their game-play at least so far. Obviously the exact patterns and what not have changed. Like the only boss I can make a direct statement that is straight up worse then a DS1 boss is Ornstein vs Old Dragonslayer. Even discounting Smough's assistance, Ornstein was just more engaging then Old Dragonslayer. Old Dragonslayer was a pale shadow of Ornstein which may have been intentional I suppose.

As for least favorite and most favorite, I don't really have a favorite, but at the moment I definitely hate the Smelter Demon. Though how much of that is just his merits and how much of that is I was sick of the slog with all those greatbow archers is something I'm not entirely clear on.

Any enemies stand out for some reason or another?

Hmm a lot of the enemy design is pretty similar to the first game. The details are obviously different, but you can still most of the time go ok this enemy is the new version of this enemy from 1. As for stand outs, I'd have to say the desert sorceresses because I can't remember anything that fanservicey from 1 beside Gwynevere. The big dudes with casters on their backs, just because their death animation involves the big dude falling and squashing the little caster and it amuses me. And those damn bellyflopping mummies because jesus christ, how the hell are their bellyflops like bombs.

Any new mechanics/areas you're glad they included?

I like the torch. I mean sure it weakens you by removing your shield or secondary weapon. But I do enjoy it even if it slows things down. And that's about it on new mechanics that I enjoy. The changes to the inventory system were nice and the free teleports from the very start are good too. But that's mitigated by the making you return to the Emerald Herald every time you want to level up. And having to go through her little Seek Souls speech every fucking time.

None of the areas so far have really stood out to me though. At least not in a positive way.
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Element Broadcast #53 Dark Souls 2 #15
So, the end half of the Gutters wasn't so bad once I was dealing with it in a much calmer mood. But then I have to deal with the motherfucking Black Gulch and I want the name of whoever was in charge of this section. Because god damn it they need a swift kick to the crotch for this section. Fucking poison spitting statues fucking everywhere. And you can't just stay back and snipe them with a bow. Not even the fucking greatbow that launches full sized spears. No you gotta melee all of them to get them to stop spitting poison at you.

Turns out, the Whip actually works quite well for this. I don't get the logic behind a whip breaking them when a man portable ballista that is the greatbow can't. But at least I had something with some range that worked. It certainly didn't help that that one red phantom forest child dude kept killing me so I'd have to start smashing all the fucking statues all over again.

Seriously, screw this section of the game. Well, at least the boss only took me three or four tries to beat. Turns out the best way to deal with him is to roll backwards instead of forwards and to the side like most other bosses I've been fighting. So that threw me off for a bit.

On a more happy note, I got my zweihander maxed out finally. It doesn't quite feel the same capping out at +10 instead of the +15 of the first game, but still maxed out zweihander is always something to be glad about. Anyways with the Black Gulch beaten, I almost started up what I believe to be some of the DLC, but I instead backtracked to the Huntsman's Copse, to head to the Undead Purgatory which I had skipped by accident last time around.

Wasn't too hard finding the route I missed by accident, the tall hollows with the whips and staffs are a bit of a pain though. And I fell off that rickety bridge more then I care to admit. But I only fought the chariot boss once, before dieing despite being in a cubbyhole. I wanted to throw myself at him a few more times before calling it for the night, but turns out that I can not in fact just run past all the mooks and into the fogdoor. And I wasn't in the mood to gradually clear them all out again. I think my patience for Dark Souls 2 is wearing thin.
Yeah I watched that. The nearly 2 hour struggle against Black Gulch. I do not envy you, friend. :/

But hey, at least you did better against The Rotten than I did!
Element Broadcast #54 Dark Souls 2 #16
Not much progress to report in this session. I did beat the chariot on I think my fourth try. It was actually quite easy since I took out half its health before I even dropped the gate via lingering flames. Sure, it was kind of cheap, but whatever this entire game is bullshit. I think I'm going to stop caring about 'fighting fair'. So, going forward there might be a lot more sniping or using lingering flames to trap them then there currently is.

I to what I suspect is everyone's surprise revisited the Black Gulch semi-willingly because apparently, I need a key to access the DLC and that key requires me fighting giants in the black gulch that are a bitch to find. I had to straight up find a youtube video displaying the path to take. After like wasting like an hour smashing all those bullshit poison spitting statues to hasten my search. Oh well.

And the key I got from the giant's is not the key needed for the DLC no. It was the key I needed to get the key I needed to get into the Sunken Crown DLC. But fortunately that key wasn't to hard to obtain, just slide down gilligan's ladder in majula and climb up the ladder it dropped me next to and boom. Got the key.

Of course then I find out that despite having a fuck off huge sword even with the stone ring I can't stagger any of the assholes in the DLC so far with my first hit. So, now its back to turning into a slow gradual slog of luring the melee mooks out away from the poison snipers, who small mercies do very little poison damage, then sniping the poison snipers which is a pain because even with a greatbow I'm not staggering them until the second headshot, and the fire rate is to slow to really stun lock them. And for some god damn reason the wall's hitbox stretches out like five feet invisibly from the wall. Which is infuriating.

Of course I was running low on arrows so I had to pop back the Lost Bastille and while I was there I finally decided to get that one item on the wall above McDuff. Which was behind two illusionary walls in a row and a Pursuer fight. Whom to my great annoyance actually killed me three or four times before I finally got back into the proper mindset to kick his ass. Anyways, after a couple more shots at the opening part of the DLC, I decided to call it quits for the night.
So Dark Souls 2 should be a nice palette cleanser even if its considered weaker then Dark Souls 1


How naive I was.

Anyways, I don't know if I'm gonna get back to streaming tonight, but if I do it'll probably be my last session of Dark Souls 2 for a while. Unless things improve in the fun factor, I'm probably going to switch to Dishonored and do the Daud DLC. After that, it'll be up in the air if I go back to DS2 or start ME2. Or something else.

See, for Christmas I got decent amount of cash from my grandparents. So, I ordered myself up some RAM for my computer. It should be arriving by the end of this week or the next. And with that RAM upgrade, my computer can finally run the new DOOM. Which true, I played on the PS4 once when my brother let me borrow it for a bit. But, honestly, I'm severely tempted to start streaming it instead. Because it was fucking awesome, and I've been wanting to play it again for ages.

Also, I'll have enough RAM to hit the minimal recommended thing Twitch says one should have, so I might be switching to Twitch for streaming instead of Steam's built-in system. Not sure yet.

As for why I haven't been streaming, its been a mix between really bad sleep schedule due in part to Christmas/New Years, being just getting hugely annoyed with DS2, and me farming in Warframe before Ember and Frost stuff gets revaulted. Oh and the sorties, and the stupid fucking snowball fight conclave tactical alert, which I enjoyed at first but have now come to despise.

How naive I was.

Anyways, I don't know if I'm gonna get back to streaming tonight, but if I do it'll probably be my last session of Dark Souls 2 for a while. Unless things improve in the fun factor, I'm probably going to switch to Dishonored and do the Daud DLC. After that, it'll be up in the air if I go back to DS2 or start ME2. Or something else.

See, for Christmas I got decent amount of cash from my grandparents. So, I ordered myself up some RAM for my computer. It should be arriving by the end of this week or the next. And with that RAM upgrade, my computer can finally run the new DOOM. Which true, I played on the PS4 once when my brother let me borrow it for a bit. But, honestly, I'm severely tempted to start streaming it instead. Because it was fucking awesome, and I've been wanting to play it again for ages.

Also, I'll have enough RAM to hit the minimal recommended thing Twitch says one should have, so I might be switching to Twitch for streaming instead of Steam's built-in system. Not sure yet.

As for why I haven't been streaming, its been a mix between really bad sleep schedule due in part to Christmas/New Years, being just getting hugely annoyed with DS2, and me farming in Warframe before Ember and Frost stuff gets revaulted. Oh and the sorties, and the stupid fucking snowball fight conclave tactical alert, which I enjoyed at first but have now come to despise.

If you don't finish DS2, DS3 is definitely better. Where it stacks up against DS1 is up to your personal feelings, but you shouldn't regret playing it.

Just so you don't drop the entire series without knowing it gets better.

Stream is starting.

If you don't finish DS2, DS3 is definitely better. Where it stacks up against DS1 is up to your personal feelings, but you shouldn't regret playing it.

Just so you don't drop the entire series without knowing it gets better.

I had no plans on dropping the series entirely just because I'm growing to despise 2. Though it will probably be a while til I get 3 anyways. Between waiting for all the DLC to come out and for the price to drop, it will probably be a while. Maybe during the Steam Summer Sale, maybe the next winter sale. But possibly not even then.