I remember this. Seemed like it would have been fun if it ever finished, but alas, it's nothing more than a dream. Still has some interesting ideas though.
I remember this. Seemed like it would have been fun if it ever finished, but alas, it's nothing more than a dream. Still has some interesting ideas though.
Yeah, the soviets, in general, have and always will be the bad guys of Red Alert, ergo they're going to use some of the more underhanded tactics.Anyways, I finished up the Soviet Campaign tonight. Felt like a dick during the process but oh well. A false peace treaty followed by finding out the Premier faked an attempt on his own life so Krukov was not in fact responsible for that. Sure Krukov was still a dick, but he wasn't a traitor. Whoops. Then the Premier tries to have me killed so me and my AI buddy showed him whatfor.
Then I get to invade the good old USA, and for some reason instead of hitting Washington DC we go for new York to blow up the Statue of Liberty. Like yeah that's a great symbol and all, but you'd think the advantage of blowing up the pentagon and/or white house would be far more significant. Oh well. Either way the USA surrendered and now the Soviet Union rules the world.
Then I get to invade the good old USA, and for some reason instead of hitting Washington DC we go for new York to blow up the Statue of Liberty. Like yeah that's a great symbol and all, but you'd think the advantage of blowing up the pentagon and/or white house would be far more significant. Oh well. Either way the USA surrendered and now the Soviet Union rules the world.
I keep getting hit with this very annoying glitch as allies, where my naval yard won't register I have max clearance, preventing me from making assault destroyers and aircraft carriers. Its infuriating. Mostly because aircraft carriers are amazing, and super useful. But no, I'm not allowed to use them because of this stupid motherfucking glitch. Which fortunately only hit me in the final mission, and not the one before that. But still, for fucks sakes.
Anyways, Allied campaign beat, which for some reason has ended with both Tanya and Eva trying to take the player character out on the date. Which was just weird. Its a very one sided romance (if you can even call it that) given that the commander is never on screen, so its clear they were having the characters try and seduce the actual player, IE me. And that's just awkward. Especially since I've gotten Tanya killed like a dozen times.
C&C ain't great with romance or even any subtext/plot on that front.
just look at C&C 4, which basically goes: "hey you're married"