Edge of the Inner Sphere (A BattleTech Quest)

Honestly I think modernization of our shadow Hawk plant before we have the means to protect ourselves from a serious attack is a terrible idea.
We'd make ourselves a big target of either the LC or FWL or both and of course all the periphery neighbors and pirates for a either smash and grab of the plant or worse yet a full blown occupation.
We probably should first invest in a healthy armored force of stuff like assorted weapon carriers, bulldogs, partisans, thumpers/ballistias, maxims, goblins demolishers, ontos, behemoths, saracens and its cousin designs ect. Oh and a crack team of demolition experts and some infantry of equal skills to guard them and the site and thus ensure no one is able to seize our plant intact if need be along with a lot of on site fortifications. I'd add Fusion tanks to the list but they're a lot harder to get or get techs to maintain them. Ditto ASFs but they should be on the list of stuff we want eventually and ideally to eventually make natively.
We also need to figure what Shadow Hawk Variant be it existing or new we want to build before we do the retooling to make the more modern Chassis design of the introtech shad
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Discord has a varient posted that that's baiscly a discount griffin but it's a solid L1 trooper which makes it optimal as our workhorse mech.
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[X] Plan: Trade and Prosperity

If we plan on staying in power, making sure communities are probably defended, their aren't entire cities without a functioning power grid, making alliances with other independent plants, and uh, maybe have a actual embassy with the successor state we're selling all our battlemechs too while we're in the midst of contract negotiations probably can't hurt.
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If we plan on staying in power, making sure communities are probably defended, their aren't entire cities without a functioning power grid, making alliances with other independent plants, and uh, maybe have a actual embassy with the successor state we're selling all our battlemechs too while we're in the midst of contract negotiations probably can't hurt.

Frankly the Successor States hardly care for the Periphery. Even if we open a embassy there is doubtful the LC will give us the time of day, they are merchants first and foremost and we don't produce nothing of noteworthy or significance that would justify opening a embassy.

It would be more worthy looking for private corporations or nobles that want to invest on us than governments in the Inner Sphere.

Edit: also would be nice to know how large is our population because soon or later we will have to establish colonies. Since Giatn Shoulders may have been establish during the times of the Terran Alliance or Terran Hegemony than the population may number to some seven to eight billions, perhaps a bit more.
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that reminds me i need to post my latest trooper heavy design which I've posted elsewhere as a option if we still have FE 240 production line post upgrading the shadow hawk plant and aren't using it for manticores or the assorted ASF designs that use said engine. Behold the Ranger! 60 tons of mean fighting machine. 1 PPC, 2 LRM-5s and 1 SRM-6 with 1 ton of LRM and SRM ammo carried, 3 medium lasers, and a flamer. Moves at the standard trooper and non fast heavy in general speed of 4/6 with 14 heatsinks to keep the design pretty cool and 12.5 tons of armor or 200 points and well thought out crit placement to make it one hard to put down mech. Also really cheap for what it brings as in some 55 ton introtech mechs or variants of them cost more than it.
Ranger RNG-3R
60 tons
Chassis: Standard Biped
Power Plant: 240 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: Standard
3 Medium Laser
2 LRM 5
1 SRM 6
1 Flamer
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3020
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-E-D-D
Cost: 4,961,760 C-bills
Type: Ranger
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Introductory)
Tonnage: 60
Battle Value: 1,306



Internal Structure



240 Fusion


Walking MP:


Running MP:


Jumping MP:

Heat Sink:







Armor Factor:








Center Torso



Center Torso (rear)


R/L Torso



R/L Torso (rear)


R/L Arm



R/L Leg


Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand

and Ammo




Heat Sink




Medium Laser




2 Heat Sink




Medium Laser








SRM 6 Ammo (15)








Heat Sink




LRM 5 Ammo (24)




Medium Laser




2 LRM 5




Heat Sink







Quirks: Easy to Maintain, Rugged (2)
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Fullyautomagic on Jun 27, 2023 at 7:35 PM, finished with 21 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Trade and Prosperity
    -[X] Festival
    -[X] Rockton
    -[X] The Lyran Commonwealth
    -[X] New St. Andrews
    -[X] Kahakai Kuna
    [X] Better than the old gov.
    --[X] Plan Sin City
    [X] Station troops in Landung / Westforge Industries
    [X] Power to Oasis
    [X] Relations with The Free Worlds League
    [X] Relations with New St. Andrews
    [X] Relations with Khakai Kuna
    [X] Better than the old gov.
    -[X] Festival
    -[X] Rockton
    -[X] The Lothian League
    -[X] New St. Andrews
    -[X] Kahakai Kuna
    [X] Economy and defense.
    -[X]Mercenary deployment
    --[X] Landung / Westforge Industries
    -[X] The Western Dunes
    --[X] Rockton
    -[X] Office of Foreign Affairs
    --[X] The Illyrian Palatinate
    --[X] The Lothian League
    --[X] New St. Andrews
    [X] Plan: Trade and Prosperity v2
    -[X] Festival
    -[X] Rockton
    -[X] Kahakai Kuna
    -[X] New St. Andrews
    -[X] Yakusoku
Frankly the Successor States hardly care for the Periphery. Even if we open a embassy there is doubtful the LC will give us the time of day, they are merchants first and foremost and we don't produce nothing of noteworthy or significance that would justify opening a embassy.

It would be more worthy looking for private corporations or nobles that want to invest on us than governments in the Inner Sphere.

We have a battlemech factory in the year 3000 at the height of succession war Decline and are already selling them all of the factory line off by contract to a lyran business conglomerate, whose pulling out of or keeping the contract the same was a notable occurrence that it explicitly affected diplomatic relations.
Unknown Jump Signature Detected (Flashpoint 1)
Edge of the Inner Sphere
A BattleTech Quest

Deep Space Observation Center, Festival
November 17th, 3000​

It was a quiet night in Festival. Birds were chirping, children were laying peacefully in bed, and not a thing was amiss. It was a shame that this peace had to be interrupted by the four words that no periphery world ever wishes to hear.

Unknown Jump Signature Detected

It was those same words that triggered a panic among the staff at Festival DSOC. It was only due to a few choice words and a couple of threats on the part of the site manager that things were able to be brough back under control in a timely manner. The staff immediately began sending out transmissions to government offices across Giant's Landing and to the unknown JumpShip at their system's Nadir Point.

The GSAF was one of the first organizations to be notified of the possible incursion into their territory, with bases across the planet bursting into activity as they prepared themselves for the worst. Unfortunately, the Ticonderoga was off fulfilling the government's trade agreement with the Lyrans, so it could not assist in responding to the threat. However, the Lexington had a charged drive and could jump down to the Nadir Point if such a response was deemed necessary.

However, after a day or so of inactivity, things began to calm down. While the ship's continued refusal to respond to their hails was concerning, no DropShips had detached begun a burn for the planet's atmosphere. Even if they had done so, it would take them well over a week to make landfall.

Still, it left the government in the unfortunate position of having to organize a proper response to this... intrusion? The JumpShip's refusal to respond to any hails was still very suspicious, regardless of the lack of any overt acts of hostility, so surely something had to be done.

...could they really just let this slide? If nothing would come of it, would it really just be better to pretend as though nothing had happened and let it jump out of the system with no resistance?

Or should they establish a red line now, and shout out to the stars that any violations of territorial integrity will not be tolerated?

In the end, they decided to-

[ ] Attempt to Detain the JumpShip
-[ ] Send the Gladiator
-[ ] Send the Normandy
-[ ] Send the Gladiator and Normandy

[ ] Attempt to Disable any Attached DropShips
-[ ] Send the Gladiator
-[ ] Send the Normandy
-[ ] Send the Gladiator and Normandy

[ ] Leave the JumpShip Be

[ ] Write-In
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Thank you for the update!

This ain't the inner sphere with their 'Don't grab jumpships' rule, this is the periphery where might makes right.

[X] Attempt to Detain the JumpShip
-[X] Send the Gladiator and Normandy
-[X] Prepare some aerospace fighters to offer assistence if the ship turn hostile.

Edit: Added aerospace fighters.
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[X] Send both dropships to investagte while continuing tonraise the jumpship. The transmissions will be phrased as if we are assuming some kind of disaster has happened andnour vessels areon route to render aid.
[X] Attempt to Detain the JumpShip
-[X] Send the Gladiator and Normandy
[X] Prepare some aerospace fighters to offer assistence if the ship turn hostile.

The ship is ignoring any kind of hailing and continues it's path as if don't hear us.

It's possible it may be automatically jumping from system to system and have no single crew alive. If was crewed they sure would have answer something by now, either identify themselves as merchants or explorers.

Even then the Periphery is a dangerous place and igonore strange things could have deadly consequences.

Edit: Frankly we are in our rights to investigate at least and board the ship.

Also I changed my vote to include aerospace fighters to serve as reserve in case of attack.
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Ahhhh. This one of those horror film scenarios, isnt it. The moment we get close, an ominous transmission from the ship is received.

[X] Attempt to Detain the JumpShip
-[X] Send the Gladiator and Normandy
[X] Prepare some aerospace fighters to offer assistence if the ship turn hostile.

[X] Attempt to Detain the JumpShip
-[X] Send the Gladiator and Normandy
[X] Prepare some aerospace fighters to offer assistence if the ship turn hostile.
[X] Attempt to Detain the JumpShip
-[X] Send the Gladiator and Normandy
-[X] Prepare some aerospace fighters to offer assistence if the ship turn hostile.

Alrighty, guys, just remember:

The Worm loves you, it always will love you, and thus it always has.

Fear not the Worm-in-Waiting. Embrace it. Accept it. It is our Destiny.
[X] Attempt to Detain the JumpShip
-[X] Send the Gladiator and Normandy
[X] Prepare some aerospace fighters to offer assistence if the ship turn hostile.
[X] Attempt to Detain the JumpShip
-[X] Send the Gladiator and Normandy
[X] Prepare some aerospace fighters to offer assistence if the ship turn hostile.
My first thought was "this is a fireship set to blow" but Jumpships are way too valuable for that.

[X] Attempt to Detain the JumpShip
-[X] Send the Gladiator and Normandy
[X] Prepare some aerospace fighters to offer assistence if the ship turn hostile.
[X] Attempt to Detain the JumpShip
-[X] Send the Gladiator and Normandy
[X] Prepare some aerospace fighters to offer assistence if the ship turn hostile.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Fullyautomagic on Jun 29, 2023 at 2:30 AM, finished with 12 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Attempt to Detain the JumpShip
    -[X] Send the Gladiator and Normandy
    -[X] Prepare some aerospace fighters to offer assistence if the ship turn hostile.
    [X] Send both dropships to investagte while continuing tonraise the jumpship. The transmissions will be phrased as if we are assuming some kind of disaster has happened andnour vessels areon route to render aid.