yeah rhetoric and anti-propaganda and gaslighting is the skills we need to teach lorgar, so he doesnt suck.
[X] Mind Shields

He need this one immediately, other psychic ability will come naturally to him with his primarch nature
FWIW, we already getting a legion with True Faith, even if it prolly not gonna be super wide-spread.

I just kinda don't like how one-sides this vote is, ngl.

My reasoning is something like this: Your average Space Marine is already an eight foot tall living weapon that can spit acid dent steel in their bare hands armed with some of the most dangerous weapons in the Imperium. Against most things, warp or not, they have options to kill them, but if a daemon (or other psychic gribble) gets into their head GG, that's over. All the others are nice to have, but this one is what is the most vital to have if you have no other psychic talents.
Turn 1: The Oasis
Colchis - 830.M30

Gathered with Lorgar and your advisors, you contemplated the tribe's future. The recent integration of the Rain Callers into the army had bolstered your forces and brought a newfound sense of unity. However, the revelation of Lorgar's awakened psychic abilities added complexity to your plans.

"The integration of the Rain Callers has brought us great strength," Haraq began, his voice measured. "But we must not become overconfident. Our enemies are many, and our resources are limited."

Understanding his caution, Lorgar acknowledged the need to remain vigilant.

"We must continue to strengthen ourselves and building up our defenses," he suggested, earning nods of agreement.

Turning to the main issue, under Lorgar's command, the tribe prepared to hunt the Grox. These formidable desert beasts required careful planning and coordination to capture. As chieftain, you opened the meeting to discuss the logistics of the hunt.

As you looked over the map, the daunting reality of traversing the desert stretched before you like an endless sea of sand. Sven's words cut through the silence, his voice heavy with the weight of their predicament.

"The desert is a harsh and unforgiving place. Without air travel, our journey will be arduous and fraught with danger." he said.

You traced the route with your finger, contemplating the vast distance that lay between your tribe and the nearest Covenant airship landing site.

"If only we could capture a Covenant airship," you pondered aloud, a flicker of hope in your voice.

"An airship would allow us to travel swiftly and safely across the desert. It would be a game-changer for our journey." Haraq, his eyes bright with possibility, caught onto your idea.

"Capturing a Covenant airship would be a daunting task. Their technology is advanced, and their defenses are formidable. We would need a well-thought-out plan and considerable luck to succeed." Sven interjected.

"Then let us set aside the topic of the Air-ships. Let us instead look to preparing for the journey," Lorgar said firmly. "The desert is unforgiving, and we cannot afford to underestimate its dangers."

Agreeing, your advisors emphasized the need for water.

"Without an adequate supply, we will not survive the desert heat," Siobhan added, highlighting the critical nature of their water reserves.

Navigating the vast, featureless desert posed another challenge.

"We must rely on our skills and equipment to find our way," Raheem noted, emphasizing the importance of preparation.

Terrain would also be a significant obstacle, with sand dunes and rocky outcrops slowing their progress.

"We need to be prepared for rough terrain and have the right equipment," Haraq advised.

Considering their words carefully, you knew that every decision must be made with care. The desert held many dangers, but with proper planning and unity, the tribe would overcome them.

"Finally, we must be wary of beasts and raiders," Sven warned, his voice echoing with the gravity of the threat. "The desert is home to many dangerous creatures, tribes, and the Covenant. We must take precautions to avoid them."

Nodding, you acknowledged the lethal nature of such encounters. Vigilance and readiness would be their greatest assets.

"We have several options," Siobhan interjected, her gaze thoughtful. "We could send out scouts to locate water sources along the way, or we could carry as much water as we can and ration it carefully."

"The Rain Callers can attempt to call forth a storm to replenish our water supplies," Raheem added, his tone measured, "but it will require careful timing and coordination. We must also consider the risks of attracting unwanted attention with such a display of power."

Sven offered his insights. "Then there is the terrain. The desert is vast and unforgiving. We must plan our route carefully to avoid getting lost or stranded."

As the discussion unfolded, a plan began to take shape. Scouts would seek out water sources, and the army would carry as much water as possible. Raheem would stand ready to summon a storm if necessary, but only as a last resort. The route would be meticulously planned to navigate the treacherous terrain safely.

"We cannot ignore the issue of the oasis any longer," Lorgar declared, his voice unwavering. "Our ability to sally forth and undertake the Grox hunt hinges on securing a stable initial water source. We would need to start with large amounts of water provisions. Without it, we risk not only our survival but the success of our mission."

As the discussion turned to the oasis, a thought crossed your mind, a revelation that could alter the course of their journey. Hesitating momentarily, you knew the significance of what you were about to reveal. However, the potential benefits outweighed the risks.

"I... I may have a solution," you began, your voice resonating with a mix of uncertainty and hope. "It's... it's not a guaranteed fix, but it could greatly improve our situation."

All eyes turned to you, curiosity and anticipation evident on their faces. Taking a deep breath, you gathered your thoughts before continuing.

"Lorgar, you and I share a unique ability, a connection to the spirits and the desert itself," you explained. "I... I believe I may be able to grant a similar power to the tribesmen. It wouldn't eliminate the need for water, but it could make surviving in the desert much easier."

"Firstly, you will not suffer from exposure to the elements and your sight will remain unimpaired. This means you will be able to traverse the desert with ease, regardless of its harsh conditions."

"Secondly, all attempts to forage in the desert will be made easier. While this will not help in places where absolutely nothing edible can be found, it greatly increases your chances of finding sustenance."

"Thirdly, the total the bite of starvation or thirst will be blunted. Your body will be…..perfected to live in harsh places."

"Fourthly, all mundane attempts to track you will be made much more difficult unless you allow yourself to be tracked."

"Lastly, all efforts to notice you will be made harder unless you allow it, providing you with an additional layer of stealth and protection."

"These benefits will significantly enhance your abilities and survivability in the desert, making you formidable warriors and guardians."

The revelation was met with a mix of awe and disbelief. Raheem spoke up first, his voice filled with wonder.

"You mean to say that you can grant us the ability to withstand the Desert? To bask in the desert sun and remain mostly unharmed?" he breathed out.

"Yes, but it's not a decision to be made lightly. This power will change us as a people and will forever set us apart from any others." You nodded, a sense of determination settling over you.

Haraq, ever the pragmatist, voiced his concerns. "So we risk being labeled Mutants?"

"That is a risk we must consider. But I believe that we can ensure that this power is used for the good of our tribe and for our survival in the desert," you declared, your voice steady and resolute.

After a moment of silence, Lorgar spoke up, his voice filled with determination. "I believe in your vision, Father. If this power can help us save the oasis and secure our future, then we must pursue it."

"But... how?" Raheem interrupted, bewildered. "How is this possible?"

"The process involves infusing the Oasis with a portion of my essence," you explained, addressing your advisors and Lorgar. "This infusion will enhance the cleansing effect, making the Oasis not only a source of water but also imbuing it with magical properties."

"However, there is a significant side effect. Anyone who drinks from the Oasis will undergo the transformation. They will gain the abilities and benefits I have described. Their bodies will adapt to the desert environment, becoming more resilient and efficient."

"This transformation is irreversible, and those who drink from the Oasis will become different from others, gaining great power and resilience to live in the desert and other harsh places."

"If we are to sally out into the desert and face the challenges that await us, this may be our best chance at survival." You finish.

"We cannot make this decision for the tribe," Haraq proclaimed, after much thought. "It must be their choice, and they must understand the implications fully."

"If we proceed without their consent, we risk losing their trust and support. We must seek their blessing before we take any further action." Siobhan said as she nodded solemnly.

Lorgar, standing tall and resolute, added his voice to the discussion. "The tribe must understand that this is a path with no return. Once the transformation is done, there is no going back. We must ensure they are fully aware of what this means."

You, the leader of your tribe, took in their words, knowing the gravity of the decision before you.

"If we choose proceed, we will seek the tribe's blessing," you declared. "Their well-being and unity are paramount, and we cannot risk fracturing our tribe over this decision."

So this is an option to use Cecelyne Essence as a Magical Ingredient to cleanse the Oasis and give it ever filling properties similar to the Jug. This upgrades the Working from First Circle to Second Circle. But it gives any one who drinks the Water the TDC Mutation that Lorgar's Legion has.

Strictly speaking, the Mutation is something that breeds true and due to SHLiHN essence, will be considered natural genetically.

If you take this, the People will be on the border of being considered an Abhuman but will ultimately still be considered human as nothing extra has been added, only that what is there is being perfected and the tracking part is mostly instinct. The main thing that will show up genetically is the body perfections to allow people to thrive in harsh conditions.

Keep in mind that this is not perfect immunity, just high resistance as they will get no perfect effects.

[] Propose this change to the Tribe.

–Gives them TDC mutation which synergizes with the chosen tactics and makes traveling the desert MUCH easier. You WILL need to convince the tribe about this though (Rolls) and may lead to unintended political consequences depending on the rolls.

[] Just fix the oasis and move on. No need to rock the boat.

–Proceed as planned.
True Faith needs something inherient in a person for them to learn.

Even having Lorgar's gene-seed, no Imperial Herald is going to top faith 5 unless they are special.

Can we grant that inherent something to people with VEE, like we can presumably grant the equivalent for other internal backgrounds?
Welp we have a social primarch on hand, social rolls should be manageable.
Lorgar does not have UMI......he does not have too much UMI and will not use it for this, as this is a decision he feels needs to be taken by the people.

So if people spends willpower, they will refuse and a few will unless you can make your case.
Can we grant that inherent something to people with VEE, like we can presumably grant the equivalent for other internal backgrounds?
Yes, though you can directly grant People True Faith ratings via VEE. So the inherient part does not really show up in a character sheet.
Lorgar does not have UMI......he does not have too much UMI and will not use it for this, as this is a decision he feels needs to be taken by the people.

So if people spends willpower, they will refuse and a few will unless you can make your case.

Yes, though you can directly grant People True Faith ratings via VEE. So the inherient part does not really show up in a character sheet.

My point was not that unanimity was inevitable, just that this is doing an easier challenge (social) to make a harder one (martial) more winnable. It looks like a good trade off.
I wonder if having the natural form of Transcendent Desert Creature might make granting the supernatural mutation with the full effect cheaper, if that's possible with something like Scoured Perfection of Form.

Yes, though you can directly grant People True Faith ratings via VEE. So the inherient part does not really show up in a character sheet.

Do we know IC that True Faith helps protect psykers/sorcerers? If so, would it make sense for us to grant it to the tribe's sorcerers when they pay their debt down to us?

I also wonder if it empowers them, as True Faith seems to strengthen Willpower which seems important for psykers.

Longer run, being a psyker is described as a mutation. Scoured Perfection of Form can grant mutations. I wonder if we could use that to make people who start with a strong will and good morals psykers.

And a longer run thought on the same subject, I wonder if we could create martial arts based on psyker archetypes, or ways for having enlightened essence to interact with being a psyker.
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Do we know IC that True Faith helps protect psykers/sorcerers? If so, would it make sense for us to grant it to the tribe's sorcerers when they pay their debt down to us?
You do not and then there is the fact that they must genuinely ask for it. You can twist the wish itself but they must be the one who makes it. You can convince them that what you want them to take is what they want but they must genuinely want it.

For example, if a person whats self healing ability, you are limited to granting them the Regeneration Mutation.

This can or cannot leave scars, have food requirements, and all sorts of conditions or no conditions as per your wishes. But what you cannot do is grant them healing abilities that affect others, since that is beyond the preview of the Wish.

So Protection from the Warp for Psykers is Mind Shields. They must genuinely be convinced that they want True Faith primarily for you to grant it.
You do not and then there is the fact that they must genuinely ask for it. You can twist the wish itself but they must be the one who makes it. You can convince them that what you want them to take is what they want but they must genuinely want it.

For example, if a person whats self healing ability, you are limited to granting them the Regeneration Mutation.

This can or cannot leave scars, have food requirements, and all sorts of conditions or no conditions as per your wishes. But what you cannot do is grant them healing abilities that affect others, since that is beyond the preview of the Wish.

So Protection from the Warp for Psykers is Mind Shields. They must genuinely be convinced that they want True Faith primarily for you to grant it.

The way I was seeing it was that Lorgar, being a socially focused Primarch with immense true faith of his own, would be unbelievably good at evangelism even without trying, leading people to the kind of mundane faith that would make people want to be able to express it as True Faith, even if they would lack whatever inherent capacity people normally need to be able to.

We could then use VEE to grant them the True Faith they would then desire.

I could see an high proportion of mortals exposed to Lorgar developing a desire for True Faith by default simply out of a wish to emulate his example, as he's just that impressive.
The way I was seeing it was that Lorgar, being a socially focused Primarch with immense true faith of his own, would be unbelievably good at evangelism even without trying, leading people to the kind of mundane faith that would make people want to be able to express it as True Faith, even if they would lack whatever inherent capacity people normally need to be able to.

We could then use VEE to grant them the True Faith they would then desire.

I could see an high proportion of mortals exposed to Lorgar developing a desire for True Faith by default simply out of a wish to emulate his example, as he's just that impressive.
Well, you could, it may even work but consider this. Lorgar's legion has that inherit quality by being Lorgar's Gene-sons.

Then there is the fact that you have or would have as much reach to recruit people as the Adeptus Sororitas did, especially since you are not gender locked and Lorgar's True Faith is so far very close to the Imperial Truth.

So what I am trying to say is that it would not be worth it as using VEE is a limiting factor and what you want is to try and automate the system. Something like that was achieved in 40K so there is no reason why you would not be able to do it here, especially since Lorgar was handed the equivalent of an STC for faith.

The real question is, what do you want to give up for it, as your time is limited and even automation will take time to set it up, and 2. Do you want to?