It is possib

They literally have billions and billions of in the eye od terror, entire planet full of traitors. The species would live, just in the warp version of the galaxy.


You are just wrong. Like factually chaos has existed for millions of years. There are demon princes older than human, like belakor, who is millions years old.
In the eye of Terror where space and immaterial overlap if humans are directly exposed to the warp like what would happen if the warp took the entire galaxy everyone would die you need to be a psycher or some kind of equivalent to not immediately die in pure Warp.

In master of mankind a legion of skitarii enter from an eroded webway segment into the warp and the master of skitarii notices that the machine spirit in his camera last an infinitesimal second longer than he does and they are all disintegrated nearly instantly. So no humans cannot survive in the warp or having the warp be the Galaxy or anything like that they can survive where there's enough overlap you know like ships when there gellar Fields go down they can survive for a couple of minutes or hours maybe even days but they do eventually turn into gel and melt into the walls.

The tyranids essentially arrived on slow ship not through warp travel or anything like that and their ships are the size of planets or small moons sometimes in 40K it is literally easier to make interdimensional pockets and Destroy and capture stars and hollow out planets using laser weapons than it is to Traverse the gap between galaxies. If the tyranids with their ravenous appetite had any other option they probably wouldn't do it. To put it in perspective because of how warp travel works and all because Humanity does not possess FTL that is independent for the warp the shortest possible trip is 350 days if somehow without some sort of Beacon to tell them in the warp that's where they're going. That is assuming the best headwind when it's really somewhere between 350 and 1200 days using their warp engine the entire time somehow having enough psychos to supply it as well as in a fuel to push the entire way in one trip along with all the food and every other resource necessary to do it. All of that assumes that you can actually use the warp to go between galaxies without a beacon at all which considering what we know about the warp seems like you would leave push out away from the only work Beacon that you know of and then be lost in the sea of souls forever.

Only the necrons in their anti meat not needing to eat and 0 point reactors would be able to perform Intergalactic travel and they have no need to they have nocolith pylons.

That is propaganda Bel'akor is just the first of the chosen of the Gods and considering slannesh was born in 25,000 means yet again he's ancient by 40K standards definitely he's almost 15,000 years old he's older than the most vulnerable older than the Imperium itself he is a legend of the old night but records of his mortal life can be found in Big E's storage container so. This is true by the way in master of mankind he's manipulating a mechanicus member who believes him to be the voice of the omnisiaha, into destroying said records.

There is also the fact that there are Eldar that within living memory can remember when the prince of pleasure didn't have a hold on their souls.
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Probably Best to stop the discussion for now. I have my own characterization of the Emperor, his history and how he would react basec on his history.

But it is a long way away.
The Torso of a Robot. You do not know much else other than this. It is non-functional and will need multiple Projects to unlock its secrets.
I wonder what that is?, is it part of a man of iron robot or maybe some distant daot ancestor of the mechanaicum's battle automata that is as far above them as a space marine is above a pdf trooper, it almost certainly not a man of stone though those things are massive and are closer to genetically engineered silicon based crystalline life forms subsisting on electrical energy then conventional robots or AI
Ah, a robot. Well, part of one, in any case. How fortuitous. Multiple projects will be needed to glean its secrets and perhaps restore it to functionality. Fortunately, Fan Morgal is a Defiler.

Resources for claiming the Wound, while restoring this robot might hopefully aid in finding the Men of Stone. How propitious.

As for the choice of technology, a variety of useful options. A difficult choice, but seeing as only one can be selected, the reluctant vote would be:

[X] Viewer
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Well, since it was confirmed that establishing the Colchis version of the 500 planets of Ultramar is possible, albeit difficult, the question is how to go about it. It is difficult but not impossible, especially for an Exalted, where the question is never whether they can, only whether they should.

Hm, with the Men of Stone and technology from the Dark Age and hopefully its own version of the realm of Ultramar, one imagines that Colchis is going to look rather different than it did in canon.

For that matter, while Lorgar is not exactly the science and technology specialist like some of the other Primarchs, one imagines that finding and integrating the Men of Stone and all the Dark Age technology will still have a significant effect upon his development, shaping his Mythos.
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[x] Hyper-deceleration Field
Until we can level Fan to the combat monster he can become, this seems the most useful on a personal level.
I wonder if the Viewer has different modes of recording? From the way it's described as being able to seeing something behind closed doors, does that mean it can do stuff like see thermal signatures or ignore certain types of matter somehow? Or am I overthinking it and it just sees behind the closed door by looking under the theoretical crack at the bottom?

[X] Viewer
[X] Holo Projector

This feels like it will be the most immediately useful in dealing with one of the greatest issues Fan Morgal has, he still dies when killed at almost human speed, seven wounds, not that much soak. Not being shot feels worthwhile.

Wouldn't the deceleration field work just as well if not better for that purpose? It sounds like a cold hard soak bonus to me.
I wonder what that is?, is it part of a man of iron robot or maybe some distant daot ancestor of the mechanaicum's battle automata that is as far above them as a space marine is above a pdf trooper, it almost certainly not a man of stone though those things are massive and are closer to genetically engineered silicon based crystalline life forms subsisting on electrical energy then conventional robots or AI
If it is a Man of Iron robot, we can legit safely use them. SWLIHN has some of the best subvert AI charms out there. Anyone trying to suborn them would probably loser against us if we invested in it.
Wh40k loves to have sword beat gun. The major threats will join melee battle.

Not quite convinced that either technology would help in that case. On the other hand, anything that can save us from being turned into a colander by any old random Guard unit is A-okay in my book.

[X] Holo Projector
[X] Hyper-deceleration field
Votes as they stans.
Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on Apr 23, 2024 at 9:14 PM, finished with 31 posts and 19 votes.