I wonder how our luck would look like if the write-ins/arguements were used for a reroll

edit: Reroll wouldn't make a difference it seems, sadly we aren't in Sterbelicht - One Sacrifice At A Time Against The Galaxy, getting Starchild
Profilozof threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Dice are you apeased? Total: 55
55 55
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Now we can only hope that Tiberius rolls well and returns as not evil spawn of 4 satans (plus whatever evils from Exalted, could brainwash him, that I don't know)
Now we can only hope that Tiberius rolls well and returns as not evil spawn of 4 satans (plus whatever evils from Exalted, could brainwash him, that I don't know)

Eh, in my opinion the one good thing about this was him revealing himself to be another True Faith Human. That is kind of redundant as far as Circle Mates go when we have two True Faith 10 characters on there. Hopefully we will find someone more interesting in the meantime. And if he does come back as an enemy... hey we get some reagents. :V
I... hesitate to make this critique since it could be seen as just complaining about losing, but I think it is worth saying: it's odd to change over to straight d100 for strategic level actions since none of our actual abilities apply or mitigate this. I mean just an example Lorgar has maximum precognition, there are gifts that allow re-rolls and I think charms as well, but none of them are designed to interact with this layer of the game so we remain at the mercy of very swing-y dice with only a +5.

I'd say it's fine, as long as we get the bottom one percentile of results a superhuman precognitive would get, which may still be better than what a regular human could with a roll of 100, their top percentile result.
I... hesitate to make this critique since it could be seen as just complaining about losing, but I think it is worth saying: it's odd to change over to straight d100 for strategic level actions since none of our actual abilities apply or mitigate this. I mean just an example Lorgar has maximum precognition, there are gifts that allow re-rolls and I think charms as well, but none of them are designed to interact with this layer of the game so we remain at the mercy of very swing-y dice with only a +5.
A fair argumdnt so let me explain a bit more on what the 1d100s do.

What they are is events, crysis or opportunities that happen. Similar to a hurricane hitting your city or finding a massive oil well, etc.

This is how you met Settra, Zabius and Thalassa. They can be good or bad, but they can never be outright a loss or a win.

Events are capped in that manner. They are an opportunity. One you can flip to your side, like you did with Settra or fail, like you did when Lorgar failed to convince Kairos to sucumb to death.

Here, i do not want to go too deep into it but part of the reason why your argument failed to convince them you should not be worshiped is because, funnily enough, because of the covenant.

In the past a great hero saved the planet. They had a prophasy that a hero will return and make Colchis great again. The Covenant proclamed Lorgar as that hero and tried to chase you down in turn 3, i think. And This is before the mass resurection.

You were fighting a lot of the Covenant's left over beliefs and that was why you needed a year of effort to fix it.

All the Nat 1 did was allow him to reveal his story, which was hell of a compelljng one, especially since he attributed being made immortal to Lorgar.

Worse? Lorgar does not know enough to say if he did make Tiberus immortal or not.

Simply put? You had a lot to oversome and that Nat 1 only added fuel to thd fire. This was why I warned you in the last post that the vote will be important.

More on this next turn as some of the leftover covenant beliefs will come to light.
Tiberius would either regret calling Lorgar's creator as divine or feel in the right once he learns of the Emperor and his xenocidal "crusade" to destroy religion, which really depends.

Holy crap Tiberius just referenced the Last Church on Terra! The irony is supremey thick.

Thank God Tiberius is not a run of the mill crazed fanatic, otherwise it would have ended ugly.

Tiberius is a perpetual!? Does that mean he may be latest reincarnation and once even meet the Emperor but lost his memory or has that crazy ass event made him one?

[X] Double the time taken for this action.
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[X] Double the time taken for this action

Max loyalty is well worth it.

Sad about that Nat 1, but longer action time is far from the worst result for such a dice roll. And we could always double-team it to make it go through faster.
The vagaries of the dice and the annoyance of an AP extra spent aside Tiberius did force us to make a lot more public than we otherwise would have done. Lorgar basically had to do a lecture on Divinity 101 including that one time we made a demigoddess and its implications. If that wasn't enough Tiberius made the nature of the Mask of Winters, the Underworld and Setra a matter of public record, as public as it goes. Once that year is out these will be the cornerstones of Colchisian thought.

We are not hiding this stuff from the Emperor is my point, any of it.
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"You speak of striving, of reaching for the stars, and I do not disagree. But I fear that in your quest for understanding, you may lead us down a path that ignores the very real dangers of hubris. If we are not careful, we may find ourselves not rising to meet the divine, but instead, falling into chaos, consumed by our own ambition."
Because we all know not proclaiming yourself a God is the hight of hubris. .
[X] Double the time taken for this action.
Because we all know not proclaiming yourself a God is the hight of hubris. .
[X] Double the time taken for this action.

Lorgar did not say he's not a god, he said he's no more a god than anyone else, that is similar to the Emperor's position, but coming at it from a completely different direction. Incidentally we are going to have to start grabbing those prayer charms next turn. No getting around making a religion now and in that religion the danger of Chaos is explicit.
When you are in the Warp, it does.
Can't everyone see into the warp in the warp? It's a bad idea because you go crazy, which is why everyone stays inside and turns off the viewscreens, but it sounds like Lidless Demon Eye doesn't prevent that.
I believe Navigators can also only do so in the warp from a special room prepared for them.
No, they can always see into the warp. The room is more like an observatory that amplifies their ability enough to plot courses over long distances, and support their bodies while they're in a trance focusing on that.
Their eye gives them abilities that lidless demon eye does not but that is the trade off for an eye with a better bonus.
I'm also not totally sure what the Lidless Demon Eye does that various Navigator Techniques don't. The only thing I'm seeing on AESS is identifying the specific effects of a charm or artifact, which requires a skill roll so I think that's just applying occult knowledge to what they're able to perceive. And maybe the +1 to Awareness checks.